commit 5a34ac406cba34cb5034cf18ba014104f1c20ca0 Author: Jason Katz Date: Tue Jun 14 18:08:28 2011 -0700 Initial Commit diff --git a/.gems b/.gems new file mode 100755 index 0000000..d929a97 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gems @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +warden +devise --version 1.0.8 +paginate diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4adf15d --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +config/database.yml +config/*.sphinx.conf +config/s3_credentials.yml +*~ +*.cache +*.log +*.pid +tmp/**/* +.DS_Store +db/cstore/** +db/sphinx/** +doc/api +doc/app +doc/plugins +doc/*.dot +coverage/* +db/*.sqlite3 +*.tmproj +*.sw? diff --git a/README b/README new file mode 100755 index 0000000..37ec8ea --- /dev/null +++ b/README @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ +== Welcome to Rails + +Rails is a web-application framework that includes everything needed to create +database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern. + +This pattern splits the view (also called the presentation) into "dumb" templates +that are primarily responsible for inserting pre-built data in between HTML tags. +The model contains the "smart" domain objects (such as Account, Product, Person, +Post) that holds all the business logic and knows how to persist themselves to +a database. The controller handles the incoming requests (such as Save New Account, +Update Product, Show Post) by manipulating the model and directing data to the view. + +In Rails, the model is handled by what's called an object-relational mapping +layer entitled Active Record. This layer allows you to present the data from +database rows as objects and embellish these data objects with business logic +methods. You can read more about Active Record in +link:files/vendor/rails/activerecord/README.html. + +The controller and view are handled by the Action Pack, which handles both +layers by its two parts: Action View and Action Controller. These two layers +are bundled in a single package due to their heavy interdependence. This is +unlike the relationship between the Active Record and Action Pack that is much +more separate. Each of these packages can be used independently outside of +Rails. You can read more about Action Pack in +link:files/vendor/rails/actionpack/README.html. + + +== Getting Started + +1. At the command prompt, start a new Rails application using the rails command + and your application name. Ex: rails myapp +2. Change directory into myapp and start the web server: script/server (run with --help for options) +3. Go to http://localhost:3000/ and get "Welcome aboard: You're riding the Rails!" +4. Follow the guidelines to start developing your application + + +== Web Servers + +By default, Rails will try to use Mongrel if it's are installed when started with script/server, otherwise Rails will use WEBrick, the webserver that ships with Ruby. But you can also use Rails +with a variety of other web servers. + +Mongrel is a Ruby-based webserver with a C component (which requires compilation) that is +suitable for development and deployment of Rails applications. If you have Ruby Gems installed, +getting up and running with mongrel is as easy as: gem install mongrel. +More info at: + +Say other Ruby web servers like Thin and Ebb or regular web servers like Apache or LiteSpeed or +Lighttpd or IIS. The Ruby web servers are run through Rack and the latter can either be setup to use +FCGI or proxy to a pack of Mongrels/Thin/Ebb servers. + +== Apache .htaccess example for FCGI/CGI + +# General Apache options +AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi +AddHandler cgi-script .cgi +Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI + +# If you don't want Rails to look in certain directories, +# use the following rewrite rules so that Apache won't rewrite certain requests +# +# Example: +# RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/notrails.* +# RewriteRule .* - [L] + +# Redirect all requests not available on the filesystem to Rails +# By default the cgi dispatcher is used which is very slow +# +# For better performance replace the dispatcher with the fastcgi one +# +# Example: +# RewriteRule ^(.*)$ dispatch.fcgi [QSA,L] +RewriteEngine On + +# If your Rails application is accessed via an Alias directive, +# then you MUST also set the RewriteBase in this htaccess file. +# +# Example: +# Alias /myrailsapp /path/to/myrailsapp/public +# RewriteBase /myrailsapp + +RewriteRule ^$ index.html [QSA] +RewriteRule ^([^.]+)$ $1.html [QSA] +RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f +RewriteRule ^(.*)$ dispatch.cgi [QSA,L] + +# In case Rails experiences terminal errors +# Instead of displaying this message you can supply a file here which will be rendered instead +# +# Example: +# ErrorDocument 500 /500.html + +ErrorDocument 500 "

Application error

Rails application failed to start properly" + + +== Debugging Rails + +Sometimes your application goes wrong. Fortunately there are a lot of tools that +will help you debug it and get it back on the rails. + +First area to check is the application log files. Have "tail -f" commands running +on the server.log and development.log. Rails will automatically display debugging +and runtime information to these files. Debugging info will also be shown in the +browser on requests from + +You can also log your own messages directly into the log file from your code using +the Ruby logger class from inside your controllers. Example: + + class WeblogController < ActionController::Base + def destroy + @weblog = Weblog.find(params[:id]) + @weblog.destroy +"#{} Destroyed Weblog ID ##{}!") + end + end + +The result will be a message in your log file along the lines of: + + Mon Oct 08 14:22:29 +1000 2007 Destroyed Weblog ID #1 + +More information on how to use the logger is at + +Also, Ruby documentation can be found at including: + +* The Learning Ruby (Pickaxe) Book: +* Learn to Program: (a beginners guide) + +These two online (and free) books will bring you up to speed on the Ruby language +and also on programming in general. + + +== Debugger + +Debugger support is available through the debugger command when you start your Mongrel or +Webrick server with --debugger. This means that you can break out of execution at any point +in the code, investigate and change the model, AND then resume execution! +You need to install ruby-debug to run the server in debugging mode. With gems, use 'gem install ruby-debug' +Example: + + class WeblogController < ActionController::Base + def index + @posts = Post.find(:all) + debugger + end + end + +So the controller will accept the action, run the first line, then present you +with a IRB prompt in the server window. Here you can do things like: + + >> @posts.inspect + => "[#nil, \"body\"=>nil, \"id\"=>\"1\"}>, + #\"Rails you know!\", \"body\"=>\"Only ten..\", \"id\"=>\"2\"}>]" + >> @posts.first.title = "hello from a debugger" + => "hello from a debugger" + +...and even better is that you can examine how your runtime objects actually work: + + >> f = @posts.first + => #nil, "body"=>nil, "id"=>"1"}> + >> f. + Display all 152 possibilities? (y or n) + +Finally, when you're ready to resume execution, you enter "cont" + + +== Console + +You can interact with the domain model by starting the console through script/console. +Here you'll have all parts of the application configured, just like it is when the +application is running. You can inspect domain models, change values, and save to the +database. Starting the script without arguments will launch it in the development environment. +Passing an argument will specify a different environment, like script/console production. + +To reload your controllers and models after launching the console run reload! + +== dbconsole + +You can go to the command line of your database directly through script/dbconsole. +You would be connected to the database with the credentials defined in database.yml. +Starting the script without arguments will connect you to the development database. Passing an +argument will connect you to a different database, like script/dbconsole production. +Currently works for mysql, postgresql and sqlite. + +== Description of Contents + +app + Holds all the code that's specific to this particular application. + +app/controllers + Holds controllers that should be named like weblogs_controller.rb for + automated URL mapping. All controllers should descend from ApplicationController + which itself descends from ActionController::Base. + +app/models + Holds models that should be named like post.rb. + Most models will descend from ActiveRecord::Base. + +app/views + Holds the template files for the view that should be named like + weblogs/index.html.erb for the WeblogsController#index action. All views use eRuby + syntax. + +app/views/layouts + Holds the template files for layouts to be used with views. This models the common + header/footer method of wrapping views. In your views, define a layout using the + layout :default and create a file named default.html.erb. Inside default.html.erb, + call <% yield %> to render the view using this layout. + +app/helpers + Holds view helpers that should be named like weblogs_helper.rb. These are generated + for you automatically when using script/generate for controllers. Helpers can be used to + wrap functionality for your views into methods. + +config + Configuration files for the Rails environment, the routing map, the database, and other dependencies. + +db + Contains the database schema in schema.rb. db/migrate contains all + the sequence of Migrations for your schema. + +doc + This directory is where your application documentation will be stored when generated + using rake doc:app + +lib + Application specific libraries. Basically, any kind of custom code that doesn't + belong under controllers, models, or helpers. This directory is in the load path. + +public + The directory available for the web server. Contains subdirectories for images, stylesheets, + and javascripts. Also contains the dispatchers and the default HTML files. This should be + set as the DOCUMENT_ROOT of your web server. + +script + Helper scripts for automation and generation. + +test + Unit and functional tests along with fixtures. When using the script/generate scripts, template + test files will be generated for you and placed in this directory. + +vendor + External libraries that the application depends on. Also includes the plugins subdirectory. + If the app has frozen rails, those gems also go here, under vendor/rails/. + This directory is in the load path. diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile new file mode 100755 index 0000000..c5c7af1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Rakefile @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# Add your own tasks in files placed in lib/tasks ending in .rake, +# for example lib/tasks/capistrano.rake, and they will automatically be available to Rake. + + +require(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'config', 'boot')) + +require 'thread' +require 'rake' +require 'rake/testtask' +require 'rake/rdoctask' + +require 'tasks/rails' diff --git a/app/controllers/application_controller.rb b/app/controllers/application_controller.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..6635a3f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/controllers/application_controller.rb @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# Filters added to this controller apply to all controllers in the application. +# Likewise, all the methods added will be available for all controllers. + +class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base + helper :all # include all helpers, all the time + protect_from_forgery # See ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection for details + + # Scrub sensitive parameters from your log + # filter_parameter_logging :password +end diff --git a/app/controllers/assets_controller.rb b/app/controllers/assets_controller.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..89538c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/controllers/assets_controller.rb @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +class AssetsController < ApplicationController + before_filter :authenticate_user! + + INDEX_SORT = + {'updated_at' => 'updated_at'}, + {'tag' => 'tag', 'name' => 'name', 'make' => 'make', 'model' => 'model', 'serial' => 'serial', 'category' => 'category', + 'warranty' => 'warranty', 'location' => 'location', 'assigned' => 'assigned', 'status' => 'status', 'updated' => 'updated'} + ) + # GET /assets + # GET /assets.xml + def index + @sortable =, INDEX_SORT) + @assets = Asset.find(:all, :order => (params[:sort_by] || "TRIM(LOWER(tag))") + " " + (params[:sort_direction] || "asc")) + # @assets.sort! {|x,y| x.tag.to_i <=> y.tag.to_i } + + respond_to do |format| + format.html # index.html.erb + format.xml { render :xml => @assets } + end + end + + # GET /assets/1 + # GET /assets/1.xml + def show + @asset = Asset.find(params[:id]) + respond_to do |format| + format.html # show.html.erb + format.xml { render :xml => @asset } + end + end + + # GET /assets/new + # GET /assets/new.xml + def new + @asset = + respond_to do |format| + format.html # new.html.erb + format.xml { render :xml => @asset } + end + end + + # GET /assets/1/edit + def edit + @asset = Asset.find(params[:id]) + end + + # POST /assets + # POST /assets.xml + def create + @asset =[:asset]) + + respond_to do |format| + if + format.html { redirect_to(@asset, :notice => 'Asset was successfully created.') } + format.xml { render :xml => @asset, :status => :created, :location => @asset } + else + format.html { render :action => "new" } + format.xml { render :xml => @asset.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity } + end + end + end + + # PUT /assets/1 + # PUT /assets/1.xml + def update + @asset = Asset.find(params[:id]) + + respond_to do |format| + if @asset.update_attributes(params[:asset]) + format.html { redirect_to(@asset, :notice => 'Asset was successfully updated.') } + format.xml { head :ok } + else + format.html { render :action => "edit" } + format.xml { render :xml => @asset.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity } + end + end + end + + # DELETE /assets/1 + # DELETE /assets/1.xml + def destroy + @asset = Asset.find(params[:id]) + @asset.destroy + + respond_to do |format| + format.html { redirect_to(assets_url) } + format.xml { head :ok } + end + end +end diff --git a/app/controllers/comments_controller.rb b/app/controllers/comments_controller.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..1c21ee4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/controllers/comments_controller.rb @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +class CommentsController < ApplicationController + def create + @asset = Asset.find(params[:asset_id]) + params[:comment][:commenter] = + @comment = @asset.comments.create!(params[:comment]) + redirect_to @asset + end +end diff --git a/app/controllers/softwares_controller.rb b/app/controllers/softwares_controller.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..1b43f97 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/controllers/softwares_controller.rb @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +class SoftwaresController < ApplicationController + before_filter :authenticate_user! + + INDEX_SORT = + {'updated_at' => 'updated_at'}, + {'company' => 'company', 'version' => 'version', 'key' => 'key', 'platform' => 'platform', 'media_location' => 'media_location', 'asset_id' => 'asset_id', 'installed' => 'installed', 'installed_by' => 'installed_by', 'modified' => 'modified', 'modified_by' => 'modified_by', 'note' => 'note'} + ) + # GET /softwares + # GET /softwares.xml + def index + @sortable =, INDEX_SORT) + @softwares = Software.find(:all, :order => (params[:sort_by] || "TRIM(LOWER(company))") + " " + (params[:sort_direction] || "asc")) + + respond_to do |format| + format.html # index.html.erb + format.xml { render :xml => @softwares } + end + end + + # GET /softwares/1 + # GET /softwares/1.xml + def show + @software = Software.find(params[:id]) + respond_to do |format| + format.html # show.html.erb + format.xml { render :xml => @software } + end + end + + # GET /softwares/new + # GET /softwares/new.xml + def new + @assets = Asset.all + @software = + respond_to do |format| + format.html # new.html.erb + format.xml { render :xml => @software } + end + end + + # GET /softwares/1/edit + def edit + @assets = Asset.all() + @software = Software.find(params[:id]) + end + + # POST /softwares + # POST /softwares.xml + def create + @software =[:software]) + @software.modified_by = + logger.debug @software + + respond_to do |format| + if + format.html { redirect_to(@software, :notice => 'Software was successfully created.') } + format.xml { render :xml => @software, :status => :created, :location => @software } + else + format.html { render :action => "new" } + format.xml { render :xml => @software.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity } + end + end + end + + # PUT /softwares/1 + # PUT /softwares/1.xml + def update + @software = Software.find(params[:id]) + @software.modified_by = + + respond_to do |format| + if @software.update_attributes(params[:software]) + format.html { redirect_to(@software, :notice => 'Software was successfully updated.') } + format.xml { head :ok } + else + format.html { render :action => "edit" } + format.xml { render :xml => @software.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity } + end + end + end + + # DELETE /softwares/1 + # DELETE /softwares/1.xml + def destroy + @software = Software.find(params[:id]) + @software.destroy + + respond_to do |format| + format.html { redirect_to(softwares_url) } + format.xml { head :ok } + end + end +end diff --git a/app/helpers/application_helper.rb b/app/helpers/application_helper.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..22a7940 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/helpers/application_helper.rb @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# Methods added to this helper will be available to all templates in the application. +module ApplicationHelper +end diff --git a/app/helpers/assets_helper.rb b/app/helpers/assets_helper.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..9824bb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/helpers/assets_helper.rb @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +module AssetsHelper +end diff --git a/app/helpers/comments_helper.rb b/app/helpers/comments_helper.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..0ec9ca5 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/helpers/comments_helper.rb @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +module CommentsHelper +end diff --git a/app/helpers/softwares_helper.rb b/app/helpers/softwares_helper.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a8f3848 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/helpers/softwares_helper.rb @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +module SoftwaresHelper +end diff --git a/app/models/asset.rb b/app/models/asset.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..7fc6b7b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/models/asset.rb @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +class Asset < ActiveRecord::Base + validates_presence_of :tag, :category + has_many :comments + has_many :softwares + + def tag_with_name + "#{tag} - #{name}" + end +end diff --git a/app/models/comment.rb b/app/models/comment.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..13efff2 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/models/comment.rb @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base + validates_presence_of :commenter, :body + belongs_to :asset +end diff --git a/app/models/software.rb b/app/models/software.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..70e66fe --- /dev/null +++ b/app/models/software.rb @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +class Software < ActiveRecord::Base + validates_presence_of :version, :platform + belongs_to :asset +end diff --git a/app/models/user.rb b/app/models/user.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..38c37b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/models/user.rb @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +class User < ActiveRecord::Base + # Include default devise modules. Others available are: + # :http_authenticatable, :token_authenticatable, :confirmable, :recoverable, :lockable, + # :registerable, :timeoutable, :activatable, :registerable + devise :database_authenticatable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable + + # Setup accessible (or protected) attributes for your model + attr_accessible :name, :email, :password, :password_confirmation +end diff --git a/app/views/assets/_asset.html.erb b/app/views/assets/_asset.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..9a2fe84 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/assets/_asset.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
TagNetwork NameMakeModelSerialCategoryWarranty ExpiresLocationAssigned ToStatusUpdated
<%=h asset.tag %><%=h %><%=h asset.make %><%=h asset.model %><%=h asset.serial %><%=h asset.category %><%=h asset.warranty %><%=h asset.location %><%=h asset.assigned %><%=h asset.status %><%=h asset.updated %>
+ diff --git a/app/views/assets/edit.html.erb b/app/views/assets/edit.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..4da1e57 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/assets/edit.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +

Editing asset

+ +<% form_for(@asset) do |f| %> + <%= f.error_messages %> + +

+ <%= f.label :tag %>
+ <%= f.text_field :tag %> +


+ <%= f.label :name, "Network Name" %>
+ <%= f.text_field :name %> +


+ <%= f.label :make %>
+ <%= f.text_field :make %> +


+ <%= f.label :model %>
+ <%= f.text_field :model %> +


+ <%= f.label :serial %>
+ <%= f.text_field :serial %> +


+ <%= f.label :category %>
+ <%= f.text_field :category %> +

+ +

+ <%= f.label :warranty, "Warranty Expires" %>
+ <%= f.date_select :warranty %> +


+ <%= f.label :location %>
+ <%= f.text_field :location %> +


+ <%= f.label :assigned, "Assigned To" %>
+ <%= f.text_field :assigned %> +


+ <%= f.label :status %>
+ <%= f.text_field :status %> +


+ <%= f.label :updated %>
+ <%= f.date_select :updated %> +


+ <%= f.submit 'Update' %> +

+<% end %> + +<%= link_to 'Show', @asset %> | +<%= link_to 'Back', assets_path %> diff --git a/app/views/assets/index.html.erb b/app/views/assets/index.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..f937f77 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/assets/index.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ + +
+<%= link_to 'New asset', new_asset_path %> + +

Listing assets

+ + + + <%= @sortable.header_link('tag', 'Tag') %> + <%= @sortable.header_link('name', 'Network Name') %> + <%= @sortable.header_link('make', 'Make') %> + <%= @sortable.header_link('make', 'Model') %> + <%= @sortable.header_link('serial', 'Serial') %> + <%= @sortable.header_link('category', 'Category') %> + <%= @sortable.header_link('warranty', 'Warranty Expires') %> + <%= @sortable.header_link('location', 'Location') %> + <%= @sortable.header_link('assigned', 'Assigned') %> + <%= @sortable.header_link('status', 'Status') %> + <%= @sortable.header_link('updated', 'Updated') %> + + +<% for asset in @assets %> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +<% end %> +
<%= asset.tag %><%= %><%= asset.make %><%= asset.model %><%= asset.serial %><%= asset.category %><%= asset.warranty %><%= asset.location %><%= asset.assigned %><%= asset.status %><%= asset.updated %><%= link_to 'Show ', asset %><%= link_to 'Edit ', edit_asset_path(asset) %><%= link_to 'Destroy', asset, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete %>
diff --git a/app/views/assets/new.html.erb b/app/views/assets/new.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..3002a5c --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/assets/new.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +

New asset

+<% form_for(@asset) do |f| %> + <%= f.error_messages %> + +

+ <%= f.label :tag %>
+ <%= f.text_field :tag %> +


+ <%= f.label :name, "Network Name" %>
+ <%= f.text_field :name %> +


+ <%= f.label :make %>
+ <%= f.text_field :make %> +


+ <%= f.label :model %>
+ <%= f.text_field :model %> +


+ <%= f.label :serial %>
+ <%= f.text_field :serial %> +


+ <%= f.label :category %>
+ <%= f.text_field :category %> +

+ +

+ <%= f.label :warranty, "Warranty Expires" %>
+ <%= f.date_select :warranty %> +


+ <%= f.label :location %>
+ <%= f.text_field :location %> +


+ <%= f.label :assigned, "Assigned To" %>
+ <%= f.text_field :assigned %> +


+ <%= f.label :status %>
+ <%= f.text_field :status %> +


+ <%= f.label :updated %>
+ <%= f.date_select :updated %> +


+ <%= f.submit 'Create' %> +

+<% end %> + +<%= link_to 'Back', assets_path %> diff --git a/app/views/assets/show.html.erb b/app/views/assets/show.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..8647b45 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/assets/show.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +<%= render :partial => @asset %> + +

+ <%= link_to 'Edit', edit_asset_path(@asset) %> | + <%= link_to 'Destroy', @asset, :method => :delete, :confirm => "Are you sure?" %>
+ <%= link_to 'See All Assets', assets_path %> +

+ +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +<%= render :partial => @asset.softwares %> +
CompanyVersionProduct KeyPlatformMedia LocationInstalledInstalled ByModified ByNote
+ +<%= link_to 'New Software', new_software_path %> + +


+ <%= render :partial => @asset.comments.reverse %> + + <% form_for [@asset,] do |f| %> +

+ <%= f.label :body, "New Comment" %>
+ <%= f.text_area :body, :class => "comment_body" %> +


<%= f.submit "Add Comment" %>

+ <% end %> +
diff --git a/app/views/comments/_comment.html.erb b/app/views/comments/_comment.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a96c3e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/comments/_comment.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +<% div_for comment do %> +

Posted <%= comment.created_at.to_s(:long) %> by <%= comment.commenter %>


+ <%= h(comment.body) %> +

+<% end %> + + diff --git a/app/views/comments/edit.html.erb b/app/views/comments/edit.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..39591a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/comments/edit.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +

Editing comment

+ +<% form_for(@comment) do |f| %> + <%= f.error_messages %> + +

+ <%= f.label :post_id %>
+ <%= f.text_field :post_id %> +


+ <%= f.label :commenter %>
+ <%= f.text_field :commenter %> +


+ <%= f.label :body %>
+ <%= f.text_area :body %> +


+ <%= f.submit 'Update' %> +

+<% end %> + +<%= link_to 'Show', @comment %> | +<%= link_to 'Back', comments_path %> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/views/comments/index.html.erb b/app/views/comments/index.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..5b66de8 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/comments/index.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +

Listing comments

+ + + + + + + + +<% @comments.each do |comment| %> + + + + + + + + +<% end %> +
<%=h comment.post_id %><%=h comment.commenter %><%=h comment.body %><%= link_to 'Show', comment %><%= link_to 'Edit', edit_comment_path(comment) %><%= link_to 'Destroy', comment, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete %>
+ +
+ +<%= link_to 'New comment', new_comment_path %> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/views/comments/new.html.erb b/app/views/comments/new.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..5b58d5e --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/comments/new.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +

New comment

+ +<% form_for(@comment) do |f| %> + <%= f.error_messages %> + +

+ <%= f.label :post_id %>
+ <%= f.text_field :post_id %> +


+ <%= f.label :body %>
+ <%= f.text_area :body %> +


+ <%= f.submit 'Create' %> +

+<% end %> + +<%= link_to 'Back', comments_path %> diff --git a/app/views/comments/show.html.erb b/app/views/comments/show.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..48d41d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/comments/show.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +

+ Post: + <%=h @comment.post_id %> +

+ +

+ Commenter: + <%=h @comment.commenter %> +

+ +

+ Body: + <%=h @comment.body %> +

+ + +<%= link_to 'Edit', edit_comment_path(@comment) %> | +<%= link_to 'Back', comments_path %> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/views/confirmations/new.html.erb b/app/views/confirmations/new.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..80670d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/confirmations/new.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +

Resend confirmation instructions

+ +<% form_for resource_name, resource, :url => confirmation_path(resource_name) do |f| %> + <%= f.error_messages %> + +

<%= f.label :email %>


<%= f.text_field :email %>

+ +

<%= f.submit "Resend confirmation instructions" %>

+<% end %> + +<%= render :partial => "shared/devise_links" %> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/views/devise_mailer/confirmation_instructions.html.erb b/app/views/devise_mailer/confirmation_instructions.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a6ea8ca --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/devise_mailer/confirmation_instructions.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +

Welcome <%= %>!

+ +

You can confirm your account through the link below:

+ +

<%= link_to 'Confirm my account', confirmation_url(@resource, :confirmation_token => @resource.confirmation_token) %>

diff --git a/app/views/devise_mailer/reset_password_instructions.html.erb b/app/views/devise_mailer/reset_password_instructions.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..ae9e888 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/devise_mailer/reset_password_instructions.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +

Hello <%= %>!

+ +

Someone has requested a link to change your password, and you can do this through the link below.

+ +

<%= link_to 'Change my password', edit_password_url(@resource, :reset_password_token => @resource.reset_password_token) %>

+ +

If you didn't request this, please ignore this email.


Your password won't change until you access the link above and create a new one.

diff --git a/app/views/devise_mailer/unlock_instructions.html.erb b/app/views/devise_mailer/unlock_instructions.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..2263c21 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/devise_mailer/unlock_instructions.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +

Hello <%= %>!

+ +

Your account has been locked due to an excessive amount of unsuccessful sign in attempts.

+ +

Click the link below to unlock your account:

+ +

<%= link_to 'Unlock my account', unlock_url(@resource, :unlock_token => @resource.unlock_token) %>

diff --git a/app/views/layouts/assets.html.erb b/app/views/layouts/assets.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..b4d16b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/layouts/assets.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + + + + + Assets: <%= controller.action_name %> + <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'scaffold' %> + <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'assets' %> + + + +

<%= notice %>

+ +<%= yield %> + + + diff --git a/app/views/layouts/comments.html.erb b/app/views/layouts/comments.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..cf88992 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/layouts/comments.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ + + + + + + Comments: <%= controller.action_name %> + <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'scaffold' %> + + + +

<%= notice %>

+ +<%= yield %> + + + diff --git a/app/views/layouts/softwares.html.erb b/app/views/layouts/softwares.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..1dd4c97 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/layouts/softwares.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + + + + + Softwares: <%= controller.action_name %> + <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'scaffold' %> + <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'assets' %> + + + +

<%= notice %>

+ +<%= yield %> + + + diff --git a/app/views/passwords/edit.html.erb b/app/views/passwords/edit.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..968701f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/passwords/edit.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +

Change your password

+ +<% form_for resource_name, resource, :url => password_path(resource_name), :html => { :method => :put } do |f| %> + <%= f.error_messages %> + <%= f.hidden_field :reset_password_token %> + +

<%= f.label :password %>


<%= f.password_field :password %>

+ +

<%= f.label :password_confirmation %>


<%= f.password_field :password_confirmation %>

+ +

<%= f.submit "Change my password" %>

+<% end %> + +<%= render :partial => "shared/devise_links" %> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/views/passwords/new.html.erb b/app/views/passwords/new.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..055e7ce --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/passwords/new.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +

Forgot your password?

+ +<% form_for resource_name, resource, :url => password_path(resource_name) do |f| %> + <%= f.error_messages %> + +

<%= f.label :email %>


<%= f.text_field :email %>

+ +

<%= f.submit "Send me reset password instructions" %>

+<% end %> + +<%= render :partial => "shared/devise_links" %> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/views/registrations/edit.html.erb b/app/views/registrations/edit.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..1fd0b45 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/registrations/edit.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +

Edit <%= resource_name.to_s.humanize %>

+ +<% form_for resource_name, resource, :url => registration_path(resource_name), :html => { :method => :put } do |f| -%> + <%= f.error_messages %> + +

<%= f.label :email %>


<%= f.text_field :email %>

+ +

<%= f.label :password %> (leave blank if you don't want to change it)


<%= f.password_field :password %>

+ +

<%= f.label :password_confirmation %>


<%= f.password_field :password_confirmation %>

+ +

<%= f.label :current_password %> (we need your current password to confirm your changes)


<%= f.password_field :current_password %>

+ +

<%= f.submit "Update" %>

+<% end -%> + +

Cancel my account

+ +

Unhappy? <%= link_to "Cancel my account", registration_path(resource_name), :confirm => "Are you sure?", :method => :delete %>.

+ +<%= render :partial => "shared/devise_links" %> diff --git a/app/views/registrations/new.html.erb b/app/views/registrations/new.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..423edd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/registrations/new.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +

Sign up

+ +<% form_for resource_name, resource, :url => registration_path(resource_name) do |f| -%> + <%= f.error_messages %> +

<%= f.label :email %>


<%= f.text_field :email %>

+ +

<%= f.label :password %>


<%= f.password_field :password %>

+ +

<%= f.label :password_confirmation %>


<%= f.password_field :password_confirmation %>

+ +

<%= f.submit "Sign up" %>

+<% end -%> + +<%= render :partial => "shared/devise_links" %> diff --git a/app/views/sessions/new.html.erb b/app/views/sessions/new.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..04e88e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/sessions/new.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +

Sign in

+ +<% form_for resource_name, resource, :url => session_path(resource_name) do |f| -%> +

<%= f.label :email %>


<%= f.text_field :email %>

+ +

<%= f.label :password %>


<%= f.password_field :password %>

+ + <% if devise_mapping.rememberable? -%> +

<%= f.check_box :remember_me %> <%= f.label :remember_me %>

+ <% end -%> + +

<%= f.submit "Sign in" %>

+<% end -%> + +<%= render :partial => "shared/devise_links" %> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/views/shared/_devise_links.erb b/app/views/shared/_devise_links.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..664b7dc --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/shared/_devise_links.erb @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +<%- if controller_name != 'sessions' %> + <%= link_to t(''), new_session_path(resource_name) %>
+<% end -%> + +<%- if devise_mapping.registerable? && controller_name != 'registrations' %> + <%= link_to t(''), new_registration_path(resource_name) %>
+<% end -%> + +<%- if devise_mapping.recoverable? && controller_name != 'passwords' %> + <%= link_to t(''), new_password_path(resource_name) %>
+<% end -%> + +<%- if devise_mapping.confirmable? && controller_name != 'confirmations' %> + <%= link_to t(''), new_confirmation_path(resource_name) %>
+<% end -%> + +<%- if devise_mapping.lockable? && controller_name != 'unlocks' %> + <%= link_to t(''), new_unlock_path(resource_name) %>
+<% end -%> diff --git a/app/views/softwares/_software.html.erb b/app/views/softwares/_software.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..9c36efd --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/softwares/_software.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ + + <%= h( %> + <%= h(software.version) %> + <%= h(software.key) %> + <%= h(software.platform) %> + <%= h(software.media_location) %> + <%= h(software.installed) %> + <%= h(software.installed_by) %> + <%= h(software.modified_by) %> + <%= h(software.note) %> + + <%= link_to 'Show', software %> + <%= link_to 'Edit', edit_software_path(@software) %> + diff --git a/app/views/softwares/edit.html.erb b/app/views/softwares/edit.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..76b2255 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/softwares/edit.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +

Editing software

+ +<% form_for(@software) do |f| %> + <%= f.error_messages %> + +

+ <%= f.label :company %>
+ <%= f.text_field :company %> +


+ <%= f.label :version %>
+ <%= f.text_field :version %> +


+ <%= f.label :key %>
+ <%= f.text_field :key %> +


+ <%= f.label :platform %>
+ <%= f.text_field :platform %> +


+ <%= f.label :asset_id %>
+ <%= select(:software, :asset_id, options_from_collection_for_select(Asset.find (:all, :order => "tag").sort {|x,y| x.tag.to_i <=> y.tag.to_i }, :id, :tag_with_name ) ) %> +


+ <%= f.label :media_location %>
+ <%= f.text_field :media_location %> +


+ <%= f.label :installed %>
+ <%= f.date_select :installed %> +


+ <%= f.label :installed_by %>
+ <%= f.text_field :installed_by %> +


+ <%= f.label :note %>
+ <%= f.text_field :note %> +


+ <%= f.submit 'Update' %> +

+<% end %> + +<%= link_to 'Show', @software %> | +<%= link_to 'Back', softwares_path %> diff --git a/app/views/softwares/index.html.erb b/app/views/softwares/index.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..647fad9 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/softwares/index.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ + +
+<%= link_to 'New software', new_software_path %> + +

Listing softwares

+ + + + <%= @sortable.header_link('company', 'Company') %> + <%= @sortable.header_link('version', 'Version') %> + <%= @sortable.header_link('key', 'Product Key') %> + <%= @sortable.header_link('platform', 'Platform') %> + <%= @sortable.header_link('media_location', 'Media Locaion') %> + <%= @sortable.header_link('asset_id', 'Asset') %> + <%= @sortable.header_link('installed', 'Installed') %> + <%= @sortable.header_link('installed_by', 'Installed By') %> + <%= @sortable.header_link('modified_by', 'Modified by') %> + <%= @sortable.header_link('note', 'Note') %> + + +<% for software in @softwares %> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +<% end %> +
<%= %><%= software.version %><%= software.key %><%= software.platform %><%= software.media_location %><%= software.asset.tag_with_name if !software.asset.blank?%><%= software.installed %><%= software.installed_by %><%= software.modified_by %><%= software.note %><%= link_to 'Show', software %><%= link_to 'Edit', edit_software_path(software) %><%= link_to 'Destroy', software, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete %>
diff --git a/app/views/softwares/new.html.erb b/app/views/softwares/new.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..b2bfbff --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/softwares/new.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +

New software

+ +<% form_for(@software) do |f| %> + <%= f.error_messages %> + +

+ <%= f.label :company %>
+ <%= f.text_field :company %> +


+ <%= f.label :version %>
+ <%= f.text_field :version %> +


+ <%= f.label :key %>
+ <%= f.text_field :key %> +


+ <%= f.label :platform %>
+ <%= f.text_field :platform %> +


+ <%= f.label :asset_id %>
+ <%= select(:software, :asset_id, options_from_collection_for_select(Asset.find (:all, :order => "tag").sort {|x,y| x.tag.to_i <=> y.tag.to_i }, :id, :tag_with_name ) ) %> +


+ <%= f.label :media_location %>
+ <%= f.text_field :media_location %> +


+ <%= f.label :installed %>
+ <%= f.date_select :installed %> +


+ <%= f.label :installed_by %>
+ <%= f.text_field :installed_by %> +


+ <%= f.label :note %>
+ <%= f.text_field :note %> +


+ <%= f.submit 'Create' %> +

+<% end %> + +<%= link_to 'Back', softwares_path %> diff --git a/app/views/softwares/show.html.erb b/app/views/softwares/show.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a195b1b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/softwares/show.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +

+ Company: + <%= %> +

+ +

+ Version: + <%= @software.version %> +

+ +

+ Product Key: + <%= @software.key %> +

+ +

+ Platform: + <%= @software.platform %> +

+ +

+ Asset: + <%= @software.asset.tag_with_name if !@software.asset.blank? %> +

+ +

+ Media Location: + <%= @software.media_location %> +

+ +

+ Installed: + <%= @software.installed %> +

+ +

+ Installed by: + <%= @software.installed_by %> +

+ +

+ +

+ Modified by: + <%= @software.modified_by %> +

+ +

+ Note: + <%= @software.note %> +

+ + +<%= link_to 'Edit', edit_software_path(@software) %> | +<%= link_to 'Back', softwares_path %> diff --git a/app/views/unlocks/new.html.erb b/app/views/unlocks/new.html.erb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..60314e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/unlocks/new.html.erb @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +

Resend unlock instructions

+ +<% form_for resource_name, resource, :url => unlock_path(resource_name) do |f| %> + <%= f.error_messages %> + +

<%= f.label :email %>


<%= f.text_field :email %>

+ +

<%= f.submit "Resend unlock instructions" %>

+<% end %> + +<%= render :partial => "shared/devise_links" %> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/boot.rb b/config/boot.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..9c47a1d --- /dev/null +++ b/config/boot.rb @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +# Don't change this file! +# Configure your app in config/environment.rb and config/environments/*.rb + +RAILS_ROOT = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/.." unless defined?(RAILS_ROOT) +require 'thread' + +module Rails + class << self + def boot! + unless booted? + preinitialize + + end + end + + def booted? + defined? Rails::Initializer + end + + def pick_boot + (vendor_rails? ? VendorBoot : GemBoot).new + end + + def vendor_rails? + File.exist?("#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/rails") + end + + def preinitialize + load(preinitializer_path) if File.exist?(preinitializer_path) + end + + def preinitializer_path + "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/preinitializer.rb" + end + end + + class Boot + def run + load_initializer + + end + end + + class VendorBoot < Boot + def load_initializer + require "#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/rails/railties/lib/initializer" + + Rails::GemDependency.add_frozen_gem_path + end + end + + class GemBoot < Boot + def load_initializer + self.class.load_rubygems + load_rails_gem + require 'initializer' + end + + def load_rails_gem + if version = self.class.gem_version + gem 'rails', version + else + gem 'rails' + end + rescue Gem::LoadError => load_error + $stderr.puts %(Missing the Rails #{version} gem. Please `gem install -v=#{version} rails`, update your RAILS_GEM_VERSION setting in config/environment.rb for the Rails version you do have installed, or comment out RAILS_GEM_VERSION to use the latest version installed.) + exit 1 + end + + class << self + def rubygems_version + Gem::RubyGemsVersion rescue nil + end + + def gem_version + if defined? RAILS_GEM_VERSION + RAILS_GEM_VERSION + elsif ENV.include?('RAILS_GEM_VERSION') + ENV['RAILS_GEM_VERSION'] + else + parse_gem_version(read_environment_rb) + end + end + + def load_rubygems + min_version = '1.3.2' + require 'rubygems' + unless rubygems_version >= min_version + $stderr.puts %Q(Rails requires RubyGems >= #{min_version} (you have #{rubygems_version}). Please `gem update --system` and try again.) + exit 1 + end + + rescue LoadError + $stderr.puts %Q(Rails requires RubyGems >= #{min_version}. Please install RubyGems and try again: + exit 1 + end + + def parse_gem_version(text) + $1 if text =~ /^[^#]*RAILS_GEM_VERSION\s*=\s*["']([!~<>=]*\s*[\d.]+)["']/ + end + + private + def read_environment_rb +"#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/environment.rb") + end + end + end +end + +# All that for this: +Rails.boot! diff --git a/config/environment.rb b/config/environment.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..59f5fe2 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/environment.rb @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file + +# Specifies gem version of Rails to use when vendor/rails is not present +RAILS_GEM_VERSION = '2.3.8' unless defined? RAILS_GEM_VERSION + +# Bootstrap the Rails environment, frameworks, and default configuration +require 'thread' +require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'boot') + +if >='1.3.7') + module Rails + class GemDependency + def requirement + r = super + (r == Gem::Requirement.default) ? nil : r + end + end + end +end + do |config| + # Settings in config/environments/* take precedence over those specified here. + # Application configuration should go into files in config/initializers + # -- all .rb files in that directory are automatically loaded. + config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => '' } + config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp + config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true + + # Add additional load paths for your own custom dirs + # config.load_paths += %W( #{RAILS_ROOT}/extras ) + + # Specify gems that this application depends on and have them installed with rake gems:install + # config.gem "bj" + # config.gem "hpricot", :version => '0.6', :source => "" + # config.gem "sqlite3-ruby", :lib => "sqlite3" + # config.gem "aws-s3", :lib => "aws/s3" + config.gem 'warden', :version => '0.10.7' + config.gem 'devise', :version => '1.0.9' + config.gem 'paginate' + + # Only load the plugins named here, in the order given (default is alphabetical). + # :all can be used as a placeholder for all plugins not explicitly named + # config.plugins = [ :exception_notification, :ssl_requirement, :all ] + + # Skip frameworks you're not going to use. To use Rails without a database, + # you must remove the Active Record framework. + # config.frameworks -= [ :active_record, :active_resource, :action_mailer ] + + # Activate observers that should always be running + # config.active_record.observers = :cacher, :garbage_collector, :forum_observer + + # Set default to the specified zone and make Active Record auto-convert to this zone. + # Run "rake -D time" for a list of tasks for finding time zone names. + config.time_zone = 'Pacific Time (US & Canada)' + + # The default locale is :en and all translations from config/locales/*.rb,yml are auto loaded. + # config.i18n.load_path += Dir[Rails.root.join('my', 'locales', '*.{rb,yml}')] + # config.i18n.default_locale = :de +end diff --git a/config/environments/development.rb b/config/environments/development.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..85c9a60 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/environments/development.rb @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/environment.rb + +# In the development environment your application's code is reloaded on +# every request. This slows down response time but is perfect for development +# since you don't have to restart the webserver when you make code changes. +config.cache_classes = false + +# Log error messages when you accidentally call methods on nil. +config.whiny_nils = true + +# Show full error reports and disable caching +config.action_controller.consider_all_requests_local = true +config.action_view.debug_rjs = true +config.action_controller.perform_caching = false + +# Don't care if the mailer can't send +config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/environments/production.rb b/config/environments/production.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..27119d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/environments/production.rb @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/environment.rb + +# The production environment is meant for finished, "live" apps. +# Code is not reloaded between requests +config.cache_classes = true + +# Full error reports are disabled and caching is turned on +config.action_controller.consider_all_requests_local = false +config.action_controller.perform_caching = true +config.action_view.cache_template_loading = true + +# See everything in the log (default is :info) +# config.log_level = :debug + +# Use a different logger for distributed setups +# config.logger = + +# Use a different cache store in production +# config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store + +# Enable serving of images, stylesheets, and javascripts from an asset server +# config.action_controller.asset_host = "" + +# Disable delivery errors, bad email addresses will be ignored +# config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false + +# Enable threaded mode +# config.threadsafe! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/environments/test.rb b/config/environments/test.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..d6f80a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/environments/test.rb @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/environment.rb + +# The test environment is used exclusively to run your application's +# test suite. You never need to work with it otherwise. Remember that +# your test database is "scratch space" for the test suite and is wiped +# and recreated between test runs. Don't rely on the data there! +config.cache_classes = true + +# Log error messages when you accidentally call methods on nil. +config.whiny_nils = true + +# Show full error reports and disable caching +config.action_controller.consider_all_requests_local = true +config.action_controller.perform_caching = false +config.action_view.cache_template_loading = true + +# Disable request forgery protection in test environment +config.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection = false + +# Tell Action Mailer not to deliver emails to the real world. +# The :test delivery method accumulates sent emails in the +# ActionMailer::Base.deliveries array. +config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :test + +# Use SQL instead of Active Record's schema dumper when creating the test database. +# This is necessary if your schema can't be completely dumped by the schema dumper, +# like if you have constraints or database-specific column types +# config.active_record.schema_format = :sql \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb b/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..c2169ed --- /dev/null +++ b/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. + +# You can add backtrace silencers for libraries that you're using but don't wish to see in your backtraces. +# Rails.backtrace_cleaner.add_silencer { |line| line =~ /my_noisy_library/ } + +# You can also remove all the silencers if you're trying do debug a problem that might steem from framework code. +# Rails.backtrace_cleaner.remove_silencers! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/initializers/cookie_verification_secret.rb b/config/initializers/cookie_verification_secret.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..970c671 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/initializers/cookie_verification_secret.rb @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. + +# Your secret key for verifying the integrity of signed cookies. +# If you change this key, all old signed cookies will become invalid! +# Make sure the secret is at least 30 characters and all random, +# no regular words or you'll be exposed to dictionary attacks. +ActionController::Base.cookie_verifier_secret = 'c128bb87c6009acd2612613a457ae27527f993dceb702b0559cb2519e5e47be2e86e4840e2afc38b18d9a15641eeb201601de89b6a9e33e6a3691a5ea81158ed'; diff --git a/config/initializers/devise.rb b/config/initializers/devise.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a7c5f00 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/initializers/devise.rb @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +# Use this hook to configure devise mailer, warden hooks and so forth. The first +# four configuration values can also be set straight in your models. +Devise.setup do |config| + # Configure the e-mail address which will be shown in DeviseMailer. + config.mailer_sender = "" + + # Configure the content type of DeviseMailer mails (defaults to text/html") + # config.mailer_content_type = "text/plain" + + # ==> Configuration for :authenticatable + # Invoke `rake secret` and use the printed value to setup a pepper to generate + # the encrypted password. By default no pepper is used. + # config.pepper = "rake secret output" + + # Configure how many times you want the password is reencrypted. Default is 10. + # config.stretches = 10 + + # Define which will be the encryption algorithm. Supported algorithms are :sha1 + # (default), :sha512 and :bcrypt. Devise also supports encryptors from others + # authentication tools as :clearance_sha1, :authlogic_sha512 (then you should set + # stretches above to 20 for default behavior) and :restful_authentication_sha1 + # (then you should set stretches to 10, and copy REST_AUTH_SITE_KEY to pepper) + # config.encryptor = :sha1 + + # Configure which keys are used when authenticating an user. By default is + # just :email. You can configure it to use [:username, :subdomain], so for + # authenticating an user, both parameters are required. Remember that those + # parameters are used only when authenticating and not when retrieving from + # session. If you need permissions, you should implement that in a before filter. + # config.authentication_keys = [ :email ] + + # The realm used in Http Basic Authentication + # config.http_authentication_realm = "Application" + + # ==> Configuration for :confirmable + # The time you want give to your user to confirm his account. During this time + # he will be able to access your application without confirming. Default is nil. + # config.confirm_within = 2.days + + # ==> Configuration for :rememberable + # The time the user will be remembered without asking for credentials again. + # config.remember_for = 2.weeks + + # ==> Configuration for :timeoutable + # The time you want to timeout the user session without activity. After this + # time the user will be asked for credentials again. + # config.timeout_in = 10.minutes + + # ==> Configuration for :lockable + # Number of authentication tries before locking an account. + # config.maximum_attempts = 20 + + # Defines which strategy will be used to unlock an account. + # :email = Sends an unlock link to the user email + # :time = Reanables login after a certain ammount of time (see :unlock_in below) + # :both = enables both strategies + # config.unlock_strategy = :both + + # Time interval to unlock the account if :time is enabled as unlock_strategy. + # config.unlock_in = 1.hour + + # ==> Configuration for :token_authenticatable + # Defines name of the authentication token params key + # config.token_authentication_key = :auth_token + + # ==> General configuration + # Load and configure the ORM. Supports :active_record (default), :mongo_mapper + # (requires mongo_ext installed) and :data_mapper (experimental). + # require 'devise/orm/mongo_mapper' + # config.orm = :mongo_mapper + + # Turn scoped views on. Before rendering "sessions/new", it will first check for + # "sessions/users/new". It's turned off by default because it's slower if you + # are using only default views. + # config.scoped_views = true + + # By default, devise detects the role accessed based on the url. So whenever + # accessing "/users/sign_in", it knows you are accessing an User. This makes + # routes as "/sign_in" not possible, unless you tell Devise to use the default + # scope, setting true below. + # config.use_default_scope = true + + # Configure the default scope used by Devise. By default it's the first devise + # role declared in your routes. + # config.default_scope = :user + + # If you want to use other strategies, that are not (yet) supported by Devise, + # you can configure them inside the config.warden block. The example below + # allows you to setup OAuth, using + # + # config.warden do |manager| + # manager.oauth(:twitter) do |twitter| + # twitter.consumer_secret = + # twitter.consumer_key = + # twitter.options :site => '' + # end + # manager.default_strategies.unshift :twitter_oauth + # end + + # Configure default_url_options if you are using dynamic segments in :path_prefix + # for devise_for. + # config.default_url_options do + # { :locale => I18n.locale } + # end +end diff --git a/config/initializers/inflections.rb b/config/initializers/inflections.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..d531b8b --- /dev/null +++ b/config/initializers/inflections.rb @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. + +# Add new inflection rules using the following format +# (all these examples are active by default): +# ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections do |inflect| +# inflect.plural /^(ox)$/i, '\1en' +# inflect.singular /^(ox)en/i, '\1' +# inflect.irregular 'person', 'people' +# inflect.uncountable %w( fish sheep ) +# end diff --git a/config/initializers/mime_types.rb b/config/initializers/mime_types.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..72aca7e --- /dev/null +++ b/config/initializers/mime_types.rb @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. + +# Add new mime types for use in respond_to blocks: +# Mime::Type.register "text/richtext", :rtf +# Mime::Type.register_alias "text/html", :iphone diff --git a/config/initializers/new_rails_defaults.rb b/config/initializers/new_rails_defaults.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..c94db0a --- /dev/null +++ b/config/initializers/new_rails_defaults.rb @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. + +# These settings change the behavior of Rails 2 apps and will be defaults +# for Rails 3. You can remove this initializer when Rails 3 is released. + +if defined?(ActiveRecord) + # Include Active Record class name as root for JSON serialized output. + ActiveRecord::Base.include_root_in_json = true + + # Store the full class name (including module namespace) in STI type column. + ActiveRecord::Base.store_full_sti_class = true +end + +ActionController::Routing.generate_best_match = false + +# Use ISO 8601 format for JSON serialized times and dates. +ActiveSupport.use_standard_json_time_format = true + +# Don't escape HTML entities in JSON, leave that for the #json_escape helper. +# if you're including raw json in an HTML page. +ActiveSupport.escape_html_entities_in_json = false \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/initializers/session_store.rb b/config/initializers/session_store.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..b28c57a --- /dev/null +++ b/config/initializers/session_store.rb @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. + +# Your secret key for verifying cookie session data integrity. +# If you change this key, all old sessions will become invalid! +# Make sure the secret is at least 30 characters and all random, +# no regular words or you'll be exposed to dictionary attacks. +ActionController::Base.session = { + :key => '_assetinventory_session', + :secret => '5e21ded627dc402d1091e2afabd665f2d29f42a7b78410e00a70518abd9b4cb2e950c1544a30f87f6df84498f41c7249b04c906902208ad045264a3d55670ca5' +} + +# Use the database for sessions instead of the cookie-based default, +# which shouldn't be used to store highly confidential information +# (create the session table with "rake db:sessions:create") +# ActionController::Base.session_store = :active_record_store diff --git a/config/locales/devise.en.yml b/config/locales/devise.en.yml new file mode 100755 index 0000000..4cef37b --- /dev/null +++ b/config/locales/devise.en.yml @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +en: + devise: + sessions: + link: 'Sign in' + signed_in: 'Signed in successfully.' + signed_out: 'Signed out successfully.' + unauthenticated: 'You need to sign in or sign up before continuing.' + unconfirmed: 'You have to confirm your account before continuing.' + locked: 'Your account is locked.' + invalid: 'Invalid email or password.' + invalid_token: 'Invalid authentication token.' + timeout: 'Your session expired, please sign in again to continue.' + inactive: 'Your account was not activated yet.' + passwords: + link: 'Forgot password?' + send_instructions: 'You will receive an email with instructions about how to reset your password in a few minutes.' + updated: 'Your password was changed successfully. You are now signed in.' + confirmations: + link: "Didn't receive confirmation instructions?" + send_instructions: 'You will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes.' + confirmed: 'Your account was successfully confirmed. You are now signed in.' + registrations: + link: 'Sign up' + signed_up: 'You have signed up successfully. If enabled, a confirmation was sent to your e-mail.' + updated: 'You updated your account successfully.' + destroyed: 'Bye! Your account was successfully cancelled. We hope to see you again soon.' + unlocks: + link: "Didn't receive unlock instructions?" + send_instructions: 'You will receive an email with instructions about how to unlock your account in a few minutes.' + unlocked: 'Your account was successfully unlocked. You are now signed in.' + mailer: + confirmation_instructions: 'Confirmation instructions' + reset_password_instructions: 'Reset password instructions' + unlock_instructions: 'Unlock Instructions' + diff --git a/config/locales/en.yml b/config/locales/en.yml new file mode 100755 index 0000000..f265c06 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/locales/en.yml @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales. +# See for starting points. + +en: + hello: "Hello world" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/routes.rb b/config/routes.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..0308375 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/routes.rb @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map| + map.devise_for :users, :as => "users", :path_names => { :sign_in => 'login', :sign_out => 'logout', :password => 'secret', :confirmation => 'verification', :unlock => 'unblock' } + + map.resources :softwares + map.root :controller => 'assets' + + + map.resources :assets, :has_many => :comments + + # The priority is based upon order of creation: first created -> highest priority. + + # Sample of regular route: + # map.connect 'products/:id', :controller => 'catalog', :action => 'view' + # Keep in mind you can assign values other than :controller and :action + + # Sample of named route: + # map.purchase 'products/:id/purchase', :controller => 'catalog', :action => 'purchase' + # This route can be invoked with purchase_url(:id => + + # Sample resource route (maps HTTP verbs to controller actions automatically): + # map.resources :products + + # Sample resource route with options: + # map.resources :products, :member => { :short => :get, :toggle => :post }, :collection => { :sold => :get } + + # Sample resource route with sub-resources: + # map.resources :products, :has_many => [ :comments, :sales ], :has_one => :seller + + # Sample resource route with more complex sub-resources + # map.resources :products do |products| + # products.resources :comments + # products.resources :sales, :collection => { :recent => :get } + # end + + # Sample resource route within a namespace: + # map.namespace :admin do |admin| + # # Directs /admin/products/* to Admin::ProductsController (app/controllers/admin/products_controller.rb) + # admin.resources :products + # end + + # You can have the root of your site routed with map.root -- just remember to delete public/index.html. + # map.root :controller => "welcome" + + # See how all your routes lay out with "rake routes" + + # Install the default routes as the lowest priority. + # Note: These default routes make all actions in every controller accessible via GET requests. You should + # consider removing or commenting them out if you're using named routes and resources. + map.connect ':controller/:action/:id' + map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format' +end diff --git a/db/dump b/db/dump new file mode 100755 index 0000000..d3b6d23 --- /dev/null +++ b/db/dump @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +BEGIN TRANSACTION; +CREATE TABLE "schema_migrations" ("version" varchar(255) NOT NULL); +INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" VALUES('20100806225855'); +INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" VALUES('20100816185859'); +INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" VALUES('20100820221313'); +INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" VALUES('20100917213526'); +INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" VALUES('20101011194353'); +CREATE TABLE "assets" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "tag" varchar(255), "name" varchar(255), "serial" varchar(255), "category" varchar(255), "make" varchar(255), "warranty" date, "password" varchar(255), "location" varchar(255), "assigned" varchar(255), "status" varchar(255), "verified" datetime, "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime); +INSERT INTO "assets" VALUES(3,'0002','computer2','2039480uosj','Computer','Dell Latitude D510','2010-10-22','adkjf','here','me','working','2010-10-22 22:29:00','2010-10-22 22:29:50','2010-10-22 22:29:50'); +DELETE FROM sqlite_sequence; +INSERT INTO "sqlite_sequence" VALUES('users',2); +INSERT INTO "sqlite_sequence" VALUES('assets',3); +INSERT INTO "sqlite_sequence" VALUES('softwares',14); +CREATE TABLE "comments" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "asset_id" integer, "commenter" varchar(255), "body" text, "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime); +CREATE TABLE "softwares" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255), "key" varchar(255), "asset_id" integer, "installed" date, "installed_by" varchar(255), "modified" date, "modified_by" varchar(255), "note" varchar(255), "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime); +INSERT INTO "softwares" VALUES(2,'jason','201947',2,'2010-10-11','jason','2010-10-11','Jason Katz','','2010-10-11 23:09:17','2010-10-11 23:09:17'); +INSERT INTO "softwares" VALUES(12,'adobe','23i90owks',3,'2010-10-22','me','2010-10-22','Jason Katz','asdl;kfj','2010-10-22 22:57:16','2010-10-22 22:57:16'); +INSERT INTO "softwares" VALUES(13,'word','',2,'2010-10-22','will','2010-10-22','Jason Katz','','2010-10-22 22:58:45','2010-10-22 22:58:45'); +INSERT INTO "softwares" VALUES(14,'excel','',3,'2010-10-22','you','2010-10-22','Jason Katz','','2010-10-22 23:00:28','2010-10-22 23:00:28'); +CREATE TABLE "users" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "email" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "encrypted_password" varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "password_salt" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "confirmation_token" varchar(255), "confirmed_at" datetime, "confirmation_sent_at" datetime, "reset_password_token" varchar(255), "remember_token" varchar(255), "remember_created_at" datetime, "sign_in_count" integer DEFAULT 0, "current_sign_in_at" datetime, "last_sign_in_at" datetime, "current_sign_in_ip" varchar(255), "last_sign_in_ip" varchar(255), "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime, "name" varchar(255)); +INSERT INTO "users" VALUES(1,'','6e98e84ed86d1e215cadc46e8976bd4872008152','7iPudFfKHqQfKRYw0h1p',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'2010-10-11 20:50:44','2010-10-11 20:50:44','Will Bradley'); +INSERT INTO "users" VALUES(2,'','47a217c50c263f91edb300952b69c7e4c117fec3','hBU5TkwizhFaav-2Z8gD',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,1,'2010-10-11 20:53:47','2010-10-11 20:53:47','','','2010-10-11 20:50:44','2010-10-11 20:53:47','Jason Katz'); +CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "unique_schema_migrations" ON "schema_migrations" ("version"); +CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_email" ON "users" ("email"); +CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_confirmation_token" ON "users" ("confirmation_token"); +CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_reset_password_token" ON "users" ("reset_password_token"); +COMMIT; diff --git a/db/migrate/20100806225855_create_assets.rb b/db/migrate/20100806225855_create_assets.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..3d58c4b --- /dev/null +++ b/db/migrate/20100806225855_create_assets.rb @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +class CreateAssets < ActiveRecord::Migration + def self.up + create_table :assets do |t| + t.string :tag + t.string :name + t.string :serial + t.string :category + t.string :make + :warranty + t.string :password + t.string :location + t.string :assigned + t.string :status + t.datetime :verified + + t.timestamps + end + end + + def self.down + drop_table :assets + end +end diff --git a/db/migrate/20100816185859_create_comments.rb b/db/migrate/20100816185859_create_comments.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..f2c8136 --- /dev/null +++ b/db/migrate/20100816185859_create_comments.rb @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +class CreateComments < ActiveRecord::Migration + def self.up + create_table :comments do |t| + t.integer :asset_id + t.string :commenter + t.text :body + + t.timestamps + end + end + + def self.down + drop_table :comments + end +end diff --git a/db/migrate/20100820221313_create_softwares.rb b/db/migrate/20100820221313_create_softwares.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..93ac38e --- /dev/null +++ b/db/migrate/20100820221313_create_softwares.rb @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +class CreateSoftwares < ActiveRecord::Migration + def self.up + create_table :softwares do |t| + t.string :name + t.string :key + t.integer :asset_id + :installed + t.string :installed_by + t.string :modified_by + t.string :note + + t.timestamps + end + end + + def self.down + drop_table :softwares + end +end diff --git a/db/migrate/20100917213526_devise_create_users.rb b/db/migrate/20100917213526_devise_create_users.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..5dad14a --- /dev/null +++ b/db/migrate/20100917213526_devise_create_users.rb @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +class DeviseCreateUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration + def self.up + create_table(:users) do |t| + t.database_authenticatable :null => false + t.confirmable + t.recoverable + t.rememberable + t.trackable + # t.lockable + + t.timestamps + end + + add_index :users, :email, :unique => true + add_index :users, :confirmation_token, :unique => true + add_index :users, :reset_password_token, :unique => true + # add_index :users, :unlock_token, :unique => true + end + + def self.down + drop_table :users + end +end diff --git a/db/migrate/20101011194353_add_name_to_users.rb b/db/migrate/20101011194353_add_name_to_users.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..72f05be --- /dev/null +++ b/db/migrate/20101011194353_add_name_to_users.rb @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +class AddNameToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration + def self.up + add_column :users, :name, :string + end + + def self.down + remove_column :users, :name + end +end diff --git a/db/migrate/20101106001531_add_modified_by_to_assets.rb b/db/migrate/20101106001531_add_modified_by_to_assets.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..2462202 --- /dev/null +++ b/db/migrate/20101106001531_add_modified_by_to_assets.rb @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +class AddModifiedByToAssets < ActiveRecord::Migration + def self.up + add_column :assets, :modified_by, :string + end + + def self.down + remove_column :assets, :modified_by + end +end diff --git a/db/migrate/20110608173514_add_media_location_to_softwares.rb b/db/migrate/20110608173514_add_media_location_to_softwares.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e15c366 --- /dev/null +++ b/db/migrate/20110608173514_add_media_location_to_softwares.rb @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +class AddMediaLocationToSoftwares < ActiveRecord::Migration + def self.up + add_column :softwares, :media_location, :string + end + + def self.down + remove_column :softwares, :media_location + end +end diff --git a/db/migrate/20110608230922_remove_verified_from_assets.rb b/db/migrate/20110608230922_remove_verified_from_assets.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c8ffe9b --- /dev/null +++ b/db/migrate/20110608230922_remove_verified_from_assets.rb @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +class RemoveVerifiedFromAssets < ActiveRecord::Migration + def self.up + remove_column :assets, :verified + end + + def self.down + add_column :assets, :verified, :datetime + end +end diff --git a/db/migrate/20110608231050_add_updated_to_assets.rb b/db/migrate/20110608231050_add_updated_to_assets.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d76ccb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/db/migrate/20110608231050_add_updated_to_assets.rb @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +class AddUpdatedToAssets < ActiveRecord::Migration + def self.up + add_column :assets, :updated, :date + end + + def self.down + remove_column :assets, :updated + end +end diff --git a/db/migrate/20110608231728_remove_password_from_assets.rb b/db/migrate/20110608231728_remove_password_from_assets.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b58d8e --- /dev/null +++ b/db/migrate/20110608231728_remove_password_from_assets.rb @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +class RemovePasswordFromAssets < ActiveRecord::Migration + def self.up + remove_column :assets, :password + end + + def self.down + add_column :assets, :password, :string + end +end diff --git a/db/migrate/20110608232032_remove_name_from_assets.rb b/db/migrate/20110608232032_remove_name_from_assets.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..255b9c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/db/migrate/20110608232032_remove_name_from_assets.rb @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +class RemoveNameFromAssets < ActiveRecord::Migration + def self.up + remove_column :assets, :name + end + + def self.down + add_column :assets, :name, :string + end +end diff --git a/db/migrate/20110608232428_add_model_to_assets.rb b/db/migrate/20110608232428_add_model_to_assets.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a9586e --- /dev/null +++ b/db/migrate/20110608232428_add_model_to_assets.rb @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +class AddModelToAssets < ActiveRecord::Migration + def self.up + add_column :assets, :model, :string + end + + def self.down + remove_column :assets, :model + end +end diff --git a/db/migrate/20110608234843_remove_name_from_softwares.rb b/db/migrate/20110608234843_remove_name_from_softwares.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e95809 --- /dev/null +++ b/db/migrate/20110608234843_remove_name_from_softwares.rb @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +class RemoveNameFromSoftwares < ActiveRecord::Migration + def self.up + remove_column :softwares, :name + end + + def self.down + add_column :softwares, :name, :string + end +end diff --git a/db/migrate/20110608234937_add_company_version_to_softwares.rb b/db/migrate/20110608234937_add_company_version_to_softwares.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a36793 --- /dev/null +++ b/db/migrate/20110608234937_add_company_version_to_softwares.rb @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +class AddCompanyVersionToSoftwares < ActiveRecord::Migration + def self.up + add_column :softwares, :company, :string + add_column :softwares, :version, :string + end + + def self.down + remove_column :softwares, :version + remove_column :softwares, :company + end +end diff --git a/db/migrate/20110609000237_add_name_to_assets.rb b/db/migrate/20110609000237_add_name_to_assets.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f8aae2 --- /dev/null +++ b/db/migrate/20110609000237_add_name_to_assets.rb @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +class AddNameToAssets < ActiveRecord::Migration + def self.up + add_column :assets, :name, :string + end + + def self.down + remove_column :assets, :name + end +end diff --git a/db/migrate/20110609170707_add_platform_to_softwares.rb b/db/migrate/20110609170707_add_platform_to_softwares.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..78179bc --- /dev/null +++ b/db/migrate/20110609170707_add_platform_to_softwares.rb @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +class AddPlatformToSoftwares < ActiveRecord::Migration + def self.up + add_column :softwares, :platform, :string + end + + def self.down + remove_column :softwares, :platform + end +end diff --git a/db/schema.rb b/db/schema.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..224820c --- /dev/null +++ b/db/schema.rb @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +# This file is auto-generated from the current state of the database. Instead of editing this file, +# please use the migrations feature of Active Record to incrementally modify your database, and +# then regenerate this schema definition. +# +# Note that this schema.rb definition is the authoritative source for your database schema. If you need +# to create the application database on another system, you should be using db:schema:load, not running +# all the migrations from scratch. The latter is a flawed and unsustainable approach (the more migrations +# you'll amass, the slower it'll run and the greater likelihood for issues). +# +# It's strongly recommended to check this file into your version control system. + +ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20110609170707) do + + create_table "assets", :force => true do |t| + t.string "tag" + t.string "serial" + t.string "category" + t.string "make" + "warranty" + t.string "location" + t.string "assigned" + t.string "status" + t.datetime "created_at" + t.datetime "updated_at" + t.string "modified_by" + "updated" + t.string "model" + t.string "name" + end + + create_table "comments", :force => true do |t| + t.integer "asset_id" + t.string "commenter" + t.text "body" + t.datetime "created_at" + t.datetime "updated_at" + end + + create_table "softwares", :force => true do |t| + t.string "key" + t.integer "asset_id" + "installed" + t.string "installed_by" + t.string "modified_by" + t.string "note" + t.datetime "created_at" + t.datetime "updated_at" + t.string "media_location" + t.string "company" + t.string "version" + t.string "platform" + end + + create_table "users", :force => true do |t| + t.string "email", :default => "", :null => false + t.string "encrypted_password", :limit => 128, :default => "", :null => false + t.string "password_salt", :default => "", :null => false + t.string "confirmation_token" + t.datetime "confirmed_at" + t.datetime "confirmation_sent_at" + t.string "reset_password_token" + t.string "remember_token" + t.datetime "remember_created_at" + t.integer "sign_in_count", :default => 0 + t.datetime "current_sign_in_at" + t.datetime "last_sign_in_at" + t.string "current_sign_in_ip" + t.string "last_sign_in_ip" + t.datetime "created_at" + t.datetime "updated_at" + t.string "name" + end + + add_index "users", ["confirmation_token"], :name => "index_users_on_confirmation_token", :unique => true + add_index "users", ["email"], :name => "index_users_on_email", :unique => true + add_index "users", ["reset_password_token"], :name => "index_users_on_reset_password_token", :unique => true + +end diff --git a/db/seeds.rb b/db/seeds.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..15873d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/db/seeds.rb @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# This file should contain all the record creation needed to seed the database with its default values. +# The data can then be loaded with the rake db:seed (or created alongside the db with db:setup). +# +# Examples: +# +# cities = City.create([{ :name => 'Chicago' }, { :name => 'Copenhagen' }]) +# Major.create(:name => 'Daley', :city => cities.first) + +User.create(:name => 'Jason Katz', :email => '', :password => 'admin2') +User.create(:name => 'Patrick Coy', :email => '', :password => 'admin1') diff --git a/doc/README_FOR_APP b/doc/README_FOR_APP new file mode 100755 index 0000000..fe41f5c --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/README_FOR_APP @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +Use this README file to introduce your application and point to useful places in the API for learning more. +Run "rake doc:app" to generate API documentation for your models, controllers, helpers, and libraries. diff --git a/lib/sort_index.rb b/lib/sort_index.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..6953a39 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/sort_index.rb @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +# see (sort_index_controller_usage.rb) +# see (sort_index_view_usage.html.erb) + +# The classes in this module help to enable sorting on index pages +# building sql order clauses and rendering html table header links +module SortIndex + SORT_KEY_ASC = 'asc' + SORT_KEY_DESC = 'desc' + + SORT_DIRECTION_MAP = { + SORT_KEY_DESC => 'DESC', + SORT_KEY_ASC => 'ASC' + } + + # The +SortIndex::Config+ class specifies all possible sort columns + # for a given controller action including the default column and the default order + class Config + attr_accessor :columns + attr_accessor :default_direction + + def default + return @default + end + + # The +initialize+ method; + # both the default and columns parameters contain key value pairs + # where the key is passed in the query string to the action and the + # value contains the sql order by value + # === Parameters + # * _default_ = Hash; must contain only one pair; automatically gets added to the columns member + # * _columns_ = Hash; one pair per sortable column + # * _default_direction_ = String; optional, if not specified order will be DESC + def initialize(default, columns, default_direction = nil) + @columns = columns + @default_direction = default_direction || SORT_KEY_DESC + + raise "default only supports 1 pair" if default.length != 1 + default.each_pair { |key, value| + @default = value + @columns[key] = value + } + end + end + + # The +SortIndex::Sortable+ class enable sorting on index pages + # avoids sql injection by only using values from the SortIndex::Config#columns + # Hash and not the values passed in the query string + class Sortable + + # The +initialize+ method; + # === Parameters + # * _params_ = the controllers params Hash + # * _config_ = SortIndex::Config + # * _index_url_ = String; optional, if not specified will be the name of the controller + # ** Examples + # *** not specified /employees (the index action) + # *** specified /employees/special_action + def initialize(params, config, index_url = nil) + @config = config + @params = params + @index_url = index_url || params[:controller] + + # sets up for building the sql order by + @sort_direction = SORT_DIRECTION_MAP[@params[:sort_direction]] || @config.default_direction + @sort_by = @config.columns[@params[:sort_by]] || @config.default + end + + # The +order+ method returns the sql order criteria + # use with your find calls or via paginate from will_paginate plugin + def order + specified_sort_by || "#{@sort_by} #{@sort_direction}" + end + + # The +header_link+ method returns a string of html containing the table header and a tags + # Example: First Name + # If the column is the currently sorted column then a css class of current-sort-asc or current-sort-describe + # is applied; this allows you to use css to add visual indicators such as up and down arrows + # this method is called from the view; once per column + # === Parameters + # * _sort_key_ = String; must be one of the key values from SortIndex::Config + # * _display_ = The display text + # * _sortable_ = Boolean; default is true; + # ** passing false will not render an anchor tag; instead the display will be wrapped in a span + def header_link(sort_key, display, sortable = true) + if @config.columns[sort_key].nil? and sortable then + raise "Sort key of '#{sort_key}' not found. Check your controllers SortIndex::Config variable" + end + + class_attr = "" + if @config.columns[sort_key] == @sort_by then + class_attr = " class='current-sort-#{@sort_direction.downcase}'" + end + + a_href = "#{display}" + if sortable == false then + a_href = "#{display}" + end + + return "#{a_href}" + end + + # The +next_direction+ method is called by header_link and specifies which way the rendered + # links should sort. Returns the opposite of the current sort + def next_direction + sort_direction = SORT_KEY_ASC + if (@params[:sort_direction].nil?) then + sort_direction = (@sort_direction == SORT_KEY_ASC) ? SORT_KEY_DESC : SORT_KEY_ASC + elsif (@params[:sort_direction] == SORT_KEY_ASC) then + sort_direction = SORT_KEY_DESC + end + return sort_direction + end + + # The +specified_sort_by+ method is called by order returns the sql order by criteria + # This can be more than one sql column; when it is multiple columns we apply the same direction to all + # For Example if you had one header column for Employee#full_name which mapped to two + # database columns first_name and last_name of the employees table the result would look like + # first_name DESC, last_name DESC or last_name DESC, first_name DESC depending on your configuration + def specified_sort_by + sort = @config.columns[@params[:sort_by]] + return nil if sort.nil? + return sort.split(',').map {|order_criteria| "#{order_criteria} #{@sort_direction}"}.join(',') + end + end + +end diff --git a/public/404.html b/public/404.html new file mode 100755 index 0000000..eff660b --- /dev/null +++ b/public/404.html @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ + + + + + + + The page you were looking for doesn't exist (404) + + + + + +

The page you were looking for doesn't exist.


You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved.

+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/422.html b/public/422.html new file mode 100755 index 0000000..b54e4a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/public/422.html @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ + + + + + + + The change you wanted was rejected (422) + + + + + +

The change you wanted was rejected.


Maybe you tried to change something you didn't have access to.

+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/500.html b/public/500.html new file mode 100755 index 0000000..ec3bbf0 --- /dev/null +++ b/public/500.html @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ + + + + + + + We're sorry, but something went wrong (500) + + + + + +

We're sorry, but something went wrong.


We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly.

+ + diff --git a/public/favicon.ico b/public/favicon.ico new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/public/images/rails.png b/public/images/rails.png new file mode 100755 index 0000000..d5edc04 Binary files /dev/null and b/public/images/rails.png differ diff --git a/public/javascripts/application.js b/public/javascripts/application.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..fe45776 --- /dev/null +++ b/public/javascripts/application.js @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +// Place your application-specific JavaScript functions and classes here +// This file is automatically included by javascript_include_tag :defaults diff --git a/public/javascripts/controls.js b/public/javascripts/controls.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..ca29aef --- /dev/null +++ b/public/javascripts/controls.js @@ -0,0 +1,963 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Thomas Fuchs (, +// (c) 2005-2008 Ivan Krstic ( +// (c) 2005-2008 Jon Tirsen ( +// Contributors: +// Richard Livsey +// Rahul Bhargava +// Rob Wills +// +// is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license. +// For details, see the web site: + +// Autocompleter.Base handles all the autocompletion functionality +// that's independent of the data source for autocompletion. This +// includes drawing the autocompletion menu, observing keyboard +// and mouse events, and similar. +// +// Specific autocompleters need to provide, at the very least, +// a getUpdatedChoices function that will be invoked every time +// the text inside the monitored textbox changes. This method +// should get the text for which to provide autocompletion by +// invoking this.getToken(), NOT by directly accessing +// this.element.value. This is to allow incremental tokenized +// autocompletion. Specific auto-completion logic (AJAX, etc) +// belongs in getUpdatedChoices. +// +// Tokenized incremental autocompletion is enabled automatically +// when an autocompleter is instantiated with the 'tokens' option +// in the options parameter, e.g.: +// new Ajax.Autocompleter('id','upd', '/url/', { tokens: ',' }); +// will incrementally autocomplete with a comma as the token. +// Additionally, ',' in the above example can be replaced with +// a token array, e.g. { tokens: [',', '\n'] } which +// enables autocompletion on multiple tokens. This is most +// useful when one of the tokens is \n (a newline), as it +// allows smart autocompletion after linebreaks. + +if(typeof Effect == 'undefined') + throw("controls.js requires including' effects.js library"); + +var Autocompleter = { }; +Autocompleter.Base = Class.create({ + baseInitialize: function(element, update, options) { + element = $(element); + this.element = element; + this.update = $(update); + this.hasFocus = false; + this.changed = false; + = false; + this.index = 0; + this.entryCount = 0; + this.oldElementValue = this.element.value; + + if(this.setOptions) + this.setOptions(options); + else + this.options = options || { }; + + this.options.paramName = this.options.paramName ||; + this.options.tokens = this.options.tokens || []; + this.options.frequency = this.options.frequency || 0.4; + this.options.minChars = this.options.minChars || 1; + this.options.onShow = this.options.onShow || + function(element, update){ + if(! ||'absolute') { + = 'absolute'; + Position.clone(element, update, { + setHeight: false, + offsetTop: element.offsetHeight + }); + } + Effect.Appear(update,{duration:0.15}); + }; + this.options.onHide = this.options.onHide || + function(element, update){ new Effect.Fade(update,{duration:0.15}) }; + + if(typeof(this.options.tokens) == 'string') + this.options.tokens = new Array(this.options.tokens); + // Force carriage returns as token delimiters anyway + if (!this.options.tokens.include('\n')) + this.options.tokens.push('\n'); + + = null; + + this.element.setAttribute('autocomplete','off'); + + Element.hide(this.update); + + Event.observe(this.element, 'blur', this.onBlur.bindAsEventListener(this)); + Event.observe(this.element, 'keydown', this.onKeyPress.bindAsEventListener(this)); + }, + + show: function() { + if(Element.getStyle(this.update, 'display')=='none') this.options.onShow(this.element, this.update); + if(!this.iefix && + (Prototype.Browser.IE) && + (Element.getStyle(this.update, 'position')=='absolute')) { + new Insertion.After(this.update, + ''); + this.iefix = $('_iefix'); + } + if(this.iefix) setTimeout(this.fixIEOverlapping.bind(this), 50); + }, + + fixIEOverlapping: function() { + Position.clone(this.update, this.iefix, {setTop:(!}); + = 1; + = 2; +; + }, + + hide: function() { + this.stopIndicator(); + if(Element.getStyle(this.update, 'display')!='none') this.options.onHide(this.element, this.update); + if(this.iefix) Element.hide(this.iefix); + }, + + startIndicator: function() { + if(this.options.indicator); + }, + + stopIndicator: function() { + if(this.options.indicator) Element.hide(this.options.indicator); + }, + + onKeyPress: function(event) { + if( + switch(event.keyCode) { + case Event.KEY_TAB: + case Event.KEY_RETURN: + this.selectEntry(); + Event.stop(event); + case Event.KEY_ESC: + this.hide(); + = false; + Event.stop(event); + return; + case Event.KEY_LEFT: + case Event.KEY_RIGHT: + return; + case Event.KEY_UP: + this.markPrevious(); + this.render(); + Event.stop(event); + return; + case Event.KEY_DOWN: + this.markNext(); + this.render(); + Event.stop(event); + return; + } + else + if(event.keyCode==Event.KEY_TAB || event.keyCode==Event.KEY_RETURN || + (Prototype.Browser.WebKit > 0 && event.keyCode == 0)) return; + + this.changed = true; + this.hasFocus = true; + + if( clearTimeout(; + = + setTimeout(this.onObserverEvent.bind(this), this.options.frequency*1000); + }, + + activate: function() { + this.changed = false; + this.hasFocus = true; + this.getUpdatedChoices(); + }, + + onHover: function(event) { + var element = Event.findElement(event, 'LI'); + if(this.index != element.autocompleteIndex) + { + this.index = element.autocompleteIndex; + this.render(); + } + Event.stop(event); + }, + + onClick: function(event) { + var element = Event.findElement(event, 'LI'); + this.index = element.autocompleteIndex; + this.selectEntry(); + this.hide(); + }, + + onBlur: function(event) { + // needed to make click events working + setTimeout(this.hide.bind(this), 250); + this.hasFocus = false; + = false; + }, + + render: function() { + if(this.entryCount > 0) { + for (var i = 0; i < this.entryCount; i++) + this.index==i ? + Element.addClassName(this.getEntry(i),"selected") : + Element.removeClassName(this.getEntry(i),"selected"); + if(this.hasFocus) { +; + = true; + } + } else { + = false; + this.hide(); + } + }, + + markPrevious: function() { + if(this.index > 0) this.index--; + else this.index = this.entryCount-1; + this.getEntry(this.index).scrollIntoView(true); + }, + + markNext: function() { + if(this.index < this.entryCount-1) this.index++; + else this.index = 0; + this.getEntry(this.index).scrollIntoView(false); + }, + + getEntry: function(index) { + return this.update.firstChild.childNodes[index]; + }, + + getCurrentEntry: function() { + return this.getEntry(this.index); + }, + + selectEntry: function() { + = false; + this.updateElement(this.getCurrentEntry()); + }, + + updateElement: function(selectedElement) { + if (this.options.updateElement) { + this.options.updateElement(selectedElement); + return; + } + var value = ''; + if ( { + var nodes = $(selectedElement).select('.' + || []; + if(nodes.length>0) value = Element.collectTextNodes(nodes[0],; + } else + value = Element.collectTextNodesIgnoreClass(selectedElement, 'informal'); + + var bounds = this.getTokenBounds(); + if (bounds[0] != -1) { + var newValue = this.element.value.substr(0, bounds[0]); + var whitespace = this.element.value.substr(bounds[0]).match(/^\s+/); + if (whitespace) + newValue += whitespace[0]; + this.element.value = newValue + value + this.element.value.substr(bounds[1]); + } else { + this.element.value = value; + } + this.oldElementValue = this.element.value; + this.element.focus(); + + if (this.options.afterUpdateElement) + this.options.afterUpdateElement(this.element, selectedElement); + }, + + updateChoices: function(choices) { + if(!this.changed && this.hasFocus) { + this.update.innerHTML = choices; + Element.cleanWhitespace(this.update); + Element.cleanWhitespace(this.update.down()); + + if(this.update.firstChild && this.update.down().childNodes) { + this.entryCount = + this.update.down().childNodes.length; + for (var i = 0; i < this.entryCount; i++) { + var entry = this.getEntry(i); + entry.autocompleteIndex = i; + this.addObservers(entry); + } + } else { + this.entryCount = 0; + } + + this.stopIndicator(); + this.index = 0; + + if(this.entryCount==1 && this.options.autoSelect) { + this.selectEntry(); + this.hide(); + } else { + this.render(); + } + } + }, + + addObservers: function(element) { + Event.observe(element, "mouseover", this.onHover.bindAsEventListener(this)); + Event.observe(element, "click", this.onClick.bindAsEventListener(this)); + }, + + onObserverEvent: function() { + this.changed = false; + this.tokenBounds = null; + if(this.getToken().length>=this.options.minChars) { + this.getUpdatedChoices(); + } else { + = false; + this.hide(); + } + this.oldElementValue = this.element.value; + }, + + getToken: function() { + var bounds = this.getTokenBounds(); + return this.element.value.substring(bounds[0], bounds[1]).strip(); + }, + + getTokenBounds: function() { + if (null != this.tokenBounds) return this.tokenBounds; + var value = this.element.value; + if (value.strip().empty()) return [-1, 0]; + var diff = arguments.callee.getFirstDifferencePos(value, this.oldElementValue); + var offset = (diff == this.oldElementValue.length ? 1 : 0); + var prevTokenPos = -1, nextTokenPos = value.length; + var tp; + for (var index = 0, l = this.options.tokens.length; index < l; ++index) { + tp = value.lastIndexOf(this.options.tokens[index], diff + offset - 1); + if (tp > prevTokenPos) prevTokenPos = tp; + tp = value.indexOf(this.options.tokens[index], diff + offset); + if (-1 != tp && tp < nextTokenPos) nextTokenPos = tp; + } + return (this.tokenBounds = [prevTokenPos + 1, nextTokenPos]); + } +}); + +Autocompleter.Base.prototype.getTokenBounds.getFirstDifferencePos = function(newS, oldS) { + var boundary = Math.min(newS.length, oldS.length); + for (var index = 0; index < boundary; ++index) + if (newS[index] != oldS[index]) + return index; + return boundary; +}; + +Ajax.Autocompleter = Class.create(Autocompleter.Base, { + initialize: function(element, update, url, options) { + this.baseInitialize(element, update, options); + this.options.asynchronous = true; + this.options.onComplete = this.onComplete.bind(this); + this.options.defaultParams = this.options.parameters || null; + this.url = url; + }, + + getUpdatedChoices: function() { + this.startIndicator(); + + var entry = encodeURIComponent(this.options.paramName) + '=' + + encodeURIComponent(this.getToken()); + + this.options.parameters = this.options.callback ? + this.options.callback(this.element, entry) : entry; + + if(this.options.defaultParams) + this.options.parameters += '&' + this.options.defaultParams; + + new Ajax.Request(this.url, this.options); + }, + + onComplete: function(request) { + this.updateChoices(request.responseText); + } +}); + +// The local array autocompleter. Used when you'd prefer to +// inject an array of autocompletion options into the page, rather +// than sending out Ajax queries, which can be quite slow sometimes. +// +// The constructor takes four parameters. The first two are, as usual, +// the id of the monitored textbox, and id of the autocompletion menu. +// The third is the array you want to autocomplete from, and the fourth +// is the options block. +// +// Extra local autocompletion options: +// - choices - How many autocompletion choices to offer +// +// - partialSearch - If false, the autocompleter will match entered +// text only at the beginning of strings in the +// autocomplete array. Defaults to true, which will +// match text at the beginning of any *word* in the +// strings in the autocomplete array. If you want to +// search anywhere in the string, additionally set +// the option fullSearch to true (default: off). +// +// - fullSsearch - Search anywhere in autocomplete array strings. +// +// - partialChars - How many characters to enter before triggering +// a partial match (unlike minChars, which defines +// how many characters are required to do any match +// at all). Defaults to 2. +// +// - ignoreCase - Whether to ignore case when autocompleting. +// Defaults to true. +// +// It's possible to pass in a custom function as the 'selector' +// option, if you prefer to write your own autocompletion logic. +// In that case, the other options above will not apply unless +// you support them. + +Autocompleter.Local = Class.create(Autocompleter.Base, { + initialize: function(element, update, array, options) { + this.baseInitialize(element, update, options); + this.options.array = array; + }, + + getUpdatedChoices: function() { + this.updateChoices(this.options.selector(this)); + }, + + setOptions: function(options) { + this.options = Object.extend({ + choices: 10, + partialSearch: true, + partialChars: 2, + ignoreCase: true, + fullSearch: false, + selector: function(instance) { + var ret = []; // Beginning matches + var partial = []; // Inside matches + var entry = instance.getToken(); + var count = 0; + + for (var i = 0; i < instance.options.array.length && + ret.length < instance.options.choices ; i++) { + + var elem = instance.options.array[i]; + var foundPos = instance.options.ignoreCase ? + elem.toLowerCase().indexOf(entry.toLowerCase()) : + elem.indexOf(entry); + + while (foundPos != -1) { + if (foundPos == 0 && elem.length != entry.length) { + ret.push("
  • " + elem.substr(0, entry.length) + "" + + elem.substr(entry.length) + "
  • "); + break; + } else if (entry.length >= instance.options.partialChars && + instance.options.partialSearch && foundPos != -1) { + if (instance.options.fullSearch || /\s/.test(elem.substr(foundPos-1,1))) { + partial.push("
  • " + elem.substr(0, foundPos) + "" + + elem.substr(foundPos, entry.length) + "" + elem.substr( + foundPos + entry.length) + "
  • "); + break; + } + } + + foundPos = instance.options.ignoreCase ? + elem.toLowerCase().indexOf(entry.toLowerCase(), foundPos + 1) : + elem.indexOf(entry, foundPos + 1); + + } + } + if (partial.length) + ret = ret.concat(partial.slice(0, instance.options.choices - ret.length)); + return "
      " + ret.join('') + "
    "; + } + }, options || { }); + } +}); + +// AJAX in-place editor and collection editor +// Full rewrite by Christophe Porteneuve (April 2007). + +// Use this if you notice weird scrolling problems on some browsers, +// the DOM might be a bit confused when this gets called so do this +// waits 1 ms (with setTimeout) until it does the activation +Field.scrollFreeActivate = function(field) { + setTimeout(function() { + Field.activate(field); + }, 1); +}; + +Ajax.InPlaceEditor = Class.create({ + initialize: function(element, url, options) { + this.url = url; + this.element = element = $(element); + this.prepareOptions(); + this._controls = { }; + arguments.callee.dealWithDeprecatedOptions(options); // DEPRECATION LAYER!!! + Object.extend(this.options, options || { }); + if (!this.options.formId && { + this.options.formId = + '-inplaceeditor'; + if ($(this.options.formId)) + this.options.formId = ''; + } + if (this.options.externalControl) + this.options.externalControl = $(this.options.externalControl); + if (!this.options.externalControl) + this.options.externalControlOnly = false; + this._originalBackground = this.element.getStyle('background-color') || 'transparent'; + this.element.title = this.options.clickToEditText; + this._boundCancelHandler = this.handleFormCancellation.bind(this); + this._boundComplete = (this.options.onComplete || Prototype.emptyFunction).bind(this); + this._boundFailureHandler = this.handleAJAXFailure.bind(this); + this._boundSubmitHandler = this.handleFormSubmission.bind(this); + this._boundWrapperHandler = this.wrapUp.bind(this); + this.registerListeners(); + }, + checkForEscapeOrReturn: function(e) { + if (!this._editing || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.shiftKey) return; + if (Event.KEY_ESC == e.keyCode) + this.handleFormCancellation(e); + else if (Event.KEY_RETURN == e.keyCode) + this.handleFormSubmission(e); + }, + createControl: function(mode, handler, extraClasses) { + var control = this.options[mode + 'Control']; + var text = this.options[mode + 'Text']; + if ('button' == control) { + var btn = document.createElement('input'); + btn.type = 'submit'; + btn.value = text; + btn.className = 'editor_' + mode + '_button'; + if ('cancel' == mode) + btn.onclick = this._boundCancelHandler; + this._form.appendChild(btn); + this._controls[mode] = btn; + } else if ('link' == control) { + var link = document.createElement('a'); + link.href = '#'; + link.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); + link.onclick = 'cancel' == mode ? this._boundCancelHandler : this._boundSubmitHandler; + link.className = 'editor_' + mode + '_link'; + if (extraClasses) + link.className += ' ' + extraClasses; + this._form.appendChild(link); + this._controls[mode] = link; + } + }, + createEditField: function() { + var text = (this.options.loadTextURL ? this.options.loadingText : this.getText()); + var fld; + if (1 >= this.options.rows && !/\r|\n/.test(this.getText())) { + fld = document.createElement('input'); + fld.type = 'text'; + var size = this.options.size || this.options.cols || 0; + if (0 < size) fld.size = size; + } else { + fld = document.createElement('textarea'); + fld.rows = (1 >= this.options.rows ? this.options.autoRows : this.options.rows); + fld.cols = this.options.cols || 40; + } + = this.options.paramName; + fld.value = text; // No HTML breaks conversion anymore + fld.className = 'editor_field'; + if (this.options.submitOnBlur) + fld.onblur = this._boundSubmitHandler; + this._controls.editor = fld; + if (this.options.loadTextURL) + this.loadExternalText(); + this._form.appendChild(this._controls.editor); + }, + createForm: function() { + var ipe = this; + function addText(mode, condition) { + var text = ipe.options['text' + mode + 'Controls']; + if (!text || condition === false) return; + ipe._form.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); + }; + this._form = $(document.createElement('form')); + = this.options.formId; + this._form.addClassName(this.options.formClassName); + this._form.onsubmit = this._boundSubmitHandler; + this.createEditField(); + if ('textarea' == this._controls.editor.tagName.toLowerCase()) + this._form.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); + if (this.options.onFormCustomization) + this.options.onFormCustomization(this, this._form); + addText('Before', this.options.okControl || this.options.cancelControl); + this.createControl('ok', this._boundSubmitHandler); + addText('Between', this.options.okControl && this.options.cancelControl); + this.createControl('cancel', this._boundCancelHandler, 'editor_cancel'); + addText('After', this.options.okControl || this.options.cancelControl); + }, + destroy: function() { + if (this._oldInnerHTML) + this.element.innerHTML = this._oldInnerHTML; + this.leaveEditMode(); + this.unregisterListeners(); + }, + enterEditMode: function(e) { + if (this._saving || this._editing) return; + this._editing = true; + this.triggerCallback('onEnterEditMode'); + if (this.options.externalControl) + this.options.externalControl.hide(); + this.element.hide(); + this.createForm(); + this.element.parentNode.insertBefore(this._form, this.element); + if (!this.options.loadTextURL) + this.postProcessEditField(); + if (e) Event.stop(e); + }, + enterHover: function(e) { + if (this.options.hoverClassName) + this.element.addClassName(this.options.hoverClassName); + if (this._saving) return; + this.triggerCallback('onEnterHover'); + }, + getText: function() { + return this.element.innerHTML.unescapeHTML(); + }, + handleAJAXFailure: function(transport) { + this.triggerCallback('onFailure', transport); + if (this._oldInnerHTML) { + this.element.innerHTML = this._oldInnerHTML; + this._oldInnerHTML = null; + } + }, + handleFormCancellation: function(e) { + this.wrapUp(); + if (e) Event.stop(e); + }, + handleFormSubmission: function(e) { + var form = this._form; + var value = $F(this._controls.editor); + this.prepareSubmission(); + var params = this.options.callback(form, value) || ''; + if (Object.isString(params)) + params = params.toQueryParams(); + params.editorId =; + if (this.options.htmlResponse) { + var options = Object.extend({ evalScripts: true }, this.options.ajaxOptions); + Object.extend(options, { + parameters: params, + onComplete: this._boundWrapperHandler, + onFailure: this._boundFailureHandler + }); + new Ajax.Updater({ success: this.element }, this.url, options); + } else { + var options = Object.extend({ method: 'get' }, this.options.ajaxOptions); + Object.extend(options, { + parameters: params, + onComplete: this._boundWrapperHandler, + onFailure: this._boundFailureHandler + }); + new Ajax.Request(this.url, options); + } + if (e) Event.stop(e); + }, + leaveEditMode: function() { + this.element.removeClassName(this.options.savingClassName); + this.removeForm(); + this.leaveHover(); + = this._originalBackground; +; + if (this.options.externalControl) +; + this._saving = false; + this._editing = false; + this._oldInnerHTML = null; + this.triggerCallback('onLeaveEditMode'); + }, + leaveHover: function(e) { + if (this.options.hoverClassName) + this.element.removeClassName(this.options.hoverClassName); + if (this._saving) return; + this.triggerCallback('onLeaveHover'); + }, + loadExternalText: function() { + this._form.addClassName(this.options.loadingClassName); + this._controls.editor.disabled = true; + var options = Object.extend({ method: 'get' }, this.options.ajaxOptions); + Object.extend(options, { + parameters: 'editorId=' + encodeURIComponent(, + onComplete: Prototype.emptyFunction, + onSuccess: function(transport) { + this._form.removeClassName(this.options.loadingClassName); + var text = transport.responseText; + if (this.options.stripLoadedTextTags) + text = text.stripTags(); + this._controls.editor.value = text; + this._controls.editor.disabled = false; + this.postProcessEditField(); + }.bind(this), + onFailure: this._boundFailureHandler + }); + new Ajax.Request(this.options.loadTextURL, options); + }, + postProcessEditField: function() { + var fpc = this.options.fieldPostCreation; + if (fpc) + $(this._controls.editor)['focus' == fpc ? 'focus' : 'activate'](); + }, + prepareOptions: function() { + this.options = Object.clone(Ajax.InPlaceEditor.DefaultOptions); + Object.extend(this.options, Ajax.InPlaceEditor.DefaultCallbacks); + [this._extraDefaultOptions].flatten().compact().each(function(defs) { + Object.extend(this.options, defs); + }.bind(this)); + }, + prepareSubmission: function() { + this._saving = true; + this.removeForm(); + this.leaveHover(); + this.showSaving(); + }, + registerListeners: function() { + this._listeners = { }; + var listener; + $H(Ajax.InPlaceEditor.Listeners).each(function(pair) { + listener = this[pair.value].bind(this); + this._listeners[pair.key] = listener; + if (!this.options.externalControlOnly) + this.element.observe(pair.key, listener); + if (this.options.externalControl) + this.options.externalControl.observe(pair.key, listener); + }.bind(this)); + }, + removeForm: function() { + if (!this._form) return; + this._form.remove(); + this._form = null; + this._controls = { }; + }, + showSaving: function() { + this._oldInnerHTML = this.element.innerHTML; + this.element.innerHTML = this.options.savingText; + this.element.addClassName(this.options.savingClassName); + = this._originalBackground; +; + }, + triggerCallback: function(cbName, arg) { + if ('function' == typeof this.options[cbName]) { + this.options[cbName](this, arg); + } + }, + unregisterListeners: function() { + $H(this._listeners).each(function(pair) { + if (!this.options.externalControlOnly) + this.element.stopObserving(pair.key, pair.value); + if (this.options.externalControl) + this.options.externalControl.stopObserving(pair.key, pair.value); + }.bind(this)); + }, + wrapUp: function(transport) { + this.leaveEditMode(); + // Can't use triggerCallback due to backward compatibility: requires + // binding + direct element + this._boundComplete(transport, this.element); + } +}); + +Object.extend(Ajax.InPlaceEditor.prototype, { + dispose: Ajax.InPlaceEditor.prototype.destroy +}); + +Ajax.InPlaceCollectionEditor = Class.create(Ajax.InPlaceEditor, { + initialize: function($super, element, url, options) { + this._extraDefaultOptions = Ajax.InPlaceCollectionEditor.DefaultOptions; + $super(element, url, options); + }, + + createEditField: function() { + var list = document.createElement('select'); + = this.options.paramName; + list.size = 1; + this._controls.editor = list; + this._collection = this.options.collection || []; + if (this.options.loadCollectionURL) + this.loadCollection(); + else + this.checkForExternalText(); + this._form.appendChild(this._controls.editor); + }, + + loadCollection: function() { + this._form.addClassName(this.options.loadingClassName); + this.showLoadingText(this.options.loadingCollectionText); + var options = Object.extend({ method: 'get' }, this.options.ajaxOptions); + Object.extend(options, { + parameters: 'editorId=' + encodeURIComponent(, + onComplete: Prototype.emptyFunction, + onSuccess: function(transport) { + var js = transport.responseText.strip(); + if (!/^\[.*\]$/.test(js)) // TODO: improve sanity check + throw('Server returned an invalid collection representation.'); + this._collection = eval(js); + this.checkForExternalText(); + }.bind(this), + onFailure: this.onFailure + }); + new Ajax.Request(this.options.loadCollectionURL, options); + }, + + showLoadingText: function(text) { + this._controls.editor.disabled = true; + var tempOption = this._controls.editor.firstChild; + if (!tempOption) { + tempOption = document.createElement('option'); + tempOption.value = ''; + this._controls.editor.appendChild(tempOption); + tempOption.selected = true; + } + tempOption.update((text || '').stripScripts().stripTags()); + }, + + checkForExternalText: function() { + this._text = this.getText(); + if (this.options.loadTextURL) + this.loadExternalText(); + else + this.buildOptionList(); + }, + + loadExternalText: function() { + this.showLoadingText(this.options.loadingText); + var options = Object.extend({ method: 'get' }, this.options.ajaxOptions); + Object.extend(options, { + parameters: 'editorId=' + encodeURIComponent(, + onComplete: Prototype.emptyFunction, + onSuccess: function(transport) { + this._text = transport.responseText.strip(); + this.buildOptionList(); + }.bind(this), + onFailure: this.onFailure + }); + new Ajax.Request(this.options.loadTextURL, options); + }, + + buildOptionList: function() { + this._form.removeClassName(this.options.loadingClassName); + this._collection = { + return 2 === entry.length ? entry : [entry, entry].flatten(); + }); + var marker = ('value' in this.options) ? this.options.value : this._text; + var textFound = this._collection.any(function(entry) { + return entry[0] == marker; + }.bind(this)); + this._controls.editor.update(''); + var option; + this._collection.each(function(entry, index) { + option = document.createElement('option'); + option.value = entry[0]; + option.selected = textFound ? entry[0] == marker : 0 == index; + option.appendChild(document.createTextNode(entry[1])); + this._controls.editor.appendChild(option); + }.bind(this)); + this._controls.editor.disabled = false; + Field.scrollFreeActivate(this._controls.editor); + } +}); + +//**** DEPRECATION LAYER FOR InPlace[Collection]Editor! **** +//**** This only exists for a while, in order to let **** +//**** users adapt to the new API. Read up on the new **** +//**** API and convert your code to it ASAP! **** + +Ajax.InPlaceEditor.prototype.initialize.dealWithDeprecatedOptions = function(options) { + if (!options) return; + function fallback(name, expr) { + if (name in options || expr === undefined) return; + options[name] = expr; + }; + fallback('cancelControl', (options.cancelLink ? 'link' : (options.cancelButton ? 'button' : + options.cancelLink == options.cancelButton == false ? false : undefined))); + fallback('okControl', (options.okLink ? 'link' : (options.okButton ? 'button' : + options.okLink == options.okButton == false ? false : undefined))); + fallback('highlightColor', options.highlightcolor); + fallback('highlightEndColor', options.highlightendcolor); +}; + +Object.extend(Ajax.InPlaceEditor, { + DefaultOptions: { + ajaxOptions: { }, + autoRows: 3, // Use when multi-line w/ rows == 1 + cancelControl: 'link', // 'link'|'button'|false + cancelText: 'cancel', + clickToEditText: 'Click to edit', + externalControl: null, // id|elt + externalControlOnly: false, + fieldPostCreation: 'activate', // 'activate'|'focus'|false + formClassName: 'inplaceeditor-form', + formId: null, // id|elt + highlightColor: '#ffff99', + highlightEndColor: '#ffffff', + hoverClassName: '', + htmlResponse: true, + loadingClassName: 'inplaceeditor-loading', + loadingText: 'Loading...', + okControl: 'button', // 'link'|'button'|false + okText: 'ok', + paramName: 'value', + rows: 1, // If 1 and multi-line, uses autoRows + savingClassName: 'inplaceeditor-saving', + savingText: 'Saving...', + size: 0, + stripLoadedTextTags: false, + submitOnBlur: false, + textAfterControls: '', + textBeforeControls: '', + textBetweenControls: '' + }, + DefaultCallbacks: { + callback: function(form) { + return Form.serialize(form); + }, + onComplete: function(transport, element) { + // For backward compatibility, this one is bound to the IPE, and passes + // the element directly. It was too often customized, so we don't break it. + new Effect.Highlight(element, { + startcolor: this.options.highlightColor, keepBackgroundImage: true }); + }, + onEnterEditMode: null, + onEnterHover: function(ipe) { + = ipe.options.highlightColor; + if (ipe._effect) + ipe._effect.cancel(); + }, + onFailure: function(transport, ipe) { + alert('Error communication with the server: ' + transport.responseText.stripTags()); + }, + onFormCustomization: null, // Takes the IPE and its generated form, after editor, before controls. + onLeaveEditMode: null, + onLeaveHover: function(ipe) { + ipe._effect = new Effect.Highlight(ipe.element, { + startcolor: ipe.options.highlightColor, endcolor: ipe.options.highlightEndColor, + restorecolor: ipe._originalBackground, keepBackgroundImage: true + }); + } + }, + Listeners: { + click: 'enterEditMode', + keydown: 'checkForEscapeOrReturn', + mouseover: 'enterHover', + mouseout: 'leaveHover' + } +}); + +Ajax.InPlaceCollectionEditor.DefaultOptions = { + loadingCollectionText: 'Loading options...' +}; + +// Delayed observer, like Form.Element.Observer, +// but waits for delay after last key input +// Ideal for live-search fields + +Form.Element.DelayedObserver = Class.create({ + initialize: function(element, delay, callback) { + this.delay = delay || 0.5; + this.element = $(element); + this.callback = callback; + this.timer = null; + this.lastValue = $F(this.element); + Event.observe(this.element,'keyup',this.delayedListener.bindAsEventListener(this)); + }, + delayedListener: function(event) { + if(this.lastValue == $F(this.element)) return; + if(this.timer) clearTimeout(this.timer); + this.timer = setTimeout(this.onTimerEvent.bind(this), this.delay * 1000); + this.lastValue = $F(this.element); + }, + onTimerEvent: function() { + this.timer = null; + this.callback(this.element, $F(this.element)); + } +}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/javascripts/dragdrop.js b/public/javascripts/dragdrop.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..07229f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/public/javascripts/dragdrop.js @@ -0,0 +1,973 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Thomas Fuchs (, +// (c) 2005-2008 Sammi Williams (, +// +// is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license. +// For details, see the web site: + +if(Object.isUndefined(Effect)) + throw("dragdrop.js requires including' effects.js library"); + +var Droppables = { + drops: [], + + remove: function(element) { + this.drops = this.drops.reject(function(d) { return d.element==$(element) }); + }, + + add: function(element) { + element = $(element); + var options = Object.extend({ + greedy: true, + hoverclass: null, + tree: false + }, arguments[1] || { }); + + // cache containers + if(options.containment) { + options._containers = []; + var containment = options.containment; + if(Object.isArray(containment)) { + containment.each( function(c) { options._containers.push($(c)) }); + } else { + options._containers.push($(containment)); + } + } + + if(options.accept) options.accept = [options.accept].flatten(); + + Element.makePositioned(element); // fix IE + options.element = element; + + this.drops.push(options); + }, + + findDeepestChild: function(drops) { + deepest = drops[0]; + + for (i = 1; i < drops.length; ++i) + if (Element.isParent(drops[i].element, deepest.element)) + deepest = drops[i]; + + return deepest; + }, + + isContained: function(element, drop) { + var containmentNode; + if(drop.tree) { + containmentNode = element.treeNode; + } else { + containmentNode = element.parentNode; + } + return drop._containers.detect(function(c) { return containmentNode == c }); + }, + + isAffected: function(point, element, drop) { + return ( + (drop.element!=element) && + ((!drop._containers) || + this.isContained(element, drop)) && + ((!drop.accept) || + (Element.classNames(element).detect( + function(v) { return drop.accept.include(v) } ) )) && + Position.within(drop.element, point[0], point[1]) ); + }, + + deactivate: function(drop) { + if(drop.hoverclass) + Element.removeClassName(drop.element, drop.hoverclass); + this.last_active = null; + }, + + activate: function(drop) { + if(drop.hoverclass) + Element.addClassName(drop.element, drop.hoverclass); + this.last_active = drop; + }, + + show: function(point, element) { + if(!this.drops.length) return; + var drop, affected = []; + + this.drops.each( function(drop) { + if(Droppables.isAffected(point, element, drop)) + affected.push(drop); + }); + + if(affected.length>0) + drop = Droppables.findDeepestChild(affected); + + if(this.last_active && this.last_active != drop) this.deactivate(this.last_active); + if (drop) { + Position.within(drop.element, point[0], point[1]); + if(drop.onHover) + drop.onHover(element, drop.element, Position.overlap(drop.overlap, drop.element)); + + if (drop != this.last_active) Droppables.activate(drop); + } + }, + + fire: function(event, element) { + if(!this.last_active) return; + Position.prepare(); + + if (this.isAffected([Event.pointerX(event), Event.pointerY(event)], element, this.last_active)) + if (this.last_active.onDrop) { + this.last_active.onDrop(element, this.last_active.element, event); + return true; + } + }, + + reset: function() { + if(this.last_active) + this.deactivate(this.last_active); + } +}; + +var Draggables = { + drags: [], + observers: [], + + register: function(draggable) { + if(this.drags.length == 0) { + this.eventMouseUp = this.endDrag.bindAsEventListener(this); + this.eventMouseMove = this.updateDrag.bindAsEventListener(this); + this.eventKeypress = this.keyPress.bindAsEventListener(this); + + Event.observe(document, "mouseup", this.eventMouseUp); + Event.observe(document, "mousemove", this.eventMouseMove); + Event.observe(document, "keypress", this.eventKeypress); + } + this.drags.push(draggable); + }, + + unregister: function(draggable) { + this.drags = this.drags.reject(function(d) { return d==draggable }); + if(this.drags.length == 0) { + Event.stopObserving(document, "mouseup", this.eventMouseUp); + Event.stopObserving(document, "mousemove", this.eventMouseMove); + Event.stopObserving(document, "keypress", this.eventKeypress); + } + }, + + activate: function(draggable) { + if(draggable.options.delay) { + this._timeout = setTimeout(function() { + Draggables._timeout = null; + window.focus(); + Draggables.activeDraggable = draggable; + }.bind(this), draggable.options.delay); + } else { + window.focus(); // allows keypress events if window isn't currently focused, fails for Safari + this.activeDraggable = draggable; + } + }, + + deactivate: function() { + this.activeDraggable = null; + }, + + updateDrag: function(event) { + if(!this.activeDraggable) return; + var pointer = [Event.pointerX(event), Event.pointerY(event)]; + // Mozilla-based browsers fire successive mousemove events with + // the same coordinates, prevent needless redrawing (moz bug?) + if(this._lastPointer && (this._lastPointer.inspect() == pointer.inspect())) return; + this._lastPointer = pointer; + + this.activeDraggable.updateDrag(event, pointer); + }, + + endDrag: function(event) { + if(this._timeout) { + clearTimeout(this._timeout); + this._timeout = null; + } + if(!this.activeDraggable) return; + this._lastPointer = null; + this.activeDraggable.endDrag(event); + this.activeDraggable = null; + }, + + keyPress: function(event) { + if(this.activeDraggable) + this.activeDraggable.keyPress(event); + }, + + addObserver: function(observer) { + this.observers.push(observer); + this._cacheObserverCallbacks(); + }, + + removeObserver: function(element) { // element instead of observer fixes mem leaks + this.observers = this.observers.reject( function(o) { return o.element==element }); + this._cacheObserverCallbacks(); + }, + + notify: function(eventName, draggable, event) { // 'onStart', 'onEnd', 'onDrag' + if(this[eventName+'Count'] > 0) + this.observers.each( function(o) { + if(o[eventName]) o[eventName](eventName, draggable, event); + }); + if(draggable.options[eventName]) draggable.options[eventName](draggable, event); + }, + + _cacheObserverCallbacks: function() { + ['onStart','onEnd','onDrag'].each( function(eventName) { + Draggables[eventName+'Count'] = + function(o) { return o[eventName]; } + ).length; + }); + } +}; + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +var Draggable = Class.create({ + initialize: function(element) { + var defaults = { + handle: false, + reverteffect: function(element, top_offset, left_offset) { + var dur = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(top_offset^2)+Math.abs(left_offset^2))*0.02; + new Effect.Move(element, { x: -left_offset, y: -top_offset, duration: dur, + queue: {scope:'_draggable', position:'end'} + }); + }, + endeffect: function(element) { + var toOpacity = Object.isNumber(element._opacity) ? element._opacity : 1.0; + new Effect.Opacity(element, {duration:0.2, from:0.7, to:toOpacity, + queue: {scope:'_draggable', position:'end'}, + afterFinish: function(){ + Draggable._dragging[element] = false + } + }); + }, + zindex: 1000, + revert: false, + quiet: false, + scroll: false, + scrollSensitivity: 20, + scrollSpeed: 15, + snap: false, // false, or xy or [x,y] or function(x,y){ return [x,y] } + delay: 0 + }; + + if(!arguments[1] || Object.isUndefined(arguments[1].endeffect)) + Object.extend(defaults, { + starteffect: function(element) { + element._opacity = Element.getOpacity(element); + Draggable._dragging[element] = true; + new Effect.Opacity(element, {duration:0.2, from:element._opacity, to:0.7}); + } + }); + + var options = Object.extend(defaults, arguments[1] || { }); + + this.element = $(element); + + if(options.handle && Object.isString(options.handle)) + this.handle = this.element.down('.'+options.handle, 0); + + if(!this.handle) this.handle = $(options.handle); + if(!this.handle) this.handle = this.element; + + if(options.scroll && !options.scroll.scrollTo && !options.scroll.outerHTML) { + options.scroll = $(options.scroll); + this._isScrollChild = Element.childOf(this.element, options.scroll); + } + + Element.makePositioned(this.element); // fix IE + + this.options = options; + this.dragging = false; + + this.eventMouseDown = this.initDrag.bindAsEventListener(this); + Event.observe(this.handle, "mousedown", this.eventMouseDown); + + Draggables.register(this); + }, + + destroy: function() { + Event.stopObserving(this.handle, "mousedown", this.eventMouseDown); + Draggables.unregister(this); + }, + + currentDelta: function() { + return([ + parseInt(Element.getStyle(this.element,'left') || '0'), + parseInt(Element.getStyle(this.element,'top') || '0')]); + }, + + initDrag: function(event) { + if(!Object.isUndefined(Draggable._dragging[this.element]) && + Draggable._dragging[this.element]) return; + if(Event.isLeftClick(event)) { + // abort on form elements, fixes a Firefox issue + var src = Event.element(event); + if((tag_name = src.tagName.toUpperCase()) && ( + tag_name=='INPUT' || + tag_name=='SELECT' || + tag_name=='OPTION' || + tag_name=='BUTTON' || + tag_name=='TEXTAREA')) return; + + var pointer = [Event.pointerX(event), Event.pointerY(event)]; + var pos = Position.cumulativeOffset(this.element); + this.offset = [0,1].map( function(i) { return (pointer[i] - pos[i]) }); + + Draggables.activate(this); + Event.stop(event); + } + }, + + startDrag: function(event) { + this.dragging = true; + if(! + = this.currentDelta(); + + if(this.options.zindex) { + this.originalZ = parseInt(Element.getStyle(this.element,'z-index') || 0); + = this.options.zindex; + } + + if(this.options.ghosting) { + this._clone = this.element.cloneNode(true); + this._originallyAbsolute = (this.element.getStyle('position') == 'absolute'); + if (!this._originallyAbsolute) + Position.absolutize(this.element); + this.element.parentNode.insertBefore(this._clone, this.element); + } + + if(this.options.scroll) { + if (this.options.scroll == window) { + var where = this._getWindowScroll(this.options.scroll); + this.originalScrollLeft = where.left; + this.originalScrollTop =; + } else { + this.originalScrollLeft = this.options.scroll.scrollLeft; + this.originalScrollTop = this.options.scroll.scrollTop; + } + } + + Draggables.notify('onStart', this, event); + + if(this.options.starteffect) this.options.starteffect(this.element); + }, + + updateDrag: function(event, pointer) { + if(!this.dragging) this.startDrag(event); + + if(!this.options.quiet){ + Position.prepare(); +, this.element); + } + + Draggables.notify('onDrag', this, event); + + this.draw(pointer); + if(this.options.change) this.options.change(this); + + if(this.options.scroll) { + this.stopScrolling(); + + var p; + if (this.options.scroll == window) { + with(this._getWindowScroll(this.options.scroll)) { p = [ left, top, left+width, top+height ]; } + } else { + p =; + p[0] += this.options.scroll.scrollLeft + Position.deltaX; + p[1] += this.options.scroll.scrollTop + Position.deltaY; + p.push(p[0]+this.options.scroll.offsetWidth); + p.push(p[1]+this.options.scroll.offsetHeight); + } + var speed = [0,0]; + if(pointer[0] < (p[0]+this.options.scrollSensitivity)) speed[0] = pointer[0]-(p[0]+this.options.scrollSensitivity); + if(pointer[1] < (p[1]+this.options.scrollSensitivity)) speed[1] = pointer[1]-(p[1]+this.options.scrollSensitivity); + if(pointer[0] > (p[2]-this.options.scrollSensitivity)) speed[0] = pointer[0]-(p[2]-this.options.scrollSensitivity); + if(pointer[1] > (p[3]-this.options.scrollSensitivity)) speed[1] = pointer[1]-(p[3]-this.options.scrollSensitivity); + this.startScrolling(speed); + } + + // fix AppleWebKit rendering + if(Prototype.Browser.WebKit) window.scrollBy(0,0); + + Event.stop(event); + }, + + finishDrag: function(event, success) { + this.dragging = false; + + if(this.options.quiet){ + Position.prepare(); + var pointer = [Event.pointerX(event), Event.pointerY(event)]; +, this.element); + } + + if(this.options.ghosting) { + if (!this._originallyAbsolute) + Position.relativize(this.element); + delete this._originallyAbsolute; + Element.remove(this._clone); + this._clone = null; + } + + var dropped = false; + if(success) { + dropped =, this.element); + if (!dropped) dropped = false; + } + if(dropped && this.options.onDropped) this.options.onDropped(this.element); + Draggables.notify('onEnd', this, event); + + var revert = this.options.revert; + if(revert && Object.isFunction(revert)) revert = revert(this.element); + + var d = this.currentDelta(); + if(revert && this.options.reverteffect) { + if (dropped == 0 || revert != 'failure') + this.options.reverteffect(this.element, + d[1][1], d[0][0]); + } else { + = d; + } + + if(this.options.zindex) + = this.originalZ; + + if(this.options.endeffect) + this.options.endeffect(this.element); + + Draggables.deactivate(this); + Droppables.reset(); + }, + + keyPress: function(event) { + if(event.keyCode!=Event.KEY_ESC) return; + this.finishDrag(event, false); + Event.stop(event); + }, + + endDrag: function(event) { + if(!this.dragging) return; + this.stopScrolling(); + this.finishDrag(event, true); + Event.stop(event); + }, + + draw: function(point) { + var pos = Position.cumulativeOffset(this.element); + if(this.options.ghosting) { + var r = Position.realOffset(this.element); + pos[0] += r[0] - Position.deltaX; pos[1] += r[1] - Position.deltaY; + } + + var d = this.currentDelta(); + pos[0] -= d[0]; pos[1] -= d[1]; + + if(this.options.scroll && (this.options.scroll != window && this._isScrollChild)) { + pos[0] -= this.options.scroll.scrollLeft-this.originalScrollLeft; + pos[1] -= this.options.scroll.scrollTop-this.originalScrollTop; + } + + var p = [0,1].map(function(i){ + return (point[i]-pos[i]-this.offset[i]) + }.bind(this)); + + if(this.options.snap) { + if(Object.isFunction(this.options.snap)) { + p = this.options.snap(p[0],p[1],this); + } else { + if(Object.isArray(this.options.snap)) { + p = function(v, i) { + return (v/this.options.snap[i]).round()*this.options.snap[i] }.bind(this)); + } else { + p = function(v) { + return (v/this.options.snap).round()*this.options.snap }.bind(this)); + } + }} + + var style =; + if((!this.options.constraint) || (this.options.constraint=='horizontal')) + style.left = p[0] + "px"; + if((!this.options.constraint) || (this.options.constraint=='vertical')) + = p[1] + "px"; + + if(style.visibility=="hidden") style.visibility = ""; // fix gecko rendering + }, + + stopScrolling: function() { + if(this.scrollInterval) { + clearInterval(this.scrollInterval); + this.scrollInterval = null; + Draggables._lastScrollPointer = null; + } + }, + + startScrolling: function(speed) { + if(!(speed[0] || speed[1])) return; + this.scrollSpeed = [speed[0]*this.options.scrollSpeed,speed[1]*this.options.scrollSpeed]; + this.lastScrolled = new Date(); + this.scrollInterval = setInterval(this.scroll.bind(this), 10); + }, + + scroll: function() { + var current = new Date(); + var delta = current - this.lastScrolled; + this.lastScrolled = current; + if(this.options.scroll == window) { + with (this._getWindowScroll(this.options.scroll)) { + if (this.scrollSpeed[0] || this.scrollSpeed[1]) { + var d = delta / 1000; + this.options.scroll.scrollTo( left + d*this.scrollSpeed[0], top + d*this.scrollSpeed[1] ); + } + } + } else { + this.options.scroll.scrollLeft += this.scrollSpeed[0] * delta / 1000; + this.options.scroll.scrollTop += this.scrollSpeed[1] * delta / 1000; + } + + Position.prepare(); +, this.element); + Draggables.notify('onDrag', this); + if (this._isScrollChild) { + Draggables._lastScrollPointer = Draggables._lastScrollPointer || $A(Draggables._lastPointer); + Draggables._lastScrollPointer[0] += this.scrollSpeed[0] * delta / 1000; + Draggables._lastScrollPointer[1] += this.scrollSpeed[1] * delta / 1000; + if (Draggables._lastScrollPointer[0] < 0) + Draggables._lastScrollPointer[0] = 0; + if (Draggables._lastScrollPointer[1] < 0) + Draggables._lastScrollPointer[1] = 0; + this.draw(Draggables._lastScrollPointer); + } + + if(this.options.change) this.options.change(this); + }, + + _getWindowScroll: function(w) { + var T, L, W, H; + with (w.document) { + if (w.document.documentElement && documentElement.scrollTop) { + T = documentElement.scrollTop; + L = documentElement.scrollLeft; + } else if (w.document.body) { + T = body.scrollTop; + L = body.scrollLeft; + } + if (w.innerWidth) { + W = w.innerWidth; + H = w.innerHeight; + } else if (w.document.documentElement && documentElement.clientWidth) { + W = documentElement.clientWidth; + H = documentElement.clientHeight; + } else { + W = body.offsetWidth; + H = body.offsetHeight; + } + } + return { top: T, left: L, width: W, height: H }; + } +}); + +Draggable._dragging = { }; + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +var SortableObserver = Class.create({ + initialize: function(element, observer) { + this.element = $(element); + = observer; + this.lastValue = Sortable.serialize(this.element); + }, + + onStart: function() { + this.lastValue = Sortable.serialize(this.element); + }, + + onEnd: function() { + Sortable.unmark(); + if(this.lastValue != Sortable.serialize(this.element)) + + } +}); + +var Sortable = { + SERIALIZE_RULE: /^[^_\-](?:[A-Za-z0-9\-\_]*)[_](.*)$/, + + sortables: { }, + + _findRootElement: function(element) { + while (element.tagName.toUpperCase() != "BODY") { + if( && Sortable.sortables[]) return element; + element = element.parentNode; + } + }, + + options: function(element) { + element = Sortable._findRootElement($(element)); + if(!element) return; + return Sortable.sortables[]; + }, + + destroy: function(element){ + element = $(element); + var s = Sortable.sortables[]; + + if(s) { + Draggables.removeObserver(s.element); + s.droppables.each(function(d){ Droppables.remove(d) }); + s.draggables.invoke('destroy'); + + delete Sortable.sortables[]; + } + }, + + create: function(element) { + element = $(element); + var options = Object.extend({ + element: element, + tag: 'li', // assumes li children, override with tag: 'tagname' + dropOnEmpty: false, + tree: false, + treeTag: 'ul', + overlap: 'vertical', // one of 'vertical', 'horizontal' + constraint: 'vertical', // one of 'vertical', 'horizontal', false + containment: element, // also takes array of elements (or id's); or false + handle: false, // or a CSS class + only: false, + delay: 0, + hoverclass: null, + ghosting: false, + quiet: false, + scroll: false, + scrollSensitivity: 20, + scrollSpeed: 15, + format: this.SERIALIZE_RULE, + + // these take arrays of elements or ids and can be + // used for better initialization performance + elements: false, + handles: false, + + onChange: Prototype.emptyFunction, + onUpdate: Prototype.emptyFunction + }, arguments[1] || { }); + + // clear any old sortable with same element + this.destroy(element); + + // build options for the draggables + var options_for_draggable = { + revert: true, + quiet: options.quiet, + scroll: options.scroll, + scrollSpeed: options.scrollSpeed, + scrollSensitivity: options.scrollSensitivity, + delay: options.delay, + ghosting: options.ghosting, + constraint: options.constraint, + handle: options.handle }; + + if(options.starteffect) + options_for_draggable.starteffect = options.starteffect; + + if(options.reverteffect) + options_for_draggable.reverteffect = options.reverteffect; + else + if(options.ghosting) options_for_draggable.reverteffect = function(element) { + = 0; + = 0; + }; + + if(options.endeffect) + options_for_draggable.endeffect = options.endeffect; + + if(options.zindex) + options_for_draggable.zindex = options.zindex; + + // build options for the droppables + var options_for_droppable = { + overlap: options.overlap, + containment: options.containment, + tree: options.tree, + hoverclass: options.hoverclass, + onHover: Sortable.onHover + }; + + var options_for_tree = { + onHover: Sortable.onEmptyHover, + overlap: options.overlap, + containment: options.containment, + hoverclass: options.hoverclass + }; + + // fix for gecko engine + Element.cleanWhitespace(element); + + options.draggables = []; + options.droppables = []; + + // drop on empty handling + if(options.dropOnEmpty || options.tree) { + Droppables.add(element, options_for_tree); + options.droppables.push(element); + } + + (options.elements || this.findElements(element, options) || []).each( function(e,i) { + var handle = options.handles ? $(options.handles[i]) : + (options.handle ? $(e).select('.' + options.handle)[0] : e); + options.draggables.push( + new Draggable(e, Object.extend(options_for_draggable, { handle: handle }))); + Droppables.add(e, options_for_droppable); + if(options.tree) e.treeNode = element; + options.droppables.push(e); + }); + + if(options.tree) { + (Sortable.findTreeElements(element, options) || []).each( function(e) { + Droppables.add(e, options_for_tree); + e.treeNode = element; + options.droppables.push(e); + }); + } + + // keep reference + this.sortables[] = options; + + // for onupdate + Draggables.addObserver(new SortableObserver(element, options.onUpdate)); + + }, + + // return all suitable-for-sortable elements in a guaranteed order + findElements: function(element, options) { + return Element.findChildren( + element, options.only, options.tree ? true : false, options.tag); + }, + + findTreeElements: function(element, options) { + return Element.findChildren( + element, options.only, options.tree ? true : false, options.treeTag); + }, + + onHover: function(element, dropon, overlap) { + if(Element.isParent(dropon, element)) return; + + if(overlap > .33 && overlap < .66 && Sortable.options(dropon).tree) { + return; + } else if(overlap>0.5) { + Sortable.mark(dropon, 'before'); + if(dropon.previousSibling != element) { + var oldParentNode = element.parentNode; + = "hidden"; // fix gecko rendering + dropon.parentNode.insertBefore(element, dropon); + if(dropon.parentNode!=oldParentNode) + Sortable.options(oldParentNode).onChange(element); + Sortable.options(dropon.parentNode).onChange(element); + } + } else { + Sortable.mark(dropon, 'after'); + var nextElement = dropon.nextSibling || null; + if(nextElement != element) { + var oldParentNode = element.parentNode; + = "hidden"; // fix gecko rendering + dropon.parentNode.insertBefore(element, nextElement); + if(dropon.parentNode!=oldParentNode) + Sortable.options(oldParentNode).onChange(element); + Sortable.options(dropon.parentNode).onChange(element); + } + } + }, + + onEmptyHover: function(element, dropon, overlap) { + var oldParentNode = element.parentNode; + var droponOptions = Sortable.options(dropon); + + if(!Element.isParent(dropon, element)) { + var index; + + var children = Sortable.findElements(dropon, {tag: droponOptions.tag, only: droponOptions.only}); + var child = null; + + if(children) { + var offset = Element.offsetSize(dropon, droponOptions.overlap) * (1.0 - overlap); + + for (index = 0; index < children.length; index += 1) { + if (offset - Element.offsetSize (children[index], droponOptions.overlap) >= 0) { + offset -= Element.offsetSize (children[index], droponOptions.overlap); + } else if (offset - (Element.offsetSize (children[index], droponOptions.overlap) / 2) >= 0) { + child = index + 1 < children.length ? children[index + 1] : null; + break; + } else { + child = children[index]; + break; + } + } + } + + dropon.insertBefore(element, child); + + Sortable.options(oldParentNode).onChange(element); + droponOptions.onChange(element); + } + }, + + unmark: function() { + if(Sortable._marker) Sortable._marker.hide(); + }, + + mark: function(dropon, position) { + // mark on ghosting only + var sortable = Sortable.options(dropon.parentNode); + if(sortable && !sortable.ghosting) return; + + if(!Sortable._marker) { + Sortable._marker = + ($('dropmarker') || Element.extend(document.createElement('DIV'))). + hide().addClassName('dropmarker').setStyle({position:'absolute'}); + document.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0).appendChild(Sortable._marker); + } + var offsets = Position.cumulativeOffset(dropon); + Sortable._marker.setStyle({left: offsets[0]+'px', top: offsets[1] + 'px'}); + + if(position=='after') + if(sortable.overlap == 'horizontal') + Sortable._marker.setStyle({left: (offsets[0]+dropon.clientWidth) + 'px'}); + else + Sortable._marker.setStyle({top: (offsets[1]+dropon.clientHeight) + 'px'}); + +; + }, + + _tree: function(element, options, parent) { + var children = Sortable.findElements(element, options) || []; + + for (var i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) { + var match = children[i].id.match(options.format); + + if (!match) continue; + + var child = { + id: encodeURIComponent(match ? match[1] : null), + element: element, + parent: parent, + children: [], + position: parent.children.length, + container: $(children[i]).down(options.treeTag) + }; + + /* Get the element containing the children and recurse over it */ + if (child.container) + this._tree(child.container, options, child); + + parent.children.push (child); + } + + return parent; + }, + + tree: function(element) { + element = $(element); + var sortableOptions = this.options(element); + var options = Object.extend({ + tag: sortableOptions.tag, + treeTag: sortableOptions.treeTag, + only: sortableOptions.only, + name:, + format: sortableOptions.format + }, arguments[1] || { }); + + var root = { + id: null, + parent: null, + children: [], + container: element, + position: 0 + }; + + return Sortable._tree(element, options, root); + }, + + /* Construct a [i] index for a particular node */ + _constructIndex: function(node) { + var index = ''; + do { + if ( index = '[' + node.position + ']' + index; + } while ((node = node.parent) != null); + return index; + }, + + sequence: function(element) { + element = $(element); + var options = Object.extend(this.options(element), arguments[1] || { }); + + return $(this.findElements(element, options) || []).map( function(item) { + return ?[1] : ''; + }); + }, + + setSequence: function(element, new_sequence) { + element = $(element); + var options = Object.extend(this.options(element), arguments[2] || { }); + + var nodeMap = { }; + this.findElements(element, options).each( function(n) { + if ( + nodeMap[[1]] = [n, n.parentNode]; + n.parentNode.removeChild(n); + }); + + new_sequence.each(function(ident) { + var n = nodeMap[ident]; + if (n) { + n[1].appendChild(n[0]); + delete nodeMap[ident]; + } + }); + }, + + serialize: function(element) { + element = $(element); + var options = Object.extend(Sortable.options(element), arguments[1] || { }); + var name = encodeURIComponent( + (arguments[1] && arguments[1].name) ? arguments[1].name :; + + if (options.tree) { + return Sortable.tree(element, arguments[1]) function (item) { + return [name + Sortable._constructIndex(item) + "[id]=" + + encodeURIComponent(].concat(; + }).flatten().join('&'); + } else { + return Sortable.sequence(element, arguments[1]).map( function(item) { + return name + "[]=" + encodeURIComponent(item); + }).join('&'); + } + } +}; + +// Returns true if child is contained within element +Element.isParent = function(child, element) { + if (!child.parentNode || child == element) return false; + if (child.parentNode == element) return true; + return Element.isParent(child.parentNode, element); +}; + +Element.findChildren = function(element, only, recursive, tagName) { + if(!element.hasChildNodes()) return null; + tagName = tagName.toUpperCase(); + if(only) only = [only].flatten(); + var elements = []; + $A(element.childNodes).each( function(e) { + if(e.tagName && e.tagName.toUpperCase()==tagName && + (!only || (Element.classNames(e).detect(function(v) { return only.include(v) })))) + elements.push(e); + if(recursive) { + var grandchildren = Element.findChildren(e, only, recursive, tagName); + if(grandchildren) elements.push(grandchildren); + } + }); + + return (elements.length>0 ? elements.flatten() : []); +}; + +Element.offsetSize = function (element, type) { + return element['offset' + ((type=='vertical' || type=='height') ? 'Height' : 'Width')]; +}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/javascripts/effects.js b/public/javascripts/effects.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..5a639d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/public/javascripts/effects.js @@ -0,0 +1,1128 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Thomas Fuchs (, +// Contributors: +// Justin Palmer ( +// Mark Pilgrim ( +// Martin Bialasinki +// +// is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license. +// For details, see the web site: + +// converts rgb() and #xxx to #xxxxxx format, +// returns self (or first argument) if not convertable +String.prototype.parseColor = function() { + var color = '#'; + if (this.slice(0,4) == 'rgb(') { + var cols = this.slice(4,this.length-1).split(','); + var i=0; do { color += parseInt(cols[i]).toColorPart() } while (++i<3); + } else { + if (this.slice(0,1) == '#') { + if (this.length==4) for(var i=1;i<4;i++) color += (this.charAt(i) + this.charAt(i)).toLowerCase(); + if (this.length==7) color = this.toLowerCase(); + } + } + return (color.length==7 ? color : (arguments[0] || this)); +}; + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +Element.collectTextNodes = function(element) { + return $A($(element).childNodes).collect( function(node) { + return (node.nodeType==3 ? node.nodeValue : + (node.hasChildNodes() ? Element.collectTextNodes(node) : '')); + }).flatten().join(''); +}; + +Element.collectTextNodesIgnoreClass = function(element, className) { + return $A($(element).childNodes).collect( function(node) { + return (node.nodeType==3 ? node.nodeValue : + ((node.hasChildNodes() && !Element.hasClassName(node,className)) ? + Element.collectTextNodesIgnoreClass(node, className) : '')); + }).flatten().join(''); +}; + +Element.setContentZoom = function(element, percent) { + element = $(element); + element.setStyle({fontSize: (percent/100) + 'em'}); + if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) window.scrollBy(0,0); + return element; +}; + +Element.getInlineOpacity = function(element){ + return $(element).style.opacity || ''; +}; + +Element.forceRerendering = function(element) { + try { + element = $(element); + var n = document.createTextNode(' '); + element.appendChild(n); + element.removeChild(n); + } catch(e) { } +}; + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +var Effect = { + _elementDoesNotExistError: { + name: 'ElementDoesNotExistError', + message: 'The specified DOM element does not exist, but is required for this effect to operate' + }, + Transitions: { + linear: Prototype.K, + sinoidal: function(pos) { + return (-Math.cos(pos*Math.PI)/2) + .5; + }, + reverse: function(pos) { + return 1-pos; + }, + flicker: function(pos) { + var pos = ((-Math.cos(pos*Math.PI)/4) + .75) + Math.random()/4; + return pos > 1 ? 1 : pos; + }, + wobble: function(pos) { + return (-Math.cos(pos*Math.PI*(9*pos))/2) + .5; + }, + pulse: function(pos, pulses) { + return (-Math.cos((pos*((pulses||5)-.5)*2)*Math.PI)/2) + .5; + }, + spring: function(pos) { + return 1 - (Math.cos(pos * 4.5 * Math.PI) * Math.exp(-pos * 6)); + }, + none: function(pos) { + return 0; + }, + full: function(pos) { + return 1; + } + }, + DefaultOptions: { + duration: 1.0, // seconds + fps: 100, // 100= assume 66fps max. + sync: false, // true for combining + from: 0.0, + to: 1.0, + delay: 0.0, + queue: 'parallel' + }, + tagifyText: function(element) { + var tagifyStyle = 'position:relative'; + if (Prototype.Browser.IE) tagifyStyle += ';zoom:1'; + + element = $(element); + $A(element.childNodes).each( function(child) { + if (child.nodeType==3) { + child.nodeValue.toArray().each( function(character) { + element.insertBefore( + new Element('span', {style: tagifyStyle}).update( + character == ' ' ? String.fromCharCode(160) : character), + child); + }); + Element.remove(child); + } + }); + }, + multiple: function(element, effect) { + var elements; + if (((typeof element == 'object') || + Object.isFunction(element)) && + (element.length)) + elements = element; + else + elements = $(element).childNodes; + + var options = Object.extend({ + speed: 0.1, + delay: 0.0 + }, arguments[2] || { }); + var masterDelay = options.delay; + + $A(elements).each( function(element, index) { + new effect(element, Object.extend(options, { delay: index * options.speed + masterDelay })); + }); + }, + PAIRS: { + 'slide': ['SlideDown','SlideUp'], + 'blind': ['BlindDown','BlindUp'], + 'appear': ['Appear','Fade'] + }, + toggle: function(element, effect) { + element = $(element); + effect = (effect || 'appear').toLowerCase(); + var options = Object.extend({ + queue: { position:'end', scope:( || 'global'), limit: 1 } + }, arguments[2] || { }); + Effect[element.visible() ? + Effect.PAIRS[effect][1] : Effect.PAIRS[effect][0]](element, options); + } +}; + +Effect.DefaultOptions.transition = Effect.Transitions.sinoidal; + +/* ------------- core effects ------------- */ + +Effect.ScopedQueue = Class.create(Enumerable, { + initialize: function() { + this.effects = []; + this.interval = null; + }, + _each: function(iterator) { + this.effects._each(iterator); + }, + add: function(effect) { + var timestamp = new Date().getTime(); + + var position = Object.isString(effect.options.queue) ? + effect.options.queue : effect.options.queue.position; + + switch(position) { + case 'front': + // move unstarted effects after this effect + this.effects.findAll(function(e){ return e.state=='idle' }).each( function(e) { + e.startOn += effect.finishOn; + e.finishOn += effect.finishOn; + }); + break; + case 'with-last': + timestamp = this.effects.pluck('startOn').max() || timestamp; + break; + case 'end': + // start effect after last queued effect has finished + timestamp = this.effects.pluck('finishOn').max() || timestamp; + break; + } + + effect.startOn += timestamp; + effect.finishOn += timestamp; + + if (!effect.options.queue.limit || (this.effects.length < effect.options.queue.limit)) + this.effects.push(effect); + + if (!this.interval) + this.interval = setInterval(this.loop.bind(this), 15); + }, + remove: function(effect) { + this.effects = this.effects.reject(function(e) { return e==effect }); + if (this.effects.length == 0) { + clearInterval(this.interval); + this.interval = null; + } + }, + loop: function() { + var timePos = new Date().getTime(); + for(var i=0, len=this.effects.length;i= this.startOn) { + if (timePos >= this.finishOn) { + this.render(1.0); + this.cancel(); + this.event('beforeFinish'); + if (this.finish) this.finish(); + this.event('afterFinish'); + return; + } + var pos = (timePos - this.startOn) / this.totalTime, + frame = (pos * this.totalFrames).round(); + if (frame > this.currentFrame) { + this.render(pos); + this.currentFrame = frame; + } + } + }, + cancel: function() { + if (!this.options.sync) + Effect.Queues.get(Object.isString(this.options.queue) ? + 'global' : this.options.queue.scope).remove(this); + this.state = 'finished'; + }, + event: function(eventName) { + if (this.options[eventName + 'Internal']) this.options[eventName + 'Internal'](this); + if (this.options[eventName]) this.options[eventName](this); + }, + inspect: function() { + var data = $H(); + for(property in this) + if (!Object.isFunction(this[property])) data.set(property, this[property]); + return '#'; + } +}); + +Effect.Parallel = Class.create(Effect.Base, { + initialize: function(effects) { + this.effects = effects || []; + this.start(arguments[1]); + }, + update: function(position) { + this.effects.invoke('render', position); + }, + finish: function(position) { + this.effects.each( function(effect) { + effect.render(1.0); + effect.cancel(); + effect.event('beforeFinish'); + if (effect.finish) effect.finish(position); + effect.event('afterFinish'); + }); + } +}); + +Effect.Tween = Class.create(Effect.Base, { + initialize: function(object, from, to) { + object = Object.isString(object) ? $(object) : object; + var args = $A(arguments), method = args.last(), + options = args.length == 5 ? args[3] : null; + this.method = Object.isFunction(method) ? method.bind(object) : + Object.isFunction(object[method]) ? object[method].bind(object) : + function(value) { object[method] = value }; + this.start(Object.extend({ from: from, to: to }, options || { })); + }, + update: function(position) { + this.method(position); + } +}); + +Effect.Event = Class.create(Effect.Base, { + initialize: function() { + this.start(Object.extend({ duration: 0 }, arguments[0] || { })); + }, + update: Prototype.emptyFunction +}); + +Effect.Opacity = Class.create(Effect.Base, { + initialize: function(element) { + this.element = $(element); + if (!this.element) throw(Effect._elementDoesNotExistError); + // make this work on IE on elements without 'layout' + if (Prototype.Browser.IE && (!this.element.currentStyle.hasLayout)) + this.element.setStyle({zoom: 1}); + var options = Object.extend({ + from: this.element.getOpacity() || 0.0, + to: 1.0 + }, arguments[1] || { }); + this.start(options); + }, + update: function(position) { + this.element.setOpacity(position); + } +}); + +Effect.Move = Class.create(Effect.Base, { + initialize: function(element) { + this.element = $(element); + if (!this.element) throw(Effect._elementDoesNotExistError); + var options = Object.extend({ + x: 0, + y: 0, + mode: 'relative' + }, arguments[1] || { }); + this.start(options); + }, + setup: function() { + this.element.makePositioned(); + this.originalLeft = parseFloat(this.element.getStyle('left') || '0'); + this.originalTop = parseFloat(this.element.getStyle('top') || '0'); + if (this.options.mode == 'absolute') { + this.options.x = this.options.x - this.originalLeft; + this.options.y = this.options.y - this.originalTop; + } + }, + update: function(position) { + this.element.setStyle({ + left: (this.options.x * position + this.originalLeft).round() + 'px', + top: (this.options.y * position + this.originalTop).round() + 'px' + }); + } +}); + +// for backwards compatibility +Effect.MoveBy = function(element, toTop, toLeft) { + return new Effect.Move(element, + Object.extend({ x: toLeft, y: toTop }, arguments[3] || { })); +}; + +Effect.Scale = Class.create(Effect.Base, { + initialize: function(element, percent) { + this.element = $(element); + if (!this.element) throw(Effect._elementDoesNotExistError); + var options = Object.extend({ + scaleX: true, + scaleY: true, + scaleContent: true, + scaleFromCenter: false, + scaleMode: 'box', // 'box' or 'contents' or { } with provided values + scaleFrom: 100.0, + scaleTo: percent + }, arguments[2] || { }); + this.start(options); + }, + setup: function() { + this.restoreAfterFinish = this.options.restoreAfterFinish || false; + this.elementPositioning = this.element.getStyle('position'); + + this.originalStyle = { }; + ['top','left','width','height','fontSize'].each( function(k) { + this.originalStyle[k] =[k]; + }.bind(this)); + + this.originalTop = this.element.offsetTop; + this.originalLeft = this.element.offsetLeft; + + var fontSize = this.element.getStyle('font-size') || '100%'; + ['em','px','%','pt'].each( function(fontSizeType) { + if (fontSize.indexOf(fontSizeType)>0) { + this.fontSize = parseFloat(fontSize); + this.fontSizeType = fontSizeType; + } + }.bind(this)); + + this.factor = (this.options.scaleTo - this.options.scaleFrom)/100; + + this.dims = null; + if (this.options.scaleMode=='box') + this.dims = [this.element.offsetHeight, this.element.offsetWidth]; + if (/^content/.test(this.options.scaleMode)) + this.dims = [this.element.scrollHeight, this.element.scrollWidth]; + if (!this.dims) + this.dims = [this.options.scaleMode.originalHeight, + this.options.scaleMode.originalWidth]; + }, + update: function(position) { + var currentScale = (this.options.scaleFrom/100.0) + (this.factor * position); + if (this.options.scaleContent && this.fontSize) + this.element.setStyle({fontSize: this.fontSize * currentScale + this.fontSizeType }); + this.setDimensions(this.dims[0] * currentScale, this.dims[1] * currentScale); + }, + finish: function(position) { + if (this.restoreAfterFinish) this.element.setStyle(this.originalStyle); + }, + setDimensions: function(height, width) { + var d = { }; + if (this.options.scaleX) d.width = width.round() + 'px'; + if (this.options.scaleY) d.height = height.round() + 'px'; + if (this.options.scaleFromCenter) { + var topd = (height - this.dims[0])/2; + var leftd = (width - this.dims[1])/2; + if (this.elementPositioning == 'absolute') { + if (this.options.scaleY) = this.originalTop-topd + 'px'; + if (this.options.scaleX) d.left = this.originalLeft-leftd + 'px'; + } else { + if (this.options.scaleY) = -topd + 'px'; + if (this.options.scaleX) d.left = -leftd + 'px'; + } + } + this.element.setStyle(d); + } +}); + +Effect.Highlight = Class.create(Effect.Base, { + initialize: function(element) { + this.element = $(element); + if (!this.element) throw(Effect._elementDoesNotExistError); + var options = Object.extend({ startcolor: '#ffff99' }, arguments[1] || { }); + this.start(options); + }, + setup: function() { + // Prevent executing on elements not in the layout flow + if (this.element.getStyle('display')=='none') { this.cancel(); return; } + // Disable background image during the effect + this.oldStyle = { }; + if (!this.options.keepBackgroundImage) { + this.oldStyle.backgroundImage = this.element.getStyle('background-image'); + this.element.setStyle({backgroundImage: 'none'}); + } + if (!this.options.endcolor) + this.options.endcolor = this.element.getStyle('background-color').parseColor('#ffffff'); + if (!this.options.restorecolor) + this.options.restorecolor = this.element.getStyle('background-color'); + // init color calculations + this._base = $R(0,2).map(function(i){ return parseInt(this.options.startcolor.slice(i*2+1,i*2+3),16) }.bind(this)); + this._delta = $R(0,2).map(function(i){ return parseInt(this.options.endcolor.slice(i*2+1,i*2+3),16)-this._base[i] }.bind(this)); + }, + update: function(position) { + this.element.setStyle({backgroundColor: $R(0,2).inject('#',function(m,v,i){ + return m+((this._base[i]+(this._delta[i]*position)).round().toColorPart()); }.bind(this)) }); + }, + finish: function() { + this.element.setStyle(Object.extend(this.oldStyle, { + backgroundColor: this.options.restorecolor + })); + } +}); + +Effect.ScrollTo = function(element) { + var options = arguments[1] || { }, + scrollOffsets = document.viewport.getScrollOffsets(), + elementOffsets = $(element).cumulativeOffset(); + + if (options.offset) elementOffsets[1] += options.offset; + + return new Effect.Tween(null, +, + elementOffsets[1], + options, + function(p){ scrollTo(scrollOffsets.left, p.round()); } + ); +}; + +/* ------------- combination effects ------------- */ + +Effect.Fade = function(element) { + element = $(element); + var oldOpacity = element.getInlineOpacity(); + var options = Object.extend({ + from: element.getOpacity() || 1.0, + to: 0.0, + afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { + if (!=0) return; + effect.element.hide().setStyle({opacity: oldOpacity}); + } + }, arguments[1] || { }); + return new Effect.Opacity(element,options); +}; + +Effect.Appear = function(element) { + element = $(element); + var options = Object.extend({ + from: (element.getStyle('display') == 'none' ? 0.0 : element.getOpacity() || 0.0), + to: 1.0, + // force Safari to render floated elements properly + afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { + effect.element.forceRerendering(); + }, + beforeSetup: function(effect) { + effect.element.setOpacity(effect.options.from).show(); + }}, arguments[1] || { }); + return new Effect.Opacity(element,options); +}; + +Effect.Puff = function(element) { + element = $(element); + var oldStyle = { + opacity: element.getInlineOpacity(), + position: element.getStyle('position'), + top:, + left:, + width:, + height: + }; + return new Effect.Parallel( + [ new Effect.Scale(element, 200, + { sync: true, scaleFromCenter: true, scaleContent: true, restoreAfterFinish: true }), + new Effect.Opacity(element, { sync: true, to: 0.0 } ) ], + Object.extend({ duration: 1.0, + beforeSetupInternal: function(effect) { + Position.absolutize(effect.effects[0].element); + }, + afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { + effect.effects[0].element.hide().setStyle(oldStyle); } + }, arguments[1] || { }) + ); +}; + +Effect.BlindUp = function(element) { + element = $(element); + element.makeClipping(); + return new Effect.Scale(element, 0, + Object.extend({ scaleContent: false, + scaleX: false, + restoreAfterFinish: true, + afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { + effect.element.hide().undoClipping(); + } + }, arguments[1] || { }) + ); +}; + +Effect.BlindDown = function(element) { + element = $(element); + var elementDimensions = element.getDimensions(); + return new Effect.Scale(element, 100, Object.extend({ + scaleContent: false, + scaleX: false, + scaleFrom: 0, + scaleMode: {originalHeight: elementDimensions.height, originalWidth: elementDimensions.width}, + restoreAfterFinish: true, + afterSetup: function(effect) { + effect.element.makeClipping().setStyle({height: '0px'}).show(); + }, + afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { + effect.element.undoClipping(); + } + }, arguments[1] || { })); +}; + +Effect.SwitchOff = function(element) { + element = $(element); + var oldOpacity = element.getInlineOpacity(); + return new Effect.Appear(element, Object.extend({ + duration: 0.4, + from: 0, + transition: Effect.Transitions.flicker, + afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { + new Effect.Scale(effect.element, 1, { + duration: 0.3, scaleFromCenter: true, + scaleX: false, scaleContent: false, restoreAfterFinish: true, + beforeSetup: function(effect) { + effect.element.makePositioned().makeClipping(); + }, + afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { + effect.element.hide().undoClipping().undoPositioned().setStyle({opacity: oldOpacity}); + } + }); + } + }, arguments[1] || { })); +}; + +Effect.DropOut = function(element) { + element = $(element); + var oldStyle = { + top: element.getStyle('top'), + left: element.getStyle('left'), + opacity: element.getInlineOpacity() }; + return new Effect.Parallel( + [ new Effect.Move(element, {x: 0, y: 100, sync: true }), + new Effect.Opacity(element, { sync: true, to: 0.0 }) ], + Object.extend( + { duration: 0.5, + beforeSetup: function(effect) { + effect.effects[0].element.makePositioned(); + }, + afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { + effect.effects[0].element.hide().undoPositioned().setStyle(oldStyle); + } + }, arguments[1] || { })); +}; + +Effect.Shake = function(element) { + element = $(element); + var options = Object.extend({ + distance: 20, + duration: 0.5 + }, arguments[1] || {}); + var distance = parseFloat(options.distance); + var split = parseFloat(options.duration) / 10.0; + var oldStyle = { + top: element.getStyle('top'), + left: element.getStyle('left') }; + return new Effect.Move(element, + { x: distance, y: 0, duration: split, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { + new Effect.Move(effect.element, + { x: -distance*2, y: 0, duration: split*2, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { + new Effect.Move(effect.element, + { x: distance*2, y: 0, duration: split*2, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { + new Effect.Move(effect.element, + { x: -distance*2, y: 0, duration: split*2, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { + new Effect.Move(effect.element, + { x: distance*2, y: 0, duration: split*2, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { + new Effect.Move(effect.element, + { x: -distance, y: 0, duration: split, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { + effect.element.undoPositioned().setStyle(oldStyle); + }}); }}); }}); }}); }}); }}); +}; + +Effect.SlideDown = function(element) { + element = $(element).cleanWhitespace(); + // SlideDown need to have the content of the element wrapped in a container element with fixed height! + var oldInnerBottom = element.down().getStyle('bottom'); + var elementDimensions = element.getDimensions(); + return new Effect.Scale(element, 100, Object.extend({ + scaleContent: false, + scaleX: false, + scaleFrom: window.opera ? 0 : 1, + scaleMode: {originalHeight: elementDimensions.height, originalWidth: elementDimensions.width}, + restoreAfterFinish: true, + afterSetup: function(effect) { + effect.element.makePositioned(); + effect.element.down().makePositioned(); + if (window.opera) effect.element.setStyle({top: ''}); + effect.element.makeClipping().setStyle({height: '0px'}).show(); + }, + afterUpdateInternal: function(effect) { + effect.element.down().setStyle({bottom: + (effect.dims[0] - effect.element.clientHeight) + 'px' }); + }, + afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { + effect.element.undoClipping().undoPositioned(); + effect.element.down().undoPositioned().setStyle({bottom: oldInnerBottom}); } + }, arguments[1] || { }) + ); +}; + +Effect.SlideUp = function(element) { + element = $(element).cleanWhitespace(); + var oldInnerBottom = element.down().getStyle('bottom'); + var elementDimensions = element.getDimensions(); + return new Effect.Scale(element, window.opera ? 0 : 1, + Object.extend({ scaleContent: false, + scaleX: false, + scaleMode: 'box', + scaleFrom: 100, + scaleMode: {originalHeight: elementDimensions.height, originalWidth: elementDimensions.width}, + restoreAfterFinish: true, + afterSetup: function(effect) { + effect.element.makePositioned(); + effect.element.down().makePositioned(); + if (window.opera) effect.element.setStyle({top: ''}); + effect.element.makeClipping().show(); + }, + afterUpdateInternal: function(effect) { + effect.element.down().setStyle({bottom: + (effect.dims[0] - effect.element.clientHeight) + 'px' }); + }, + afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { + effect.element.hide().undoClipping().undoPositioned(); + effect.element.down().undoPositioned().setStyle({bottom: oldInnerBottom}); + } + }, arguments[1] || { }) + ); +}; + +// Bug in opera makes the TD containing this element expand for a instance after finish +Effect.Squish = function(element) { + return new Effect.Scale(element, window.opera ? 1 : 0, { + restoreAfterFinish: true, + beforeSetup: function(effect) { + effect.element.makeClipping(); + }, + afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { + effect.element.hide().undoClipping(); + } + }); +}; + +Effect.Grow = function(element) { + element = $(element); + var options = Object.extend({ + direction: 'center', + moveTransition: Effect.Transitions.sinoidal, + scaleTransition: Effect.Transitions.sinoidal, + opacityTransition: Effect.Transitions.full + }, arguments[1] || { }); + var oldStyle = { + top:, + left:, + height:, + width:, + opacity: element.getInlineOpacity() }; + + var dims = element.getDimensions(); + var initialMoveX, initialMoveY; + var moveX, moveY; + + switch (options.direction) { + case 'top-left': + initialMoveX = initialMoveY = moveX = moveY = 0; + break; + case 'top-right': + initialMoveX = dims.width; + initialMoveY = moveY = 0; + moveX = -dims.width; + break; + case 'bottom-left': + initialMoveX = moveX = 0; + initialMoveY = dims.height; + moveY = -dims.height; + break; + case 'bottom-right': + initialMoveX = dims.width; + initialMoveY = dims.height; + moveX = -dims.width; + moveY = -dims.height; + break; + case 'center': + initialMoveX = dims.width / 2; + initialMoveY = dims.height / 2; + moveX = -dims.width / 2; + moveY = -dims.height / 2; + break; + } + + return new Effect.Move(element, { + x: initialMoveX, + y: initialMoveY, + duration: 0.01, + beforeSetup: function(effect) { + effect.element.hide().makeClipping().makePositioned(); + }, + afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { + new Effect.Parallel( + [ new Effect.Opacity(effect.element, { sync: true, to: 1.0, from: 0.0, transition: options.opacityTransition }), + new Effect.Move(effect.element, { x: moveX, y: moveY, sync: true, transition: options.moveTransition }), + new Effect.Scale(effect.element, 100, { + scaleMode: { originalHeight: dims.height, originalWidth: dims.width }, + sync: true, scaleFrom: window.opera ? 1 : 0, transition: options.scaleTransition, restoreAfterFinish: true}) + ], Object.extend({ + beforeSetup: function(effect) { + effect.effects[0].element.setStyle({height: '0px'}).show(); + }, + afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { + effect.effects[0].element.undoClipping().undoPositioned().setStyle(oldStyle); + } + }, options) + ); + } + }); +}; + +Effect.Shrink = function(element) { + element = $(element); + var options = Object.extend({ + direction: 'center', + moveTransition: Effect.Transitions.sinoidal, + scaleTransition: Effect.Transitions.sinoidal, + opacityTransition: Effect.Transitions.none + }, arguments[1] || { }); + var oldStyle = { + top:, + left:, + height:, + width:, + opacity: element.getInlineOpacity() }; + + var dims = element.getDimensions(); + var moveX, moveY; + + switch (options.direction) { + case 'top-left': + moveX = moveY = 0; + break; + case 'top-right': + moveX = dims.width; + moveY = 0; + break; + case 'bottom-left': + moveX = 0; + moveY = dims.height; + break; + case 'bottom-right': + moveX = dims.width; + moveY = dims.height; + break; + case 'center': + moveX = dims.width / 2; + moveY = dims.height / 2; + break; + } + + return new Effect.Parallel( + [ new Effect.Opacity(element, { sync: true, to: 0.0, from: 1.0, transition: options.opacityTransition }), + new Effect.Scale(element, window.opera ? 1 : 0, { sync: true, transition: options.scaleTransition, restoreAfterFinish: true}), + new Effect.Move(element, { x: moveX, y: moveY, sync: true, transition: options.moveTransition }) + ], Object.extend({ + beforeStartInternal: function(effect) { + effect.effects[0].element.makePositioned().makeClipping(); + }, + afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { + effect.effects[0].element.hide().undoClipping().undoPositioned().setStyle(oldStyle); } + }, options) + ); +}; + +Effect.Pulsate = function(element) { + element = $(element); + var options = arguments[1] || { }, + oldOpacity = element.getInlineOpacity(), + transition = options.transition || Effect.Transitions.linear, + reverser = function(pos){ + return 1 - transition((-Math.cos((pos*(options.pulses||5)*2)*Math.PI)/2) + .5); + }; + + return new Effect.Opacity(element, + Object.extend(Object.extend({ duration: 2.0, from: 0, + afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { effect.element.setStyle({opacity: oldOpacity}); } + }, options), {transition: reverser})); +}; + +Effect.Fold = function(element) { + element = $(element); + var oldStyle = { + top:, + left:, + width:, + height: }; + element.makeClipping(); + return new Effect.Scale(element, 5, Object.extend({ + scaleContent: false, + scaleX: false, + afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { + new Effect.Scale(element, 1, { + scaleContent: false, + scaleY: false, + afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { + effect.element.hide().undoClipping().setStyle(oldStyle); + } }); + }}, arguments[1] || { })); +}; + +Effect.Morph = Class.create(Effect.Base, { + initialize: function(element) { + this.element = $(element); + if (!this.element) throw(Effect._elementDoesNotExistError); + var options = Object.extend({ + style: { } + }, arguments[1] || { }); + + if (!Object.isString( = $H(; + else { + if (':')) + =; + else { + this.element.addClassName(; + = $H(this.element.getStyles()); + this.element.removeClassName(; + var css = this.element.getStyles(); + = { + return style.value == css[style.key]; + }); + options.afterFinishInternal = function(effect) { + effect.element.addClassName(; + effect.transforms.each(function(transform) { +[] = ''; + }); + }; + } + } + this.start(options); + }, + + setup: function(){ + function parseColor(color){ + if (!color || ['rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)','transparent'].include(color)) color = '#ffffff'; + color = color.parseColor(); + return $R(0,2).map(function(i){ + return parseInt( color.slice(i*2+1,i*2+3), 16 ); + }); + } + this.transforms ={ + var property = pair[0], value = pair[1], unit = null; + + if (value.parseColor('#zzzzzz') != '#zzzzzz') { + value = value.parseColor(); + unit = 'color'; + } else if (property == 'opacity') { + value = parseFloat(value); + if (Prototype.Browser.IE && (!this.element.currentStyle.hasLayout)) + this.element.setStyle({zoom: 1}); + } else if (Element.CSS_LENGTH.test(value)) { + var components = value.match(/^([\+\-]?[0-9\.]+)(.*)$/); + value = parseFloat(components[1]); + unit = (components.length == 3) ? components[2] : null; + } + + var originalValue = this.element.getStyle(property); + return { + style: property.camelize(), + originalValue: unit=='color' ? parseColor(originalValue) : parseFloat(originalValue || 0), + targetValue: unit=='color' ? parseColor(value) : value, + unit: unit + }; + }.bind(this)).reject(function(transform){ + return ( + (transform.originalValue == transform.targetValue) || + ( + transform.unit != 'color' && + (isNaN(transform.originalValue) || isNaN(transform.targetValue)) + ) + ); + }); + }, + update: function(position) { + var style = { }, transform, i = this.transforms.length; + while(i--) + style[(transform = this.transforms[i]).style] = + transform.unit=='color' ? '#'+ + (Math.round(transform.originalValue[0]+ + (transform.targetValue[0]-transform.originalValue[0])*position)).toColorPart() + + (Math.round(transform.originalValue[1]+ + (transform.targetValue[1]-transform.originalValue[1])*position)).toColorPart() + + (Math.round(transform.originalValue[2]+ + (transform.targetValue[2]-transform.originalValue[2])*position)).toColorPart() : + (transform.originalValue + + (transform.targetValue - transform.originalValue) * position).toFixed(3) + + (transform.unit === null ? '' : transform.unit); + this.element.setStyle(style, true); + } +}); + +Effect.Transform = Class.create({ + initialize: function(tracks){ + this.tracks = []; + this.options = arguments[1] || { }; + this.addTracks(tracks); + }, + addTracks: function(tracks){ + tracks.each(function(track){ + track = $H(track); + var data = track.values().first(); + this.tracks.push($H({ + ids: track.keys().first(), + effect: Effect.Morph, + options: { style: data } + })); + }.bind(this)); + return this; + }, + play: function(){ + return new Effect.Parallel( +{ + var ids = track.get('ids'), effect = track.get('effect'), options = track.get('options'); + var elements = [$(ids) || $$(ids)].flatten(); + return{ return new effect(e, Object.extend({ sync:true }, options)) }); + }).flatten(), + this.options + ); + } +}); + +Element.CSS_PROPERTIES = $w( + 'backgroundColor backgroundPosition borderBottomColor borderBottomStyle ' + + 'borderBottomWidth borderLeftColor borderLeftStyle borderLeftWidth ' + + 'borderRightColor borderRightStyle borderRightWidth borderSpacing ' + + 'borderTopColor borderTopStyle borderTopWidth bottom clip color ' + + 'fontSize fontWeight height left letterSpacing lineHeight ' + + 'marginBottom marginLeft marginRight marginTop markerOffset maxHeight '+ + 'maxWidth minHeight minWidth opacity outlineColor outlineOffset ' + + 'outlineWidth paddingBottom paddingLeft paddingRight paddingTop ' + + 'right textIndent top width wordSpacing zIndex'); + +Element.CSS_LENGTH = /^(([\+\-]?[0-9\.]+)(em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc|\%))|0$/; + +String.__parseStyleElement = document.createElement('div'); +String.prototype.parseStyle = function(){ + var style, styleRules = $H(); + if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) + style = new Element('div',{style:this}).style; + else { + String.__parseStyleElement.innerHTML = '
    '; + style = String.__parseStyleElement.childNodes[0].style; + } + + Element.CSS_PROPERTIES.each(function(property){ + if (style[property]) styleRules.set(property, style[property]); + }); + + if (Prototype.Browser.IE && this.include('opacity')) + styleRules.set('opacity', this.match(/opacity:\s*((?:0|1)?(?:\.\d*)?)/)[1]); + + return styleRules; +}; + +if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { + Element.getStyles = function(element) { + var css = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle($(element), null); + return Element.CSS_PROPERTIES.inject({ }, function(styles, property) { + styles[property] = css[property]; + return styles; + }); + }; +} else { + Element.getStyles = function(element) { + element = $(element); + var css = element.currentStyle, styles; + styles = Element.CSS_PROPERTIES.inject({ }, function(results, property) { + results[property] = css[property]; + return results; + }); + if (!styles.opacity) styles.opacity = element.getOpacity(); + return styles; + }; +} + +Effect.Methods = { + morph: function(element, style) { + element = $(element); + new Effect.Morph(element, Object.extend({ style: style }, arguments[2] || { })); + return element; + }, + visualEffect: function(element, effect, options) { + element = $(element); + var s = effect.dasherize().camelize(), klass = s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1); + new Effect[klass](element, options); + return element; + }, + highlight: function(element, options) { + element = $(element); + new Effect.Highlight(element, options); + return element; + } +}; + +$w('fade appear grow shrink fold blindUp blindDown slideUp slideDown '+ + 'pulsate shake puff squish switchOff dropOut').each( + function(effect) { + Effect.Methods[effect] = function(element, options){ + element = $(element); + Effect[effect.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + effect.substring(1)](element, options); + return element; + }; + } +); + +$w('getInlineOpacity forceRerendering setContentZoom collectTextNodes collectTextNodesIgnoreClass getStyles').each( + function(f) { Effect.Methods[f] = Element[f]; } +); + +Element.addMethods(Effect.Methods); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/javascripts/prototype.js b/public/javascripts/prototype.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..dfe8ab4 --- /dev/null +++ b/public/javascripts/prototype.js @@ -0,0 +1,4320 @@ +/* Prototype JavaScript framework, version + * (c) 2005-2008 Sam Stephenson + * + * Prototype is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license. + * For details, see the Prototype web site: + * + *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +var Prototype = { + Version: '', + + Browser: { + IE: !!(window.attachEvent && + navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') === -1), + Opera: navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') > -1, + WebKit: navigator.userAgent.indexOf('AppleWebKit/') > -1, + Gecko: navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Gecko') > -1 && + navigator.userAgent.indexOf('KHTML') === -1, + MobileSafari: !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Apple.*Mobile.*Safari/) + }, + + BrowserFeatures: { + XPath: !!document.evaluate, + SelectorsAPI: !!document.querySelector, + ElementExtensions: !!window.HTMLElement, + SpecificElementExtensions: + document.createElement('div')['__proto__'] && + document.createElement('div')['__proto__'] !== + document.createElement('form')['__proto__'] + }, + + ScriptFragment: ']*>([\\S\\s]*?)<\/script>', + JSONFilter: /^\/\*-secure-([\s\S]*)\*\/\s*$/, + + emptyFunction: function() { }, + K: function(x) { return x } +}; + +if (Prototype.Browser.MobileSafari) + Prototype.BrowserFeatures.SpecificElementExtensions = false; + + +/* Based on Alex Arnell's inheritance implementation. */ +var Class = { + create: function() { + var parent = null, properties = $A(arguments); + if (Object.isFunction(properties[0])) + parent = properties.shift(); + + function klass() { + this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); + } + + Object.extend(klass, Class.Methods); + klass.superclass = parent; + klass.subclasses = []; + + if (parent) { + var subclass = function() { }; + subclass.prototype = parent.prototype; + klass.prototype = new subclass; + parent.subclasses.push(klass); + } + + for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) + klass.addMethods(properties[i]); + + if (!klass.prototype.initialize) + klass.prototype.initialize = Prototype.emptyFunction; + + klass.prototype.constructor = klass; + + return klass; + } +}; + +Class.Methods = { + addMethods: function(source) { + var ancestor = this.superclass && this.superclass.prototype; + var properties = Object.keys(source); + + if (!Object.keys({ toString: true }).length) + properties.push("toString", "valueOf"); + + for (var i = 0, length = properties.length; i < length; i++) { + var property = properties[i], value = source[property]; + if (ancestor && Object.isFunction(value) && + value.argumentNames().first() == "$super") { + var method = value; + value = (function(m) { + return function() { return ancestor[m].apply(this, arguments) }; + })(property).wrap(method); + + value.valueOf = method.valueOf.bind(method); + value.toString = method.toString.bind(method); + } + this.prototype[property] = value; + } + + return this; + } +}; + +var Abstract = { }; + +Object.extend = function(destination, source) { + for (var property in source) + destination[property] = source[property]; + return destination; +}; + +Object.extend(Object, { + inspect: function(object) { + try { + if (Object.isUndefined(object)) return 'undefined'; + if (object === null) return 'null'; + return object.inspect ? object.inspect() : String(object); + } catch (e) { + if (e instanceof RangeError) return '...'; + throw e; + } + }, + + toJSON: function(object) { + var type = typeof object; + switch (type) { + case 'undefined': + case 'function': + case 'unknown': return; + case 'boolean': return object.toString(); + } + + if (object === null) return 'null'; + if (object.toJSON) return object.toJSON(); + if (Object.isElement(object)) return; + + var results = []; + for (var property in object) { + var value = Object.toJSON(object[property]); + if (!Object.isUndefined(value)) + results.push(property.toJSON() + ': ' + value); + } + + return '{' + results.join(', ') + '}'; + }, + + toQueryString: function(object) { + return $H(object).toQueryString(); + }, + + toHTML: function(object) { + return object && object.toHTML ? object.toHTML() : String.interpret(object); + }, + + keys: function(object) { + var keys = []; + for (var property in object) + keys.push(property); + return keys; + }, + + values: function(object) { + var values = []; + for (var property in object) + values.push(object[property]); + return values; + }, + + clone: function(object) { + return Object.extend({ }, object); + }, + + isElement: function(object) { + return !!(object && object.nodeType == 1); + }, + + isArray: function(object) { + return object != null && typeof object == "object" && + 'splice' in object && 'join' in object; + }, + + isHash: function(object) { + return object instanceof Hash; + }, + + isFunction: function(object) { + return typeof object == "function"; + }, + + isString: function(object) { + return typeof object == "string"; + }, + + isNumber: function(object) { + return typeof object == "number"; + }, + + isUndefined: function(object) { + return typeof object == "undefined"; + } +}); + +Object.extend(Function.prototype, { + argumentNames: function() { + var names = this.toString().match(/^[\s\(]*function[^(]*\(([^\)]*)\)/)[1] + .replace(/\s+/g, '').split(','); + return names.length == 1 && !names[0] ? [] : names; + }, + + bind: function() { + if (arguments.length < 2 && Object.isUndefined(arguments[0])) return this; + var __method = this, args = $A(arguments), object = args.shift(); + return function() { + return __method.apply(object, args.concat($A(arguments))); + } + }, + + bindAsEventListener: function() { + var __method = this, args = $A(arguments), object = args.shift(); + return function(event) { + return __method.apply(object, [event || window.event].concat(args)); + } + }, + + curry: function() { + if (!arguments.length) return this; + var __method = this, args = $A(arguments); + return function() { + return __method.apply(this, args.concat($A(arguments))); + } + }, + + delay: function() { + var __method = this, args = $A(arguments), timeout = args.shift() * 1000; + return window.setTimeout(function() { + return __method.apply(__method, args); + }, timeout); + }, + + defer: function() { + var args = [0.01].concat($A(arguments)); + return this.delay.apply(this, args); + }, + + wrap: function(wrapper) { + var __method = this; + return function() { + return wrapper.apply(this, [__method.bind(this)].concat($A(arguments))); + } + }, + + methodize: function() { + if (this._methodized) return this._methodized; + var __method = this; + return this._methodized = function() { + return __method.apply(null, [this].concat($A(arguments))); + }; + } +}); + +Date.prototype.toJSON = function() { + return '"' + this.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + + (this.getUTCMonth() + 1).toPaddedString(2) + '-' + + this.getUTCDate().toPaddedString(2) + 'T' + + this.getUTCHours().toPaddedString(2) + ':' + + this.getUTCMinutes().toPaddedString(2) + ':' + + this.getUTCSeconds().toPaddedString(2) + 'Z"'; +}; + +var Try = { + these: function() { + var returnValue; + + for (var i = 0, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) { + var lambda = arguments[i]; + try { + returnValue = lambda(); + break; + } catch (e) { } + } + + return returnValue; + } +}; + +RegExp.prototype.match = RegExp.prototype.test; + +RegExp.escape = function(str) { + return String(str).replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1'); +}; + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +var PeriodicalExecuter = Class.create({ + initialize: function(callback, frequency) { + this.callback = callback; + this.frequency = frequency; + this.currentlyExecuting = false; + + this.registerCallback(); + }, + + registerCallback: function() { + this.timer = setInterval(this.onTimerEvent.bind(this), this.frequency * 1000); + }, + + execute: function() { + this.callback(this); + }, + + stop: function() { + if (!this.timer) return; + clearInterval(this.timer); + this.timer = null; + }, + + onTimerEvent: function() { + if (!this.currentlyExecuting) { + try { + this.currentlyExecuting = true; + this.execute(); + } finally { + this.currentlyExecuting = false; + } + } + } +}); +Object.extend(String, { + interpret: function(value) { + return value == null ? '' : String(value); + }, + specialChar: { + '\b': '\\b', + '\t': '\\t', + '\n': '\\n', + '\f': '\\f', + '\r': '\\r', + '\\': '\\\\' + } +}); + +Object.extend(String.prototype, { + gsub: function(pattern, replacement) { + var result = '', source = this, match; + replacement = arguments.callee.prepareReplacement(replacement); + + while (source.length > 0) { + if (match = source.match(pattern)) { + result += source.slice(0, match.index); + result += String.interpret(replacement(match)); + source = source.slice(match.index + match[0].length); + } else { + result += source, source = ''; + } + } + return result; + }, + + sub: function(pattern, replacement, count) { + replacement = this.gsub.prepareReplacement(replacement); + count = Object.isUndefined(count) ? 1 : count; + + return this.gsub(pattern, function(match) { + if (--count < 0) return match[0]; + return replacement(match); + }); + }, + + scan: function(pattern, iterator) { + this.gsub(pattern, iterator); + return String(this); + }, + + truncate: function(length, truncation) { + length = length || 30; + truncation = Object.isUndefined(truncation) ? '...' : truncation; + return this.length > length ? + this.slice(0, length - truncation.length) + truncation : String(this); + }, + + strip: function() { + return this.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''); + }, + + stripTags: function() { + return this.replace(/<\/?[^>]+>/gi, ''); + }, + + stripScripts: function() { + return this.replace(new RegExp(Prototype.ScriptFragment, 'img'), ''); + }, + + extractScripts: function() { + var matchAll = new RegExp(Prototype.ScriptFragment, 'img'); + var matchOne = new RegExp(Prototype.ScriptFragment, 'im'); + return (this.match(matchAll) || []).map(function(scriptTag) { + return (scriptTag.match(matchOne) || ['', ''])[1]; + }); + }, + + evalScripts: function() { + return this.extractScripts().map(function(script) { return eval(script) }); + }, + + escapeHTML: function() { + var self = arguments.callee; + = this; + return self.div.innerHTML; + }, + + unescapeHTML: function() { + var div = new Element('div'); + div.innerHTML = this.stripTags(); + return div.childNodes[0] ? (div.childNodes.length > 1 ? + $A(div.childNodes).inject('', function(memo, node) { return memo+node.nodeValue }) : + div.childNodes[0].nodeValue) : ''; + }, + + toQueryParams: function(separator) { + var match = this.strip().match(/([^?#]*)(#.*)?$/); + if (!match) return { }; + + return match[1].split(separator || '&').inject({ }, function(hash, pair) { + if ((pair = pair.split('='))[0]) { + var key = decodeURIComponent(pair.shift()); + var value = pair.length > 1 ? pair.join('=') : pair[0]; + if (value != undefined) value = decodeURIComponent(value); + + if (key in hash) { + if (!Object.isArray(hash[key])) hash[key] = [hash[key]]; + hash[key].push(value); + } + else hash[key] = value; + } + return hash; + }); + }, + + toArray: function() { + return this.split(''); + }, + + succ: function() { + return this.slice(0, this.length - 1) + + String.fromCharCode(this.charCodeAt(this.length - 1) + 1); + }, + + times: function(count) { + return count < 1 ? '' : new Array(count + 1).join(this); + }, + + camelize: function() { + var parts = this.split('-'), len = parts.length; + if (len == 1) return parts[0]; + + var camelized = this.charAt(0) == '-' + ? parts[0].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + parts[0].substring(1) + : parts[0]; + + for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) + camelized += parts[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + parts[i].substring(1); + + return camelized; + }, + + capitalize: function() { + return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.substring(1).toLowerCase(); + }, + + underscore: function() { + return this.gsub(/::/, '/').gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'#{1}_#{2}').gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'#{1}_#{2}').gsub(/-/,'_').toLowerCase(); + }, + + dasherize: function() { + return this.gsub(/_/,'-'); + }, + + inspect: function(useDoubleQuotes) { + var escapedString = this.gsub(/[\x00-\x1f\\]/, function(match) { + var character = String.specialChar[match[0]]; + return character ? character : '\\u00' + match[0].charCodeAt().toPaddedString(2, 16); + }); + if (useDoubleQuotes) return '"' + escapedString.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"'; + return "'" + escapedString.replace(/'/g, '\\\'') + "'"; + }, + + toJSON: function() { + return this.inspect(true); + }, + + unfilterJSON: function(filter) { + return this.sub(filter || Prototype.JSONFilter, '#{1}'); + }, + + isJSON: function() { + var str = this; + if (str.blank()) return false; + str = this.replace(/\\./g, '@').replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"/g, ''); + return (/^[,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]*$/).test(str); + }, + + evalJSON: function(sanitize) { + var json = this.unfilterJSON(); + try { + if (!sanitize || json.isJSON()) return eval('(' + json + ')'); + } catch (e) { } + throw new SyntaxError('Badly formed JSON string: ' + this.inspect()); + }, + + include: function(pattern) { + return this.indexOf(pattern) > -1; + }, + + startsWith: function(pattern) { + return this.indexOf(pattern) === 0; + }, + + endsWith: function(pattern) { + var d = this.length - pattern.length; + return d >= 0 && this.lastIndexOf(pattern) === d; + }, + + empty: function() { + return this == ''; + }, + + blank: function() { + return /^\s*$/.test(this); + }, + + interpolate: function(object, pattern) { + return new Template(this, pattern).evaluate(object); + } +}); + +if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit || Prototype.Browser.IE) Object.extend(String.prototype, { + escapeHTML: function() { + return this.replace(/&/g,'&').replace(//g,'>'); + }, + unescapeHTML: function() { + return this.stripTags().replace(/&/g,'&').replace(/</g,'<').replace(/>/g,'>'); + } +}); + +String.prototype.gsub.prepareReplacement = function(replacement) { + if (Object.isFunction(replacement)) return replacement; + var template = new Template(replacement); + return function(match) { return template.evaluate(match) }; +}; + +String.prototype.parseQuery = String.prototype.toQueryParams; + +Object.extend(String.prototype.escapeHTML, { + div: document.createElement('div'), + text: document.createTextNode('') +}); + +String.prototype.escapeHTML.div.appendChild(String.prototype.escapeHTML.text); + +var Template = Class.create({ + initialize: function(template, pattern) { + this.template = template.toString(); + this.pattern = pattern || Template.Pattern; + }, + + evaluate: function(object) { + if (Object.isFunction(object.toTemplateReplacements)) + object = object.toTemplateReplacements(); + + return this.template.gsub(this.pattern, function(match) { + if (object == null) return ''; + + var before = match[1] || ''; + if (before == '\\') return match[2]; + + var ctx = object, expr = match[3]; + var pattern = /^([^.[]+|\[((?:.*?[^\\])?)\])(\.|\[|$)/; + match = pattern.exec(expr); + if (match == null) return before; + + while (match != null) { + var comp = match[1].startsWith('[') ? match[2].gsub('\\\\]', ']') : match[1]; + ctx = ctx[comp]; + if (null == ctx || '' == match[3]) break; + expr = expr.substring('[' == match[3] ? match[1].length : match[0].length); + match = pattern.exec(expr); + } + + return before + String.interpret(ctx); + }); + } +}); +Template.Pattern = /(^|.|\r|\n)(#\{(.*?)\})/; + +var $break = { }; + +var Enumerable = { + each: function(iterator, context) { + var index = 0; + try { + this._each(function(value) { +, value, index++); + }); + } catch (e) { + if (e != $break) throw e; + } + return this; + }, + + eachSlice: function(number, iterator, context) { + var index = -number, slices = [], array = this.toArray(); + if (number < 1) return array; + while ((index += number) < array.length) + slices.push(array.slice(index, index+number)); + return slices.collect(iterator, context); + }, + + all: function(iterator, context) { + iterator = iterator || Prototype.K; + var result = true; + this.each(function(value, index) { + result = result && !!, value, index); + if (!result) throw $break; + }); + return result; + }, + + any: function(iterator, context) { + iterator = iterator || Prototype.K; + var result = false; + this.each(function(value, index) { + if (result = !!, value, index)) + throw $break; + }); + return result; + }, + + collect: function(iterator, context) { + iterator = iterator || Prototype.K; + var results = []; + this.each(function(value, index) { + results.push(, value, index)); + }); + return results; + }, + + detect: function(iterator, context) { + var result; + this.each(function(value, index) { + if (, value, index)) { + result = value; + throw $break; + } + }); + return result; + }, + + findAll: function(iterator, context) { + var results = []; + this.each(function(value, index) { + if (, value, index)) + results.push(value); + }); + return results; + }, + + grep: function(filter, iterator, context) { + iterator = iterator || Prototype.K; + var results = []; + + if (Object.isString(filter)) + filter = new RegExp(filter); + + this.each(function(value, index) { + if (filter.match(value)) + results.push(, value, index)); + }); + return results; + }, + + include: function(object) { + if (Object.isFunction(this.indexOf)) + if (this.indexOf(object) != -1) return true; + + var found = false; + this.each(function(value) { + if (value == object) { + found = true; + throw $break; + } + }); + return found; + }, + + inGroupsOf: function(number, fillWith) { + fillWith = Object.isUndefined(fillWith) ? null : fillWith; + return this.eachSlice(number, function(slice) { + while(slice.length < number) slice.push(fillWith); + return slice; + }); + }, + + inject: function(memo, iterator, context) { + this.each(function(value, index) { + memo =, memo, value, index); + }); + return memo; + }, + + invoke: function(method) { + var args = $A(arguments).slice(1); + return { + return value[method].apply(value, args); + }); + }, + + max: function(iterator, context) { + iterator = iterator || Prototype.K; + var result; + this.each(function(value, index) { + value =, value, index); + if (result == null || value >= result) + result = value; + }); + return result; + }, + + min: function(iterator, context) { + iterator = iterator || Prototype.K; + var result; + this.each(function(value, index) { + value =, value, index); + if (result == null || value < result) + result = value; + }); + return result; + }, + + partition: function(iterator, context) { + iterator = iterator || Prototype.K; + var trues = [], falses = []; + this.each(function(value, index) { + (, value, index) ? + trues : falses).push(value); + }); + return [trues, falses]; + }, + + pluck: function(property) { + var results = []; + this.each(function(value) { + results.push(value[property]); + }); + return results; + }, + + reject: function(iterator, context) { + var results = []; + this.each(function(value, index) { + if (!, value, index)) + results.push(value); + }); + return results; + }, + + sortBy: function(iterator, context) { + return, index) { + return { + value: value, + criteria:, value, index) + }; + }).sort(function(left, right) { + var a = left.criteria, b = right.criteria; + return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0; + }).pluck('value'); + }, + + toArray: function() { + return; + }, + + zip: function() { + var iterator = Prototype.K, args = $A(arguments); + if (Object.isFunction(args.last())) + iterator = args.pop(); + + var collections = [this].concat(args).map($A); + return, index) { + return iterator(collections.pluck(index)); + }); + }, + + size: function() { + return this.toArray().length; + }, + + inspect: function() { + return '#'; + } +}; + +Object.extend(Enumerable, { + map: Enumerable.collect, + find: Enumerable.detect, + select: Enumerable.findAll, + filter: Enumerable.findAll, + member: Enumerable.include, + entries: Enumerable.toArray, + every: Enumerable.all, + some: Enumerable.any +}); +function $A(iterable) { + if (!iterable) return []; + if (iterable.toArray) return iterable.toArray(); + var length = iterable.length || 0, results = new Array(length); + while (length--) results[length] = iterable[length]; + return results; +} + +if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) { + $A = function(iterable) { + if (!iterable) return []; + // In Safari, only use the `toArray` method if it's not a NodeList. + // A NodeList is a function, has an function `item` property, and a numeric + // `length` property. Adapted from Google Doctype. + if (!(typeof iterable === 'function' && typeof iterable.length === + 'number' && typeof iterable.item === 'function') && iterable.toArray) + return iterable.toArray(); + var length = iterable.length || 0, results = new Array(length); + while (length--) results[length] = iterable[length]; + return results; + }; +} + +Array.from = $A; + +Object.extend(Array.prototype, Enumerable); + +if (!Array.prototype._reverse) Array.prototype._reverse = Array.prototype.reverse; + +Object.extend(Array.prototype, { + _each: function(iterator) { + for (var i = 0, length = this.length; i < length; i++) + iterator(this[i]); + }, + + clear: function() { + this.length = 0; + return this; + }, + + first: function() { + return this[0]; + }, + + last: function() { + return this[this.length - 1]; + }, + + compact: function() { + return { + return value != null; + }); + }, + + flatten: function() { + return this.inject([], function(array, value) { + return array.concat(Object.isArray(value) ? + value.flatten() : [value]); + }); + }, + + without: function() { + var values = $A(arguments); + return { + return !values.include(value); + }); + }, + + reverse: function(inline) { + return (inline !== false ? this : this.toArray())._reverse(); + }, + + reduce: function() { + return this.length > 1 ? this : this[0]; + }, + + uniq: function(sorted) { + return this.inject([], function(array, value, index) { + if (0 == index || (sorted ? array.last() != value : !array.include(value))) + array.push(value); + return array; + }); + }, + + intersect: function(array) { + return this.uniq().findAll(function(item) { + return array.detect(function(value) { return item === value }); + }); + }, + + clone: function() { + return [].concat(this); + }, + + size: function() { + return this.length; + }, + + inspect: function() { + return '[' +', ') + ']'; + }, + + toJSON: function() { + var results = []; + this.each(function(object) { + var value = Object.toJSON(object); + if (!Object.isUndefined(value)) results.push(value); + }); + return '[' + results.join(', ') + ']'; + } +}); + +// use native browser JS 1.6 implementation if available +if (Object.isFunction(Array.prototype.forEach)) + Array.prototype._each = Array.prototype.forEach; + +if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) Array.prototype.indexOf = function(item, i) { + i || (i = 0); + var length = this.length; + if (i < 0) i = length + i; + for (; i < length; i++) + if (this[i] === item) return i; + return -1; +}; + +if (!Array.prototype.lastIndexOf) Array.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(item, i) { + i = isNaN(i) ? this.length : (i < 0 ? this.length + i : i) + 1; + var n = this.slice(0, i).reverse().indexOf(item); + return (n < 0) ? n : i - n - 1; +}; + +Array.prototype.toArray = Array.prototype.clone; + +function $w(string) { + if (!Object.isString(string)) return []; + string = string.strip(); + return string ? string.split(/\s+/) : []; +} + +if (Prototype.Browser.Opera){ + Array.prototype.concat = function() { + var array = []; + for (var i = 0, length = this.length; i < length; i++) array.push(this[i]); + for (var i = 0, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) { + if (Object.isArray(arguments[i])) { + for (var j = 0, arrayLength = arguments[i].length; j < arrayLength; j++) + array.push(arguments[i][j]); + } else { + array.push(arguments[i]); + } + } + return array; + }; +} +Object.extend(Number.prototype, { + toColorPart: function() { + return this.toPaddedString(2, 16); + }, + + succ: function() { + return this + 1; + }, + + times: function(iterator, context) { + $R(0, this, true).each(iterator, context); + return this; + }, + + toPaddedString: function(length, radix) { + var string = this.toString(radix || 10); + return '0'.times(length - string.length) + string; + }, + + toJSON: function() { + return isFinite(this) ? this.toString() : 'null'; + } +}); + +$w('abs round ceil floor').each(function(method){ + Number.prototype[method] = Math[method].methodize(); +}); +function $H(object) { + return new Hash(object); +}; + +var Hash = Class.create(Enumerable, (function() { + + function toQueryPair(key, value) { + if (Object.isUndefined(value)) return key; + return key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(String.interpret(value)); + } + + return { + initialize: function(object) { + this._object = Object.isHash(object) ? object.toObject() : Object.clone(object); + }, + + _each: function(iterator) { + for (var key in this._object) { + var value = this._object[key], pair = [key, value]; + pair.key = key; + pair.value = value; + iterator(pair); + } + }, + + set: function(key, value) { + return this._object[key] = value; + }, + + get: function(key) { + // simulating poorly supported hasOwnProperty + if (this._object[key] !== Object.prototype[key]) + return this._object[key]; + }, + + unset: function(key) { + var value = this._object[key]; + delete this._object[key]; + return value; + }, + + toObject: function() { + return Object.clone(this._object); + }, + + keys: function() { + return this.pluck('key'); + }, + + values: function() { + return this.pluck('value'); + }, + + index: function(value) { + var match = this.detect(function(pair) { + return pair.value === value; + }); + return match && match.key; + }, + + merge: function(object) { + return this.clone().update(object); + }, + + update: function(object) { + return new Hash(object).inject(this, function(result, pair) { + result.set(pair.key, pair.value); + return result; + }); + }, + + toQueryString: function() { + return this.inject([], function(results, pair) { + var key = encodeURIComponent(pair.key), values = pair.value; + + if (values && typeof values == 'object') { + if (Object.isArray(values)) + return results.concat(; + } else results.push(toQueryPair(key, values)); + return results; + }).join('&'); + }, + + inspect: function() { + return '#'; + }, + + toJSON: function() { + return Object.toJSON(this.toObject()); + }, + + clone: function() { + return new Hash(this); + } + } +})()); + +Hash.prototype.toTemplateReplacements = Hash.prototype.toObject; +Hash.from = $H; +var ObjectRange = Class.create(Enumerable, { + initialize: function(start, end, exclusive) { + this.start = start; + this.end = end; + this.exclusive = exclusive; + }, + + _each: function(iterator) { + var value = this.start; + while (this.include(value)) { + iterator(value); + value = value.succ(); + } + }, + + include: function(value) { + if (value < this.start) + return false; + if (this.exclusive) + return value < this.end; + return value <= this.end; + } +}); + +var $R = function(start, end, exclusive) { + return new ObjectRange(start, end, exclusive); +}; + +var Ajax = { + getTransport: function() { + return Try.these( + function() {return new XMLHttpRequest()}, + function() {return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP')}, + function() {return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')} + ) || false; + }, + + activeRequestCount: 0 +}; + +Ajax.Responders = { + responders: [], + + _each: function(iterator) { + this.responders._each(iterator); + }, + + register: function(responder) { + if (!this.include(responder)) + this.responders.push(responder); + }, + + unregister: function(responder) { + this.responders = this.responders.without(responder); + }, + + dispatch: function(callback, request, transport, json) { + this.each(function(responder) { + if (Object.isFunction(responder[callback])) { + try { + responder[callback].apply(responder, [request, transport, json]); + } catch (e) { } + } + }); + } +}; + +Object.extend(Ajax.Responders, Enumerable); + +Ajax.Responders.register({ + onCreate: function() { Ajax.activeRequestCount++ }, + onComplete: function() { Ajax.activeRequestCount-- } +}); + +Ajax.Base = Class.create({ + initialize: function(options) { + this.options = { + method: 'post', + asynchronous: true, + contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', + encoding: 'UTF-8', + parameters: '', + evalJSON: true, + evalJS: true + }; + Object.extend(this.options, options || { }); + + this.options.method = this.options.method.toLowerCase(); + + if (Object.isString(this.options.parameters)) + this.options.parameters = this.options.parameters.toQueryParams(); + else if (Object.isHash(this.options.parameters)) + this.options.parameters = this.options.parameters.toObject(); + } +}); + +Ajax.Request = Class.create(Ajax.Base, { + _complete: false, + + initialize: function($super, url, options) { + $super(options); + this.transport = Ajax.getTransport(); + this.request(url); + }, + + request: function(url) { + this.url = url; + this.method = this.options.method; + var params = Object.clone(this.options.parameters); + + if (!['get', 'post'].include(this.method)) { + // simulate other verbs over post + params['_method'] = this.method; + this.method = 'post'; + } + + this.parameters = params; + + if (params = Object.toQueryString(params)) { + // when GET, append parameters to URL + if (this.method == 'get') + this.url += (this.url.include('?') ? '&' : '?') + params; + else if (/Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/.test(navigator.userAgent)) + params += '&_='; + } + + try { + var response = new Ajax.Response(this); + if (this.options.onCreate) this.options.onCreate(response); + Ajax.Responders.dispatch('onCreate', this, response); + +, this.url, + this.options.asynchronous); + + if (this.options.asynchronous) this.respondToReadyState.bind(this).defer(1); + + this.transport.onreadystatechange = this.onStateChange.bind(this); + this.setRequestHeaders(); + + this.body = this.method == 'post' ? (this.options.postBody || params) : null; + this.transport.send(this.body); + + /* Force Firefox to handle ready state 4 for synchronous requests */ + if (!this.options.asynchronous && this.transport.overrideMimeType) + this.onStateChange(); + + } + catch (e) { + this.dispatchException(e); + } + }, + + onStateChange: function() { + var readyState = this.transport.readyState; + if (readyState > 1 && !((readyState == 4) && this._complete)) + this.respondToReadyState(this.transport.readyState); + }, + + setRequestHeaders: function() { + var headers = { + 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', + 'X-Prototype-Version': Prototype.Version, + 'Accept': 'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*' + }; + + if (this.method == 'post') { + headers['Content-type'] = this.options.contentType + + (this.options.encoding ? '; charset=' + this.options.encoding : ''); + + /* Force "Connection: close" for older Mozilla browsers to work + * around a bug where XMLHttpRequest sends an incorrect + * Content-length header. See Mozilla Bugzilla #246651. + */ + if (this.transport.overrideMimeType && + (navigator.userAgent.match(/Gecko\/(\d{4})/) || [0,2005])[1] < 2005) + headers['Connection'] = 'close'; + } + + // user-defined headers + if (typeof this.options.requestHeaders == 'object') { + var extras = this.options.requestHeaders; + + if (Object.isFunction(extras.push)) + for (var i = 0, length = extras.length; i < length; i += 2) + headers[extras[i]] = extras[i+1]; + else + $H(extras).each(function(pair) { headers[pair.key] = pair.value }); + } + + for (var name in headers) + this.transport.setRequestHeader(name, headers[name]); + }, + + success: function() { + var status = this.getStatus(); + return !status || (status >= 200 && status < 300); + }, + + getStatus: function() { + try { + return this.transport.status || 0; + } catch (e) { return 0 } + }, + + respondToReadyState: function(readyState) { + var state = Ajax.Request.Events[readyState], response = new Ajax.Response(this); + + if (state == 'Complete') { + try { + this._complete = true; + (this.options['on' + response.status] + || this.options['on' + (this.success() ? 'Success' : 'Failure')] + || Prototype.emptyFunction)(response, response.headerJSON); + } catch (e) { + this.dispatchException(e); + } + + var contentType = response.getHeader('Content-type'); + if (this.options.evalJS == 'force' + || (this.options.evalJS && this.isSameOrigin() && contentType + && contentType.match(/^\s*(text|application)\/(x-)?(java|ecma)script(;.*)?\s*$/i))) + this.evalResponse(); + } + + try { + (this.options['on' + state] || Prototype.emptyFunction)(response, response.headerJSON); + Ajax.Responders.dispatch('on' + state, this, response, response.headerJSON); + } catch (e) { + this.dispatchException(e); + } + + if (state == 'Complete') { + // avoid memory leak in MSIE: clean up + this.transport.onreadystatechange = Prototype.emptyFunction; + } + }, + + isSameOrigin: function() { + var m = this.url.match(/^\s*https?:\/\/[^\/]*/); + return !m || (m[0] == '#{protocol}//#{domain}#{port}'.interpolate({ + protocol: location.protocol, + domain: document.domain, + port: location.port ? ':' + location.port : '' + })); + }, + + getHeader: function(name) { + try { + return this.transport.getResponseHeader(name) || null; + } catch (e) { return null } + }, + + evalResponse: function() { + try { + return eval((this.transport.responseText || '').unfilterJSON()); + } catch (e) { + this.dispatchException(e); + } + }, + + dispatchException: function(exception) { + (this.options.onException || Prototype.emptyFunction)(this, exception); + Ajax.Responders.dispatch('onException', this, exception); + } +}); + +Ajax.Request.Events = + ['Uninitialized', 'Loading', 'Loaded', 'Interactive', 'Complete']; + +Ajax.Response = Class.create({ + initialize: function(request){ + this.request = request; + var transport = this.transport = request.transport, + readyState = this.readyState = transport.readyState; + + if((readyState > 2 && !Prototype.Browser.IE) || readyState == 4) { + this.status = this.getStatus(); + this.statusText = this.getStatusText(); + this.responseText = String.interpret(transport.responseText); + this.headerJSON = this._getHeaderJSON(); + } + + if(readyState == 4) { + var xml = transport.responseXML; + this.responseXML = Object.isUndefined(xml) ? null : xml; + this.responseJSON = this._getResponseJSON(); + } + }, + + status: 0, + statusText: '', + + getStatus: Ajax.Request.prototype.getStatus, + + getStatusText: function() { + try { + return this.transport.statusText || ''; + } catch (e) { return '' } + }, + + getHeader: Ajax.Request.prototype.getHeader, + + getAllHeaders: function() { + try { + return this.getAllResponseHeaders(); + } catch (e) { return null } + }, + + getResponseHeader: function(name) { + return this.transport.getResponseHeader(name); + }, + + getAllResponseHeaders: function() { + return this.transport.getAllResponseHeaders(); + }, + + _getHeaderJSON: function() { + var json = this.getHeader('X-JSON'); + if (!json) return null; + json = decodeURIComponent(escape(json)); + try { + return json.evalJSON(this.request.options.sanitizeJSON || + !this.request.isSameOrigin()); + } catch (e) { + this.request.dispatchException(e); + } + }, + + _getResponseJSON: function() { + var options = this.request.options; + if (!options.evalJSON || (options.evalJSON != 'force' && + !(this.getHeader('Content-type') || '').include('application/json')) || + this.responseText.blank()) + return null; + try { + return this.responseText.evalJSON(options.sanitizeJSON || + !this.request.isSameOrigin()); + } catch (e) { + this.request.dispatchException(e); + } + } +}); + +Ajax.Updater = Class.create(Ajax.Request, { + initialize: function($super, container, url, options) { + this.container = { + success: (container.success || container), + failure: (container.failure || (container.success ? null : container)) + }; + + options = Object.clone(options); + var onComplete = options.onComplete; + options.onComplete = (function(response, json) { + this.updateContent(response.responseText); + if (Object.isFunction(onComplete)) onComplete(response, json); + }).bind(this); + + $super(url, options); + }, + + updateContent: function(responseText) { + var receiver = this.container[this.success() ? 'success' : 'failure'], + options = this.options; + + if (!options.evalScripts) responseText = responseText.stripScripts(); + + if (receiver = $(receiver)) { + if (options.insertion) { + if (Object.isString(options.insertion)) { + var insertion = { }; insertion[options.insertion] = responseText; + receiver.insert(insertion); + } + else options.insertion(receiver, responseText); + } + else receiver.update(responseText); + } + } +}); + +Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater = Class.create(Ajax.Base, { + initialize: function($super, container, url, options) { + $super(options); + this.onComplete = this.options.onComplete; + + this.frequency = (this.options.frequency || 2); + this.decay = (this.options.decay || 1); + + this.updater = { }; + this.container = container; + this.url = url; + + this.start(); + }, + + start: function() { + this.options.onComplete = this.updateComplete.bind(this); + this.onTimerEvent(); + }, + + stop: function() { + this.updater.options.onComplete = undefined; + clearTimeout(this.timer); + (this.onComplete || Prototype.emptyFunction).apply(this, arguments); + }, + + updateComplete: function(response) { + if (this.options.decay) { + this.decay = (response.responseText == this.lastText ? + this.decay * this.options.decay : 1); + + this.lastText = response.responseText; + } + this.timer = this.onTimerEvent.bind(this).delay(this.decay * this.frequency); + }, + + onTimerEvent: function() { + this.updater = new Ajax.Updater(this.container, this.url, this.options); + } +}); +function $(element) { + if (arguments.length > 1) { + for (var i = 0, elements = [], length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) + elements.push($(arguments[i])); + return elements; + } + if (Object.isString(element)) + element = document.getElementById(element); + return Element.extend(element); +} + +if (Prototype.BrowserFeatures.XPath) { + document._getElementsByXPath = function(expression, parentElement) { + var results = []; + var query = document.evaluate(expression, $(parentElement) || document, + null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); + for (var i = 0, length = query.snapshotLength; i < length; i++) + results.push(Element.extend(query.snapshotItem(i))); + return results; + }; +} + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +if (!window.Node) var Node = { }; + +if (!Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { + // DOM level 2 ECMAScript Language Binding + Object.extend(Node, { + ELEMENT_NODE: 1, + ATTRIBUTE_NODE: 2, + TEXT_NODE: 3, + CDATA_SECTION_NODE: 4, + ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: 5, + ENTITY_NODE: 6, + PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: 7, + COMMENT_NODE: 8, + DOCUMENT_NODE: 9, + DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: 10, + DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: 11, + NOTATION_NODE: 12 + }); +} + +(function() { + var element = this.Element; + this.Element = function(tagName, attributes) { + attributes = attributes || { }; + tagName = tagName.toLowerCase(); + var cache = Element.cache; + if (Prototype.Browser.IE && { + tagName = '<' + tagName + ' name="' + + '">'; + delete; + return Element.writeAttribute(document.createElement(tagName), attributes); + } + if (!cache[tagName]) cache[tagName] = Element.extend(document.createElement(tagName)); + return Element.writeAttribute(cache[tagName].cloneNode(false), attributes); + }; + Object.extend(this.Element, element || { }); + if (element) this.Element.prototype = element.prototype; +}).call(window); + +Element.cache = { }; + +Element.Methods = { + visible: function(element) { + return $(element).style.display != 'none'; + }, + + toggle: function(element) { + element = $(element); + Element[Element.visible(element) ? 'hide' : 'show'](element); + return element; + }, + + hide: function(element) { + element = $(element); + = 'none'; + return element; + }, + + show: function(element) { + element = $(element); + = ''; + return element; + }, + + remove: function(element) { + element = $(element); + element.parentNode.removeChild(element); + return element; + }, + + update: function(element, content) { + element = $(element); + if (content && content.toElement) content = content.toElement(); + if (Object.isElement(content)) return element.update().insert(content); + content = Object.toHTML(content); + element.innerHTML = content.stripScripts(); + content.evalScripts.bind(content).defer(); + return element; + }, + + replace: function(element, content) { + element = $(element); + if (content && content.toElement) content = content.toElement(); + else if (!Object.isElement(content)) { + content = Object.toHTML(content); + var range = element.ownerDocument.createRange(); + range.selectNode(element); + content.evalScripts.bind(content).defer(); + content = range.createContextualFragment(content.stripScripts()); + } + element.parentNode.replaceChild(content, element); + return element; + }, + + insert: function(element, insertions) { + element = $(element); + + if (Object.isString(insertions) || Object.isNumber(insertions) || + Object.isElement(insertions) || (insertions && (insertions.toElement || insertions.toHTML))) + insertions = {bottom:insertions}; + + var content, insert, tagName, childNodes; + + for (var position in insertions) { + content = insertions[position]; + position = position.toLowerCase(); + insert = Element._insertionTranslations[position]; + + if (content && content.toElement) content = content.toElement(); + if (Object.isElement(content)) { + insert(element, content); + continue; + } + + content = Object.toHTML(content); + + tagName = ((position == 'before' || position == 'after') + ? element.parentNode : element).tagName.toUpperCase(); + + childNodes = Element._getContentFromAnonymousElement(tagName, content.stripScripts()); + + if (position == 'top' || position == 'after') childNodes.reverse(); + childNodes.each(insert.curry(element)); + + content.evalScripts.bind(content).defer(); + } + + return element; + }, + + wrap: function(element, wrapper, attributes) { + element = $(element); + if (Object.isElement(wrapper)) + $(wrapper).writeAttribute(attributes || { }); + else if (Object.isString(wrapper)) wrapper = new Element(wrapper, attributes); + else wrapper = new Element('div', wrapper); + if (element.parentNode) + element.parentNode.replaceChild(wrapper, element); + wrapper.appendChild(element); + return wrapper; + }, + + inspect: function(element) { + element = $(element); + var result = '<' + element.tagName.toLowerCase(); + $H({'id': 'id', 'className': 'class'}).each(function(pair) { + var property = pair.first(), attribute = pair.last(); + var value = (element[property] || '').toString(); + if (value) result += ' ' + attribute + '=' + value.inspect(true); + }); + return result + '>'; + }, + + recursivelyCollect: function(element, property) { + element = $(element); + var elements = []; + while (element = element[property]) + if (element.nodeType == 1) + elements.push(Element.extend(element)); + return elements; + }, + + ancestors: function(element) { + return $(element).recursivelyCollect('parentNode'); + }, + + descendants: function(element) { + return $(element).select("*"); + }, + + firstDescendant: function(element) { + element = $(element).firstChild; + while (element && element.nodeType != 1) element = element.nextSibling; + return $(element); + }, + + immediateDescendants: function(element) { + if (!(element = $(element).firstChild)) return []; + while (element && element.nodeType != 1) element = element.nextSibling; + if (element) return [element].concat($(element).nextSiblings()); + return []; + }, + + previousSiblings: function(element) { + return $(element).recursivelyCollect('previousSibling'); + }, + + nextSiblings: function(element) { + return $(element).recursivelyCollect('nextSibling'); + }, + + siblings: function(element) { + element = $(element); + return element.previousSiblings().reverse().concat(element.nextSiblings()); + }, + + match: function(element, selector) { + if (Object.isString(selector)) + selector = new Selector(selector); + return selector.match($(element)); + }, + + up: function(element, expression, index) { + element = $(element); + if (arguments.length == 1) return $(element.parentNode); + var ancestors = element.ancestors(); + return Object.isNumber(expression) ? ancestors[expression] : + Selector.findElement(ancestors, expression, index); + }, + + down: function(element, expression, index) { + element = $(element); + if (arguments.length == 1) return element.firstDescendant(); + return Object.isNumber(expression) ? element.descendants()[expression] : +, expression)[index || 0]; + }, + + previous: function(element, expression, index) { + element = $(element); + if (arguments.length == 1) return $(Selector.handlers.previousElementSibling(element)); + var previousSiblings = element.previousSiblings(); + return Object.isNumber(expression) ? previousSiblings[expression] : + Selector.findElement(previousSiblings, expression, index); + }, + + next: function(element, expression, index) { + element = $(element); + if (arguments.length == 1) return $(Selector.handlers.nextElementSibling(element)); + var nextSiblings = element.nextSiblings(); + return Object.isNumber(expression) ? nextSiblings[expression] : + Selector.findElement(nextSiblings, expression, index); + }, + + select: function() { + var args = $A(arguments), element = $(args.shift()); + return Selector.findChildElements(element, args); + }, + + adjacent: function() { + var args = $A(arguments), element = $(args.shift()); + return Selector.findChildElements(element.parentNode, args).without(element); + }, + + identify: function(element) { + element = $(element); + var id = element.readAttribute('id'), self = arguments.callee; + if (id) return id; + do { id = 'anonymous_element_' + self.counter++ } while ($(id)); + element.writeAttribute('id', id); + return id; + }, + + readAttribute: function(element, name) { + element = $(element); + if (Prototype.Browser.IE) { + var t =; + if (t.values[name]) return t.values[name](element, name); + if (t.names[name]) name = t.names[name]; + if (name.include(':')) { + return (!element.attributes || !element.attributes[name]) ? null : + element.attributes[name].value; + } + } + return element.getAttribute(name); + }, + + writeAttribute: function(element, name, value) { + element = $(element); + var attributes = { }, t = Element._attributeTranslations.write; + + if (typeof name == 'object') attributes = name; + else attributes[name] = Object.isUndefined(value) ? true : value; + + for (var attr in attributes) { + name = t.names[attr] || attr; + value = attributes[attr]; + if (t.values[attr]) name = t.values[attr](element, value); + if (value === false || value === null) + element.removeAttribute(name); + else if (value === true) + element.setAttribute(name, name); + else element.setAttribute(name, value); + } + return element; + }, + + getHeight: function(element) { + return $(element).getDimensions().height; + }, + + getWidth: function(element) { + return $(element).getDimensions().width; + }, + + classNames: function(element) { + return new Element.ClassNames(element); + }, + + hasClassName: function(element, className) { + if (!(element = $(element))) return; + var elementClassName = element.className; + return (elementClassName.length > 0 && (elementClassName == className || + new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)").test(elementClassName))); + }, + + addClassName: function(element, className) { + if (!(element = $(element))) return; + if (!element.hasClassName(className)) + element.className += (element.className ? ' ' : '') + className; + return element; + }, + + removeClassName: function(element, className) { + if (!(element = $(element))) return; + element.className = element.className.replace( + new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + className + "(\\s+|$)"), ' ').strip(); + return element; + }, + + toggleClassName: function(element, className) { + if (!(element = $(element))) return; + return element[element.hasClassName(className) ? + 'removeClassName' : 'addClassName'](className); + }, + + // removes whitespace-only text node children + cleanWhitespace: function(element) { + element = $(element); + var node = element.firstChild; + while (node) { + var nextNode = node.nextSibling; + if (node.nodeType == 3 && !/\S/.test(node.nodeValue)) + element.removeChild(node); + node = nextNode; + } + return element; + }, + + empty: function(element) { + return $(element).innerHTML.blank(); + }, + + descendantOf: function(element, ancestor) { + element = $(element), ancestor = $(ancestor); + + if (element.compareDocumentPosition) + return (element.compareDocumentPosition(ancestor) & 8) === 8; + + if (ancestor.contains) + return ancestor.contains(element) && ancestor !== element; + + while (element = element.parentNode) + if (element == ancestor) return true; + + return false; + }, + + scrollTo: function(element) { + element = $(element); + var pos = element.cumulativeOffset(); + window.scrollTo(pos[0], pos[1]); + return element; + }, + + getStyle: function(element, style) { + element = $(element); + style = style == 'float' ? 'cssFloat' : style.camelize(); + var value =[style]; + if (!value || value == 'auto') { + var css = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null); + value = css ? css[style] : null; + } + if (style == 'opacity') return value ? parseFloat(value) : 1.0; + return value == 'auto' ? null : value; + }, + + getOpacity: function(element) { + return $(element).getStyle('opacity'); + }, + + setStyle: function(element, styles) { + element = $(element); + var elementStyle =, match; + if (Object.isString(styles)) { + += ';' + styles; + return styles.include('opacity') ? + element.setOpacity(styles.match(/opacity:\s*(\d?\.?\d*)/)[1]) : element; + } + for (var property in styles) + if (property == 'opacity') element.setOpacity(styles[property]); + else + elementStyle[(property == 'float' || property == 'cssFloat') ? + (Object.isUndefined(elementStyle.styleFloat) ? 'cssFloat' : 'styleFloat') : + property] = styles[property]; + + return element; + }, + + setOpacity: function(element, value) { + element = $(element); + = (value == 1 || value === '') ? '' : + (value < 0.00001) ? 0 : value; + return element; + }, + + getDimensions: function(element) { + element = $(element); + var display = element.getStyle('display'); + if (display != 'none' && display != null) // Safari bug + return {width: element.offsetWidth, height: element.offsetHeight}; + + // All *Width and *Height properties give 0 on elements with display none, + // so enable the element temporarily + var els =; + var originalVisibility = els.visibility; + var originalPosition = els.position; + var originalDisplay = els.display; + els.visibility = 'hidden'; + els.position = 'absolute'; + els.display = 'block'; + var originalWidth = element.clientWidth; + var originalHeight = element.clientHeight; + els.display = originalDisplay; + els.position = originalPosition; + els.visibility = originalVisibility; + return {width: originalWidth, height: originalHeight}; + }, + + makePositioned: function(element) { + element = $(element); + var pos = Element.getStyle(element, 'position'); + if (pos == 'static' || !pos) { + element._madePositioned = true; + = 'relative'; + // Opera returns the offset relative to the positioning context, when an + // element is position relative but top and left have not been defined + if (Prototype.Browser.Opera) { + = 0; + = 0; + } + } + return element; + }, + + undoPositioned: function(element) { + element = $(element); + if (element._madePositioned) { + element._madePositioned = undefined; + = + = + = + = + = ''; + } + return element; + }, + + makeClipping: function(element) { + element = $(element); + if (element._overflow) return element; + element._overflow = Element.getStyle(element, 'overflow') || 'auto'; + if (element._overflow !== 'hidden') + = 'hidden'; + return element; + }, + + undoClipping: function(element) { + element = $(element); + if (!element._overflow) return element; + = element._overflow == 'auto' ? '' : element._overflow; + element._overflow = null; + return element; + }, + + cumulativeOffset: function(element) { + var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; + do { + valueT += element.offsetTop || 0; + valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0; + element = element.offsetParent; + } while (element); + return Element._returnOffset(valueL, valueT); + }, + + positionedOffset: function(element) { + var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; + do { + valueT += element.offsetTop || 0; + valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0; + element = element.offsetParent; + if (element) { + if (element.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'BODY') break; + var p = Element.getStyle(element, 'position'); + if (p !== 'static') break; + } + } while (element); + return Element._returnOffset(valueL, valueT); + }, + + absolutize: function(element) { + element = $(element); + if (element.getStyle('position') == 'absolute') return element; + // Position.prepare(); // To be done manually by Scripty when it needs it. + + var offsets = element.positionedOffset(); + var top = offsets[1]; + var left = offsets[0]; + var width = element.clientWidth; + var height = element.clientHeight; + + element._originalLeft = left - parseFloat( || 0); + element._originalTop = top - parseFloat( || 0); + element._originalWidth =; + element._originalHeight =; + + = 'absolute'; + = top + 'px'; + = left + 'px'; + = width + 'px'; + = height + 'px'; + return element; + }, + + relativize: function(element) { + element = $(element); + if (element.getStyle('position') == 'relative') return element; + // Position.prepare(); // To be done manually by Scripty when it needs it. + + = 'relative'; + var top = parseFloat( || 0) - (element._originalTop || 0); + var left = parseFloat( || 0) - (element._originalLeft || 0); + + = top + 'px'; + = left + 'px'; + = element._originalHeight; + = element._originalWidth; + return element; + }, + + cumulativeScrollOffset: function(element) { + var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; + do { + valueT += element.scrollTop || 0; + valueL += element.scrollLeft || 0; + element = element.parentNode; + } while (element); + return Element._returnOffset(valueL, valueT); + }, + + getOffsetParent: function(element) { + if (element.offsetParent) return $(element.offsetParent); + if (element == document.body) return $(element); + + while ((element = element.parentNode) && element != document.body) + if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') != 'static') + return $(element); + + return $(document.body); + }, + + viewportOffset: function(forElement) { + var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; + + var element = forElement; + do { + valueT += element.offsetTop || 0; + valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0; + + // Safari fix + if (element.offsetParent == document.body && + Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'absolute') break; + + } while (element = element.offsetParent); + + element = forElement; + do { + if (!Prototype.Browser.Opera || (element.tagName && (element.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'BODY'))) { + valueT -= element.scrollTop || 0; + valueL -= element.scrollLeft || 0; + } + } while (element = element.parentNode); + + return Element._returnOffset(valueL, valueT); + }, + + clonePosition: function(element, source) { + var options = Object.extend({ + setLeft: true, + setTop: true, + setWidth: true, + setHeight: true, + offsetTop: 0, + offsetLeft: 0 + }, arguments[2] || { }); + + // find page position of source + source = $(source); + var p = source.viewportOffset(); + + // find coordinate system to use + element = $(element); + var delta = [0, 0]; + var parent = null; + // delta [0,0] will do fine with position: fixed elements, + // position:absolute needs offsetParent deltas + if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'absolute') { + parent = element.getOffsetParent(); + delta = parent.viewportOffset(); + } + + // correct by body offsets (fixes Safari) + if (parent == document.body) { + delta[0] -= document.body.offsetLeft; + delta[1] -= document.body.offsetTop; + } + + // set position + if (options.setLeft) = (p[0] - delta[0] + options.offsetLeft) + 'px'; + if (options.setTop) = (p[1] - delta[1] + options.offsetTop) + 'px'; + if (options.setWidth) = source.offsetWidth + 'px'; + if (options.setHeight) = source.offsetHeight + 'px'; + return element; + } +}; + +Element.Methods.identify.counter = 1; + +Object.extend(Element.Methods, { + getElementsBySelector:, + childElements: Element.Methods.immediateDescendants +}); + +Element._attributeTranslations = { + write: { + names: { + className: 'class', + htmlFor: 'for' + }, + values: { } + } +}; + +if (Prototype.Browser.Opera) { + Element.Methods.getStyle = Element.Methods.getStyle.wrap( + function(proceed, element, style) { + switch (style) { + case 'left': case 'top': case 'right': case 'bottom': + if (proceed(element, 'position') === 'static') return null; + case 'height': case 'width': + // returns '0px' for hidden elements; we want it to return null + if (!Element.visible(element)) return null; + + // returns the border-box dimensions rather than the content-box + // dimensions, so we subtract padding and borders from the value + var dim = parseInt(proceed(element, style), 10); + + if (dim !== element['offset' + style.capitalize()]) + return dim + 'px'; + + var properties; + if (style === 'height') { + properties = ['border-top-width', 'padding-top', + 'padding-bottom', 'border-bottom-width']; + } + else { + properties = ['border-left-width', 'padding-left', + 'padding-right', 'border-right-width']; + } + return properties.inject(dim, function(memo, property) { + var val = proceed(element, property); + return val === null ? memo : memo - parseInt(val, 10); + }) + 'px'; + default: return proceed(element, style); + } + } + ); + + Element.Methods.readAttribute = Element.Methods.readAttribute.wrap( + function(proceed, element, attribute) { + if (attribute === 'title') return element.title; + return proceed(element, attribute); + } + ); +} + +else if (Prototype.Browser.IE) { + // IE doesn't report offsets correctly for static elements, so we change them + // to "relative" to get the values, then change them back. + Element.Methods.getOffsetParent = Element.Methods.getOffsetParent.wrap( + function(proceed, element) { + element = $(element); + // IE throws an error if element is not in document + try { element.offsetParent } + catch(e) { return $(document.body) } + var position = element.getStyle('position'); + if (position !== 'static') return proceed(element); + element.setStyle({ position: 'relative' }); + var value = proceed(element); + element.setStyle({ position: position }); + return value; + } + ); + + $w('positionedOffset viewportOffset').each(function(method) { + Element.Methods[method] = Element.Methods[method].wrap( + function(proceed, element) { + element = $(element); + try { element.offsetParent } + catch(e) { return Element._returnOffset(0,0) } + var position = element.getStyle('position'); + if (position !== 'static') return proceed(element); + // Trigger hasLayout on the offset parent so that IE6 reports + // accurate offsetTop and offsetLeft values for position: fixed. + var offsetParent = element.getOffsetParent(); + if (offsetParent && offsetParent.getStyle('position') === 'fixed') + offsetParent.setStyle({ zoom: 1 }); + element.setStyle({ position: 'relative' }); + var value = proceed(element); + element.setStyle({ position: position }); + return value; + } + ); + }); + + Element.Methods.cumulativeOffset = Element.Methods.cumulativeOffset.wrap( + function(proceed, element) { + try { element.offsetParent } + catch(e) { return Element._returnOffset(0,0) } + return proceed(element); + } + ); + + Element.Methods.getStyle = function(element, style) { + element = $(element); + style = (style == 'float' || style == 'cssFloat') ? 'styleFloat' : style.camelize(); + var value =[style]; + if (!value && element.currentStyle) value = element.currentStyle[style]; + + if (style == 'opacity') { + if (value = (element.getStyle('filter') || '').match(/alpha\(opacity=(.*)\)/)) + if (value[1]) return parseFloat(value[1]) / 100; + return 1.0; + } + + if (value == 'auto') { + if ((style == 'width' || style == 'height') && (element.getStyle('display') != 'none')) + return element['offset' + style.capitalize()] + 'px'; + return null; + } + return value; + }; + + Element.Methods.setOpacity = function(element, value) { + function stripAlpha(filter){ + return filter.replace(/alpha\([^\)]*\)/gi,''); + } + element = $(element); + var currentStyle = element.currentStyle; + if ((currentStyle && !currentStyle.hasLayout) || + (!currentStyle && == 'normal')) + = 1; + + var filter = element.getStyle('filter'), style =; + if (value == 1 || value === '') { + (filter = stripAlpha(filter)) ? + style.filter = filter : style.removeAttribute('filter'); + return element; + } else if (value < 0.00001) value = 0; + style.filter = stripAlpha(filter) + + 'alpha(opacity=' + (value * 100) + ')'; + return element; + }; + + Element._attributeTranslations = { + read: { + names: { + 'class': 'className', + 'for': 'htmlFor' + }, + values: { + _getAttr: function(element, attribute) { + return element.getAttribute(attribute, 2); + }, + _getAttrNode: function(element, attribute) { + var node = element.getAttributeNode(attribute); + return node ? node.value : ""; + }, + _getEv: function(element, attribute) { + attribute = element.getAttribute(attribute); + return attribute ? attribute.toString().slice(23, -2) : null; + }, + _flag: function(element, attribute) { + return $(element).hasAttribute(attribute) ? attribute : null; + }, + style: function(element) { + return; + }, + title: function(element) { + return element.title; + } + } + } + }; + + Element._attributeTranslations.write = { + names: Object.extend({ + cellpadding: 'cellPadding', + cellspacing: 'cellSpacing' + },, + values: { + checked: function(element, value) { + element.checked = !!value; + }, + + style: function(element, value) { + = value ? value : ''; + } + } + }; + + Element._attributeTranslations.has = {}; + + $w('colSpan rowSpan vAlign dateTime accessKey tabIndex ' + + 'encType maxLength readOnly longDesc frameBorder').each(function(attr) { + Element._attributeTranslations.write.names[attr.toLowerCase()] = attr; + Element._attributeTranslations.has[attr.toLowerCase()] = attr; + }); + + (function(v) { + Object.extend(v, { + href: v._getAttr, + src: v._getAttr, + type: v._getAttr, + action: v._getAttrNode, + disabled: v._flag, + checked: v._flag, + readonly: v._flag, + multiple: v._flag, + onload: v._getEv, + onunload: v._getEv, + onclick: v._getEv, + ondblclick: v._getEv, + onmousedown: v._getEv, + onmouseup: v._getEv, + onmouseover: v._getEv, + onmousemove: v._getEv, + onmouseout: v._getEv, + onfocus: v._getEv, + onblur: v._getEv, + onkeypress: v._getEv, + onkeydown: v._getEv, + onkeyup: v._getEv, + onsubmit: v._getEv, + onreset: v._getEv, + onselect: v._getEv, + onchange: v._getEv + }); + })(; +} + +else if (Prototype.Browser.Gecko && /rv:1\.8\.0/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { + Element.Methods.setOpacity = function(element, value) { + element = $(element); + = (value == 1) ? 0.999999 : + (value === '') ? '' : (value < 0.00001) ? 0 : value; + return element; + }; +} + +else if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) { + Element.Methods.setOpacity = function(element, value) { + element = $(element); + = (value == 1 || value === '') ? '' : + (value < 0.00001) ? 0 : value; + + if (value == 1) + if(element.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'IMG' && element.width) { + element.width++; element.width--; + } else try { + var n = document.createTextNode(' '); + element.appendChild(n); + element.removeChild(n); + } catch (e) { } + + return element; + }; + + // Safari returns margins on body which is incorrect if the child is absolutely + // positioned. For performance reasons, redefine Element#cumulativeOffset for + // KHTML/WebKit only. + Element.Methods.cumulativeOffset = function(element) { + var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; + do { + valueT += element.offsetTop || 0; + valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0; + if (element.offsetParent == document.body) + if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'absolute') break; + + element = element.offsetParent; + } while (element); + + return Element._returnOffset(valueL, valueT); + }; +} + +if (Prototype.Browser.IE || Prototype.Browser.Opera) { + // IE and Opera are missing .innerHTML support for TABLE-related and SELECT elements + Element.Methods.update = function(element, content) { + element = $(element); + + if (content && content.toElement) content = content.toElement(); + if (Object.isElement(content)) return element.update().insert(content); + + content = Object.toHTML(content); + var tagName = element.tagName.toUpperCase(); + + if (tagName in Element._insertionTranslations.tags) { + $A(element.childNodes).each(function(node) { element.removeChild(node) }); + Element._getContentFromAnonymousElement(tagName, content.stripScripts()) + .each(function(node) { element.appendChild(node) }); + } + else element.innerHTML = content.stripScripts(); + + content.evalScripts.bind(content).defer(); + return element; + }; +} + +if ('outerHTML' in document.createElement('div')) { + Element.Methods.replace = function(element, content) { + element = $(element); + + if (content && content.toElement) content = content.toElement(); + if (Object.isElement(content)) { + element.parentNode.replaceChild(content, element); + return element; + } + + content = Object.toHTML(content); + var parent = element.parentNode, tagName = parent.tagName.toUpperCase(); + + if (Element._insertionTranslations.tags[tagName]) { + var nextSibling =; + var fragments = Element._getContentFromAnonymousElement(tagName, content.stripScripts()); + parent.removeChild(element); + if (nextSibling) + fragments.each(function(node) { parent.insertBefore(node, nextSibling) }); + else + fragments.each(function(node) { parent.appendChild(node) }); + } + else element.outerHTML = content.stripScripts(); + + content.evalScripts.bind(content).defer(); + return element; + }; +} + +Element._returnOffset = function(l, t) { + var result = [l, t]; + result.left = l; + = t; + return result; +}; + +Element._getContentFromAnonymousElement = function(tagName, html) { + var div = new Element('div'), t = Element._insertionTranslations.tags[tagName]; + if (t) { + div.innerHTML = t[0] + html + t[1]; + t[2].times(function() { div = div.firstChild }); + } else div.innerHTML = html; + return $A(div.childNodes); +}; + +Element._insertionTranslations = { + before: function(element, node) { + element.parentNode.insertBefore(node, element); + }, + top: function(element, node) { + element.insertBefore(node, element.firstChild); + }, + bottom: function(element, node) { + element.appendChild(node); + }, + after: function(element, node) { + element.parentNode.insertBefore(node, element.nextSibling); + }, + tags: { + TABLE: ['', '
    ', 1], + TBODY: ['', '
    ', 2], + TR: ['', '
    ', 3], + TD: ['
    ', '
    ', 4], + SELECT: ['', 1] + } +}; + +(function() { + Object.extend(this.tags, { + THEAD: this.tags.TBODY, + TFOOT: this.tags.TBODY, + TH: this.tags.TD + }); +}).call(Element._insertionTranslations); + +Element.Methods.Simulated = { + hasAttribute: function(element, attribute) { + attribute = Element._attributeTranslations.has[attribute] || attribute; + var node = $(element).getAttributeNode(attribute); + return !!(node && node.specified); + } +}; + +Element.Methods.ByTag = { }; + +Object.extend(Element, Element.Methods); + +if (!Prototype.BrowserFeatures.ElementExtensions && + document.createElement('div')['__proto__']) { + window.HTMLElement = { }; + window.HTMLElement.prototype = document.createElement('div')['__proto__']; + Prototype.BrowserFeatures.ElementExtensions = true; +} + +Element.extend = (function() { + if (Prototype.BrowserFeatures.SpecificElementExtensions) + return Prototype.K; + + var Methods = { }, ByTag = Element.Methods.ByTag; + + var extend = Object.extend(function(element) { + if (!element || element._extendedByPrototype || + element.nodeType != 1 || element == window) return element; + + var methods = Object.clone(Methods), + tagName = element.tagName.toUpperCase(), property, value; + + // extend methods for specific tags + if (ByTag[tagName]) Object.extend(methods, ByTag[tagName]); + + for (property in methods) { + value = methods[property]; + if (Object.isFunction(value) && !(property in element)) + element[property] = value.methodize(); + } + + element._extendedByPrototype = Prototype.emptyFunction; + return element; + + }, { + refresh: function() { + // extend methods for all tags (Safari doesn't need this) + if (!Prototype.BrowserFeatures.ElementExtensions) { + Object.extend(Methods, Element.Methods); + Object.extend(Methods, Element.Methods.Simulated); + } + } + }); + + extend.refresh(); + return extend; +})(); + +Element.hasAttribute = function(element, attribute) { + if (element.hasAttribute) return element.hasAttribute(attribute); + return Element.Methods.Simulated.hasAttribute(element, attribute); +}; + +Element.addMethods = function(methods) { + var F = Prototype.BrowserFeatures, T = Element.Methods.ByTag; + + if (!methods) { + Object.extend(Form, Form.Methods); + Object.extend(Form.Element, Form.Element.Methods); + Object.extend(Element.Methods.ByTag, { + "FORM": Object.clone(Form.Methods), + "INPUT": Object.clone(Form.Element.Methods), + "SELECT": Object.clone(Form.Element.Methods), + "TEXTAREA": Object.clone(Form.Element.Methods) + }); + } + + if (arguments.length == 2) { + var tagName = methods; + methods = arguments[1]; + } + + if (!tagName) Object.extend(Element.Methods, methods || { }); + else { + if (Object.isArray(tagName)) tagName.each(extend); + else extend(tagName); + } + + function extend(tagName) { + tagName = tagName.toUpperCase(); + if (!Element.Methods.ByTag[tagName]) + Element.Methods.ByTag[tagName] = { }; + Object.extend(Element.Methods.ByTag[tagName], methods); + } + + function copy(methods, destination, onlyIfAbsent) { + onlyIfAbsent = onlyIfAbsent || false; + for (var property in methods) { + var value = methods[property]; + if (!Object.isFunction(value)) continue; + if (!onlyIfAbsent || !(property in destination)) + destination[property] = value.methodize(); + } + } + + function findDOMClass(tagName) { + var klass; + var trans = { + "OPTGROUP": "OptGroup", "TEXTAREA": "TextArea", "P": "Paragraph", + "FIELDSET": "FieldSet", "UL": "UList", "OL": "OList", "DL": "DList", + "DIR": "Directory", "H1": "Heading", "H2": "Heading", "H3": "Heading", + "H4": "Heading", "H5": "Heading", "H6": "Heading", "Q": "Quote", + "INS": "Mod", "DEL": "Mod", "A": "Anchor", "IMG": "Image", "CAPTION": + "TableCaption", "COL": "TableCol", "COLGROUP": "TableCol", "THEAD": + "TableSection", "TFOOT": "TableSection", "TBODY": "TableSection", "TR": + "TableRow", "TH": "TableCell", "TD": "TableCell", "FRAMESET": + "FrameSet", "IFRAME": "IFrame" + }; + if (trans[tagName]) klass = 'HTML' + trans[tagName] + 'Element'; + if (window[klass]) return window[klass]; + klass = 'HTML' + tagName + 'Element'; + if (window[klass]) return window[klass]; + klass = 'HTML' + tagName.capitalize() + 'Element'; + if (window[klass]) return window[klass]; + + window[klass] = { }; + window[klass].prototype = document.createElement(tagName)['__proto__']; + return window[klass]; + } + + if (F.ElementExtensions) { + copy(Element.Methods, HTMLElement.prototype); + copy(Element.Methods.Simulated, HTMLElement.prototype, true); + } + + if (F.SpecificElementExtensions) { + for (var tag in Element.Methods.ByTag) { + var klass = findDOMClass(tag); + if (Object.isUndefined(klass)) continue; + copy(T[tag], klass.prototype); + } + } + + Object.extend(Element, Element.Methods); + delete Element.ByTag; + + if (Element.extend.refresh) Element.extend.refresh(); + Element.cache = { }; +}; + +document.viewport = { + getDimensions: function() { + var dimensions = { }, B = Prototype.Browser; + $w('width height').each(function(d) { + var D = d.capitalize(); + if (B.WebKit && !document.evaluate) { + // Safari <3.0 needs self.innerWidth/Height + dimensions[d] = self['inner' + D]; + } else if (B.Opera && parseFloat(window.opera.version()) < 9.5) { + // Opera <9.5 needs document.body.clientWidth/Height + dimensions[d] = document.body['client' + D] + } else { + dimensions[d] = document.documentElement['client' + D]; + } + }); + return dimensions; + }, + + getWidth: function() { + return this.getDimensions().width; + }, + + getHeight: function() { + return this.getDimensions().height; + }, + + getScrollOffsets: function() { + return Element._returnOffset( + window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft, + window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop); + } +}; +/* Portions of the Selector class are derived from Jack Slocum's DomQuery, + * part of YUI-Ext version 0.40, distributed under the terms of an MIT-style + * license. Please see for more information. */ + +var Selector = Class.create({ + initialize: function(expression) { + this.expression = expression.strip(); + + if (this.shouldUseSelectorsAPI()) { + this.mode = 'selectorsAPI'; + } else if (this.shouldUseXPath()) { + this.mode = 'xpath'; + this.compileXPathMatcher(); + } else { + this.mode = "normal"; + this.compileMatcher(); + } + + }, + + shouldUseXPath: function() { + if (!Prototype.BrowserFeatures.XPath) return false; + + var e = this.expression; + + // Safari 3 chokes on :*-of-type and :empty + if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit && + (e.include("-of-type") || e.include(":empty"))) + return false; + + // XPath can't do namespaced attributes, nor can it read + // the "checked" property from DOM nodes + if ((/(\[[\w-]*?:|:checked)/).test(e)) + return false; + + return true; + }, + + shouldUseSelectorsAPI: function() { + if (!Prototype.BrowserFeatures.SelectorsAPI) return false; + + if (!Selector._div) Selector._div = new Element('div'); + + // Make sure the browser treats the selector as valid. Test on an + // isolated element to minimize cost of this check. + try { + Selector._div.querySelector(this.expression); + } catch(e) { + return false; + } + + return true; + }, + + compileMatcher: function() { + var e = this.expression, ps = Selector.patterns, h = Selector.handlers, + c = Selector.criteria, le, p, m; + + if (Selector._cache[e]) { + this.matcher = Selector._cache[e]; + return; + } + + this.matcher = ["this.matcher = function(root) {", + "var r = root, h = Selector.handlers, c = false, n;"]; + + while (e && le != e && (/\S/).test(e)) { + le = e; + for (var i in ps) { + p = ps[i]; + if (m = e.match(p)) { + this.matcher.push(Object.isFunction(c[i]) ? c[i](m) : + new Template(c[i]).evaluate(m)); + e = e.replace(m[0], ''); + break; + } + } + } + + this.matcher.push("return h.unique(n);\n}"); + eval(this.matcher.join('\n')); + Selector._cache[this.expression] = this.matcher; + }, + + compileXPathMatcher: function() { + var e = this.expression, ps = Selector.patterns, + x = Selector.xpath, le, m; + + if (Selector._cache[e]) { + this.xpath = Selector._cache[e]; return; + } + + this.matcher = ['.//*']; + while (e && le != e && (/\S/).test(e)) { + le = e; + for (var i in ps) { + if (m = e.match(ps[i])) { + this.matcher.push(Object.isFunction(x[i]) ? x[i](m) : + new Template(x[i]).evaluate(m)); + e = e.replace(m[0], ''); + break; + } + } + } + + this.xpath = this.matcher.join(''); + Selector._cache[this.expression] = this.xpath; + }, + + findElements: function(root) { + root = root || document; + var e = this.expression, results; + + switch (this.mode) { + case 'selectorsAPI': + // querySelectorAll queries document-wide, then filters to descendants + // of the context element. That's not what we want. + // Add an explicit context to the selector if necessary. + if (root !== document) { + var oldId =, id = $(root).identify(); + e = "#" + id + " " + e; + } + + results = $A(root.querySelectorAll(e)).map(Element.extend); + = oldId; + + return results; + case 'xpath': + return document._getElementsByXPath(this.xpath, root); + default: + return this.matcher(root); + } + }, + + match: function(element) { + this.tokens = []; + + var e = this.expression, ps = Selector.patterns, as = Selector.assertions; + var le, p, m; + + while (e && le !== e && (/\S/).test(e)) { + le = e; + for (var i in ps) { + p = ps[i]; + if (m = e.match(p)) { + // use the Selector.assertions methods unless the selector + // is too complex. + if (as[i]) { + this.tokens.push([i, Object.clone(m)]); + e = e.replace(m[0], ''); + } else { + // reluctantly do a document-wide search + // and look for a match in the array + return this.findElements(document).include(element); + } + } + } + } + + var match = true, name, matches; + for (var i = 0, token; token = this.tokens[i]; i++) { + name = token[0], matches = token[1]; + if (!Selector.assertions[name](element, matches)) { + match = false; break; + } + } + + return match; + }, + + toString: function() { + return this.expression; + }, + + inspect: function() { + return "#"; + } +}); + +Object.extend(Selector, { + _cache: { }, + + xpath: { + descendant: "//*", + child: "/*", + adjacent: "/following-sibling::*[1]", + laterSibling: '/following-sibling::*', + tagName: function(m) { + if (m[1] == '*') return ''; + return "[local-name()='" + m[1].toLowerCase() + + "' or local-name()='" + m[1].toUpperCase() + "']"; + }, + className: "[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' #{1} ')]", + id: "[@id='#{1}']", + attrPresence: function(m) { + m[1] = m[1].toLowerCase(); + return new Template("[@#{1}]").evaluate(m); + }, + attr: function(m) { + m[1] = m[1].toLowerCase(); + m[3] = m[5] || m[6]; + return new Template(Selector.xpath.operators[m[2]]).evaluate(m); + }, + pseudo: function(m) { + var h = Selector.xpath.pseudos[m[1]]; + if (!h) return ''; + if (Object.isFunction(h)) return h(m); + return new Template(Selector.xpath.pseudos[m[1]]).evaluate(m); + }, + operators: { + '=': "[@#{1}='#{3}']", + '!=': "[@#{1}!='#{3}']", + '^=': "[starts-with(@#{1}, '#{3}')]", + '$=': "[substring(@#{1}, (string-length(@#{1}) - string-length('#{3}') + 1))='#{3}']", + '*=': "[contains(@#{1}, '#{3}')]", + '~=': "[contains(concat(' ', @#{1}, ' '), ' #{3} ')]", + '|=': "[contains(concat('-', @#{1}, '-'), '-#{3}-')]" + }, + pseudos: { + 'first-child': '[not(preceding-sibling::*)]', + 'last-child': '[not(following-sibling::*)]', + 'only-child': '[not(preceding-sibling::* or following-sibling::*)]', + 'empty': "[count(*) = 0 and (count(text()) = 0)]", + 'checked': "[@checked]", + 'disabled': "[(@disabled) and (@type!='hidden')]", + 'enabled': "[not(@disabled) and (@type!='hidden')]", + 'not': function(m) { + var e = m[6], p = Selector.patterns, + x = Selector.xpath, le, v; + + var exclusion = []; + while (e && le != e && (/\S/).test(e)) { + le = e; + for (var i in p) { + if (m = e.match(p[i])) { + v = Object.isFunction(x[i]) ? x[i](m) : new Template(x[i]).evaluate(m); + exclusion.push("(" + v.substring(1, v.length - 1) + ")"); + e = e.replace(m[0], ''); + break; + } + } + } + return "[not(" + exclusion.join(" and ") + ")]"; + }, + 'nth-child': function(m) { + return Selector.xpath.pseudos.nth("(count(./preceding-sibling::*) + 1) ", m); + }, + 'nth-last-child': function(m) { + return Selector.xpath.pseudos.nth("(count(./following-sibling::*) + 1) ", m); + }, + 'nth-of-type': function(m) { + return Selector.xpath.pseudos.nth("position() ", m); + }, + 'nth-last-of-type': function(m) { + return Selector.xpath.pseudos.nth("(last() + 1 - position()) ", m); + }, + 'first-of-type': function(m) { + m[6] = "1"; return Selector.xpath.pseudos['nth-of-type'](m); + }, + 'last-of-type': function(m) { + m[6] = "1"; return Selector.xpath.pseudos['nth-last-of-type'](m); + }, + 'only-of-type': function(m) { + var p = Selector.xpath.pseudos; return p['first-of-type'](m) + p['last-of-type'](m); + }, + nth: function(fragment, m) { + var mm, formula = m[6], predicate; + if (formula == 'even') formula = '2n+0'; + if (formula == 'odd') formula = '2n+1'; + if (mm = formula.match(/^(\d+)$/)) // digit only + return '[' + fragment + "= " + mm[1] + ']'; + if (mm = formula.match(/^(-?\d*)?n(([+-])(\d+))?/)) { // an+b + if (mm[1] == "-") mm[1] = -1; + var a = mm[1] ? Number(mm[1]) : 1; + var b = mm[2] ? Number(mm[2]) : 0; + predicate = "[((#{fragment} - #{b}) mod #{a} = 0) and " + + "((#{fragment} - #{b}) div #{a} >= 0)]"; + return new Template(predicate).evaluate({ + fragment: fragment, a: a, b: b }); + } + } + } + }, + + criteria: { + tagName: 'n = h.tagName(n, r, "#{1}", c); c = false;', + className: 'n = h.className(n, r, "#{1}", c); c = false;', + id: 'n =, r, "#{1}", c); c = false;', + attrPresence: 'n = h.attrPresence(n, r, "#{1}", c); c = false;', + attr: function(m) { + m[3] = (m[5] || m[6]); + return new Template('n = h.attr(n, r, "#{1}", "#{3}", "#{2}", c); c = false;').evaluate(m); + }, + pseudo: function(m) { + if (m[6]) m[6] = m[6].replace(/"/g, '\\"'); + return new Template('n = h.pseudo(n, "#{1}", "#{6}", r, c); c = false;').evaluate(m); + }, + descendant: 'c = "descendant";', + child: 'c = "child";', + adjacent: 'c = "adjacent";', + laterSibling: 'c = "laterSibling";' + }, + + patterns: { + // combinators must be listed first + // (and descendant needs to be last combinator) + laterSibling: /^\s*~\s*/, + child: /^\s*>\s*/, + adjacent: /^\s*\+\s*/, + descendant: /^\s/, + + // selectors follow + tagName: /^\s*(\*|[\w\-]+)(\b|$)?/, + id: /^#([\w\-\*]+)(\b|$)/, + className: /^\.([\w\-\*]+)(\b|$)/, + pseudo: +/^:((first|last|nth|nth-last|only)(-child|-of-type)|empty|checked|(en|dis)abled|not)(\((.*?)\))?(\b|$|(?=\s|[:+~>]))/, + attrPresence: /^\[((?:[\w]+:)?[\w]+)\]/, + attr: /\[((?:[\w-]*:)?[\w-]+)\s*(?:([!^$*~|]?=)\s*((['"])([^\4]*?)\4|([^'"][^\]]*?)))?\]/ + }, + + // for Selector.match and Element#match + assertions: { + tagName: function(element, matches) { + return matches[1].toUpperCase() == element.tagName.toUpperCase(); + }, + + className: function(element, matches) { + return Element.hasClassName(element, matches[1]); + }, + + id: function(element, matches) { + return === matches[1]; + }, + + attrPresence: function(element, matches) { + return Element.hasAttribute(element, matches[1]); + }, + + attr: function(element, matches) { + var nodeValue = Element.readAttribute(element, matches[1]); + return nodeValue && Selector.operators[matches[2]](nodeValue, matches[5] || matches[6]); + } + }, + + handlers: { + // UTILITY FUNCTIONS + // joins two collections + concat: function(a, b) { + for (var i = 0, node; node = b[i]; i++) + a.push(node); + return a; + }, + + // marks an array of nodes for counting + mark: function(nodes) { + var _true = Prototype.emptyFunction; + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + node._countedByPrototype = _true; + return nodes; + }, + + unmark: function(nodes) { + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + node._countedByPrototype = undefined; + return nodes; + }, + + // mark each child node with its position (for nth calls) + // "ofType" flag indicates whether we're indexing for nth-of-type + // rather than nth-child + index: function(parentNode, reverse, ofType) { + parentNode._countedByPrototype = Prototype.emptyFunction; + if (reverse) { + for (var nodes = parentNode.childNodes, i = nodes.length - 1, j = 1; i >= 0; i--) { + var node = nodes[i]; + if (node.nodeType == 1 && (!ofType || node._countedByPrototype)) node.nodeIndex = j++; + } + } else { + for (var i = 0, j = 1, nodes = parentNode.childNodes; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (node.nodeType == 1 && (!ofType || node._countedByPrototype)) node.nodeIndex = j++; + } + }, + + // filters out duplicates and extends all nodes + unique: function(nodes) { + if (nodes.length == 0) return nodes; + var results = [], n; + for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) + if (!(n = nodes[i])._countedByPrototype) { + n._countedByPrototype = Prototype.emptyFunction; + results.push(Element.extend(n)); + } + return Selector.handlers.unmark(results); + }, + + // COMBINATOR FUNCTIONS + descendant: function(nodes) { + var h = Selector.handlers; + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + h.concat(results, node.getElementsByTagName('*')); + return results; + }, + + child: function(nodes) { + var h = Selector.handlers; + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) { + for (var j = 0, child; child = node.childNodes[j]; j++) + if (child.nodeType == 1 && child.tagName != '!') results.push(child); + } + return results; + }, + + adjacent: function(nodes) { + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) { + var next = this.nextElementSibling(node); + if (next) results.push(next); + } + return results; + }, + + laterSibling: function(nodes) { + var h = Selector.handlers; + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + h.concat(results, Element.nextSiblings(node)); + return results; + }, + + nextElementSibling: function(node) { + while (node = node.nextSibling) + if (node.nodeType == 1) return node; + return null; + }, + + previousElementSibling: function(node) { + while (node = node.previousSibling) + if (node.nodeType == 1) return node; + return null; + }, + + // TOKEN FUNCTIONS + tagName: function(nodes, root, tagName, combinator) { + var uTagName = tagName.toUpperCase(); + var results = [], h = Selector.handlers; + if (nodes) { + if (combinator) { + // fastlane for ordinary descendant combinators + if (combinator == "descendant") { + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + h.concat(results, node.getElementsByTagName(tagName)); + return results; + } else nodes = this[combinator](nodes); + if (tagName == "*") return nodes; + } + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (node.tagName.toUpperCase() === uTagName) results.push(node); + return results; + } else return root.getElementsByTagName(tagName); + }, + + id: function(nodes, root, id, combinator) { + var targetNode = $(id), h = Selector.handlers; + if (!targetNode) return []; + if (!nodes && root == document) return [targetNode]; + if (nodes) { + if (combinator) { + if (combinator == 'child') { + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (targetNode.parentNode == node) return [targetNode]; + } else if (combinator == 'descendant') { + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (Element.descendantOf(targetNode, node)) return [targetNode]; + } else if (combinator == 'adjacent') { + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (Selector.handlers.previousElementSibling(targetNode) == node) + return [targetNode]; + } else nodes = h[combinator](nodes); + } + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (node == targetNode) return [targetNode]; + return []; + } + return (targetNode && Element.descendantOf(targetNode, root)) ? [targetNode] : []; + }, + + className: function(nodes, root, className, combinator) { + if (nodes && combinator) nodes = this[combinator](nodes); + return Selector.handlers.byClassName(nodes, root, className); + }, + + byClassName: function(nodes, root, className) { + if (!nodes) nodes = Selector.handlers.descendant([root]); + var needle = ' ' + className + ' '; + for (var i = 0, results = [], node, nodeClassName; node = nodes[i]; i++) { + nodeClassName = node.className; + if (nodeClassName.length == 0) continue; + if (nodeClassName == className || (' ' + nodeClassName + ' ').include(needle)) + results.push(node); + } + return results; + }, + + attrPresence: function(nodes, root, attr, combinator) { + if (!nodes) nodes = root.getElementsByTagName("*"); + if (nodes && combinator) nodes = this[combinator](nodes); + var results = []; + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (Element.hasAttribute(node, attr)) results.push(node); + return results; + }, + + attr: function(nodes, root, attr, value, operator, combinator) { + if (!nodes) nodes = root.getElementsByTagName("*"); + if (nodes && combinator) nodes = this[combinator](nodes); + var handler = Selector.operators[operator], results = []; + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) { + var nodeValue = Element.readAttribute(node, attr); + if (nodeValue === null) continue; + if (handler(nodeValue, value)) results.push(node); + } + return results; + }, + + pseudo: function(nodes, name, value, root, combinator) { + if (nodes && combinator) nodes = this[combinator](nodes); + if (!nodes) nodes = root.getElementsByTagName("*"); + return Selector.pseudos[name](nodes, value, root); + } + }, + + pseudos: { + 'first-child': function(nodes, value, root) { + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) { + if (Selector.handlers.previousElementSibling(node)) continue; + results.push(node); + } + return results; + }, + 'last-child': function(nodes, value, root) { + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) { + if (Selector.handlers.nextElementSibling(node)) continue; + results.push(node); + } + return results; + }, + 'only-child': function(nodes, value, root) { + var h = Selector.handlers; + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (!h.previousElementSibling(node) && !h.nextElementSibling(node)) + results.push(node); + return results; + }, + 'nth-child': function(nodes, formula, root) { + return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, formula, root); + }, + 'nth-last-child': function(nodes, formula, root) { + return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, formula, root, true); + }, + 'nth-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) { + return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, formula, root, false, true); + }, + 'nth-last-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) { + return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, formula, root, true, true); + }, + 'first-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) { + return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, "1", root, false, true); + }, + 'last-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) { + return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, "1", root, true, true); + }, + 'only-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) { + var p = Selector.pseudos; + return p['last-of-type'](p['first-of-type'](nodes, formula, root), formula, root); + }, + + // handles the an+b logic + getIndices: function(a, b, total) { + if (a == 0) return b > 0 ? [b] : []; + return $R(1, total).inject([], function(memo, i) { + if (0 == (i - b) % a && (i - b) / a >= 0) memo.push(i); + return memo; + }); + }, + + // handles nth(-last)-child, nth(-last)-of-type, and (first|last)-of-type + nth: function(nodes, formula, root, reverse, ofType) { + if (nodes.length == 0) return []; + if (formula == 'even') formula = '2n+0'; + if (formula == 'odd') formula = '2n+1'; + var h = Selector.handlers, results = [], indexed = [], m; + h.mark(nodes); + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) { + if (!node.parentNode._countedByPrototype) { + h.index(node.parentNode, reverse, ofType); + indexed.push(node.parentNode); + } + } + if (formula.match(/^\d+$/)) { // just a number + formula = Number(formula); + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (node.nodeIndex == formula) results.push(node); + } else if (m = formula.match(/^(-?\d*)?n(([+-])(\d+))?/)) { // an+b + if (m[1] == "-") m[1] = -1; + var a = m[1] ? Number(m[1]) : 1; + var b = m[2] ? Number(m[2]) : 0; + var indices = Selector.pseudos.getIndices(a, b, nodes.length); + for (var i = 0, node, l = indices.length; node = nodes[i]; i++) { + for (var j = 0; j < l; j++) + if (node.nodeIndex == indices[j]) results.push(node); + } + } + h.unmark(nodes); + h.unmark(indexed); + return results; + }, + + 'empty': function(nodes, value, root) { + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) { + // IE treats comments as element nodes + if (node.tagName == '!' || node.firstChild) continue; + results.push(node); + } + return results; + }, + + 'not': function(nodes, selector, root) { + var h = Selector.handlers, selectorType, m; + var exclusions = new Selector(selector).findElements(root); + h.mark(exclusions); + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (!node._countedByPrototype) results.push(node); + h.unmark(exclusions); + return results; + }, + + 'enabled': function(nodes, value, root) { + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (!node.disabled && (!node.type || node.type !== 'hidden')) + results.push(node); + return results; + }, + + 'disabled': function(nodes, value, root) { + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (node.disabled) results.push(node); + return results; + }, + + 'checked': function(nodes, value, root) { + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (node.checked) results.push(node); + return results; + } + }, + + operators: { + '=': function(nv, v) { return nv == v; }, + '!=': function(nv, v) { return nv != v; }, + '^=': function(nv, v) { return nv == v || nv && nv.startsWith(v); }, + '$=': function(nv, v) { return nv == v || nv && nv.endsWith(v); }, + '*=': function(nv, v) { return nv == v || nv && nv.include(v); }, + '$=': function(nv, v) { return nv.endsWith(v); }, + '*=': function(nv, v) { return nv.include(v); }, + '~=': function(nv, v) { return (' ' + nv + ' ').include(' ' + v + ' '); }, + '|=': function(nv, v) { return ('-' + (nv || "").toUpperCase() + + '-').include('-' + (v || "").toUpperCase() + '-'); } + }, + + split: function(expression) { + var expressions = []; + expression.scan(/(([\w#:.~>+()\s-]+|\*|\[.*?\])+)\s*(,|$)/, function(m) { + expressions.push(m[1].strip()); + }); + return expressions; + }, + + matchElements: function(elements, expression) { + var matches = $$(expression), h = Selector.handlers; + h.mark(matches); + for (var i = 0, results = [], element; element = elements[i]; i++) + if (element._countedByPrototype) results.push(element); + h.unmark(matches); + return results; + }, + + findElement: function(elements, expression, index) { + if (Object.isNumber(expression)) { + index = expression; expression = false; + } + return Selector.matchElements(elements, expression || '*')[index || 0]; + }, + + findChildElements: function(element, expressions) { + expressions = Selector.split(expressions.join(',')); + var results = [], h = Selector.handlers; + for (var i = 0, l = expressions.length, selector; i < l; i++) { + selector = new Selector(expressions[i].strip()); + h.concat(results, selector.findElements(element)); + } + return (l > 1) ? h.unique(results) : results; + } +}); + +if (Prototype.Browser.IE) { + Object.extend(Selector.handlers, { + // IE returns comment nodes on getElementsByTagName("*"). + // Filter them out. + concat: function(a, b) { + for (var i = 0, node; node = b[i]; i++) + if (node.tagName !== "!") a.push(node); + return a; + }, + + // IE improperly serializes _countedByPrototype in (inner|outer)HTML. + unmark: function(nodes) { + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + node.removeAttribute('_countedByPrototype'); + return nodes; + } + }); +} + +function $$() { + return Selector.findChildElements(document, $A(arguments)); +} +var Form = { + reset: function(form) { + $(form).reset(); + return form; + }, + + serializeElements: function(elements, options) { + if (typeof options != 'object') options = { hash: !!options }; + else if (Object.isUndefined(options.hash)) options.hash = true; + var key, value, submitted = false, submit = options.submit; + + var data = elements.inject({ }, function(result, element) { + if (!element.disabled && { + key =; value = $(element).getValue(); + if (value != null && element.type != 'file' && (element.type != 'submit' || (!submitted && + submit !== false && (!submit || key == submit) && (submitted = true)))) { + if (key in result) { + // a key is already present; construct an array of values + if (!Object.isArray(result[key])) result[key] = [result[key]]; + result[key].push(value); + } + else result[key] = value; + } + } + return result; + }); + + return options.hash ? data : Object.toQueryString(data); + } +}; + +Form.Methods = { + serialize: function(form, options) { + return Form.serializeElements(Form.getElements(form), options); + }, + + getElements: function(form) { + return $A($(form).getElementsByTagName('*')).inject([], + function(elements, child) { + if (Form.Element.Serializers[child.tagName.toLowerCase()]) + elements.push(Element.extend(child)); + return elements; + } + ); + }, + + getInputs: function(form, typeName, name) { + form = $(form); + var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName('input'); + + if (!typeName && !name) return $A(inputs).map(Element.extend); + + for (var i = 0, matchingInputs = [], length = inputs.length; i < length; i++) { + var input = inputs[i]; + if ((typeName && input.type != typeName) || (name && != name)) + continue; + matchingInputs.push(Element.extend(input)); + } + + return matchingInputs; + }, + + disable: function(form) { + form = $(form); + Form.getElements(form).invoke('disable'); + return form; + }, + + enable: function(form) { + form = $(form); + Form.getElements(form).invoke('enable'); + return form; + }, + + findFirstElement: function(form) { + var elements = $(form).getElements().findAll(function(element) { + return 'hidden' != element.type && !element.disabled; + }); + var firstByIndex = elements.findAll(function(element) { + return element.hasAttribute('tabIndex') && element.tabIndex >= 0; + }).sortBy(function(element) { return element.tabIndex }).first(); + + return firstByIndex ? firstByIndex : elements.find(function(element) { + return ['input', 'select', 'textarea'].include(element.tagName.toLowerCase()); + }); + }, + + focusFirstElement: function(form) { + form = $(form); + form.findFirstElement().activate(); + return form; + }, + + request: function(form, options) { + form = $(form), options = Object.clone(options || { }); + + var params = options.parameters, action = form.readAttribute('action') || ''; + if (action.blank()) action = window.location.href; + options.parameters = form.serialize(true); + + if (params) { + if (Object.isString(params)) params = params.toQueryParams(); + Object.extend(options.parameters, params); + } + + if (form.hasAttribute('method') && !options.method) + options.method = form.method; + + return new Ajax.Request(action, options); + } +}; + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +Form.Element = { + focus: function(element) { + $(element).focus(); + return element; + }, + + select: function(element) { + $(element).select(); + return element; + } +}; + +Form.Element.Methods = { + serialize: function(element) { + element = $(element); + if (!element.disabled && { + var value = element.getValue(); + if (value != undefined) { + var pair = { }; + pair[] = value; + return Object.toQueryString(pair); + } + } + return ''; + }, + + getValue: function(element) { + element = $(element); + var method = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); + return Form.Element.Serializers[method](element); + }, + + setValue: function(element, value) { + element = $(element); + var method = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); + Form.Element.Serializers[method](element, value); + return element; + }, + + clear: function(element) { + $(element).value = ''; + return element; + }, + + present: function(element) { + return $(element).value != ''; + }, + + activate: function(element) { + element = $(element); + try { + element.focus(); + if ( && (element.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'input' || + !['button', 'reset', 'submit'].include(element.type))) +; + } catch (e) { } + return element; + }, + + disable: function(element) { + element = $(element); + element.disabled = true; + return element; + }, + + enable: function(element) { + element = $(element); + element.disabled = false; + return element; + } +}; + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +var Field = Form.Element; +var $F = Form.Element.Methods.getValue; + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +Form.Element.Serializers = { + input: function(element, value) { + switch (element.type.toLowerCase()) { + case 'checkbox': + case 'radio': + return Form.Element.Serializers.inputSelector(element, value); + default: + return Form.Element.Serializers.textarea(element, value); + } + }, + + inputSelector: function(element, value) { + if (Object.isUndefined(value)) return element.checked ? element.value : null; + else element.checked = !!value; + }, + + textarea: function(element, value) { + if (Object.isUndefined(value)) return element.value; + else element.value = value; + }, + + select: function(element, value) { + if (Object.isUndefined(value)) + return this[element.type == 'select-one' ? + 'selectOne' : 'selectMany'](element); + else { + var opt, currentValue, single = !Object.isArray(value); + for (var i = 0, length = element.length; i < length; i++) { + opt = element.options[i]; + currentValue = this.optionValue(opt); + if (single) { + if (currentValue == value) { + opt.selected = true; + return; + } + } + else opt.selected = value.include(currentValue); + } + } + }, + + selectOne: function(element) { + var index = element.selectedIndex; + return index >= 0 ? this.optionValue(element.options[index]) : null; + }, + + selectMany: function(element) { + var values, length = element.length; + if (!length) return null; + + for (var i = 0, values = []; i < length; i++) { + var opt = element.options[i]; + if (opt.selected) values.push(this.optionValue(opt)); + } + return values; + }, + + optionValue: function(opt) { + // extend element because hasAttribute may not be native + return Element.extend(opt).hasAttribute('value') ? opt.value : opt.text; + } +}; + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +Abstract.TimedObserver = Class.create(PeriodicalExecuter, { + initialize: function($super, element, frequency, callback) { + $super(callback, frequency); + this.element = $(element); + this.lastValue = this.getValue(); + }, + + execute: function() { + var value = this.getValue(); + if (Object.isString(this.lastValue) && Object.isString(value) ? + this.lastValue != value : String(this.lastValue) != String(value)) { + this.callback(this.element, value); + this.lastValue = value; + } + } +}); + +Form.Element.Observer = Class.create(Abstract.TimedObserver, { + getValue: function() { + return Form.Element.getValue(this.element); + } +}); + +Form.Observer = Class.create(Abstract.TimedObserver, { + getValue: function() { + return Form.serialize(this.element); + } +}); + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +Abstract.EventObserver = Class.create({ + initialize: function(element, callback) { + this.element = $(element); + this.callback = callback; + + this.lastValue = this.getValue(); + if (this.element.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'form') + this.registerFormCallbacks(); + else + this.registerCallback(this.element); + }, + + onElementEvent: function() { + var value = this.getValue(); + if (this.lastValue != value) { + this.callback(this.element, value); + this.lastValue = value; + } + }, + + registerFormCallbacks: function() { + Form.getElements(this.element).each(this.registerCallback, this); + }, + + registerCallback: function(element) { + if (element.type) { + switch (element.type.toLowerCase()) { + case 'checkbox': + case 'radio': + Event.observe(element, 'click', this.onElementEvent.bind(this)); + break; + default: + Event.observe(element, 'change', this.onElementEvent.bind(this)); + break; + } + } + } +}); + +Form.Element.EventObserver = Class.create(Abstract.EventObserver, { + getValue: function() { + return Form.Element.getValue(this.element); + } +}); + +Form.EventObserver = Class.create(Abstract.EventObserver, { + getValue: function() { + return Form.serialize(this.element); + } +}); +if (!window.Event) var Event = { }; + +Object.extend(Event, { + KEY_BACKSPACE: 8, + KEY_TAB: 9, + KEY_RETURN: 13, + KEY_ESC: 27, + KEY_LEFT: 37, + KEY_UP: 38, + KEY_RIGHT: 39, + KEY_DOWN: 40, + KEY_DELETE: 46, + KEY_HOME: 36, + KEY_END: 35, + KEY_PAGEUP: 33, + KEY_PAGEDOWN: 34, + KEY_INSERT: 45, + + cache: { }, + + relatedTarget: function(event) { + var element; + switch(event.type) { + case 'mouseover': element = event.fromElement; break; + case 'mouseout': element = event.toElement; break; + default: return null; + } + return Element.extend(element); + } +}); + +Event.Methods = (function() { + var isButton; + + if (Prototype.Browser.IE) { + var buttonMap = { 0: 1, 1: 4, 2: 2 }; + isButton = function(event, code) { + return event.button == buttonMap[code]; + }; + + } else if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) { + isButton = function(event, code) { + switch (code) { + case 0: return event.which == 1 && !event.metaKey; + case 1: return event.which == 1 && event.metaKey; + default: return false; + } + }; + + } else { + isButton = function(event, code) { + return event.which ? (event.which === code + 1) : (event.button === code); + }; + } + + return { + isLeftClick: function(event) { return isButton(event, 0) }, + isMiddleClick: function(event) { return isButton(event, 1) }, + isRightClick: function(event) { return isButton(event, 2) }, + + element: function(event) { + event = Event.extend(event); + + var node =, + type = event.type, + currentTarget = event.currentTarget; + + if (currentTarget && currentTarget.tagName) { + // Firefox screws up the "click" event when moving between radio buttons + // via arrow keys. It also screws up the "load" and "error" events on images, + // reporting the document as the target instead of the original image. + if (type === 'load' || type === 'error' || + (type === 'click' && currentTarget.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input' + && currentTarget.type === 'radio')) + node = currentTarget; + } + if (node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) node = node.parentNode; + return Element.extend(node); + }, + + findElement: function(event, expression) { + var element = Event.element(event); + if (!expression) return element; + var elements = [element].concat(element.ancestors()); + return Selector.findElement(elements, expression, 0); + }, + + pointer: function(event) { + var docElement = document.documentElement, + body = document.body || { scrollLeft: 0, scrollTop: 0 }; + return { + x: event.pageX || (event.clientX + + (docElement.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft) - + (docElement.clientLeft || 0)), + y: event.pageY || (event.clientY + + (docElement.scrollTop || body.scrollTop) - + (docElement.clientTop || 0)) + }; + }, + + pointerX: function(event) { return Event.pointer(event).x }, + pointerY: function(event) { return Event.pointer(event).y }, + + stop: function(event) { + Event.extend(event); + event.preventDefault(); + event.stopPropagation(); + event.stopped = true; + } + }; +})(); + +Event.extend = (function() { + var methods = Object.keys(Event.Methods).inject({ }, function(m, name) { + m[name] = Event.Methods[name].methodize(); + return m; + }); + + if (Prototype.Browser.IE) { + Object.extend(methods, { + stopPropagation: function() { this.cancelBubble = true }, + preventDefault: function() { this.returnValue = false }, + inspect: function() { return "[object Event]" } + }); + + return function(event) { + if (!event) return false; + if (event._extendedByPrototype) return event; + + event._extendedByPrototype = Prototype.emptyFunction; + var pointer = Event.pointer(event); + Object.extend(event, { + target: event.srcElement, + relatedTarget: Event.relatedTarget(event), + pageX: pointer.x, + pageY: pointer.y + }); + return Object.extend(event, methods); + }; + + } else { + Event.prototype = Event.prototype || document.createEvent("HTMLEvents")['__proto__']; + Object.extend(Event.prototype, methods); + return Prototype.K; + } +})(); + +Object.extend(Event, (function() { + var cache = Event.cache; + + function getEventID(element) { + if (element._prototypeEventID) return element._prototypeEventID[0]; + = || 1; + return element._prototypeEventID = []; + } + + function getDOMEventName(eventName) { + if (eventName && eventName.include(':')) return "dataavailable"; + return eventName; + } + + function getCacheForID(id) { + return cache[id] = cache[id] || { }; + } + + function getWrappersForEventName(id, eventName) { + var c = getCacheForID(id); + return c[eventName] = c[eventName] || []; + } + + function createWrapper(element, eventName, handler) { + var id = getEventID(element); + var c = getWrappersForEventName(id, eventName); + if (c.pluck("handler").include(handler)) return false; + + var wrapper = function(event) { + if (!Event || !Event.extend || + (event.eventName && event.eventName != eventName)) + return false; + + Event.extend(event); +, event); + }; + + wrapper.handler = handler; + c.push(wrapper); + return wrapper; + } + + function findWrapper(id, eventName, handler) { + var c = getWrappersForEventName(id, eventName); + return c.find(function(wrapper) { return wrapper.handler == handler }); + } + + function destroyWrapper(id, eventName, handler) { + var c = getCacheForID(id); + if (!c[eventName]) return false; + c[eventName] = c[eventName].without(findWrapper(id, eventName, handler)); + } + + function destroyCache() { + for (var id in cache) + for (var eventName in cache[id]) + cache[id][eventName] = null; + } + + + // Internet Explorer needs to remove event handlers on page unload + // in order to avoid memory leaks. + if (window.attachEvent) { + window.attachEvent("onunload", destroyCache); + } + + // Safari has a dummy event handler on page unload so that it won't + // use its bfcache. Safari <= 3.1 has an issue with restoring the "document" + // object when page is returned to via the back button using its bfcache. + if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) { + window.addEventListener('unload', Prototype.emptyFunction, false); + } + + return { + observe: function(element, eventName, handler) { + element = $(element); + var name = getDOMEventName(eventName); + + var wrapper = createWrapper(element, eventName, handler); + if (!wrapper) return element; + + if (element.addEventListener) { + element.addEventListener(name, wrapper, false); + } else { + element.attachEvent("on" + name, wrapper); + } + + return element; + }, + + stopObserving: function(element, eventName, handler) { + element = $(element); + var id = getEventID(element), name = getDOMEventName(eventName); + + if (!handler && eventName) { + getWrappersForEventName(id, eventName).each(function(wrapper) { + element.stopObserving(eventName, wrapper.handler); + }); + return element; + + } else if (!eventName) { + Object.keys(getCacheForID(id)).each(function(eventName) { + element.stopObserving(eventName); + }); + return element; + } + + var wrapper = findWrapper(id, eventName, handler); + if (!wrapper) return element; + + if (element.removeEventListener) { + element.removeEventListener(name, wrapper, false); + } else { + element.detachEvent("on" + name, wrapper); + } + + destroyWrapper(id, eventName, handler); + + return element; + }, + + fire: function(element, eventName, memo) { + element = $(element); + if (element == document && document.createEvent && !element.dispatchEvent) + element = document.documentElement; + + var event; + if (document.createEvent) { + event = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); + event.initEvent("dataavailable", true, true); + } else { + event = document.createEventObject(); + event.eventType = "ondataavailable"; + } + + event.eventName = eventName; + event.memo = memo || { }; + + if (document.createEvent) { + element.dispatchEvent(event); + } else { + element.fireEvent(event.eventType, event); + } + + return Event.extend(event); + } + }; +})()); + +Object.extend(Event, Event.Methods); + +Element.addMethods({ + fire:, + observe: Event.observe, + stopObserving: Event.stopObserving +}); + +Object.extend(document, { + fire:, + observe: Element.Methods.observe.methodize(), + stopObserving: Element.Methods.stopObserving.methodize(), + loaded: false +}); + +(function() { + /* Support for the DOMContentLoaded event is based on work by Dan Webb, + Matthias Miller, Dean Edwards and John Resig. */ + + var timer; + + function fireContentLoadedEvent() { + if (document.loaded) return; + if (timer) window.clearInterval(timer); +"dom:loaded"); + document.loaded = true; + } + + if (document.addEventListener) { + if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) { + timer = window.setInterval(function() { + if (/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)) + fireContentLoadedEvent(); + }, 0); + + Event.observe(window, "load", fireContentLoadedEvent); + + } else { + document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", + fireContentLoadedEvent, false); + } + + } else { + document.write(" + + + + + + + + + + +
    + + +
    + +
    + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/js_test/functional/cds_test.html b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/js_test/functional/cds_test.html new file mode 100755 index 0000000..cac6df2 --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/js_test/functional/cds_test.html @@ -0,0 +1,365 @@ + + + + + Calendar Date Select Test Cases + + + + + + + + + + + +
    + + +
    + +
    + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/js_test/functional/format_iso_date_test.html b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/js_test/functional/format_iso_date_test.html new file mode 100755 index 0000000..60b4d94 --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/js_test/functional/format_iso_date_test.html @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ + + + + + Format ISO Date Test Cases + + + + + + + + + + + +
    + + +
    + +
    + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/js_test/prototype.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/js_test/prototype.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..5c73462 --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/js_test/prototype.js @@ -0,0 +1,4184 @@ +/* Prototype JavaScript framework, version 1.6.0 + * (c) 2005-2007 Sam Stephenson + * + * Prototype is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license. + * For details, see the Prototype web site: + * + *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +var Prototype = { + Version: '1.6.0', + + Browser: { + IE: !!(window.attachEvent && !window.opera), + Opera: !!window.opera, + WebKit: navigator.userAgent.indexOf('AppleWebKit/') > -1, + Gecko: navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Gecko') > -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('KHTML') == -1, + MobileSafari: !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Apple.*Mobile.*Safari/) + }, + + BrowserFeatures: { + XPath: !!document.evaluate, + ElementExtensions: !!window.HTMLElement, + SpecificElementExtensions: + document.createElement('div').__proto__ && + document.createElement('div').__proto__ !== + document.createElement('form').__proto__ + }, + + ScriptFragment: ']*>([\\S\\s]*?)<\/script>', + JSONFilter: /^\/\*-secure-([\s\S]*)\*\/\s*$/, + + emptyFunction: function() { }, + K: function(x) { return x } +}; + +if (Prototype.Browser.MobileSafari) + Prototype.BrowserFeatures.SpecificElementExtensions = false; + +if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) + Prototype.BrowserFeatures.XPath = false; + +/* Based on Alex Arnell's inheritance implementation. */ +var Class = { + create: function() { + var parent = null, properties = $A(arguments); + if (Object.isFunction(properties[0])) + parent = properties.shift(); + + function klass() { + this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); + } + + Object.extend(klass, Class.Methods); + klass.superclass = parent; + klass.subclasses = []; + + if (parent) { + var subclass = function() { }; + subclass.prototype = parent.prototype; + klass.prototype = new subclass; + parent.subclasses.push(klass); + } + + for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) + klass.addMethods(properties[i]); + + if (!klass.prototype.initialize) + klass.prototype.initialize = Prototype.emptyFunction; + + klass.prototype.constructor = klass; + + return klass; + } +}; + +Class.Methods = { + addMethods: function(source) { + var ancestor = this.superclass && this.superclass.prototype; + var properties = Object.keys(source); + + if (!Object.keys({ toString: true }).length) + properties.push("toString", "valueOf"); + + for (var i = 0, length = properties.length; i < length; i++) { + var property = properties[i], value = source[property]; + if (ancestor && Object.isFunction(value) && + value.argumentNames().first() == "$super") { + var method = value, value = Object.extend((function(m) { + return function() { return ancestor[m].apply(this, arguments) }; + })(property).wrap(method), { + valueOf: function() { return method }, + toString: function() { return method.toString() } + }); + } + this.prototype[property] = value; + } + + return this; + } +}; + +var Abstract = { }; + +Object.extend = function(destination, source) { + for (var property in source) + destination[property] = source[property]; + return destination; +}; + +Object.extend(Object, { + inspect: function(object) { + try { + if (object === undefined) return 'undefined'; + if (object === null) return 'null'; + return object.inspect ? object.inspect() : object.toString(); + } catch (e) { + if (e instanceof RangeError) return '...'; + throw e; + } + }, + + toJSON: function(object) { + var type = typeof object; + switch (type) { + case 'undefined': + case 'function': + case 'unknown': return; + case 'boolean': return object.toString(); + } + + if (object === null) return 'null'; + if (object.toJSON) return object.toJSON(); + if (Object.isElement(object)) return; + + var results = []; + for (var property in object) { + var value = Object.toJSON(object[property]); + if (value !== undefined) + results.push(property.toJSON() + ': ' + value); + } + + return '{' + results.join(', ') + '}'; + }, + + toQueryString: function(object) { + return $H(object).toQueryString(); + }, + + toHTML: function(object) { + return object && object.toHTML ? object.toHTML() : String.interpret(object); + }, + + keys: function(object) { + var keys = []; + for (var property in object) + keys.push(property); + return keys; + }, + + values: function(object) { + var values = []; + for (var property in object) + values.push(object[property]); + return values; + }, + + clone: function(object) { + return Object.extend({ }, object); + }, + + isElement: function(object) { + return object && object.nodeType == 1; + }, + + isArray: function(object) { + return object && object.constructor === Array; + }, + + isHash: function(object) { + return object instanceof Hash; + }, + + isFunction: function(object) { + return typeof object == "function"; + }, + + isString: function(object) { + return typeof object == "string"; + }, + + isNumber: function(object) { + return typeof object == "number"; + }, + + isUndefined: function(object) { + return typeof object == "undefined"; + } +}); + +Object.extend(Function.prototype, { + argumentNames: function() { + var names = this.toString().match(/^[\s\(]*function[^(]*\((.*?)\)/)[1].split(",").invoke("strip"); + return names.length == 1 && !names[0] ? [] : names; + }, + + bind: function() { + if (arguments.length < 2 && arguments[0] === undefined) return this; + var __method = this, args = $A(arguments), object = args.shift(); + return function() { + return __method.apply(object, args.concat($A(arguments))); + } + }, + + bindAsEventListener: function() { + var __method = this, args = $A(arguments), object = args.shift(); + return function(event) { + return __method.apply(object, [event || window.event].concat(args)); + } + }, + + curry: function() { + if (!arguments.length) return this; + var __method = this, args = $A(arguments); + return function() { + return __method.apply(this, args.concat($A(arguments))); + } + }, + + delay: function() { + var __method = this, args = $A(arguments), timeout = args.shift() * 1000; + return window.setTimeout(function() { + return __method.apply(__method, args); + }, timeout); + }, + + wrap: function(wrapper) { + var __method = this; + return function() { + return wrapper.apply(this, [__method.bind(this)].concat($A(arguments))); + } + }, + + methodize: function() { + if (this._methodized) return this._methodized; + var __method = this; + return this._methodized = function() { + return __method.apply(null, [this].concat($A(arguments))); + }; + } +}); + +Function.prototype.defer = Function.prototype.delay.curry(0.01); + +Date.prototype.toJSON = function() { + return '"' + this.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + + (this.getUTCMonth() + 1).toPaddedString(2) + '-' + + this.getUTCDate().toPaddedString(2) + 'T' + + this.getUTCHours().toPaddedString(2) + ':' + + this.getUTCMinutes().toPaddedString(2) + ':' + + this.getUTCSeconds().toPaddedString(2) + 'Z"'; +}; + +var Try = { + these: function() { + var returnValue; + + for (var i = 0, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) { + var lambda = arguments[i]; + try { + returnValue = lambda(); + break; + } catch (e) { } + } + + return returnValue; + } +}; + +RegExp.prototype.match = RegExp.prototype.test; + +RegExp.escape = function(str) { + return String(str).replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1'); +}; + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +var PeriodicalExecuter = Class.create({ + initialize: function(callback, frequency) { + this.callback = callback; + this.frequency = frequency; + this.currentlyExecuting = false; + + this.registerCallback(); + }, + + registerCallback: function() { + this.timer = setInterval(this.onTimerEvent.bind(this), this.frequency * 1000); + }, + + execute: function() { + this.callback(this); + }, + + stop: function() { + if (!this.timer) return; + clearInterval(this.timer); + this.timer = null; + }, + + onTimerEvent: function() { + if (!this.currentlyExecuting) { + try { + this.currentlyExecuting = true; + this.execute(); + } finally { + this.currentlyExecuting = false; + } + } + } +}); +Object.extend(String, { + interpret: function(value) { + return value == null ? '' : String(value); + }, + specialChar: { + '\b': '\\b', + '\t': '\\t', + '\n': '\\n', + '\f': '\\f', + '\r': '\\r', + '\\': '\\\\' + } +}); + +Object.extend(String.prototype, { + gsub: function(pattern, replacement) { + var result = '', source = this, match; + replacement = arguments.callee.prepareReplacement(replacement); + + while (source.length > 0) { + if (match = source.match(pattern)) { + result += source.slice(0, match.index); + result += String.interpret(replacement(match)); + source = source.slice(match.index + match[0].length); + } else { + result += source, source = ''; + } + } + return result; + }, + + sub: function(pattern, replacement, count) { + replacement = this.gsub.prepareReplacement(replacement); + count = count === undefined ? 1 : count; + + return this.gsub(pattern, function(match) { + if (--count < 0) return match[0]; + return replacement(match); + }); + }, + + scan: function(pattern, iterator) { + this.gsub(pattern, iterator); + return String(this); + }, + + truncate: function(length, truncation) { + length = length || 30; + truncation = truncation === undefined ? '...' : truncation; + return this.length > length ? + this.slice(0, length - truncation.length) + truncation : String(this); + }, + + strip: function() { + return this.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''); + }, + + stripTags: function() { + return this.replace(/<\/?[^>]+>/gi, ''); + }, + + stripScripts: function() { + return this.replace(new RegExp(Prototype.ScriptFragment, 'img'), ''); + }, + + extractScripts: function() { + var matchAll = new RegExp(Prototype.ScriptFragment, 'img'); + var matchOne = new RegExp(Prototype.ScriptFragment, 'im'); + return (this.match(matchAll) || []).map(function(scriptTag) { + return (scriptTag.match(matchOne) || ['', ''])[1]; + }); + }, + + evalScripts: function() { + return this.extractScripts().map(function(script) { return eval(script) }); + }, + + escapeHTML: function() { + var self = arguments.callee; + = this; + return self.div.innerHTML; + }, + + unescapeHTML: function() { + var div = new Element('div'); + div.innerHTML = this.stripTags(); + return div.childNodes[0] ? (div.childNodes.length > 1 ? + $A(div.childNodes).inject('', function(memo, node) { return memo+node.nodeValue }) : + div.childNodes[0].nodeValue) : ''; + }, + + toQueryParams: function(separator) { + var match = this.strip().match(/([^?#]*)(#.*)?$/); + if (!match) return { }; + + return match[1].split(separator || '&').inject({ }, function(hash, pair) { + if ((pair = pair.split('='))[0]) { + var key = decodeURIComponent(pair.shift()); + var value = pair.length > 1 ? pair.join('=') : pair[0]; + if (value != undefined) value = decodeURIComponent(value); + + if (key in hash) { + if (!Object.isArray(hash[key])) hash[key] = [hash[key]]; + hash[key].push(value); + } + else hash[key] = value; + } + return hash; + }); + }, + + toArray: function() { + return this.split(''); + }, + + succ: function() { + return this.slice(0, this.length - 1) + + String.fromCharCode(this.charCodeAt(this.length - 1) + 1); + }, + + times: function(count) { + return count < 1 ? '' : new Array(count + 1).join(this); + }, + + camelize: function() { + var parts = this.split('-'), len = parts.length; + if (len == 1) return parts[0]; + + var camelized = this.charAt(0) == '-' + ? parts[0].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + parts[0].substring(1) + : parts[0]; + + for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) + camelized += parts[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + parts[i].substring(1); + + return camelized; + }, + + capitalize: function() { + return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.substring(1).toLowerCase(); + }, + + underscore: function() { + return this.gsub(/::/, '/').gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'#{1}_#{2}').gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'#{1}_#{2}').gsub(/-/,'_').toLowerCase(); + }, + + dasherize: function() { + return this.gsub(/_/,'-'); + }, + + inspect: function(useDoubleQuotes) { + var escapedString = this.gsub(/[\x00-\x1f\\]/, function(match) { + var character = String.specialChar[match[0]]; + return character ? character : '\\u00' + match[0].charCodeAt().toPaddedString(2, 16); + }); + if (useDoubleQuotes) return '"' + escapedString.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"'; + return "'" + escapedString.replace(/'/g, '\\\'') + "'"; + }, + + toJSON: function() { + return this.inspect(true); + }, + + unfilterJSON: function(filter) { + return this.sub(filter || Prototype.JSONFilter, '#{1}'); + }, + + isJSON: function() { + var str = this.replace(/\\./g, '@').replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"/g, ''); + return (/^[,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]*$/).test(str); + }, + + evalJSON: function(sanitize) { + var json = this.unfilterJSON(); + try { + if (!sanitize || json.isJSON()) return eval('(' + json + ')'); + } catch (e) { } + throw new SyntaxError('Badly formed JSON string: ' + this.inspect()); + }, + + include: function(pattern) { + return this.indexOf(pattern) > -1; + }, + + startsWith: function(pattern) { + return this.indexOf(pattern) === 0; + }, + + endsWith: function(pattern) { + var d = this.length - pattern.length; + return d >= 0 && this.lastIndexOf(pattern) === d; + }, + + empty: function() { + return this == ''; + }, + + blank: function() { + return /^\s*$/.test(this); + }, + + interpolate: function(object, pattern) { + return new Template(this, pattern).evaluate(object); + } +}); + +if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit || Prototype.Browser.IE) Object.extend(String.prototype, { + escapeHTML: function() { + return this.replace(/&/g,'&').replace(//g,'>'); + }, + unescapeHTML: function() { + return this.replace(/&/g,'&').replace(/</g,'<').replace(/>/g,'>'); + } +}); + +String.prototype.gsub.prepareReplacement = function(replacement) { + if (Object.isFunction(replacement)) return replacement; + var template = new Template(replacement); + return function(match) { return template.evaluate(match) }; +}; + +String.prototype.parseQuery = String.prototype.toQueryParams; + +Object.extend(String.prototype.escapeHTML, { + div: document.createElement('div'), + text: document.createTextNode('') +}); + +with (String.prototype.escapeHTML) div.appendChild(text); + +var Template = Class.create({ + initialize: function(template, pattern) { + this.template = template.toString(); + this.pattern = pattern || Template.Pattern; + }, + + evaluate: function(object) { + if (Object.isFunction(object.toTemplateReplacements)) + object = object.toTemplateReplacements(); + + return this.template.gsub(this.pattern, function(match) { + if (object == null) return ''; + + var before = match[1] || ''; + if (before == '\\') return match[2]; + + var ctx = object, expr = match[3]; + var pattern = /^([^.[]+|\[((?:.*?[^\\])?)\])(\.|\[|$)/, match = pattern.exec(expr); + if (match == null) return before; + + while (match != null) { + var comp = match[1].startsWith('[') ? match[2].gsub('\\\\]', ']') : match[1]; + ctx = ctx[comp]; + if (null == ctx || '' == match[3]) break; + expr = expr.substring('[' == match[3] ? match[1].length : match[0].length); + match = pattern.exec(expr); + } + + return before + String.interpret(ctx); + }.bind(this)); + } +}); +Template.Pattern = /(^|.|\r|\n)(#\{(.*?)\})/; + +var $break = { }; + +var Enumerable = { + each: function(iterator, context) { + var index = 0; + iterator = iterator.bind(context); + try { + this._each(function(value) { + iterator(value, index++); + }); + } catch (e) { + if (e != $break) throw e; + } + return this; + }, + + eachSlice: function(number, iterator, context) { + iterator = iterator ? iterator.bind(context) : Prototype.K; + var index = -number, slices = [], array = this.toArray(); + while ((index += number) < array.length) + slices.push(array.slice(index, index+number)); + return slices.collect(iterator, context); + }, + + all: function(iterator, context) { + iterator = iterator ? iterator.bind(context) : Prototype.K; + var result = true; + this.each(function(value, index) { + result = result && !!iterator(value, index); + if (!result) throw $break; + }); + return result; + }, + + any: function(iterator, context) { + iterator = iterator ? iterator.bind(context) : Prototype.K; + var result = false; + this.each(function(value, index) { + if (result = !!iterator(value, index)) + throw $break; + }); + return result; + }, + + collect: function(iterator, context) { + iterator = iterator ? iterator.bind(context) : Prototype.K; + var results = []; + this.each(function(value, index) { + results.push(iterator(value, index)); + }); + return results; + }, + + detect: function(iterator, context) { + iterator = iterator.bind(context); + var result; + this.each(function(value, index) { + if (iterator(value, index)) { + result = value; + throw $break; + } + }); + return result; + }, + + findAll: function(iterator, context) { + iterator = iterator.bind(context); + var results = []; + this.each(function(value, index) { + if (iterator(value, index)) + results.push(value); + }); + return results; + }, + + grep: function(filter, iterator, context) { + iterator = iterator ? iterator.bind(context) : Prototype.K; + var results = []; + + if (Object.isString(filter)) + filter = new RegExp(filter); + + this.each(function(value, index) { + if (filter.match(value)) + results.push(iterator(value, index)); + }); + return results; + }, + + include: function(object) { + if (Object.isFunction(this.indexOf)) + if (this.indexOf(object) != -1) return true; + + var found = false; + this.each(function(value) { + if (value == object) { + found = true; + throw $break; + } + }); + return found; + }, + + inGroupsOf: function(number, fillWith) { + fillWith = fillWith === undefined ? null : fillWith; + return this.eachSlice(number, function(slice) { + while(slice.length < number) slice.push(fillWith); + return slice; + }); + }, + + inject: function(memo, iterator, context) { + iterator = iterator.bind(context); + this.each(function(value, index) { + memo = iterator(memo, value, index); + }); + return memo; + }, + + invoke: function(method) { + var args = $A(arguments).slice(1); + return { + return value[method].apply(value, args); + }); + }, + + max: function(iterator, context) { + iterator = iterator ? iterator.bind(context) : Prototype.K; + var result; + this.each(function(value, index) { + value = iterator(value, index); + if (result == undefined || value >= result) + result = value; + }); + return result; + }, + + min: function(iterator, context) { + iterator = iterator ? iterator.bind(context) : Prototype.K; + var result; + this.each(function(value, index) { + value = iterator(value, index); + if (result == undefined || value < result) + result = value; + }); + return result; + }, + + partition: function(iterator, context) { + iterator = iterator ? iterator.bind(context) : Prototype.K; + var trues = [], falses = []; + this.each(function(value, index) { + (iterator(value, index) ? + trues : falses).push(value); + }); + return [trues, falses]; + }, + + pluck: function(property) { + var results = []; + this.each(function(value) { + results.push(value[property]); + }); + return results; + }, + + reject: function(iterator, context) { + iterator = iterator.bind(context); + var results = []; + this.each(function(value, index) { + if (!iterator(value, index)) + results.push(value); + }); + return results; + }, + + sortBy: function(iterator, context) { + iterator = iterator.bind(context); + return, index) { + return {value: value, criteria: iterator(value, index)}; + }).sort(function(left, right) { + var a = left.criteria, b = right.criteria; + return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0; + }).pluck('value'); + }, + + toArray: function() { + return; + }, + + zip: function() { + var iterator = Prototype.K, args = $A(arguments); + if (Object.isFunction(args.last())) + iterator = args.pop(); + + var collections = [this].concat(args).map($A); + return, index) { + return iterator(collections.pluck(index)); + }); + }, + + size: function() { + return this.toArray().length; + }, + + inspect: function() { + return '#'; + } +}; + +Object.extend(Enumerable, { + map: Enumerable.collect, + find: Enumerable.detect, + select: Enumerable.findAll, + filter: Enumerable.findAll, + member: Enumerable.include, + entries: Enumerable.toArray, + every: Enumerable.all, + some: Enumerable.any +}); +function $A(iterable) { + if (!iterable) return []; + if (iterable.toArray) return iterable.toArray(); + var length = iterable.length, results = new Array(length); + while (length--) results[length] = iterable[length]; + return results; +} + +if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) { + function $A(iterable) { + if (!iterable) return []; + if (!(Object.isFunction(iterable) && iterable == '[object NodeList]') && + iterable.toArray) return iterable.toArray(); + var length = iterable.length, results = new Array(length); + while (length--) results[length] = iterable[length]; + return results; + } +} + +Array.from = $A; + +Object.extend(Array.prototype, Enumerable); + +if (!Array.prototype._reverse) Array.prototype._reverse = Array.prototype.reverse; + +Object.extend(Array.prototype, { + _each: function(iterator) { + for (var i = 0, length = this.length; i < length; i++) + iterator(this[i]); + }, + + clear: function() { + this.length = 0; + return this; + }, + + first: function() { + return this[0]; + }, + + last: function() { + return this[this.length - 1]; + }, + + compact: function() { + return { + return value != null; + }); + }, + + flatten: function() { + return this.inject([], function(array, value) { + return array.concat(Object.isArray(value) ? + value.flatten() : [value]); + }); + }, + + without: function() { + var values = $A(arguments); + return { + return !values.include(value); + }); + }, + + reverse: function(inline) { + return (inline !== false ? this : this.toArray())._reverse(); + }, + + reduce: function() { + return this.length > 1 ? this : this[0]; + }, + + uniq: function(sorted) { + return this.inject([], function(array, value, index) { + if (0 == index || (sorted ? array.last() != value : !array.include(value))) + array.push(value); + return array; + }); + }, + + intersect: function(array) { + return this.uniq().findAll(function(item) { + return array.detect(function(value) { return item === value }); + }); + }, + + clone: function() { + return [].concat(this); + }, + + size: function() { + return this.length; + }, + + inspect: function() { + return '[' +', ') + ']'; + }, + + toJSON: function() { + var results = []; + this.each(function(object) { + var value = Object.toJSON(object); + if (value !== undefined) results.push(value); + }); + return '[' + results.join(', ') + ']'; + } +}); + +// use native browser JS 1.6 implementation if available +if (Object.isFunction(Array.prototype.forEach)) + Array.prototype._each = Array.prototype.forEach; + +if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) Array.prototype.indexOf = function(item, i) { + i || (i = 0); + var length = this.length; + if (i < 0) i = length + i; + for (; i < length; i++) + if (this[i] === item) return i; + return -1; +}; + +if (!Array.prototype.lastIndexOf) Array.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(item, i) { + i = isNaN(i) ? this.length : (i < 0 ? this.length + i : i) + 1; + var n = this.slice(0, i).reverse().indexOf(item); + return (n < 0) ? n : i - n - 1; +}; + +Array.prototype.toArray = Array.prototype.clone; + +function $w(string) { + if (!Object.isString(string)) return []; + string = string.strip(); + return string ? string.split(/\s+/) : []; +} + +if (Prototype.Browser.Opera){ + Array.prototype.concat = function() { + var array = []; + for (var i = 0, length = this.length; i < length; i++) array.push(this[i]); + for (var i = 0, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) { + if (Object.isArray(arguments[i])) { + for (var j = 0, arrayLength = arguments[i].length; j < arrayLength; j++) + array.push(arguments[i][j]); + } else { + array.push(arguments[i]); + } + } + return array; + }; +} +Object.extend(Number.prototype, { + toColorPart: function() { + return this.toPaddedString(2, 16); + }, + + succ: function() { + return this + 1; + }, + + times: function(iterator) { + $R(0, this, true).each(iterator); + return this; + }, + + toPaddedString: function(length, radix) { + var string = this.toString(radix || 10); + return '0'.times(length - string.length) + string; + }, + + toJSON: function() { + return isFinite(this) ? this.toString() : 'null'; + } +}); + +$w('abs round ceil floor').each(function(method){ + Number.prototype[method] = Math[method].methodize(); +}); +function $H(object) { + return new Hash(object); +}; + +var Hash = Class.create(Enumerable, (function() { + if (function() { + var i = 0, Test = function(value) { this.key = value }; + Test.prototype.key = 'foo'; + for (var property in new Test('bar')) i++; + return i > 1; + }()) { + function each(iterator) { + var cache = []; + for (var key in this._object) { + var value = this._object[key]; + if (cache.include(key)) continue; + cache.push(key); + var pair = [key, value]; + pair.key = key; + pair.value = value; + iterator(pair); + } + } + } else { + function each(iterator) { + for (var key in this._object) { + var value = this._object[key], pair = [key, value]; + pair.key = key; + pair.value = value; + iterator(pair); + } + } + } + + function toQueryPair(key, value) { + if (Object.isUndefined(value)) return key; + return key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(String.interpret(value)); + } + + return { + initialize: function(object) { + this._object = Object.isHash(object) ? object.toObject() : Object.clone(object); + }, + + _each: each, + + set: function(key, value) { + return this._object[key] = value; + }, + + get: function(key) { + return this._object[key]; + }, + + unset: function(key) { + var value = this._object[key]; + delete this._object[key]; + return value; + }, + + toObject: function() { + return Object.clone(this._object); + }, + + keys: function() { + return this.pluck('key'); + }, + + values: function() { + return this.pluck('value'); + }, + + index: function(value) { + var match = this.detect(function(pair) { + return pair.value === value; + }); + return match && match.key; + }, + + merge: function(object) { + return this.clone().update(object); + }, + + update: function(object) { + return new Hash(object).inject(this, function(result, pair) { + result.set(pair.key, pair.value); + return result; + }); + }, + + toQueryString: function() { + return { + var key = encodeURIComponent(pair.key), values = pair.value; + + if (values && typeof values == 'object') { + if (Object.isArray(values)) + return'&'); + } + return toQueryPair(key, values); + }).join('&'); + }, + + inspect: function() { + return '#'; + }, + + toJSON: function() { + return Object.toJSON(this.toObject()); + }, + + clone: function() { + return new Hash(this); + } + } +})()); + +Hash.prototype.toTemplateReplacements = Hash.prototype.toObject; +Hash.from = $H; +var ObjectRange = Class.create(Enumerable, { + initialize: function(start, end, exclusive) { + this.start = start; + this.end = end; + this.exclusive = exclusive; + }, + + _each: function(iterator) { + var value = this.start; + while (this.include(value)) { + iterator(value); + value = value.succ(); + } + }, + + include: function(value) { + if (value < this.start) + return false; + if (this.exclusive) + return value < this.end; + return value <= this.end; + } +}); + +var $R = function(start, end, exclusive) { + return new ObjectRange(start, end, exclusive); +}; + +var Ajax = { + getTransport: function() { + return Try.these( + function() {return new XMLHttpRequest()}, + function() {return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP')}, + function() {return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')} + ) || false; + }, + + activeRequestCount: 0 +}; + +Ajax.Responders = { + responders: [], + + _each: function(iterator) { + this.responders._each(iterator); + }, + + register: function(responder) { + if (!this.include(responder)) + this.responders.push(responder); + }, + + unregister: function(responder) { + this.responders = this.responders.without(responder); + }, + + dispatch: function(callback, request, transport, json) { + this.each(function(responder) { + if (Object.isFunction(responder[callback])) { + try { + responder[callback].apply(responder, [request, transport, json]); + } catch (e) { } + } + }); + } +}; + +Object.extend(Ajax.Responders, Enumerable); + +Ajax.Responders.register({ + onCreate: function() { Ajax.activeRequestCount++ }, + onComplete: function() { Ajax.activeRequestCount-- } +}); + +Ajax.Base = Class.create({ + initialize: function(options) { + this.options = { + method: 'post', + asynchronous: true, + contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', + encoding: 'UTF-8', + parameters: '', + evalJSON: true, + evalJS: true + }; + Object.extend(this.options, options || { }); + + this.options.method = this.options.method.toLowerCase(); + if (Object.isString(this.options.parameters)) + this.options.parameters = this.options.parameters.toQueryParams(); + } +}); + +Ajax.Request = Class.create(Ajax.Base, { + _complete: false, + + initialize: function($super, url, options) { + $super(options); + this.transport = Ajax.getTransport(); + this.request(url); + }, + + request: function(url) { + this.url = url; + this.method = this.options.method; + var params = Object.clone(this.options.parameters); + + if (!['get', 'post'].include(this.method)) { + // simulate other verbs over post + params['_method'] = this.method; + this.method = 'post'; + } + + this.parameters = params; + + if (params = Object.toQueryString(params)) { + // when GET, append parameters to URL + if (this.method == 'get') + this.url += (this.url.include('?') ? '&' : '?') + params; + else if (/Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/.test(navigator.userAgent)) + params += '&_='; + } + + try { + var response = new Ajax.Response(this); + if (this.options.onCreate) this.options.onCreate(response); + Ajax.Responders.dispatch('onCreate', this, response); + +, this.url, + this.options.asynchronous); + + if (this.options.asynchronous) this.respondToReadyState.bind(this).defer(1); + + this.transport.onreadystatechange = this.onStateChange.bind(this); + this.setRequestHeaders(); + + this.body = this.method == 'post' ? (this.options.postBody || params) : null; + this.transport.send(this.body); + + /* Force Firefox to handle ready state 4 for synchronous requests */ + if (!this.options.asynchronous && this.transport.overrideMimeType) + this.onStateChange(); + + } + catch (e) { + this.dispatchException(e); + } + }, + + onStateChange: function() { + var readyState = this.transport.readyState; + if (readyState > 1 && !((readyState == 4) && this._complete)) + this.respondToReadyState(this.transport.readyState); + }, + + setRequestHeaders: function() { + var headers = { + 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', + 'X-Prototype-Version': Prototype.Version, + 'Accept': 'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*' + }; + + if (this.method == 'post') { + headers['Content-type'] = this.options.contentType + + (this.options.encoding ? '; charset=' + this.options.encoding : ''); + + /* Force "Connection: close" for older Mozilla browsers to work + * around a bug where XMLHttpRequest sends an incorrect + * Content-length header. See Mozilla Bugzilla #246651. + */ + if (this.transport.overrideMimeType && + (navigator.userAgent.match(/Gecko\/(\d{4})/) || [0,2005])[1] < 2005) + headers['Connection'] = 'close'; + } + + // user-defined headers + if (typeof this.options.requestHeaders == 'object') { + var extras = this.options.requestHeaders; + + if (Object.isFunction(extras.push)) + for (var i = 0, length = extras.length; i < length; i += 2) + headers[extras[i]] = extras[i+1]; + else + $H(extras).each(function(pair) { headers[pair.key] = pair.value }); + } + + for (var name in headers) + this.transport.setRequestHeader(name, headers[name]); + }, + + success: function() { + var status = this.getStatus(); + return !status || (status >= 200 && status < 300); + }, + + getStatus: function() { + try { + return this.transport.status || 0; + } catch (e) { return 0 } + }, + + respondToReadyState: function(readyState) { + var state = Ajax.Request.Events[readyState], response = new Ajax.Response(this); + + if (state == 'Complete') { + try { + this._complete = true; + (this.options['on' + response.status] + || this.options['on' + (this.success() ? 'Success' : 'Failure')] + || Prototype.emptyFunction)(response, response.headerJSON); + } catch (e) { + this.dispatchException(e); + } + + var contentType = response.getHeader('Content-type'); + if (this.options.evalJS == 'force' + || (this.options.evalJS && contentType + && contentType.match(/^\s*(text|application)\/(x-)?(java|ecma)script(;.*)?\s*$/i))) + this.evalResponse(); + } + + try { + (this.options['on' + state] || Prototype.emptyFunction)(response, response.headerJSON); + Ajax.Responders.dispatch('on' + state, this, response, response.headerJSON); + } catch (e) { + this.dispatchException(e); + } + + if (state == 'Complete') { + // avoid memory leak in MSIE: clean up + this.transport.onreadystatechange = Prototype.emptyFunction; + } + }, + + getHeader: function(name) { + try { + return this.transport.getResponseHeader(name); + } catch (e) { return null } + }, + + evalResponse: function() { + try { + return eval((this.transport.responseText || '').unfilterJSON()); + } catch (e) { + this.dispatchException(e); + } + }, + + dispatchException: function(exception) { + (this.options.onException || Prototype.emptyFunction)(this, exception); + Ajax.Responders.dispatch('onException', this, exception); + } +}); + +Ajax.Request.Events = + ['Uninitialized', 'Loading', 'Loaded', 'Interactive', 'Complete']; + +Ajax.Response = Class.create({ + initialize: function(request){ + this.request = request; + var transport = this.transport = request.transport, + readyState = this.readyState = transport.readyState; + + if((readyState > 2 && !Prototype.Browser.IE) || readyState == 4) { + this.status = this.getStatus(); + this.statusText = this.getStatusText(); + this.responseText = String.interpret(transport.responseText); + this.headerJSON = this._getHeaderJSON(); + } + + if(readyState == 4) { + var xml = transport.responseXML; + this.responseXML = xml === undefined ? null : xml; + this.responseJSON = this._getResponseJSON(); + } + }, + + status: 0, + statusText: '', + + getStatus: Ajax.Request.prototype.getStatus, + + getStatusText: function() { + try { + return this.transport.statusText || ''; + } catch (e) { return '' } + }, + + getHeader: Ajax.Request.prototype.getHeader, + + getAllHeaders: function() { + try { + return this.getAllResponseHeaders(); + } catch (e) { return null } + }, + + getResponseHeader: function(name) { + return this.transport.getResponseHeader(name); + }, + + getAllResponseHeaders: function() { + return this.transport.getAllResponseHeaders(); + }, + + _getHeaderJSON: function() { + var json = this.getHeader('X-JSON'); + if (!json) return null; + json = decodeURIComponent(escape(json)); + try { + return json.evalJSON(this.request.options.sanitizeJSON); + } catch (e) { + this.request.dispatchException(e); + } + }, + + _getResponseJSON: function() { + var options = this.request.options; + if (!options.evalJSON || (options.evalJSON != 'force' && + !(this.getHeader('Content-type') || '').include('application/json'))) + return null; + try { + return this.transport.responseText.evalJSON(options.sanitizeJSON); + } catch (e) { + this.request.dispatchException(e); + } + } +}); + +Ajax.Updater = Class.create(Ajax.Request, { + initialize: function($super, container, url, options) { + this.container = { + success: (container.success || container), + failure: (container.failure || (container.success ? null : container)) + }; + + options = options || { }; + var onComplete = options.onComplete; + options.onComplete = (function(response, param) { + this.updateContent(response.responseText); + if (Object.isFunction(onComplete)) onComplete(response, param); + }).bind(this); + + $super(url, options); + }, + + updateContent: function(responseText) { + var receiver = this.container[this.success() ? 'success' : 'failure'], + options = this.options; + + if (!options.evalScripts) responseText = responseText.stripScripts(); + + if (receiver = $(receiver)) { + if (options.insertion) { + if (Object.isString(options.insertion)) { + var insertion = { }; insertion[options.insertion] = responseText; + receiver.insert(insertion); + } + else options.insertion(receiver, responseText); + } + else receiver.update(responseText); + } + + if (this.success()) { + if (this.onComplete) this.onComplete.bind(this).defer(); + } + } +}); + +Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater = Class.create(Ajax.Base, { + initialize: function($super, container, url, options) { + $super(options); + this.onComplete = this.options.onComplete; + + this.frequency = (this.options.frequency || 2); + this.decay = (this.options.decay || 1); + + this.updater = { }; + this.container = container; + this.url = url; + + this.start(); + }, + + start: function() { + this.options.onComplete = this.updateComplete.bind(this); + this.onTimerEvent(); + }, + + stop: function() { + this.updater.options.onComplete = undefined; + clearTimeout(this.timer); + (this.onComplete || Prototype.emptyFunction).apply(this, arguments); + }, + + updateComplete: function(response) { + if (this.options.decay) { + this.decay = (response.responseText == this.lastText ? + this.decay * this.options.decay : 1); + + this.lastText = response.responseText; + } + this.timer = this.onTimerEvent.bind(this).delay(this.decay * this.frequency); + }, + + onTimerEvent: function() { + this.updater = new Ajax.Updater(this.container, this.url, this.options); + } +}); +function $(element) { + if (arguments.length > 1) { + for (var i = 0, elements = [], length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) + elements.push($(arguments[i])); + return elements; + } + if (Object.isString(element)) + element = document.getElementById(element); + return Element.extend(element); +} + +if (Prototype.BrowserFeatures.XPath) { + document._getElementsByXPath = function(expression, parentElement) { + var results = []; + var query = document.evaluate(expression, $(parentElement) || document, + null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); + for (var i = 0, length = query.snapshotLength; i < length; i++) + results.push(Element.extend(query.snapshotItem(i))); + return results; + }; +} + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +if (!window.Node) var Node = { }; + +if (!Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { + // DOM level 2 ECMAScript Language Binding + Object.extend(Node, { + ELEMENT_NODE: 1, + ATTRIBUTE_NODE: 2, + TEXT_NODE: 3, + CDATA_SECTION_NODE: 4, + ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: 5, + ENTITY_NODE: 6, + PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: 7, + COMMENT_NODE: 8, + DOCUMENT_NODE: 9, + DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: 10, + DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: 11, + NOTATION_NODE: 12 + }); +} + +(function() { + var element = this.Element; + this.Element = function(tagName, attributes) { + attributes = attributes || { }; + tagName = tagName.toLowerCase(); + var cache = Element.cache; + if (Prototype.Browser.IE && { + tagName = '<' + tagName + ' name="' + + '">'; + delete; + return Element.writeAttribute(document.createElement(tagName), attributes); + } + if (!cache[tagName]) cache[tagName] = Element.extend(document.createElement(tagName)); + return Element.writeAttribute(cache[tagName].cloneNode(false), attributes); + }; + Object.extend(this.Element, element || { }); +}).call(window); + +Element.cache = { }; + +Element.Methods = { + visible: function(element) { + return $(element).style.display != 'none'; + }, + + toggle: function(element) { + element = $(element); + Element[Element.visible(element) ? 'hide' : 'show'](element); + return element; + }, + + hide: function(element) { + $(element).style.display = 'none'; + return element; + }, + + show: function(element) { + $(element).style.display = ''; + return element; + }, + + remove: function(element) { + element = $(element); + element.parentNode.removeChild(element); + return element; + }, + + update: function(element, content) { + element = $(element); + if (content && content.toElement) content = content.toElement(); + if (Object.isElement(content)) return element.update().insert(content); + content = Object.toHTML(content); + element.innerHTML = content.stripScripts(); + content.evalScripts.bind(content).defer(); + return element; + }, + + replace: function(element, content) { + element = $(element); + if (content && content.toElement) content = content.toElement(); + else if (!Object.isElement(content)) { + content = Object.toHTML(content); + var range = element.ownerDocument.createRange(); + range.selectNode(element); + content.evalScripts.bind(content).defer(); + content = range.createContextualFragment(content.stripScripts()); + } + element.parentNode.replaceChild(content, element); + return element; + }, + + insert: function(element, insertions) { + element = $(element); + + if (Object.isString(insertions) || Object.isNumber(insertions) || + Object.isElement(insertions) || (insertions && (insertions.toElement || insertions.toHTML))) + insertions = {bottom:insertions}; + + var content, t, range; + + for (position in insertions) { + content = insertions[position]; + position = position.toLowerCase(); + t = Element._insertionTranslations[position]; + + if (content && content.toElement) content = content.toElement(); + if (Object.isElement(content)) { + t.insert(element, content); + continue; + } + + content = Object.toHTML(content); + + range = element.ownerDocument.createRange(); + t.initializeRange(element, range); + t.insert(element, range.createContextualFragment(content.stripScripts())); + + content.evalScripts.bind(content).defer(); + } + + return element; + }, + + wrap: function(element, wrapper, attributes) { + element = $(element); + if (Object.isElement(wrapper)) + $(wrapper).writeAttribute(attributes || { }); + else if (Object.isString(wrapper)) wrapper = new Element(wrapper, attributes); + else wrapper = new Element('div', wrapper); + if (element.parentNode) + element.parentNode.replaceChild(wrapper, element); + wrapper.appendChild(element); + return wrapper; + }, + + inspect: function(element) { + element = $(element); + var result = '<' + element.tagName.toLowerCase(); + $H({'id': 'id', 'className': 'class'}).each(function(pair) { + var property = pair.first(), attribute = pair.last(); + var value = (element[property] || '').toString(); + if (value) result += ' ' + attribute + '=' + value.inspect(true); + }); + return result + '>'; + }, + + recursivelyCollect: function(element, property) { + element = $(element); + var elements = []; + while (element = element[property]) + if (element.nodeType == 1) + elements.push(Element.extend(element)); + return elements; + }, + + ancestors: function(element) { + return $(element).recursivelyCollect('parentNode'); + }, + + descendants: function(element) { + return $A($(element).getElementsByTagName('*')).each(Element.extend); + }, + + firstDescendant: function(element) { + element = $(element).firstChild; + while (element && element.nodeType != 1) element = element.nextSibling; + return $(element); + }, + + immediateDescendants: function(element) { + if (!(element = $(element).firstChild)) return []; + while (element && element.nodeType != 1) element = element.nextSibling; + if (element) return [element].concat($(element).nextSiblings()); + return []; + }, + + previousSiblings: function(element) { + return $(element).recursivelyCollect('previousSibling'); + }, + + nextSiblings: function(element) { + return $(element).recursivelyCollect('nextSibling'); + }, + + siblings: function(element) { + element = $(element); + return element.previousSiblings().reverse().concat(element.nextSiblings()); + }, + + match: function(element, selector) { + if (Object.isString(selector)) + selector = new Selector(selector); + return selector.match($(element)); + }, + + up: function(element, expression, index) { + element = $(element); + if (arguments.length == 1) return $(element.parentNode); + var ancestors = element.ancestors(); + return expression ? Selector.findElement(ancestors, expression, index) : + ancestors[index || 0]; + }, + + down: function(element, expression, index) { + element = $(element); + if (arguments.length == 1) return element.firstDescendant(); + var descendants = element.descendants(); + return expression ? Selector.findElement(descendants, expression, index) : + descendants[index || 0]; + }, + + previous: function(element, expression, index) { + element = $(element); + if (arguments.length == 1) return $(Selector.handlers.previousElementSibling(element)); + var previousSiblings = element.previousSiblings(); + return expression ? Selector.findElement(previousSiblings, expression, index) : + previousSiblings[index || 0]; + }, + + next: function(element, expression, index) { + element = $(element); + if (arguments.length == 1) return $(Selector.handlers.nextElementSibling(element)); + var nextSiblings = element.nextSiblings(); + return expression ? Selector.findElement(nextSiblings, expression, index) : + nextSiblings[index || 0]; + }, + + select: function() { + var args = $A(arguments), element = $(args.shift()); + return Selector.findChildElements(element, args); + }, + + adjacent: function() { + var args = $A(arguments), element = $(args.shift()); + return Selector.findChildElements(element.parentNode, args).without(element); + }, + + identify: function(element) { + element = $(element); + var id = element.readAttribute('id'), self = arguments.callee; + if (id) return id; + do { id = 'anonymous_element_' + self.counter++ } while ($(id)); + element.writeAttribute('id', id); + return id; + }, + + readAttribute: function(element, name) { + element = $(element); + if (Prototype.Browser.IE) { + var t =; + if (t.values[name]) return t.values[name](element, name); + if (t.names[name]) name = t.names[name]; + if (name.include(':')) { + return (!element.attributes || !element.attributes[name]) ? null : + element.attributes[name].value; + } + } + return element.getAttribute(name); + }, + + writeAttribute: function(element, name, value) { + element = $(element); + var attributes = { }, t = Element._attributeTranslations.write; + + if (typeof name == 'object') attributes = name; + else attributes[name] = value === undefined ? true : value; + + for (var attr in attributes) { + var name = t.names[attr] || attr, value = attributes[attr]; + if (t.values[attr]) name = t.values[attr](element, value); + if (value === false || value === null) + element.removeAttribute(name); + else if (value === true) + element.setAttribute(name, name); + else element.setAttribute(name, value); + } + return element; + }, + + getHeight: function(element) { + return $(element).getDimensions().height; + }, + + getWidth: function(element) { + return $(element).getDimensions().width; + }, + + classNames: function(element) { + return new Element.ClassNames(element); + }, + + hasClassName: function(element, className) { + if (!(element = $(element))) return; + var elementClassName = element.className; + return (elementClassName.length > 0 && (elementClassName == className || + new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)").test(elementClassName))); + }, + + addClassName: function(element, className) { + if (!(element = $(element))) return; + if (!element.hasClassName(className)) + element.className += (element.className ? ' ' : '') + className; + return element; + }, + + removeClassName: function(element, className) { + if (!(element = $(element))) return; + element.className = element.className.replace( + new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + className + "(\\s+|$)"), ' ').strip(); + return element; + }, + + toggleClassName: function(element, className) { + if (!(element = $(element))) return; + return element[element.hasClassName(className) ? + 'removeClassName' : 'addClassName'](className); + }, + + // removes whitespace-only text node children + cleanWhitespace: function(element) { + element = $(element); + var node = element.firstChild; + while (node) { + var nextNode = node.nextSibling; + if (node.nodeType == 3 && !/\S/.test(node.nodeValue)) + element.removeChild(node); + node = nextNode; + } + return element; + }, + + empty: function(element) { + return $(element).innerHTML.blank(); + }, + + descendantOf: function(element, ancestor) { + element = $(element), ancestor = $(ancestor); + + if (element.compareDocumentPosition) + return (element.compareDocumentPosition(ancestor) & 8) === 8; + + if (element.sourceIndex && !Prototype.Browser.Opera) { + var e = element.sourceIndex, a = ancestor.sourceIndex, + nextAncestor = ancestor.nextSibling; + if (!nextAncestor) { + do { ancestor = ancestor.parentNode; } + while (!(nextAncestor = ancestor.nextSibling) && ancestor.parentNode); + } + if (nextAncestor) return (e > a && e < nextAncestor.sourceIndex); + } + + while (element = element.parentNode) + if (element == ancestor) return true; + return false; + }, + + scrollTo: function(element) { + element = $(element); + var pos = element.cumulativeOffset(); + window.scrollTo(pos[0], pos[1]); + return element; + }, + + getStyle: function(element, style) { + element = $(element); + style = style == 'float' ? 'cssFloat' : style.camelize(); + var value =[style]; + if (!value) { + var css = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null); + value = css ? css[style] : null; + } + if (style == 'opacity') return value ? parseFloat(value) : 1.0; + return value == 'auto' ? null : value; + }, + + getOpacity: function(element) { + return $(element).getStyle('opacity'); + }, + + setStyle: function(element, styles) { + element = $(element); + var elementStyle =, match; + if (Object.isString(styles)) { + += ';' + styles; + return styles.include('opacity') ? + element.setOpacity(styles.match(/opacity:\s*(\d?\.?\d*)/)[1]) : element; + } + for (var property in styles) + if (property == 'opacity') element.setOpacity(styles[property]); + else + elementStyle[(property == 'float' || property == 'cssFloat') ? + (elementStyle.styleFloat === undefined ? 'cssFloat' : 'styleFloat') : + property] = styles[property]; + + return element; + }, + + setOpacity: function(element, value) { + element = $(element); + = (value == 1 || value === '') ? '' : + (value < 0.00001) ? 0 : value; + return element; + }, + + getDimensions: function(element) { + element = $(element); + var display = $(element).getStyle('display'); + if (display != 'none' && display != null) // Safari bug + return {width: element.offsetWidth, height: element.offsetHeight}; + + // All *Width and *Height properties give 0 on elements with display none, + // so enable the element temporarily + var els =; + var originalVisibility = els.visibility; + var originalPosition = els.position; + var originalDisplay = els.display; + els.visibility = 'hidden'; + els.position = 'absolute'; + els.display = 'block'; + var originalWidth = element.clientWidth; + var originalHeight = element.clientHeight; + els.display = originalDisplay; + els.position = originalPosition; + els.visibility = originalVisibility; + return {width: originalWidth, height: originalHeight}; + }, + + makePositioned: function(element) { + element = $(element); + var pos = Element.getStyle(element, 'position'); + if (pos == 'static' || !pos) { + element._madePositioned = true; + = 'relative'; + // Opera returns the offset relative to the positioning context, when an + // element is position relative but top and left have not been defined + if (window.opera) { + = 0; + = 0; + } + } + return element; + }, + + undoPositioned: function(element) { + element = $(element); + if (element._madePositioned) { + element._madePositioned = undefined; + = + = + = + = + = ''; + } + return element; + }, + + makeClipping: function(element) { + element = $(element); + if (element._overflow) return element; + element._overflow = Element.getStyle(element, 'overflow') || 'auto'; + if (element._overflow !== 'hidden') + = 'hidden'; + return element; + }, + + undoClipping: function(element) { + element = $(element); + if (!element._overflow) return element; + = element._overflow == 'auto' ? '' : element._overflow; + element._overflow = null; + return element; + }, + + cumulativeOffset: function(element) { + var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; + do { + valueT += element.offsetTop || 0; + valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0; + element = element.offsetParent; + } while (element); + return Element._returnOffset(valueL, valueT); + }, + + positionedOffset: function(element) { + var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; + do { + valueT += element.offsetTop || 0; + valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0; + element = element.offsetParent; + if (element) { + if (element.tagName == 'BODY') break; + var p = Element.getStyle(element, 'position'); + if (p == 'relative' || p == 'absolute') break; + } + } while (element); + return Element._returnOffset(valueL, valueT); + }, + + absolutize: function(element) { + element = $(element); + if (element.getStyle('position') == 'absolute') return; + // Position.prepare(); // To be done manually by Scripty when it needs it. + + var offsets = element.positionedOffset(); + var top = offsets[1]; + var left = offsets[0]; + var width = element.clientWidth; + var height = element.clientHeight; + + element._originalLeft = left - parseFloat( || 0); + element._originalTop = top - parseFloat( || 0); + element._originalWidth =; + element._originalHeight =; + + = 'absolute'; + = top + 'px'; + = left + 'px'; + = width + 'px'; + = height + 'px'; + return element; + }, + + relativize: function(element) { + element = $(element); + if (element.getStyle('position') == 'relative') return; + // Position.prepare(); // To be done manually by Scripty when it needs it. + + = 'relative'; + var top = parseFloat( || 0) - (element._originalTop || 0); + var left = parseFloat( || 0) - (element._originalLeft || 0); + + = top + 'px'; + = left + 'px'; + = element._originalHeight; + = element._originalWidth; + return element; + }, + + cumulativeScrollOffset: function(element) { + var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; + do { + valueT += element.scrollTop || 0; + valueL += element.scrollLeft || 0; + element = element.parentNode; + } while (element); + return Element._returnOffset(valueL, valueT); + }, + + getOffsetParent: function(element) { + if (element.offsetParent) return $(element.offsetParent); + if (element == document.body) return $(element); + + while ((element = element.parentNode) && element != document.body) + if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') != 'static') + return $(element); + + return $(document.body); + }, + + viewportOffset: function(forElement) { + var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; + + var element = forElement; + do { + valueT += element.offsetTop || 0; + valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0; + + // Safari fix + if (element.offsetParent == document.body && + Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'absolute') break; + + } while (element = element.offsetParent); + + element = forElement; + do { + if (!Prototype.Browser.Opera || element.tagName == 'BODY') { + valueT -= element.scrollTop || 0; + valueL -= element.scrollLeft || 0; + } + } while (element = element.parentNode); + + return Element._returnOffset(valueL, valueT); + }, + + clonePosition: function(element, source) { + var options = Object.extend({ + setLeft: true, + setTop: true, + setWidth: true, + setHeight: true, + offsetTop: 0, + offsetLeft: 0 + }, arguments[2] || { }); + + // find page position of source + source = $(source); + var p = source.viewportOffset(); + + // find coordinate system to use + element = $(element); + var delta = [0, 0]; + var parent = null; + // delta [0,0] will do fine with position: fixed elements, + // position:absolute needs offsetParent deltas + if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'absolute') { + parent = element.getOffsetParent(); + delta = parent.viewportOffset(); + } + + // correct by body offsets (fixes Safari) + if (parent == document.body) { + delta[0] -= document.body.offsetLeft; + delta[1] -= document.body.offsetTop; + } + + // set position + if (options.setLeft) = (p[0] - delta[0] + options.offsetLeft) + 'px'; + if (options.setTop) = (p[1] - delta[1] + options.offsetTop) + 'px'; + if (options.setWidth) = source.offsetWidth + 'px'; + if (options.setHeight) = source.offsetHeight + 'px'; + return element; + } +}; + +Element.Methods.identify.counter = 1; + +Object.extend(Element.Methods, { + getElementsBySelector:, + childElements: Element.Methods.immediateDescendants +}); + +Element._attributeTranslations = { + write: { + names: { + className: 'class', + htmlFor: 'for' + }, + values: { } + } +}; + + +if (!document.createRange || Prototype.Browser.Opera) { + Element.Methods.insert = function(element, insertions) { + element = $(element); + + if (Object.isString(insertions) || Object.isNumber(insertions) || + Object.isElement(insertions) || (insertions && (insertions.toElement || insertions.toHTML))) + insertions = { bottom: insertions }; + + var t = Element._insertionTranslations, content, position, pos, tagName; + + for (position in insertions) { + content = insertions[position]; + position = position.toLowerCase(); + pos = t[position]; + + if (content && content.toElement) content = content.toElement(); + if (Object.isElement(content)) { + pos.insert(element, content); + continue; + } + + content = Object.toHTML(content); + tagName = ((position == 'before' || position == 'after') + ? element.parentNode : element).tagName.toUpperCase(); + + if (t.tags[tagName]) { + var fragments = Element._getContentFromAnonymousElement(tagName, content.stripScripts()); + if (position == 'top' || position == 'after') fragments.reverse(); + fragments.each(pos.insert.curry(element)); + } + else element.insertAdjacentHTML(pos.adjacency, content.stripScripts()); + + content.evalScripts.bind(content).defer(); + } + + return element; + }; +} + +if (Prototype.Browser.Opera) { + Element.Methods._getStyle = Element.Methods.getStyle; + Element.Methods.getStyle = function(element, style) { + switch(style) { + case 'left': + case 'top': + case 'right': + case 'bottom': + if (Element._getStyle(element, 'position') == 'static') return null; + default: return Element._getStyle(element, style); + } + }; + Element.Methods._readAttribute = Element.Methods.readAttribute; + Element.Methods.readAttribute = function(element, attribute) { + if (attribute == 'title') return element.title; + return Element._readAttribute(element, attribute); + }; +} + +else if (Prototype.Browser.IE) { + $w('positionedOffset getOffsetParent viewportOffset').each(function(method) { + Element.Methods[method] = Element.Methods[method].wrap( + function(proceed, element) { + element = $(element); + var position = element.getStyle('position'); + if (position != 'static') return proceed(element); + element.setStyle({ position: 'relative' }); + var value = proceed(element); + element.setStyle({ position: position }); + return value; + } + ); + }); + + Element.Methods.getStyle = function(element, style) { + element = $(element); + style = (style == 'float' || style == 'cssFloat') ? 'styleFloat' : style.camelize(); + var value =[style]; + if (!value && element.currentStyle) value = element.currentStyle[style]; + + if (style == 'opacity') { + if (value = (element.getStyle('filter') || '').match(/alpha\(opacity=(.*)\)/)) + if (value[1]) return parseFloat(value[1]) / 100; + return 1.0; + } + + if (value == 'auto') { + if ((style == 'width' || style == 'height') && (element.getStyle('display') != 'none')) + return element['offset' + style.capitalize()] + 'px'; + return null; + } + return value; + }; + + Element.Methods.setOpacity = function(element, value) { + function stripAlpha(filter){ + return filter.replace(/alpha\([^\)]*\)/gi,''); + } + element = $(element); + var currentStyle = element.currentStyle; + if ((currentStyle && !currentStyle.hasLayout) || + (!currentStyle && == 'normal')) + = 1; + + var filter = element.getStyle('filter'), style =; + if (value == 1 || value === '') { + (filter = stripAlpha(filter)) ? + style.filter = filter : style.removeAttribute('filter'); + return element; + } else if (value < 0.00001) value = 0; + style.filter = stripAlpha(filter) + + 'alpha(opacity=' + (value * 100) + ')'; + return element; + }; + + Element._attributeTranslations = { + read: { + names: { + 'class': 'className', + 'for': 'htmlFor' + }, + values: { + _getAttr: function(element, attribute) { + return element.getAttribute(attribute, 2); + }, + _getAttrNode: function(element, attribute) { + var node = element.getAttributeNode(attribute); + return node ? node.value : ""; + }, + _getEv: function(element, attribute) { + var attribute = element.getAttribute(attribute); + return attribute ? attribute.toString().slice(23, -2) : null; + }, + _flag: function(element, attribute) { + return $(element).hasAttribute(attribute) ? attribute : null; + }, + style: function(element) { + return; + }, + title: function(element) { + return element.title; + } + } + } + }; + + Element._attributeTranslations.write = { + names: Object.clone(, + values: { + checked: function(element, value) { + element.checked = !!value; + }, + + style: function(element, value) { + = value ? value : ''; + } + } + }; + + Element._attributeTranslations.has = {}; + + $w('colSpan rowSpan vAlign dateTime accessKey tabIndex ' + + 'encType maxLength readOnly longDesc').each(function(attr) { + Element._attributeTranslations.write.names[attr.toLowerCase()] = attr; + Element._attributeTranslations.has[attr.toLowerCase()] = attr; + }); + + (function(v) { + Object.extend(v, { + href: v._getAttr, + src: v._getAttr, + type: v._getAttr, + action: v._getAttrNode, + disabled: v._flag, + checked: v._flag, + readonly: v._flag, + multiple: v._flag, + onload: v._getEv, + onunload: v._getEv, + onclick: v._getEv, + ondblclick: v._getEv, + onmousedown: v._getEv, + onmouseup: v._getEv, + onmouseover: v._getEv, + onmousemove: v._getEv, + onmouseout: v._getEv, + onfocus: v._getEv, + onblur: v._getEv, + onkeypress: v._getEv, + onkeydown: v._getEv, + onkeyup: v._getEv, + onsubmit: v._getEv, + onreset: v._getEv, + onselect: v._getEv, + onchange: v._getEv + }); + })(; +} + +else if (Prototype.Browser.Gecko && /rv:1\.8\.0/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { + Element.Methods.setOpacity = function(element, value) { + element = $(element); + = (value == 1) ? 0.999999 : + (value === '') ? '' : (value < 0.00001) ? 0 : value; + return element; + }; +} + +else if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) { + Element.Methods.setOpacity = function(element, value) { + element = $(element); + = (value == 1 || value === '') ? '' : + (value < 0.00001) ? 0 : value; + + if (value == 1) + if(element.tagName == 'IMG' && element.width) { + element.width++; element.width--; + } else try { + var n = document.createTextNode(' '); + element.appendChild(n); + element.removeChild(n); + } catch (e) { } + + return element; + }; + + // Safari returns margins on body which is incorrect if the child is absolutely + // positioned. For performance reasons, redefine Position.cumulativeOffset for + // KHTML/WebKit only. + Element.Methods.cumulativeOffset = function(element) { + var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; + do { + valueT += element.offsetTop || 0; + valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0; + if (element.offsetParent == document.body) + if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'absolute') break; + + element = element.offsetParent; + } while (element); + + return Element._returnOffset(valueL, valueT); + }; +} + +if (Prototype.Browser.IE || Prototype.Browser.Opera) { + // IE and Opera are missing .innerHTML support for TABLE-related and SELECT elements + Element.Methods.update = function(element, content) { + element = $(element); + + if (content && content.toElement) content = content.toElement(); + if (Object.isElement(content)) return element.update().insert(content); + + content = Object.toHTML(content); + var tagName = element.tagName.toUpperCase(); + + if (tagName in Element._insertionTranslations.tags) { + $A(element.childNodes).each(function(node) { element.removeChild(node) }); + Element._getContentFromAnonymousElement(tagName, content.stripScripts()) + .each(function(node) { element.appendChild(node) }); + } + else element.innerHTML = content.stripScripts(); + + content.evalScripts.bind(content).defer(); + return element; + }; +} + +if (document.createElement('div').outerHTML) { + Element.Methods.replace = function(element, content) { + element = $(element); + + if (content && content.toElement) content = content.toElement(); + if (Object.isElement(content)) { + element.parentNode.replaceChild(content, element); + return element; + } + + content = Object.toHTML(content); + var parent = element.parentNode, tagName = parent.tagName.toUpperCase(); + + if (Element._insertionTranslations.tags[tagName]) { + var nextSibling =; + var fragments = Element._getContentFromAnonymousElement(tagName, content.stripScripts()); + parent.removeChild(element); + if (nextSibling) + fragments.each(function(node) { parent.insertBefore(node, nextSibling) }); + else + fragments.each(function(node) { parent.appendChild(node) }); + } + else element.outerHTML = content.stripScripts(); + + content.evalScripts.bind(content).defer(); + return element; + }; +} + +Element._returnOffset = function(l, t) { + var result = [l, t]; + result.left = l; + = t; + return result; +}; + +Element._getContentFromAnonymousElement = function(tagName, html) { + var div = new Element('div'), t = Element._insertionTranslations.tags[tagName]; + div.innerHTML = t[0] + html + t[1]; + t[2].times(function() { div = div.firstChild }); + return $A(div.childNodes); +}; + +Element._insertionTranslations = { + before: { + adjacency: 'beforeBegin', + insert: function(element, node) { + element.parentNode.insertBefore(node, element); + }, + initializeRange: function(element, range) { + range.setStartBefore(element); + } + }, + top: { + adjacency: 'afterBegin', + insert: function(element, node) { + element.insertBefore(node, element.firstChild); + }, + initializeRange: function(element, range) { + range.selectNodeContents(element); + range.collapse(true); + } + }, + bottom: { + adjacency: 'beforeEnd', + insert: function(element, node) { + element.appendChild(node); + } + }, + after: { + adjacency: 'afterEnd', + insert: function(element, node) { + element.parentNode.insertBefore(node, element.nextSibling); + }, + initializeRange: function(element, range) { + range.setStartAfter(element); + } + }, + tags: { + TABLE: ['', '
    ', 1], + TBODY: ['', '
    ', 2], + TR: ['', '
    ', 3], + TD: ['
    ', '
    ', 4], + SELECT: ['', 1] + } +}; + +(function() { + this.bottom.initializeRange =; + Object.extend(this.tags, { + THEAD: this.tags.TBODY, + TFOOT: this.tags.TBODY, + TH: this.tags.TD + }); +}).call(Element._insertionTranslations); + +Element.Methods.Simulated = { + hasAttribute: function(element, attribute) { + attribute = Element._attributeTranslations.has[attribute] || attribute; + var node = $(element).getAttributeNode(attribute); + return node && node.specified; + } +}; + +Element.Methods.ByTag = { }; + +Object.extend(Element, Element.Methods); + +if (!Prototype.BrowserFeatures.ElementExtensions && + document.createElement('div').__proto__) { + window.HTMLElement = { }; + window.HTMLElement.prototype = document.createElement('div').__proto__; + Prototype.BrowserFeatures.ElementExtensions = true; +} + +Element.extend = (function() { + if (Prototype.BrowserFeatures.SpecificElementExtensions) + return Prototype.K; + + var Methods = { }, ByTag = Element.Methods.ByTag; + + var extend = Object.extend(function(element) { + if (!element || element._extendedByPrototype || + element.nodeType != 1 || element == window) return element; + + var methods = Object.clone(Methods), + tagName = element.tagName, property, value; + + // extend methods for specific tags + if (ByTag[tagName]) Object.extend(methods, ByTag[tagName]); + + for (property in methods) { + value = methods[property]; + if (Object.isFunction(value) && !(property in element)) + element[property] = value.methodize(); + } + + element._extendedByPrototype = Prototype.emptyFunction; + return element; + + }, { + refresh: function() { + // extend methods for all tags (Safari doesn't need this) + if (!Prototype.BrowserFeatures.ElementExtensions) { + Object.extend(Methods, Element.Methods); + Object.extend(Methods, Element.Methods.Simulated); + } + } + }); + + extend.refresh(); + return extend; +})(); + +Element.hasAttribute = function(element, attribute) { + if (element.hasAttribute) return element.hasAttribute(attribute); + return Element.Methods.Simulated.hasAttribute(element, attribute); +}; + +Element.addMethods = function(methods) { + var F = Prototype.BrowserFeatures, T = Element.Methods.ByTag; + + if (!methods) { + Object.extend(Form, Form.Methods); + Object.extend(Form.Element, Form.Element.Methods); + Object.extend(Element.Methods.ByTag, { + "FORM": Object.clone(Form.Methods), + "INPUT": Object.clone(Form.Element.Methods), + "SELECT": Object.clone(Form.Element.Methods), + "TEXTAREA": Object.clone(Form.Element.Methods) + }); + } + + if (arguments.length == 2) { + var tagName = methods; + methods = arguments[1]; + } + + if (!tagName) Object.extend(Element.Methods, methods || { }); + else { + if (Object.isArray(tagName)) tagName.each(extend); + else extend(tagName); + } + + function extend(tagName) { + tagName = tagName.toUpperCase(); + if (!Element.Methods.ByTag[tagName]) + Element.Methods.ByTag[tagName] = { }; + Object.extend(Element.Methods.ByTag[tagName], methods); + } + + function copy(methods, destination, onlyIfAbsent) { + onlyIfAbsent = onlyIfAbsent || false; + for (var property in methods) { + var value = methods[property]; + if (!Object.isFunction(value)) continue; + if (!onlyIfAbsent || !(property in destination)) + destination[property] = value.methodize(); + } + } + + function findDOMClass(tagName) { + var klass; + var trans = { + "OPTGROUP": "OptGroup", "TEXTAREA": "TextArea", "P": "Paragraph", + "FIELDSET": "FieldSet", "UL": "UList", "OL": "OList", "DL": "DList", + "DIR": "Directory", "H1": "Heading", "H2": "Heading", "H3": "Heading", + "H4": "Heading", "H5": "Heading", "H6": "Heading", "Q": "Quote", + "INS": "Mod", "DEL": "Mod", "A": "Anchor", "IMG": "Image", "CAPTION": + "TableCaption", "COL": "TableCol", "COLGROUP": "TableCol", "THEAD": + "TableSection", "TFOOT": "TableSection", "TBODY": "TableSection", "TR": + "TableRow", "TH": "TableCell", "TD": "TableCell", "FRAMESET": + "FrameSet", "IFRAME": "IFrame" + }; + if (trans[tagName]) klass = 'HTML' + trans[tagName] + 'Element'; + if (window[klass]) return window[klass]; + klass = 'HTML' + tagName + 'Element'; + if (window[klass]) return window[klass]; + klass = 'HTML' + tagName.capitalize() + 'Element'; + if (window[klass]) return window[klass]; + + window[klass] = { }; + window[klass].prototype = document.createElement(tagName).__proto__; + return window[klass]; + } + + if (F.ElementExtensions) { + copy(Element.Methods, HTMLElement.prototype); + copy(Element.Methods.Simulated, HTMLElement.prototype, true); + } + + if (F.SpecificElementExtensions) { + for (var tag in Element.Methods.ByTag) { + var klass = findDOMClass(tag); + if (Object.isUndefined(klass)) continue; + copy(T[tag], klass.prototype); + } + } + + Object.extend(Element, Element.Methods); + delete Element.ByTag; + + if (Element.extend.refresh) Element.extend.refresh(); + Element.cache = { }; +}; + +document.viewport = { + getDimensions: function() { + var dimensions = { }; + $w('width height').each(function(d) { + var D = d.capitalize(); + dimensions[d] = self['inner' + D] || + (document.documentElement['client' + D] || document.body['client' + D]); + }); + return dimensions; + }, + + getWidth: function() { + return this.getDimensions().width; + }, + + getHeight: function() { + return this.getDimensions().height; + }, + + getScrollOffsets: function() { + return Element._returnOffset( + window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft, + window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop); + } +}; +/* Portions of the Selector class are derived from Jack Slocum’s DomQuery, + * part of YUI-Ext version 0.40, distributed under the terms of an MIT-style + * license. Please see for more information. */ + +var Selector = Class.create({ + initialize: function(expression) { + this.expression = expression.strip(); + this.compileMatcher(); + }, + + compileMatcher: function() { + // Selectors with namespaced attributes can't use the XPath version + if (Prototype.BrowserFeatures.XPath && !(/(\[[\w-]*?:|:checked)/).test(this.expression)) + return this.compileXPathMatcher(); + + var e = this.expression, ps = Selector.patterns, h = Selector.handlers, + c = Selector.criteria, le, p, m; + + if (Selector._cache[e]) { + this.matcher = Selector._cache[e]; + return; + } + + this.matcher = ["this.matcher = function(root) {", + "var r = root, h = Selector.handlers, c = false, n;"]; + + while (e && le != e && (/\S/).test(e)) { + le = e; + for (var i in ps) { + p = ps[i]; + if (m = e.match(p)) { + this.matcher.push(Object.isFunction(c[i]) ? c[i](m) : + new Template(c[i]).evaluate(m)); + e = e.replace(m[0], ''); + break; + } + } + } + + this.matcher.push("return h.unique(n);\n}"); + eval(this.matcher.join('\n')); + Selector._cache[this.expression] = this.matcher; + }, + + compileXPathMatcher: function() { + var e = this.expression, ps = Selector.patterns, + x = Selector.xpath, le, m; + + if (Selector._cache[e]) { + this.xpath = Selector._cache[e]; return; + } + + this.matcher = ['.//*']; + while (e && le != e && (/\S/).test(e)) { + le = e; + for (var i in ps) { + if (m = e.match(ps[i])) { + this.matcher.push(Object.isFunction(x[i]) ? x[i](m) : + new Template(x[i]).evaluate(m)); + e = e.replace(m[0], ''); + break; + } + } + } + + this.xpath = this.matcher.join(''); + Selector._cache[this.expression] = this.xpath; + }, + + findElements: function(root) { + root = root || document; + if (this.xpath) return document._getElementsByXPath(this.xpath, root); + return this.matcher(root); + }, + + match: function(element) { + this.tokens = []; + + var e = this.expression, ps = Selector.patterns, as = Selector.assertions; + var le, p, m; + + while (e && le !== e && (/\S/).test(e)) { + le = e; + for (var i in ps) { + p = ps[i]; + if (m = e.match(p)) { + // use the Selector.assertions methods unless the selector + // is too complex. + if (as[i]) { + this.tokens.push([i, Object.clone(m)]); + e = e.replace(m[0], ''); + } else { + // reluctantly do a document-wide search + // and look for a match in the array + return this.findElements(document).include(element); + } + } + } + } + + var match = true, name, matches; + for (var i = 0, token; token = this.tokens[i]; i++) { + name = token[0], matches = token[1]; + if (!Selector.assertions[name](element, matches)) { + match = false; break; + } + } + + return match; + }, + + toString: function() { + return this.expression; + }, + + inspect: function() { + return "#"; + } +}); + +Object.extend(Selector, { + _cache: { }, + + xpath: { + descendant: "//*", + child: "/*", + adjacent: "/following-sibling::*[1]", + laterSibling: '/following-sibling::*', + tagName: function(m) { + if (m[1] == '*') return ''; + return "[local-name()='" + m[1].toLowerCase() + + "' or local-name()='" + m[1].toUpperCase() + "']"; + }, + className: "[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' #{1} ')]", + id: "[@id='#{1}']", + attrPresence: "[@#{1}]", + attr: function(m) { + m[3] = m[5] || m[6]; + return new Template(Selector.xpath.operators[m[2]]).evaluate(m); + }, + pseudo: function(m) { + var h = Selector.xpath.pseudos[m[1]]; + if (!h) return ''; + if (Object.isFunction(h)) return h(m); + return new Template(Selector.xpath.pseudos[m[1]]).evaluate(m); + }, + operators: { + '=': "[@#{1}='#{3}']", + '!=': "[@#{1}!='#{3}']", + '^=': "[starts-with(@#{1}, '#{3}')]", + '$=': "[substring(@#{1}, (string-length(@#{1}) - string-length('#{3}') + 1))='#{3}']", + '*=': "[contains(@#{1}, '#{3}')]", + '~=': "[contains(concat(' ', @#{1}, ' '), ' #{3} ')]", + '|=': "[contains(concat('-', @#{1}, '-'), '-#{3}-')]" + }, + pseudos: { + 'first-child': '[not(preceding-sibling::*)]', + 'last-child': '[not(following-sibling::*)]', + 'only-child': '[not(preceding-sibling::* or following-sibling::*)]', + 'empty': "[count(*) = 0 and (count(text()) = 0 or translate(text(), ' \t\r\n', '') = '')]", + 'checked': "[@checked]", + 'disabled': "[@disabled]", + 'enabled': "[not(@disabled)]", + 'not': function(m) { + var e = m[6], p = Selector.patterns, + x = Selector.xpath, le, m, v; + + var exclusion = []; + while (e && le != e && (/\S/).test(e)) { + le = e; + for (var i in p) { + if (m = e.match(p[i])) { + v = Object.isFunction(x[i]) ? x[i](m) : new Template(x[i]).evaluate(m); + exclusion.push("(" + v.substring(1, v.length - 1) + ")"); + e = e.replace(m[0], ''); + break; + } + } + } + return "[not(" + exclusion.join(" and ") + ")]"; + }, + 'nth-child': function(m) { + return Selector.xpath.pseudos.nth("(count(./preceding-sibling::*) + 1) ", m); + }, + 'nth-last-child': function(m) { + return Selector.xpath.pseudos.nth("(count(./following-sibling::*) + 1) ", m); + }, + 'nth-of-type': function(m) { + return Selector.xpath.pseudos.nth("position() ", m); + }, + 'nth-last-of-type': function(m) { + return Selector.xpath.pseudos.nth("(last() + 1 - position()) ", m); + }, + 'first-of-type': function(m) { + m[6] = "1"; return Selector.xpath.pseudos['nth-of-type'](m); + }, + 'last-of-type': function(m) { + m[6] = "1"; return Selector.xpath.pseudos['nth-last-of-type'](m); + }, + 'only-of-type': function(m) { + var p = Selector.xpath.pseudos; return p['first-of-type'](m) + p['last-of-type'](m); + }, + nth: function(fragment, m) { + var mm, formula = m[6], predicate; + if (formula == 'even') formula = '2n+0'; + if (formula == 'odd') formula = '2n+1'; + if (mm = formula.match(/^(\d+)$/)) // digit only + return '[' + fragment + "= " + mm[1] + ']'; + if (mm = formula.match(/^(-?\d*)?n(([+-])(\d+))?/)) { // an+b + if (mm[1] == "-") mm[1] = -1; + var a = mm[1] ? Number(mm[1]) : 1; + var b = mm[2] ? Number(mm[2]) : 0; + predicate = "[((#{fragment} - #{b}) mod #{a} = 0) and " + + "((#{fragment} - #{b}) div #{a} >= 0)]"; + return new Template(predicate).evaluate({ + fragment: fragment, a: a, b: b }); + } + } + } + }, + + criteria: { + tagName: 'n = h.tagName(n, r, "#{1}", c); c = false;', + className: 'n = h.className(n, r, "#{1}", c); c = false;', + id: 'n =, r, "#{1}", c); c = false;', + attrPresence: 'n = h.attrPresence(n, r, "#{1}"); c = false;', + attr: function(m) { + m[3] = (m[5] || m[6]); + return new Template('n = h.attr(n, r, "#{1}", "#{3}", "#{2}"); c = false;').evaluate(m); + }, + pseudo: function(m) { + if (m[6]) m[6] = m[6].replace(/"/g, '\\"'); + return new Template('n = h.pseudo(n, "#{1}", "#{6}", r, c); c = false;').evaluate(m); + }, + descendant: 'c = "descendant";', + child: 'c = "child";', + adjacent: 'c = "adjacent";', + laterSibling: 'c = "laterSibling";' + }, + + patterns: { + // combinators must be listed first + // (and descendant needs to be last combinator) + laterSibling: /^\s*~\s*/, + child: /^\s*>\s*/, + adjacent: /^\s*\+\s*/, + descendant: /^\s/, + + // selectors follow + tagName: /^\s*(\*|[\w\-]+)(\b|$)?/, + id: /^#([\w\-\*]+)(\b|$)/, + className: /^\.([\w\-\*]+)(\b|$)/, + pseudo: /^:((first|last|nth|nth-last|only)(-child|-of-type)|empty|checked|(en|dis)abled|not)(\((.*?)\))?(\b|$|(?=\s)|(?=:))/, + attrPresence: /^\[([\w]+)\]/, + attr: /\[((?:[\w-]*:)?[\w-]+)\s*(?:([!^$*~|]?=)\s*((['"])([^\4]*?)\4|([^'"][^\]]*?)))?\]/ + }, + + // for Selector.match and Element#match + assertions: { + tagName: function(element, matches) { + return matches[1].toUpperCase() == element.tagName.toUpperCase(); + }, + + className: function(element, matches) { + return Element.hasClassName(element, matches[1]); + }, + + id: function(element, matches) { + return === matches[1]; + }, + + attrPresence: function(element, matches) { + return Element.hasAttribute(element, matches[1]); + }, + + attr: function(element, matches) { + var nodeValue = Element.readAttribute(element, matches[1]); + return Selector.operators[matches[2]](nodeValue, matches[3]); + } + }, + + handlers: { + // UTILITY FUNCTIONS + // joins two collections + concat: function(a, b) { + for (var i = 0, node; node = b[i]; i++) + a.push(node); + return a; + }, + + // marks an array of nodes for counting + mark: function(nodes) { + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + node._counted = true; + return nodes; + }, + + unmark: function(nodes) { + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + node._counted = undefined; + return nodes; + }, + + // mark each child node with its position (for nth calls) + // "ofType" flag indicates whether we're indexing for nth-of-type + // rather than nth-child + index: function(parentNode, reverse, ofType) { + parentNode._counted = true; + if (reverse) { + for (var nodes = parentNode.childNodes, i = nodes.length - 1, j = 1; i >= 0; i--) { + var node = nodes[i]; + if (node.nodeType == 1 && (!ofType || node._counted)) node.nodeIndex = j++; + } + } else { + for (var i = 0, j = 1, nodes = parentNode.childNodes; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (node.nodeType == 1 && (!ofType || node._counted)) node.nodeIndex = j++; + } + }, + + // filters out duplicates and extends all nodes + unique: function(nodes) { + if (nodes.length == 0) return nodes; + var results = [], n; + for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) + if (!(n = nodes[i])._counted) { + n._counted = true; + results.push(Element.extend(n)); + } + return Selector.handlers.unmark(results); + }, + + // COMBINATOR FUNCTIONS + descendant: function(nodes) { + var h = Selector.handlers; + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + h.concat(results, node.getElementsByTagName('*')); + return results; + }, + + child: function(nodes) { + var h = Selector.handlers; + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) { + for (var j = 0, children = [], child; child = node.childNodes[j]; j++) + if (child.nodeType == 1 && child.tagName != '!') results.push(child); + } + return results; + }, + + adjacent: function(nodes) { + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) { + var next = this.nextElementSibling(node); + if (next) results.push(next); + } + return results; + }, + + laterSibling: function(nodes) { + var h = Selector.handlers; + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + h.concat(results, Element.nextSiblings(node)); + return results; + }, + + nextElementSibling: function(node) { + while (node = node.nextSibling) + if (node.nodeType == 1) return node; + return null; + }, + + previousElementSibling: function(node) { + while (node = node.previousSibling) + if (node.nodeType == 1) return node; + return null; + }, + + // TOKEN FUNCTIONS + tagName: function(nodes, root, tagName, combinator) { + tagName = tagName.toUpperCase(); + var results = [], h = Selector.handlers; + if (nodes) { + if (combinator) { + // fastlane for ordinary descendant combinators + if (combinator == "descendant") { + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + h.concat(results, node.getElementsByTagName(tagName)); + return results; + } else nodes = this[combinator](nodes); + if (tagName == "*") return nodes; + } + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (node.tagName.toUpperCase() == tagName) results.push(node); + return results; + } else return root.getElementsByTagName(tagName); + }, + + id: function(nodes, root, id, combinator) { + var targetNode = $(id), h = Selector.handlers; + if (!targetNode) return []; + if (!nodes && root == document) return [targetNode]; + if (nodes) { + if (combinator) { + if (combinator == 'child') { + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (targetNode.parentNode == node) return [targetNode]; + } else if (combinator == 'descendant') { + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (Element.descendantOf(targetNode, node)) return [targetNode]; + } else if (combinator == 'adjacent') { + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (Selector.handlers.previousElementSibling(targetNode) == node) + return [targetNode]; + } else nodes = h[combinator](nodes); + } + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (node == targetNode) return [targetNode]; + return []; + } + return (targetNode && Element.descendantOf(targetNode, root)) ? [targetNode] : []; + }, + + className: function(nodes, root, className, combinator) { + if (nodes && combinator) nodes = this[combinator](nodes); + return Selector.handlers.byClassName(nodes, root, className); + }, + + byClassName: function(nodes, root, className) { + if (!nodes) nodes = Selector.handlers.descendant([root]); + var needle = ' ' + className + ' '; + for (var i = 0, results = [], node, nodeClassName; node = nodes[i]; i++) { + nodeClassName = node.className; + if (nodeClassName.length == 0) continue; + if (nodeClassName == className || (' ' + nodeClassName + ' ').include(needle)) + results.push(node); + } + return results; + }, + + attrPresence: function(nodes, root, attr) { + if (!nodes) nodes = root.getElementsByTagName("*"); + var results = []; + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (Element.hasAttribute(node, attr)) results.push(node); + return results; + }, + + attr: function(nodes, root, attr, value, operator) { + if (!nodes) nodes = root.getElementsByTagName("*"); + var handler = Selector.operators[operator], results = []; + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) { + var nodeValue = Element.readAttribute(node, attr); + if (nodeValue === null) continue; + if (handler(nodeValue, value)) results.push(node); + } + return results; + }, + + pseudo: function(nodes, name, value, root, combinator) { + if (nodes && combinator) nodes = this[combinator](nodes); + if (!nodes) nodes = root.getElementsByTagName("*"); + return Selector.pseudos[name](nodes, value, root); + } + }, + + pseudos: { + 'first-child': function(nodes, value, root) { + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) { + if (Selector.handlers.previousElementSibling(node)) continue; + results.push(node); + } + return results; + }, + 'last-child': function(nodes, value, root) { + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) { + if (Selector.handlers.nextElementSibling(node)) continue; + results.push(node); + } + return results; + }, + 'only-child': function(nodes, value, root) { + var h = Selector.handlers; + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (!h.previousElementSibling(node) && !h.nextElementSibling(node)) + results.push(node); + return results; + }, + 'nth-child': function(nodes, formula, root) { + return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, formula, root); + }, + 'nth-last-child': function(nodes, formula, root) { + return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, formula, root, true); + }, + 'nth-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) { + return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, formula, root, false, true); + }, + 'nth-last-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) { + return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, formula, root, true, true); + }, + 'first-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) { + return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, "1", root, false, true); + }, + 'last-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) { + return Selector.pseudos.nth(nodes, "1", root, true, true); + }, + 'only-of-type': function(nodes, formula, root) { + var p = Selector.pseudos; + return p['last-of-type'](p['first-of-type'](nodes, formula, root), formula, root); + }, + + // handles the an+b logic + getIndices: function(a, b, total) { + if (a == 0) return b > 0 ? [b] : []; + return $R(1, total).inject([], function(memo, i) { + if (0 == (i - b) % a && (i - b) / a >= 0) memo.push(i); + return memo; + }); + }, + + // handles nth(-last)-child, nth(-last)-of-type, and (first|last)-of-type + nth: function(nodes, formula, root, reverse, ofType) { + if (nodes.length == 0) return []; + if (formula == 'even') formula = '2n+0'; + if (formula == 'odd') formula = '2n+1'; + var h = Selector.handlers, results = [], indexed = [], m; + h.mark(nodes); + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) { + if (!node.parentNode._counted) { + h.index(node.parentNode, reverse, ofType); + indexed.push(node.parentNode); + } + } + if (formula.match(/^\d+$/)) { // just a number + formula = Number(formula); + for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (node.nodeIndex == formula) results.push(node); + } else if (m = formula.match(/^(-?\d*)?n(([+-])(\d+))?/)) { // an+b + if (m[1] == "-") m[1] = -1; + var a = m[1] ? Number(m[1]) : 1; + var b = m[2] ? Number(m[2]) : 0; + var indices = Selector.pseudos.getIndices(a, b, nodes.length); + for (var i = 0, node, l = indices.length; node = nodes[i]; i++) { + for (var j = 0; j < l; j++) + if (node.nodeIndex == indices[j]) results.push(node); + } + } + h.unmark(nodes); + h.unmark(indexed); + return results; + }, + + 'empty': function(nodes, value, root) { + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) { + // IE treats comments as element nodes + if (node.tagName == '!' || (node.firstChild && !node.innerHTML.match(/^\s*$/))) continue; + results.push(node); + } + return results; + }, + + 'not': function(nodes, selector, root) { + var h = Selector.handlers, selectorType, m; + var exclusions = new Selector(selector).findElements(root); + h.mark(exclusions); + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (!node._counted) results.push(node); + h.unmark(exclusions); + return results; + }, + + 'enabled': function(nodes, value, root) { + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (!node.disabled) results.push(node); + return results; + }, + + 'disabled': function(nodes, value, root) { + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (node.disabled) results.push(node); + return results; + }, + + 'checked': function(nodes, value, root) { + for (var i = 0, results = [], node; node = nodes[i]; i++) + if (node.checked) results.push(node); + return results; + } + }, + + operators: { + '=': function(nv, v) { return nv == v; }, + '!=': function(nv, v) { return nv != v; }, + '^=': function(nv, v) { return nv.startsWith(v); }, + '$=': function(nv, v) { return nv.endsWith(v); }, + '*=': function(nv, v) { return nv.include(v); }, + '~=': function(nv, v) { return (' ' + nv + ' ').include(' ' + v + ' '); }, + '|=': function(nv, v) { return ('-' + nv.toUpperCase() + '-').include('-' + v.toUpperCase() + '-'); } + }, + + matchElements: function(elements, expression) { + var matches = new Selector(expression).findElements(), h = Selector.handlers; + h.mark(matches); + for (var i = 0, results = [], element; element = elements[i]; i++) + if (element._counted) results.push(element); + h.unmark(matches); + return results; + }, + + findElement: function(elements, expression, index) { + if (Object.isNumber(expression)) { + index = expression; expression = false; + } + return Selector.matchElements(elements, expression || '*')[index || 0]; + }, + + findChildElements: function(element, expressions) { + var exprs = expressions.join(','), expressions = []; + exprs.scan(/(([\w#:.~>+()\s-]+|\*|\[.*?\])+)\s*(,|$)/, function(m) { + expressions.push(m[1].strip()); + }); + var results = [], h = Selector.handlers; + for (var i = 0, l = expressions.length, selector; i < l; i++) { + selector = new Selector(expressions[i].strip()); + h.concat(results, selector.findElements(element)); + } + return (l > 1) ? h.unique(results) : results; + } +}); + +function $$() { + return Selector.findChildElements(document, $A(arguments)); +} +var Form = { + reset: function(form) { + $(form).reset(); + return form; + }, + + serializeElements: function(elements, options) { + if (typeof options != 'object') options = { hash: !!options }; + else if (options.hash === undefined) options.hash = true; + var key, value, submitted = false, submit = options.submit; + + var data = elements.inject({ }, function(result, element) { + if (!element.disabled && { + key =; value = $(element).getValue(); + if (value != null && (element.type != 'submit' || (!submitted && + submit !== false && (!submit || key == submit) && (submitted = true)))) { + if (key in result) { + // a key is already present; construct an array of values + if (!Object.isArray(result[key])) result[key] = [result[key]]; + result[key].push(value); + } + else result[key] = value; + } + } + return result; + }); + + return options.hash ? data : Object.toQueryString(data); + } +}; + +Form.Methods = { + serialize: function(form, options) { + return Form.serializeElements(Form.getElements(form), options); + }, + + getElements: function(form) { + return $A($(form).getElementsByTagName('*')).inject([], + function(elements, child) { + if (Form.Element.Serializers[child.tagName.toLowerCase()]) + elements.push(Element.extend(child)); + return elements; + } + ); + }, + + getInputs: function(form, typeName, name) { + form = $(form); + var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName('input'); + + if (!typeName && !name) return $A(inputs).map(Element.extend); + + for (var i = 0, matchingInputs = [], length = inputs.length; i < length; i++) { + var input = inputs[i]; + if ((typeName && input.type != typeName) || (name && != name)) + continue; + matchingInputs.push(Element.extend(input)); + } + + return matchingInputs; + }, + + disable: function(form) { + form = $(form); + Form.getElements(form).invoke('disable'); + return form; + }, + + enable: function(form) { + form = $(form); + Form.getElements(form).invoke('enable'); + return form; + }, + + findFirstElement: function(form) { + var elements = $(form).getElements().findAll(function(element) { + return 'hidden' != element.type && !element.disabled; + }); + var firstByIndex = elements.findAll(function(element) { + return element.hasAttribute('tabIndex') && element.tabIndex >= 0; + }).sortBy(function(element) { return element.tabIndex }).first(); + + return firstByIndex ? firstByIndex : elements.find(function(element) { + return ['input', 'select', 'textarea'].include(element.tagName.toLowerCase()); + }); + }, + + focusFirstElement: function(form) { + form = $(form); + form.findFirstElement().activate(); + return form; + }, + + request: function(form, options) { + form = $(form), options = Object.clone(options || { }); + + var params = options.parameters, action = form.readAttribute('action') || ''; + if (action.blank()) action = window.location.href; + options.parameters = form.serialize(true); + + if (params) { + if (Object.isString(params)) params = params.toQueryParams(); + Object.extend(options.parameters, params); + } + + if (form.hasAttribute('method') && !options.method) + options.method = form.method; + + return new Ajax.Request(action, options); + } +}; + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +Form.Element = { + focus: function(element) { + $(element).focus(); + return element; + }, + + select: function(element) { + $(element).select(); + return element; + } +}; + +Form.Element.Methods = { + serialize: function(element) { + element = $(element); + if (!element.disabled && { + var value = element.getValue(); + if (value != undefined) { + var pair = { }; + pair[] = value; + return Object.toQueryString(pair); + } + } + return ''; + }, + + getValue: function(element) { + element = $(element); + var method = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); + return Form.Element.Serializers[method](element); + }, + + setValue: function(element, value) { + element = $(element); + var method = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); + Form.Element.Serializers[method](element, value); + return element; + }, + + clear: function(element) { + $(element).value = ''; + return element; + }, + + present: function(element) { + return $(element).value != ''; + }, + + activate: function(element) { + element = $(element); + try { + element.focus(); + if ( && (element.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'input' || + !['button', 'reset', 'submit'].include(element.type))) +; + } catch (e) { } + return element; + }, + + disable: function(element) { + element = $(element); + element.blur(); + element.disabled = true; + return element; + }, + + enable: function(element) { + element = $(element); + element.disabled = false; + return element; + } +}; + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +var Field = Form.Element; +var $F = Form.Element.Methods.getValue; + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +Form.Element.Serializers = { + input: function(element, value) { + switch (element.type.toLowerCase()) { + case 'checkbox': + case 'radio': + return Form.Element.Serializers.inputSelector(element, value); + default: + return Form.Element.Serializers.textarea(element, value); + } + }, + + inputSelector: function(element, value) { + if (value === undefined) return element.checked ? element.value : null; + else element.checked = !!value; + }, + + textarea: function(element, value) { + if (value === undefined) return element.value; + else element.value = value; + }, + + select: function(element, index) { + if (index === undefined) + return this[element.type == 'select-one' ? + 'selectOne' : 'selectMany'](element); + else { + var opt, value, single = !Object.isArray(index); + for (var i = 0, length = element.length; i < length; i++) { + opt = element.options[i]; + value = this.optionValue(opt); + if (single) { + if (value == index) { + opt.selected = true; + return; + } + } + else opt.selected = index.include(value); + } + } + }, + + selectOne: function(element) { + var index = element.selectedIndex; + return index >= 0 ? this.optionValue(element.options[index]) : null; + }, + + selectMany: function(element) { + var values, length = element.length; + if (!length) return null; + + for (var i = 0, values = []; i < length; i++) { + var opt = element.options[i]; + if (opt.selected) values.push(this.optionValue(opt)); + } + return values; + }, + + optionValue: function(opt) { + // extend element because hasAttribute may not be native + return Element.extend(opt).hasAttribute('value') ? opt.value : opt.text; + } +}; + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +Abstract.TimedObserver = Class.create(PeriodicalExecuter, { + initialize: function($super, element, frequency, callback) { + $super(callback, frequency); + this.element = $(element); + this.lastValue = this.getValue(); + }, + + execute: function() { + var value = this.getValue(); + if (Object.isString(this.lastValue) && Object.isString(value) ? + this.lastValue != value : String(this.lastValue) != String(value)) { + this.callback(this.element, value); + this.lastValue = value; + } + } +}); + +Form.Element.Observer = Class.create(Abstract.TimedObserver, { + getValue: function() { + return Form.Element.getValue(this.element); + } +}); + +Form.Observer = Class.create(Abstract.TimedObserver, { + getValue: function() { + return Form.serialize(this.element); + } +}); + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +Abstract.EventObserver = Class.create({ + initialize: function(element, callback) { + this.element = $(element); + this.callback = callback; + + this.lastValue = this.getValue(); + if (this.element.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'form') + this.registerFormCallbacks(); + else + this.registerCallback(this.element); + }, + + onElementEvent: function() { + var value = this.getValue(); + if (this.lastValue != value) { + this.callback(this.element, value); + this.lastValue = value; + } + }, + + registerFormCallbacks: function() { + Form.getElements(this.element).each(this.registerCallback, this); + }, + + registerCallback: function(element) { + if (element.type) { + switch (element.type.toLowerCase()) { + case 'checkbox': + case 'radio': + Event.observe(element, 'click', this.onElementEvent.bind(this)); + break; + default: + Event.observe(element, 'change', this.onElementEvent.bind(this)); + break; + } + } + } +}); + +Form.Element.EventObserver = Class.create(Abstract.EventObserver, { + getValue: function() { + return Form.Element.getValue(this.element); + } +}); + +Form.EventObserver = Class.create(Abstract.EventObserver, { + getValue: function() { + return Form.serialize(this.element); + } +}); +if (!window.Event) var Event = { }; + +Object.extend(Event, { + KEY_BACKSPACE: 8, + KEY_TAB: 9, + KEY_RETURN: 13, + KEY_ESC: 27, + KEY_LEFT: 37, + KEY_UP: 38, + KEY_RIGHT: 39, + KEY_DOWN: 40, + KEY_DELETE: 46, + KEY_HOME: 36, + KEY_END: 35, + KEY_PAGEUP: 33, + KEY_PAGEDOWN: 34, + KEY_INSERT: 45, + + cache: { }, + + relatedTarget: function(event) { + var element; + switch(event.type) { + case 'mouseover': element = event.fromElement; break; + case 'mouseout': element = event.toElement; break; + default: return null; + } + return Element.extend(element); + } +}); + +Event.Methods = (function() { + var isButton; + + if (Prototype.Browser.IE) { + var buttonMap = { 0: 1, 1: 4, 2: 2 }; + isButton = function(event, code) { + return event.button == buttonMap[code]; + }; + + } else if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) { + isButton = function(event, code) { + switch (code) { + case 0: return event.which == 1 && !event.metaKey; + case 1: return event.which == 1 && event.metaKey; + default: return false; + } + }; + + } else { + isButton = function(event, code) { + return event.which ? (event.which === code + 1) : (event.button === code); + }; + } + + return { + isLeftClick: function(event) { return isButton(event, 0) }, + isMiddleClick: function(event) { return isButton(event, 1) }, + isRightClick: function(event) { return isButton(event, 2) }, + + element: function(event) { + var node = Event.extend(event).target; + return Element.extend(node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE ? node.parentNode : node); + }, + + findElement: function(event, expression) { + var element = Event.element(event); + return element.match(expression) ? element : element.up(expression); + }, + + pointer: function(event) { + return { + x: event.pageX || (event.clientX + + (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft)), + y: event.pageY || (event.clientY + + (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop)) + }; + }, + + pointerX: function(event) { return Event.pointer(event).x }, + pointerY: function(event) { return Event.pointer(event).y }, + + stop: function(event) { + Event.extend(event); + event.preventDefault(); + event.stopPropagation(); + event.stopped = true; + } + }; +})(); + +Event.extend = (function() { + var methods = Object.keys(Event.Methods).inject({ }, function(m, name) { + m[name] = Event.Methods[name].methodize(); + return m; + }); + + if (Prototype.Browser.IE) { + Object.extend(methods, { + stopPropagation: function() { this.cancelBubble = true }, + preventDefault: function() { this.returnValue = false }, + inspect: function() { return "[object Event]" } + }); + + return function(event) { + if (!event) return false; + if (event._extendedByPrototype) return event; + + event._extendedByPrototype = Prototype.emptyFunction; + var pointer = Event.pointer(event); + Object.extend(event, { + target: event.srcElement, + relatedTarget: Event.relatedTarget(event), + pageX: pointer.x, + pageY: pointer.y + }); + return Object.extend(event, methods); + }; + + } else { + Event.prototype = Event.prototype || document.createEvent("HTMLEvents").__proto__; + Object.extend(Event.prototype, methods); + return Prototype.K; + } +})(); + +Object.extend(Event, (function() { + var cache = Event.cache; + + function getEventID(element) { + if (element._eventID) return element._eventID; + = || 1; + return element._eventID =; + } + + function getDOMEventName(eventName) { + if (eventName && eventName.include(':')) return "dataavailable"; + return eventName; + } + + function getCacheForID(id) { + return cache[id] = cache[id] || { }; + } + + function getWrappersForEventName(id, eventName) { + var c = getCacheForID(id); + return c[eventName] = c[eventName] || []; + } + + function createWrapper(element, eventName, handler) { + var id = getEventID(element); + var c = getWrappersForEventName(id, eventName); + if (c.pluck("handler").include(handler)) return false; + + var wrapper = function(event) { + if (!Event || !Event.extend || + (event.eventName && event.eventName != eventName)) + return false; + + Event.extend(event); +, event) + }; + + wrapper.handler = handler; + c.push(wrapper); + return wrapper; + } + + function findWrapper(id, eventName, handler) { + var c = getWrappersForEventName(id, eventName); + return c.find(function(wrapper) { return wrapper.handler == handler }); + } + + function destroyWrapper(id, eventName, handler) { + var c = getCacheForID(id); + if (!c[eventName]) return false; + c[eventName] = c[eventName].without(findWrapper(id, eventName, handler)); + } + + function destroyCache() { + for (var id in cache) + for (var eventName in cache[id]) + cache[id][eventName] = null; + } + + if (window.attachEvent) { + window.attachEvent("onunload", destroyCache); + } + + return { + observe: function(element, eventName, handler) { + element = $(element); + var name = getDOMEventName(eventName); + + var wrapper = createWrapper(element, eventName, handler); + if (!wrapper) return element; + + if (element.addEventListener) { + element.addEventListener(name, wrapper, false); + } else { + element.attachEvent("on" + name, wrapper); + } + + return element; + }, + + stopObserving: function(element, eventName, handler) { + element = $(element); + var id = getEventID(element), name = getDOMEventName(eventName); + + if (!handler && eventName) { + getWrappersForEventName(id, eventName).each(function(wrapper) { + element.stopObserving(eventName, wrapper.handler); + }); + return element; + + } else if (!eventName) { + Object.keys(getCacheForID(id)).each(function(eventName) { + element.stopObserving(eventName); + }); + return element; + } + + var wrapper = findWrapper(id, eventName, handler); + if (!wrapper) return element; + + if (element.removeEventListener) { + element.removeEventListener(name, wrapper, false); + } else { + element.detachEvent("on" + name, wrapper); + } + + destroyWrapper(id, eventName, handler); + + return element; + }, + + fire: function(element, eventName, memo) { + element = $(element); + if (element == document && document.createEvent && !element.dispatchEvent) + element = document.documentElement; + + if (document.createEvent) { + var event = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); + event.initEvent("dataavailable", true, true); + } else { + var event = document.createEventObject(); + event.eventType = "ondataavailable"; + } + + event.eventName = eventName; + event.memo = memo || { }; + + if (document.createEvent) { + element.dispatchEvent(event); + } else { + element.fireEvent(event.eventType, event); + } + + return event; + } + }; +})()); + +Object.extend(Event, Event.Methods); + +Element.addMethods({ + fire:, + observe: Event.observe, + stopObserving: Event.stopObserving +}); + +Object.extend(document, { + fire:, + observe: Element.Methods.observe.methodize(), + stopObserving: Element.Methods.stopObserving.methodize() +}); + +(function() { + /* Support for the DOMContentLoaded event is based on work by Dan Webb, + Matthias Miller, Dean Edwards and John Resig. */ + + var timer, fired = false; + + function fireContentLoadedEvent() { + if (fired) return; + if (timer) window.clearInterval(timer); +"dom:loaded"); + fired = true; + } + + if (document.addEventListener) { + if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) { + timer = window.setInterval(function() { + if (/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)) + fireContentLoadedEvent(); + }, 0); + + Event.observe(window, "load", fireContentLoadedEvent); + + } else { + document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", + fireContentLoadedEvent, false); + } + + } else { + document.write(" + + + + + + + + + + +
    + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/js_test/unittest.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/js_test/unittest.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..c0930c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/js_test/unittest.js @@ -0,0 +1,564 @@ +// unittest.js v1.7.0, Fri Jan 19 19:16:36 CET 2007 + +// Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Thomas Fuchs (, +// (c) 2005, 2006 Jon Tirsen ( +// (c) 2005, 2006 Michael Schuerig ( +// +// is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license. +// For details, see the web site: + +// experimental, Firefox-only +Event.simulateMouse = function(element, eventName) { + var options = Object.extend({ + pointerX: 0, + pointerY: 0, + buttons: 0, + ctrlKey: false, + altKey: false, + shiftKey: false, + metaKey: false + }, arguments[2] || {}); + var oEvent = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); + oEvent.initMouseEvent(eventName, true, true, document.defaultView, + options.buttons, options.pointerX, options.pointerY, options.pointerX, options.pointerY, + options.ctrlKey, options.altKey, options.shiftKey, options.metaKey, 0, $(element)); + + if(this.mark) Element.remove(this.mark); + this.mark = document.createElement('div'); + this.mark.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); + document.body.appendChild(this.mark); + = 'absolute'; + = options.pointerY + "px"; + = options.pointerX + "px"; + = "5px"; + = "5px;"; + = "1px solid red;" + = "1px solid red;" + + if(this.step) + alert('['+new Date().getTime().toString()+'] '+eventName+'/'+Test.Unit.inspect(options)); + + $(element).dispatchEvent(oEvent); +}; + +// Note: Due to a fix in Firefox 1.0.5/6 that probably fixed "too much", this doesn't work in 1.0.6 or DP2. +// You need to downgrade to 1.0.4 for now to get this working +// See for the fix that fixed too much +Event.simulateKey = function(element, eventName) { + var options = Object.extend({ + ctrlKey: false, + altKey: false, + shiftKey: false, + metaKey: false, + keyCode: 0, + charCode: 0 + }, arguments[2] || {}); + + var oEvent = document.createEvent("KeyEvents"); + oEvent.initKeyEvent(eventName, true, true, window, + options.ctrlKey, options.altKey, options.shiftKey, options.metaKey, + options.keyCode, options.charCode ); + $(element).dispatchEvent(oEvent); +}; + +Event.simulateKeys = function(element, command) { + for(var i=0; i' + + '' + + '' + + '' + + '
    '; + this.logsummary = $('logsummary') + this.loglines = $('loglines'); + }, + _toHTML: function(txt) { + return txt.escapeHTML().replace(/\n/g,"
    "); + }, + addLinksToResults: function(){ + $$("tr.failed .nameCell").each( function(td){ // todo: limit to children of this.log + td.title = "Run only this test" + Event.observe(td, 'click', function(){ = "?tests=" + td.innerHTML;}); + }); + $$("tr.passed .nameCell").each( function(td){ // todo: limit to children of this.log + td.title = "Run all tests" + Event.observe(td, 'click', function(){ = "";}); + }); + } +} + +Test.Unit.Runner = Class.create(); +Test.Unit.Runner.prototype = { + initialize: function(testcases) { + this.options = Object.extend({ + testLog: 'testlog' + }, arguments[1] || {}); + this.options.resultsURL = this.parseResultsURLQueryParameter(); + this.options.tests = this.parseTestsQueryParameter(); + if (this.options.testLog) { + this.options.testLog = $(this.options.testLog) || null; + } + if(this.options.tests) { + this.tests = []; + for(var i = 0; i < this.options.tests.length; i++) { + if(/^test/.test(this.options.tests[i])) { + this.tests.push(new Test.Unit.Testcase(this.options.tests[i], testcases[this.options.tests[i]], testcases["setup"], testcases["teardown"])); + } + } + } else { + if (this.options.test) { + this.tests = [new Test.Unit.Testcase(this.options.test, testcases[this.options.test], testcases["setup"], testcases["teardown"])]; + } else { + this.tests = []; + for(var testcase in testcases) { + if(/^test/.test(testcase)) { + this.tests.push( + new Test.Unit.Testcase( + this.options.context ? ' -> ' + this.options.titles[testcase] : testcase, + testcases[testcase], testcases["setup"], testcases["teardown"] + )); + } + } + } + } + this.currentTest = 0; + this.logger = new Test.Unit.Logger(this.options.testLog); + setTimeout(this.runTests.bind(this), 1000); + }, + parseResultsURLQueryParameter: function() { + return["resultsURL"]; + }, + parseTestsQueryParameter: function(){ + if (["tests"]){ + return["tests"].split(','); + }; + }, + // Returns: + // "ERROR" if there was an error, + // "FAILURE" if there was a failure, or + // "SUCCESS" if there was neither + getResult: function() { + var hasFailure = false; + for(var i=0;i 0) { + return "ERROR"; + } + if (this.tests[i].failures > 0) { + hasFailure = true; + } + } + if (hasFailure) { + return "FAILURE"; + } else { + return "SUCCESS"; + } + }, + postResults: function() { + if (this.options.resultsURL) { + new Ajax.Request(this.options.resultsURL, + { method: 'get', parameters: 'result=' + this.getResult(), asynchronous: false }); + } + }, + runTests: function() { + var test = this.tests[this.currentTest]; + if (!test) { + // finished! + this.postResults(); + this.logger.summary(this.summary()); + return; + } + if(!test.isWaiting) { + this.logger.start(; + } +; + if(test.isWaiting) { + this.logger.message("Waiting for " + test.timeToWait + "ms"); + setTimeout(this.runTests.bind(this), test.timeToWait || 1000); + } else { + this.logger.finish(test.status(), test.summary()); + this.currentTest++; + // tail recursive, hopefully the browser will skip the stackframe + this.runTests(); + } + }, + summary: function() { + var assertions = 0; + var failures = 0; + var errors = 0; + var messages = []; + for(var i=0;i 0) return 'failed'; + if (this.errors > 0) return 'error'; + return 'passed'; + }, + assert: function(expression, message) { + var message = arguments[1] || 'assert: got "' + Test.Unit.inspect(expression) + '"' + (message||""); + try { expression ? this.pass() : +; } + catch(e) { this.error(e); } + }, + assertEqual: function(expected, actual, message) { + var message = arguments[2] || "assertEqual"; + try { (expected == actual) ? this.pass() : + + ': expected "' + Test.Unit.inspect(expected) + + '", actual "' + Test.Unit.inspect(actual) + '"' + (message||"")); } + catch(e) { this.error(e); } + }, + assertInspect: function(expected, actual) { + var message = arguments[2] || "assertInspect"; + try { (expected == actual.inspect()) ? this.pass() : + + ': expected "' + Test.Unit.inspect(expected) + + '", actual "' + Test.Unit.inspect(actual) + '"'); } + catch(e) { this.error(e); } + }, + assertEnumEqual: function(expected, actual) { + var message = arguments[2] || "assertEnumEqual"; + try { $A(expected).length == $A(actual).length && + { return pair[0] == pair[1] }) ? + this.pass() : + ': expected ' + Test.Unit.inspect(expected) + + ', actual ' + Test.Unit.inspect(actual)); } + catch(e) { this.error(e); } + }, + assertNotEqual: function(expected, actual, message) { + var message = arguments[2] || "assertNotEqual"; + try { (expected != actual) ? this.pass() : + + ': got "' + Test.Unit.inspect(actual) + '"' + (message||"")); } + catch(e) { this.error(e); } + }, + assertIdentical: function(expected, actual, message) { + var message = arguments[2] || "assertIdentical"; + try { (expected === actual) ? this.pass() : + + ': expected "' + Test.Unit.inspect(expected) + + '", actual "' + Test.Unit.inspect(actual) + '"' + (message||"")); } + catch(e) { this.error(e); } + }, + assertNotIdentical: function(expected, actual,message) { + var message = arguments[2] || "assertNotIdentical"; + try { !(expected === actual) ? this.pass() : + + ': expected "' + Test.Unit.inspect(expected) + + '", actual "' + Test.Unit.inspect(actual) + '"' + (message||"")); } + catch(e) { this.error(e); } + }, + assertNull: function(obj, message) { + var message = arguments[1] || 'assertNull' + try { (obj==null) ? this.pass() : + + ': got "' + Test.Unit.inspect(obj) + '"' + (message||"")); } + catch(e) { this.error(e); } + }, + assertMatch: function(expected, actual, message) { + var message = arguments[2] || 'assertMatch'; + var regex = new RegExp(expected); + try { (regex.exec(actual)) ? this.pass() : + + ' : regex: "' + Test.Unit.inspect(expected) + ' did not match: ' + Test.Unit.inspect(actual) + '"' + (message||"")); } + catch(e) { this.error(e); } + }, + assertHidden: function(element) { + var message = arguments[1] || 'assertHidden'; + this.assertEqual("none",, message); + }, + assertNotNull: function(object) { + var message = arguments[1] || 'assertNotNull'; + this.assert(object != null, message); + }, + assertType: function(expected, actual) { + var message = arguments[2] || 'assertType'; + try { + (actual.constructor == expected) ? this.pass() : + + ': expected "' + Test.Unit.inspect(expected) + + '", actual "' + (actual.constructor) + '"'); } + catch(e) { this.error(e); } + }, + assertNotOfType: function(expected, actual) { + var message = arguments[2] || 'assertNotOfType'; + try { + (actual.constructor != expected) ? this.pass() : + + ': expected "' + Test.Unit.inspect(expected) + + '", actual "' + (actual.constructor) + '"'); } + catch(e) { this.error(e); } + }, + assertInstanceOf: function(expected, actual) { + var message = arguments[2] || 'assertInstanceOf'; + try { + (actual instanceof expected) ? this.pass() : + + ": object was not an instance of the expected type"); } + catch(e) { this.error(e); } + }, + assertNotInstanceOf: function(expected, actual) { + var message = arguments[2] || 'assertNotInstanceOf'; + try { + !(actual instanceof expected) ? this.pass() : + + ": object was an instance of the not expected type"); } + catch(e) { this.error(e); } + }, + assertRespondsTo: function(method, obj) { + var message = arguments[2] || 'assertRespondsTo'; + try { + (obj[method] && typeof obj[method] == 'function') ? this.pass() : + + ": object doesn't respond to [" + method + "]"); } + catch(e) { this.error(e); } + }, + assertReturnsTrue: function(method, obj) { + var message = arguments[2] || 'assertReturnsTrue'; + try { + var m = obj[method]; + if(!m) m = obj['is'+method.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+method.slice(1)]; + m() ? this.pass() : + + ": method returned false"); } + catch(e) { this.error(e); } + }, + assertReturnsFalse: function(method, obj) { + var message = arguments[2] || 'assertReturnsFalse'; + try { + var m = obj[method]; + if(!m) m = obj['is'+method.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+method.slice(1)]; + !m() ? this.pass() : + + ": method returned true"); } + catch(e) { this.error(e); } + }, + assertRaise: function(exceptionName, method) { + var message = arguments[2] || 'assertRaise'; + try { + method(); + + ": exception expected but none was raised"); } + catch(e) { + ((exceptionName == null) || ( ? this.pass() : this.error(e); + } + }, + assertElementsMatch: function() { + var expressions = $A(arguments), elements = $A(expressions.shift()); + if (elements.length != expressions.length) { +'assertElementsMatch: size mismatch: ' + elements.length + ' elements, ' + expressions.length + ' expressions'); + return false; + } +, index) { + var element = $(pair.first()), expression = pair.last(); + if (element.match(expression)) return true; +'assertElementsMatch: (in index ' + index + ') expected ' + expression.inspect() + ' but got ' + element.inspect()); + }.bind(this)) && this.pass(); + }, + assertElementMatches: function(element, expression) { + this.assertElementsMatch([element], expression); + }, + benchmark: function(operation, iterations) { + var startAt = new Date(); + (iterations || 1).times(operation); + var timeTaken = ((new Date())-startAt); +[2] || 'Operation') + ' finished ' + + iterations + ' iterations in ' + (timeTaken/1000)+'s' ); + return timeTaken; + }, + _isVisible: function(element) { + element = $(element); + if(!element.parentNode) return true; + this.assertNotNull(element); + if( && Element.getStyle(element, 'display') == 'none') + return false; + + return this._isVisible(element.parentNode); + }, + assertNotVisible: function(element) { + this.assert(!this._isVisible(element), Test.Unit.inspect(element) + " was not hidden and didn't have a hidden parent either. " + ("" || arguments[1])); + }, + assertVisible: function(element) { + this.assert(this._isVisible(element), Test.Unit.inspect(element) + " was not visible. " + ("" || arguments[1])); + }, + benchmark: function(operation, iterations) { + var startAt = new Date(); + (iterations || 1).times(operation); + var timeTaken = ((new Date())-startAt); +[2] || 'Operation') + ' finished ' + + iterations + ' iterations in ' + (timeTaken/1000)+'s' ); + return timeTaken; + } +} + +Test.Unit.Testcase = Class.create(); +Object.extend(Object.extend(Test.Unit.Testcase.prototype, Test.Unit.Assertions.prototype), { + initialize: function(name, test, setup, teardown) { + Test.Unit.Assertions.prototype.initialize.bind(this)(); + = name; + + if(typeof test == 'string') { + test = test.gsub(/(\.should[^\(]+\()/,'#{0}this,'); + test = test.gsub(/(\.should[^\(]+)\(this,\)/,'#{1}(this)'); + this.test = function() { + eval('with(this){'+test+'}'); + } + } else { + this.test = test || function() {}; + } + + this.setup = setup || function() {}; + this.teardown = teardown || function() {}; + this.isWaiting = false; + this.timeToWait = 1000; + }, + wait: function(time, nextPart) { + this.isWaiting = true; + this.test = nextPart; + this.timeToWait = time; + }, + run: function() { + try { + try { + if (!this.isWaiting) this.setup.bind(this)(); + this.isWaiting = false; + this.test.bind(this)(); + } finally { + if(!this.isWaiting) { + this.teardown.bind(this)(); + } + } + } + catch(e) { this.error(e); } + } +}); + +// *EXPERIMENTAL* BDD-style testing to please non-technical folk +// This draws many ideas from RSpec + +Test.setupBDDExtensionMethods = function(){ + var METHODMAP = { + shouldEqual: 'assertEqual', + shouldNotEqual: 'assertNotEqual', + shouldEqualEnum: 'assertEnumEqual', + shouldBeA: 'assertType', + shouldNotBeA: 'assertNotOfType', + shouldBeAn: 'assertType', + shouldNotBeAn: 'assertNotOfType', + shouldBeNull: 'assertNull', + shouldNotBeNull: 'assertNotNull', + + shouldBe: 'assertReturnsTrue', + shouldNotBe: 'assertReturnsFalse', + shouldRespondTo: 'assertRespondsTo' + }; + Test.BDDMethods = {}; + for(m in METHODMAP) { + Test.BDDMethods[m] = eval( + 'function(){'+ + 'var args = $A(arguments);'+ + 'var scope = args.shift();'+ + 'scope.'+METHODMAP[m]+'.apply(scope,(args || []).concat([this])); }'); + } + [Array.prototype, String.prototype, Number.prototype].each( + function(p){ Object.extend(p, Test.BDDMethods) } + ); +} + +Test.context = function(name, spec, log){ + Test.setupBDDExtensionMethods(); + + var compiledSpec = {}; + var titles = {}; + for(specName in spec) { + switch(specName){ + case "setup": + case "teardown": + compiledSpec[specName] = spec[specName]; + break; + default: + var testName = 'test'+specName.gsub(/\s+/,'-').camelize(); + var body = spec[specName].toString().split('\n').slice(1); + if(/^\{/.test(body[0])) body = body.slice(1); + body.pop(); + body ={ + return statement.strip() + }); + compiledSpec[testName] = body.join('\n'); + titles[testName] = specName; + } + } + new Test.Unit.Runner(compiledSpec, { titles: titles, testLog: log || 'testlog', context: name }); +}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/lib/calendar_date_select.rb b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/lib/calendar_date_select.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..17e207f --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/lib/calendar_date_select.rb @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +require "calendar_date_select/calendar_date_select.rb" +require "calendar_date_select/form_helpers.rb" +require "calendar_date_select/includes_helper.rb" + +if Object.const_defined?(:Rails) && + "/public") + ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper.send(:include, CalendarDateSelect::FormHelpers) + ActionView::Base.send(:include, CalendarDateSelect::FormHelpers) + ActionView::Base.send(:include, CalendarDateSelect::IncludesHelper) + + # Filthy backwards compatibility hooks... grumble + if ([Rails::VERSION::MAJOR, Rails::VERSION::MINOR] <=> [2, 2]) == -1 + ActionView::Helpers::InstanceTag.class_eval do + def self.new_with_backwards_compatibility(object_name, method_name, template_object, object = nil) + new(object_name, method_name, template_object, nil, object) + end + end + + else + ActionView::Helpers::InstanceTag.class_eval do + class << self; alias new_with_backwards_compatibility new; end + end + end + + # install files + unless File.exists?(RAILS_ROOT + '/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/calendar_date_select.js') + ['/public', '/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select', '/public/stylesheets/calendar_date_select', '/public/images/calendar_date_select', '/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale'].each do |dir| + source = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../#{dir}" + dest = RAILS_ROOT + dir + FileUtils.mkdir_p(dest) + FileUtils.cp(Dir.glob(source+'/*.*'), dest) + end + end +end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/lib/calendar_date_select/calendar_date_select.rb b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/lib/calendar_date_select/calendar_date_select.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..b3b77cb --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/lib/calendar_date_select/calendar_date_select.rb @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +module CalendarDateSelect + VERSION = '1.16.1' + + FORMATS = { + :natural => { + :date => "%B %d, %Y", + :time => " %I:%M %p" + }, + :hyphen_ampm => { + :date => "%Y-%m-%d", + :time => " %I:%M %p", + :javascript_include => "format_hyphen_ampm" + }, + :iso_date => { + :date => "%Y-%m-%d", + :time => " %H:%M", + :javascript_include => "format_iso_date" + }, + :finnish => { + :date => "%d.%m.%Y", + :time => " %H:%M", + :javascript_include => "format_finnish" + }, + :danish => { + :date => "%d/%m/%Y", + :time => " %H:%M", + :javascript_include => "format_danish" + }, + :american => { + :date => "%m/%d/%Y", + :time => " %I:%M %p", + :javascript_include => "format_american" + }, + :euro_24hr => { + :date => "%d %B %Y", + :time => " %H:%M", + :javascript_include => "format_euro_24hr" + }, + :euro_24hr_ymd => { + :date => "%Y.%m.%d", + :time => " %H:%M", + :javascript_include => "format_euro_24hr_ymd" + }, + :italian => { + :date => "%d/%m/%Y", + :time => " %H:%M", + :javascript_include => "format_italian" + }, + :db => { + :date => "%Y-%m-%d", + :time => " %H:%M", + :javascript_include => "format_db" + } + } + + # Returns the default_options hash. These options are by default provided to every calendar_date_select control, unless otherwise overrided. + # + # Example: + # # At the bottom of config/environment.rb: + # CalendarDateSelect.default_options.update( + # :popup => "force", + # :month_year => "label", + # :image => "custom_calendar_picker.png" + # ) + def self.default_options + @calendar_date_select_default_options ||= { :image => "calendar_date_select/calendar.gif" } + end + + # Set the picker image. Provide the image url the same way you would provide it to image_tag + def self.image=(value) + default_options[:image] = value + end + + # Returns the options for the given format + # + # Example: + # CalendarDateSelect.format = :italian + # puts CalendarDateSelect.format[:date] + # => "%d/%m/%Y" + def self.format + @calendar_date_select_format ||= FORMATS[:natural] + end + + # Set the format. To see a list of available formats, CalendarDateSelect::FORMATS.keys, or open lib/calendar_date_select/calendar_date_select.rb + # + # (e.g. CalendarDateSelect.format = :italian) + def self.format=(format) + raise "CalendarDateSelect: Unrecognized format specification: #{format}" unless FORMATS.has_key?(format) + @calendar_date_select_format = FORMATS[format] + end + + def self.date_format_string(time = false) + format[:date] + (time ? format[:time] : "") + end + + def self.format_date(date) + if date.is_a?(Date) + date.strftime(date_format_string(false)) + else + date.strftime(date_format_string(true)) + end + end + + def self.format_time(value, options = {}) + return value unless value.respond_to?("strftime") + if options[:time] + format_date(value) + else + format_date(value.to_date) + end + end + + # Detects the presence of time in a date, string + def self.has_time?(value) + case value + when DateTime, Time then true + when Date then false + else + /[0-9]:[0-9]{2}/.match(value.to_s) ? true : false + end + end +end diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/lib/calendar_date_select/form_helpers.rb b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/lib/calendar_date_select/form_helpers.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..4b6f995 --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/lib/calendar_date_select/form_helpers.rb @@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ +# Various helpers available for use in your view +module CalendarDateSelect::FormHelpers + + # Similar to text_field_tag, but adds a calendar picker, naturally. + # + # == Arguments + # + # +name+ - the html name of the tag + # +value+ - When specified as a string, uses value verbatim. When Date, DateTime, Time, it converts it to a string basd off the format set by CalendarDateSelect#format= + # +options+ - ... + # + # == Options + # + # === :embedded + # + # Put the calendar straight into the form, rather than using a popup type of form. + # + # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "name", "2007-01-01", :embedded => true %> + # + # === :hidden + # + # Use a hidden element instead of a text box for a pop up calendar. Not compatible with :embedded => true. You'll probably want to use an onchange callback to do something with the value. + # + # + # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "hidden_date_selector", "", :hidden => "true", :onchange => "$('cds_value').update($F(this));" %> + # + # === :image + # + # Specify an alternative icon to use for the date picker. + # + # To use /images/groovy.png: + # + # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "altered_image", "", :image => "groovy.png" %> + # + # === :minute_interval + # + # Specifies the minute interval used in the hour/minute selector. Default is 5. + # + # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "month_year_selector_label", "", :minute_interval => 15 %> + # + # === :month_year + # + # Customize the month and year selectors at the top of the control. + # + # Valid values: + # * "dropdowns" (default) - Use a separate dropdown control for both the month and year + # * "label" - Use static text to show the month and the year. + # + # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "month_year_selector_label", "", :month_year => "label" %> + # + # === :popup => 'force' + # + # Forces the user to use the popup calendar by making it's text-box read-only and causing calendar_date_select to override it's default behavior of not allowing selection of a date on a target element that is read-only. + # + # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "name", "2007-01-01", :popup => "force" %> + # + # === :time + # + # Show time in the controls. There's three options: + # + # * +true+ - show an hour/minute selector. + # * +false+ - don't show an hour/minute selector. + # * +"mixed"+ - Show an hour/minute selector, but include a "all day" option - allowing them to choose whether or not to specify a time. + # + # === :year_range + # + # Limit the year range. You can pass in an array or range of ruby Date/Time objects or FixNum's. + # + # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "e_date", nil, :year_range => 10.years.ago..0.years.from_now %> + # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "e_date", nil, :year_range => [0.years.ago, 10.years.from_now] %> + # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "e_date", nil, :year_range => 2000..2007 %> + # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "e_date", nil, :year_range => [2000, 2007] %> + # + # == CALLBACKS + # + # The following callbacks are available: + # + # * before_show / after_show + # * before_close / after_close + # * after_navigate - Called when navigating to a different month. Passes first parameter as a date object refering to the current month viewed + # * onchange - Called when the form input value changes + # + # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "event_demo", "", + # :before_show => "log('Calendar Showing');" , + # :after_show => "log('Calendar Shown');" , + # :before_close => "log('Calendar closing');" , + # :after_close => "log('Calendar closed');", + # :after_navigate => "log('Current month is ' + (param.getMonth()+1) + '/' + (param.getFullYear()));", + # :onchange => "log('value changed to - ' + $F(this));" %> + # + # }}} + # + # All callbacks are executed within the context of the target input element. If you'd like to access the CalendarDateSelect object itself, you can access it via "this.calendar_date_select". + # + # For example: + # + # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "event_demo", "", :after_navigate => "alert('The current selected month is ' + this.calendar_date_select.selected_date.getMonth());" , + def calendar_date_select_tag( name, value = nil, options = {}) + image, options, javascript_options = calendar_date_select_process_options(options) + value = CalendarDateSelect.format_time(value, javascript_options) + + javascript_options.delete(:format) + + options[:id] ||= name + tag = javascript_options[:hidden] || javascript_options[:embedded] ? + hidden_field_tag(name, value, options) : + text_field_tag(name, value, options) + + calendar_date_select_output(tag, image, options, javascript_options) + end + + # Similar to the difference between +text_field_tag+ and +text_field+, this method behaves like +text_field+ + # + # It receives the same options as +calendar_date_select_tag+. Need for time selection is automatically detected by checking the corresponding column meta information of Model#columns_hash + def calendar_date_select(object, method, options={}) + obj = options[:object] || instance_variable_get("@#{object}") + + if !options.include?(:time) && obj.class.respond_to?("columns_hash") + column_type = obj.class.columns_hash[method.to_s].type if obj.class.columns_hash.include?(method.to_s) + options[:time] = true if column_type == :datetime + end + + use_time = options[:time] + + if options[:time].to_s=="mixed" + use_time = false if Date===(obj.respond_to?(method) && obj.send(method)) + end + + image, options, javascript_options = calendar_date_select_process_options(options) + + options[:value] ||= + if(obj.respond_to?(method) && obj.send(method).respond_to?(:strftime)) + obj.send(method).strftime(CalendarDateSelect.date_format_string(use_time)) + elsif obj.respond_to?("#{method}_before_type_cast") + obj.send("#{method}_before_type_cast") + elsif obj.respond_to?(method) + obj.send(method).to_s + else + begin + obj.send(method).strftime(CalendarDateSelect.date_format_string(use_time)) + rescue + nil + end + end + + tag = ActionView::Helpers::InstanceTag.new_with_backwards_compatibility(object, method, self, options.delete(:object)) + calendar_date_select_output( + tag.to_input_field_tag( (javascript_options[:hidden] || javascript_options[:embedded]) ? "hidden" : "text", options), + image, + options, + javascript_options + ) + end + + private + # extracts any options passed into calendar date select, appropriating them to either the Javascript call or the html tag. + def calendar_date_select_process_options(options) + options, javascript_options = CalendarDateSelect.default_options.merge(options), {} + image = options.delete(:image) + callbacks = [:before_show, :before_close, :after_show, :after_close, :after_navigate] + for key in [:default_time, :time, :valid_date_check, :embedded, :buttons, :clear_button, :format, :year_range, :month_year, :popup, :hidden, :minute_interval] + callbacks + javascript_options[key] = options.delete(key) if options.has_key?(key) + end + + if (default_time = javascript_options[:default_time]) + if default_time.respond_to?(:strftime) + javascript_options[:default_time] = "new Date('#{default_time.strftime(CalendarDateSelect.date_format_string(true))}')" + else + javascript_options[:default_time] = "function() { return #{default_time} }" + end + end + + # if passing in mixed, pad it with single quotes + javascript_options[:time] = "'mixed'" if javascript_options[:time].to_s=="mixed" + javascript_options[:month_year] = "'#{javascript_options[:month_year]}'" if javascript_options[:month_year] + + # if we are forcing the popup, automatically set the readonly property on the input control. + if javascript_options[:popup].to_s == "force" + javascript_options[:popup] = "'force'" + options[:readonly] = true + end + + if (vdc=javascript_options.delete(:valid_date_check)) + if vdc.include?(";") || vdc.include?("function") + raise ArgumentError, ":valid_date_check function is missing a 'return' statement. Try something like: :valid_date_check => 'if (date > new(Date)) return true; else return false;'" unless vdc.include?("return"); + end + + vdc = "return(#{vdc})" unless vdc.include?("return") + vdc = "function(date) { #{vdc} }" unless vdc.include?("function") + javascript_options[:valid_date_check] = vdc + end + + javascript_options[:popup_by] ||= "this" if javascript_options[:hidden] + + # surround any callbacks with a function, if not already done so + for key in callbacks + javascript_options[key] = "function(param) { #{javascript_options[key]} }" unless javascript_options[key].include?("function") if javascript_options[key] + end + + javascript_options[:year_range] = format_year_range(javascript_options[:year_range] || 10) + [image, options, javascript_options] + end + + def calendar_date_select_output(input, image, options = {}, javascript_options = {}) + out = input + if javascript_options[:embedded] + uniq_id = "cds_placeholder_#{(rand*100000).to_i}" + # we need to be able to locate the target input element, so lets stick an invisible span tag here we can easily locate + out << content_tag(:span, nil, :style => "display: none; position: absolute;", :id => uniq_id) + out << javascript_tag("new CalendarDateSelect( $('#{uniq_id}').previous(), #{options_for_javascript(javascript_options)} ); ") + else + out << " " + out << image_tag(image, + :onclick => "new CalendarDateSelect( $(this).previous(), #{options_for_javascript(javascript_options)} );", + :style => 'border:0px; cursor:pointer;', + :class=>'calendar_date_select_popup_icon') + end + out + end + + def format_year_range(year) # nodoc + return year unless year.respond_to?(:first) + return "[#{year.first}, #{year.last}]" unless year.first.respond_to?(:strftime) + return "[#{year.first.year}, #{year.last.year}]" + end +end + +# Helper method for form builders +module ActionView + module Helpers + class FormBuilder + def calendar_date_select(method, options = {}) + @template.calendar_date_select(@object_name, method, options.merge(:object => @object)) + end + end + end +end diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/lib/calendar_date_select/includes_helper.rb b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/lib/calendar_date_select/includes_helper.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..ece83ba --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/lib/calendar_date_select/includes_helper.rb @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +module CalendarDateSelect::IncludesHelper + # returns the selected calendar_date_select stylesheet (not an array) + def calendar_date_select_stylesheets(options = {}) + options.assert_valid_keys(:style) + "calendar_date_select/#{options[:style] || "default"}" + end + + # returns an array of javascripts needed for the selected locale, date_format, and calendar control itself. + def calendar_date_select_javascripts(options = {}) + options.assert_valid_keys(:locale) + files = ["calendar_date_select/calendar_date_select"] + files << "calendar_date_select/locale/#{options[:locale]}" if options[:locale] + files << "calendar_date_select/#{CalendarDateSelect.format[:javascript_include]}" if CalendarDateSelect.format[:javascript_include] + files + end + + # returns html necessary to load javascript and css to make calendar_date_select work + def calendar_date_select_includes(*args) + return "" if @cds_already_included + @cds_already_included=true + + options = (Hash === args.last) ? args.pop : {} + options.assert_valid_keys(:style, :locale) + options[:style] ||= args.shift + + javascript_include_tag(*calendar_date_select_javascripts(:locale => options[:locale])) + "\n" + + stylesheet_link_tag(*calendar_date_select_stylesheets(:style => options[:style])) + "\n" + end +end diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/blank_iframe.html b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/blank_iframe.html new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e5bd1f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/blank_iframe.html @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + + diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/images/calendar_date_select/calendar.gif b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/images/calendar_date_select/calendar.gif new file mode 100755 index 0000000..6b7b7ca Binary files /dev/null and b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/images/calendar_date_select/calendar.gif differ diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/calendar_date_select.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/calendar_date_select.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e14befb --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/calendar_date_select.js @@ -0,0 +1,448 @@ +// CalendarDateSelect version 1.16.1 - a prototype based date picker +// Questions, comments, bugs? - see the project page: +if (typeof Prototype == 'undefined') alert("CalendarDateSelect Error: Prototype could not be found. Please make sure that your application's layout includes prototype.js (.g. <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>) *before* it includes calendar_date_select.js (.g. <%= calendar_date_select_includes %>)."); +if (Prototype.Version < "1.6") alert("Prototype 1.6.0 is required. If using earlier version of prototype, please use calendar_date_select version 1.8.3"); + +Element.addMethods({ + purgeChildren: function(element) { $A(element.childNodes).each(function(e){$(e).remove();}); }, + build: function(element, type, options, style) { + var newElement = Element.buildAndAppend(type, options, style); + element.appendChild(newElement); + return newElement; + } +}); + +Element.buildAndAppend = function(type, options, style) +{ + var e = $(document.createElement(type)); + $H(options).each(function(pair) { e[pair.key] = pair.value }); + if (style) e.setStyle(style); + return e; +}; +nil = null; + +Date.one_day = 24*60*60*1000; +Date.weekdays = $w("S M T W T F S"); +Date.first_day_of_week = 0; +Date.months = $w("January February March April May June July August September October November December" ); +Date.padded2 = function(hour) { var padded2 = parseInt(hour, 10); if (hour < 10) padded2 = "0" + padded2; return padded2; } +Date.prototype.getPaddedMinutes = function() { return Date.padded2(this.getMinutes()); } +Date.prototype.getAMPMHour = function() { var hour = this.getHours(); return (hour == 0) ? 12 : (hour > 12 ? hour - 12 : hour ) } +Date.prototype.getAMPM = function() { return (this.getHours() < 12) ? "AM" : "PM"; } +Date.prototype.stripTime = function() { return new Date(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate());}; +Date.prototype.daysDistance = function(compare_date) { return Math.round((compare_date - this) / Date.one_day); }; +Date.prototype.toFormattedString = function(include_time){ + var hour, str; + str = Date.months[this.getMonth()] + " " + this.getDate() + ", " + this.getFullYear(); + + if (include_time) { hour = this.getHours(); str += " " + this.getAMPMHour() + ":" + this.getPaddedMinutes() + " " + this.getAMPM() } + return str; +} +Date.parseFormattedString = function(string) { return new Date(string);} +Math.floor_to_interval = function(n, i) { return Math.floor(n/i) * i;} +window.f_height = function() { return( [window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : null, document.documentElement ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : null, document.body ? document.body.clientHeight : null].select(function(x){return x>0}).first()||0); } +window.f_scrollTop = function() { return ([window.pageYOffset ? window.pageYOffset : null, document.documentElement ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : null, document.body ? document.body.scrollTop : null].select(function(x){return x>0}).first()||0 ); } + +_translations = { + "OK": "OK", + "Now": "Now", + "Today": "Today", + "Clear": "Clear" +} +SelectBox = Class.create(); +SelectBox.prototype = { + initialize: function(parent_element, values, html_options, style_options) { + this.element = $(parent_element).build("select", html_options, style_options); + this.populate(values); + }, + populate: function(values) { + this.element.purgeChildren(); + var that = this; $A(values).each(function(pair) { if (typeof(pair)!="object") {pair = [pair, pair]};"option", { value: pair[1], innerHTML: pair[0]}) }); + }, + setValue: function(value) { + var e = this.element; + var matched = false; + $R(0, e.options.length - 1 ).each(function(i) { if(e.options[i].value==value.toString()) {e.selectedIndex = i; matched = true;}; } ); + return matched; + }, + getValue: function() { return $F(this.element)} +} +CalendarDateSelect = Class.create(); +CalendarDateSelect.prototype = { + initialize: function(target_element, options) { + this.target_element = $(target_element); // make sure it's an element, not a string + if (!this.target_element) { alert("Target element " + target_element + " not found!"); return false;} + if (this.target_element.tagName != "INPUT") this.target_element = this.target_element.down("INPUT") + + this.target_element.calendar_date_select = this; + this.last_click_at = 0; + // initialize the date control + this.options = $H({ + embedded: false, + popup: nil, + time: false, + buttons: true, + clear_button: true, + year_range: 10, + close_on_click: nil, + minute_interval: 5, + popup_by: this.target_element, + month_year: "dropdowns", + onchange: this.target_element.onchange, + valid_date_check: nil + }).merge(options || {}); + this.use_time = this.options.get("time"); + this.parseDate(); + this.callback("before_show") + this.initCalendarDiv(); + if(!this.options.get("embedded")) { + this.positionCalendarDiv() + // set the click handler to check if a user has clicked away from the document + Event.observe(document, "mousedown", this.closeIfClickedOut_handler = this.closeIfClickedOut.bindAsEventListener(this)); + Event.observe(document, "keypress", this.keyPress_handler = this.keyPress.bindAsEventListener(this)); + } + this.callback("after_show") + }, + positionCalendarDiv: function() { + var above = false; + var c_pos = this.calendar_div.cumulativeOffset(), c_left = c_pos[0], c_top = c_pos[1], c_dim = this.calendar_div.getDimensions(), c_height = c_dim.height, c_width = c_dim.width; + var w_top = window.f_scrollTop(), w_height = window.f_height(); + var e_dim = $(this.options.get("popup_by")).cumulativeOffset(), e_top = e_dim[1], e_left = e_dim[0], e_height = $(this.options.get("popup_by")).getDimensions().height, e_bottom = e_top + e_height; + + if ( (( e_bottom + c_height ) > (w_top + w_height)) && ( e_bottom - c_height > w_top )) above = true; + var left_px = e_left.toString() + "px", top_px = (above ? (e_top - c_height ) : ( e_top + e_height )).toString() + "px"; + + = left_px; = top_px; + + this.calendar_div.setStyle({visibility:""}); + + // draw an iframe behind the calendar -- ugly hack to make IE 6 happy + if(navigator.appName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer") this.iframe = $(document.body).build("iframe", {src: "javascript:false", className: "ie6_blocker"}, { left: left_px, top: top_px, height: c_height.toString()+"px", width: c_width.toString()+"px", border: "0px"}) + }, + initCalendarDiv: function() { + if (this.options.get("embedded")) { + var parent = this.target_element.parentNode; + var style = {} + } else { + var parent = document.body + var style = { position:"absolute", visibility: "hidden", left:0, top:0 } + } + this.calendar_div = $(parent).build('div', {className: "calendar_date_select"}, style); + + var that = this; + // create the divs + $w("top header body buttons footer bottom").each(function(name) { + eval("var " + name + "_div = that." + name + "_div ='div', { className: 'cds_"+name+"' }, { clear: 'left'} ); "); + }); + + this.initHeaderDiv(); + this.initButtonsDiv(); + this.initCalendarGrid(); + this.updateFooter(" "); + + this.refresh(); + this.setUseTime(this.use_time); + }, + initHeaderDiv: function() { + var header_div = this.header_div; + this.close_button ="a", { innerHTML: "x", href:"#", onclick:function () { this.close(); return false; }.bindAsEventListener(this), className: "close" }); + this.next_month_button ="a", { innerHTML: ">", href:"#", onclick:function () { this.navMonth( + 1 ); return false; }.bindAsEventListener(this), className: "next" }); + this.prev_month_button ="a", { innerHTML: "<", href:"#", onclick:function () { this.navMonth( - 1 ); return false; }.bindAsEventListener(this), className: "prev" }); + + if (this.options.get("month_year")=="dropdowns") { + this.month_select = new SelectBox(header_div, $R(0,11).map(function(m){return [Date.months[m], m]}), {className: "month", onchange: function () { this.navMonth(this.month_select.getValue()) }.bindAsEventListener(this)}); + this.year_select = new SelectBox(header_div, [], {className: "year", onchange: function () { this.navYear(this.year_select.getValue()) }.bindAsEventListener(this)}); + this.populateYearRange(); + } else { + this.month_year_label ="span") + } + }, + initCalendarGrid: function() { + var body_div = this.body_div; + this.calendar_day_grid = []; + var days_table ="table", { cellPadding: "0px", cellSpacing: "0px", width: "100%" }) + // make the weekdays! + var weekdays_row ="thead").build("tr"); + Date.weekdays.each( function(weekday) { +"th", {innerHTML: weekday}); + }); + + var days_tbody ="tbody") + // Make the days! + var row_number = 0, weekday; + for(var cell_index = 0; cell_index<42; cell_index++) + { + weekday = (cell_index+Date.first_day_of_week ) % 7; + if ( cell_index % 7==0 ) days_row ="tr", {className: 'row_'+row_number++}); + (this.calendar_day_grid[cell_index] ="td", { + calendar_date_select: this, + onmouseover: function () { this.calendar_date_select.dayHover(this); }, + onmouseout: function () { this.calendar_date_select.dayHoverOut(this) }, + onclick: function() { this.calendar_date_select.updateSelectedDate(this, true); }, + className: (weekday==0) || (weekday==6) ? " weekend" : "" //clear the class + }, + { cursor: "pointer" } + )).build("div"); + this.calendar_day_grid[cell_index]; + } + }, + initButtonsDiv: function() + { + var buttons_div = this.buttons_div; + if (this.options.get("time")) + { + var blank_time = $A(this.options.get("time")=="mixed" ? [[" - ", ""]] : []); +"span", {innerHTML:"@", className: "at_sign"}); + + var t = new Date(); + this.hour_select = new SelectBox(buttons_div, + blank_time.concat($R(0,23).map(function(x) {t.setHours(x); return $A([t.getAMPMHour()+ " " + t.getAMPM(),x])} )), + { + calendar_date_select: this, + onchange: function() { this.calendar_date_select.updateSelectedDate( { hour: this.value });}, + className: "hour" + } + ); +"span", {innerHTML:":", className: "seperator"}); + var that = this; + this.minute_select = new SelectBox(buttons_div, + blank_time.concat($R(0,59).select(function(x){return (x % that.options.get('minute_interval')==0)}).map(function(x){ return $A([ Date.padded2(x), x]); } ) ), + { + calendar_date_select: this, + onchange: function() { this.calendar_date_select.updateSelectedDate( {minute: this.value }) }, + className: "minute" + } + ); + + } else if (! this.options.get("buttons")) buttons_div.remove(); + + if (this.options.get("buttons")) { +"span", {innerHTML: " "}); + if (this.options.get("time")=="mixed" || !this.options.get("time")) b ="a", { + innerHTML: _translations["Today"], + href: "#", + onclick: function() {; return false;}.bindAsEventListener(this) + }); + + if (this.options.get("time")=="mixed")"span", {innerHTML: " | ", className:"button_seperator"}) + + if (this.options.get("time")) b ="a", { + innerHTML: _translations["Now"], + href: "#", + onclick: function() {; return false}.bindAsEventListener(this) + }); + + if (!this.options.get("embedded") && !this.closeOnClick()) + { +"span", {innerHTML: " | ", className:"button_seperator"}) +"a", { innerHTML: _translations["OK"], href: "#", onclick: function() {this.close(); return false;}.bindAsEventListener(this) }); + } + if (this.options.get('clear_button')) { +"span", {innerHTML: " | ", className:"button_seperator"}) +"a", { innerHTML: _translations["Clear"], href: "#", onclick: function() {this.clearDate(); if (!this.options.get("embedded")) this.close(); return false;}.bindAsEventListener(this) }); + } + } + }, + refresh: function () + { + this.refreshMonthYear(); + this.refreshCalendarGrid(); + + this.setSelectedClass(); + this.updateFooter(); + }, + refreshCalendarGrid: function () { + this.beginning_date = new Date(; + this.beginning_date.setDate(1); + this.beginning_date.setHours(12); // Prevent daylight savings time boundaries from showing a duplicate day + var pre_days = this.beginning_date.getDay() // draw some days before the fact + if (pre_days < 3) pre_days += 7; + this.beginning_date.setDate(1 - pre_days + Date.first_day_of_week); + + var iterator = new Date(this.beginning_date); + + var today = new Date().stripTime(); + var this_month =; + vdc = this.options.get("valid_date_check"); + for (var cell_index = 0;cell_index<42; cell_index++) + { + day = iterator.getDate(); month = iterator.getMonth(); + cell = this.calendar_day_grid[cell_index]; + Element.remove(cell.childNodes[0]); div ="div", {innerHTML:day}); + if (month!=this_month) div.className = "other"; + = day; cell.month = month; cell.year = iterator.getFullYear(); + if (vdc) { if (vdc(iterator.stripTime())) cell.removeClassName("disabled"); else cell.addClassName("disabled") }; + iterator.setDate( day + 1); + } + + if (this.today_cell) this.today_cell.removeClassName("today"); + + if ( $R( 0, 41 ).include(days_until = this.beginning_date.stripTime().daysDistance(today)) ) { + this.today_cell = this.calendar_day_grid[days_until]; + this.today_cell.addClassName("today"); + } + }, + refreshMonthYear: function() { + var m =; + var y =; + // set the month + if (this.options.get("month_year") == "dropdowns") + { + this.month_select.setValue(m, false); + + var e = this.year_select.element; + if (this.flexibleYearRange() && (!(this.year_select.setValue(y, false)) || e.selectedIndex <= 1 || e.selectedIndex >= e.options.length - 2 )) this.populateYearRange(); + + this.year_select.setValue(y); + + } else { + this.month_year_label.update( Date.months[m] + " " + y.toString() ); + } + }, + populateYearRange: function() { + this.year_select.populate(this.yearRange().toArray()); + }, + yearRange: function() { + if (!this.flexibleYearRange()) + return $R(this.options.get("year_range")[0], this.options.get("year_range")[1]); + + var y =; + return $R(y - this.options.get("year_range"), y + this.options.get("year_range")); + }, + flexibleYearRange: function() { return (typeof(this.options.get("year_range")) == "number"); }, + validYear: function(year) { if (this.flexibleYearRange()) { return true;} else { return this.yearRange().include(year);} }, + dayHover: function(element) { + var hover_date = new Date(this.selected_date); + hover_date.setYear(element.year); hover_date.setMonth(element.month); hover_date.setDate(; + this.updateFooter(hover_date.toFormattedString(this.use_time)); + }, + dayHoverOut: function(element) { this.updateFooter(); }, + clearSelectedClass: function() {if (this.selected_cell) this.selected_cell.removeClassName("selected");}, + setSelectedClass: function() { + if (!this.selection_made) return; + this.clearSelectedClass() + if ($R(0,42).include( days_until = this.beginning_date.stripTime().daysDistance(this.selected_date.stripTime()) )) { + this.selected_cell = this.calendar_day_grid[days_until]; + this.selected_cell.addClassName("selected"); + } + }, + reparse: function() { this.parseDate(); this.refresh(); }, + dateString: function() { + return (this.selection_made) ? this.selected_date.toFormattedString(this.use_time) : " "; + }, + parseDate: function() + { + var value = $F(this.target_element).strip() + var default_time = this.options.get("default_time"); + this.selection_made = (value != "" || default_time); + = value=="" ? NaN : Date.parseFormattedString(this.options.get("date") || value); + if (isNaN( && !default_time) + = new Date(); + else if (isNaN( && default_time) + = (Object.prototype.toString.apply(default_time) === '[object Function]') ? default_time() : default_time; + + if (!this.validYear( ( < this.yearRange().start) ? this.yearRange().start : this.yearRange().end); + this.selected_date = new Date(; + this.use_time = /[0-9]:[0-9]{2}/.exec(value) ? true : false; +; + }, + updateFooter:function(text) { if (!text) text = this.dateString(); this.footer_div.purgeChildren();"span", {innerHTML: text }); }, + clearDate:function() { + if ((this.target_element.disabled || this.target_element.readOnly) && this.options.get("popup") != "force") return false; + var last_value = this.target_element.value; + this.target_element.value = ""; + this.clearSelectedClass(); + this.updateFooter(' '); + if (last_value!=this.target_element.value) this.callback("onchange"); + }, + updateSelectedDate:function(partsOrElement, via_click) { + var parts = $H(partsOrElement); + if ((this.target_element.disabled || this.target_element.readOnly) && this.options.get("popup") != "force") return false; + if (parts.get("day")) { + var t_selected_date = this.selected_date, vdc = this.options.get("valid_date_check"); + t_selected_date.setYear(parts.get("year")); + t_selected_date.setMonth(parts.get("month")); + t_selected_date.setDate(parts.get("day")); + + if (vdc && ! vdc(t_selected_date.stripTime())) { return false; } + this.selected_date = t_selected_date; + this.selection_made = true; + } + + if (!isNaN(parts.get("hour"))) this.selected_date.setHours(parts.get("hour")); + if (!isNaN(parts.get("minute"))) this.selected_date.setMinutes( Math.floor_to_interval(parts.get("minute"), this.options.get("minute_interval")) ); + if (parts.get("hour") === "" || parts.get("minute") === "") + this.setUseTime(false); + else if (!isNaN(parts.get("hour")) || !isNaN(parts.get("minute"))) + this.setUseTime(true); + + this.updateFooter(); + this.setSelectedClass(); + + if (this.selection_made) this.updateValue(); + if (this.closeOnClick()) { this.close(); } + if (via_click && !this.options.get("embedded")) { + if ((new Date() - this.last_click_at) < 333) this.close(); + this.last_click_at = new Date(); + } + }, + closeOnClick: function() { + if (this.options.get("embedded")) return false; + if (this.options.get("close_on_click")===nil ) + return (this.options.get("time")) ? false : true + else + return (this.options.get("close_on_click")) + }, + navMonth: function(month) { (target_date = new Date(; return (this.navTo(target_date)); }, + navYear: function(year) { (target_date = new Date(; return (this.navTo(target_date)); }, + navTo: function(date) { + if (!this.validYear(date.getFullYear())) return false; + = date; +; + this.refresh(); + this.callback("after_navigate",; + return true; + }, + setUseTime: function(turn_on) { + this.use_time = this.options.get("time") && (this.options.get("time")=="mixed" ? turn_on : true) // force use_time to true if time==true && time!="mixed" + if (this.use_time && this.selected_date) { // only set hour/minute if a date is already selected + var minute = Math.floor_to_interval(this.selected_date.getMinutes(), this.options.get("minute_interval")); + var hour = this.selected_date.getHours(); + + this.hour_select.setValue(hour); + this.minute_select.setValue(minute) + } else if (this.options.get("time")=="mixed") { + this.hour_select.setValue(""); this.minute_select.setValue(""); + } + }, + updateValue: function() { + var last_value = this.target_element.value; + this.target_element.value = this.dateString(); + if (last_value!=this.target_element.value) this.callback("onchange"); + }, + today: function(now) { + var d = new Date(); = new Date(); + var o = $H({ day: d.getDate(), month: d.getMonth(), year: d.getFullYear(), hour: d.getHours(), minute: d.getMinutes()}); + if ( ! now ) o = o.merge({hour: "", minute:""}); + this.updateSelectedDate(o, true); + this.refresh(); + }, + close: function() { + if (this.closed) return false; + this.callback("before_close"); + this.target_element.calendar_date_select = nil; + Event.stopObserving(document, "mousedown", this.closeIfClickedOut_handler); + Event.stopObserving(document, "keypress", this.keyPress_handler); + this.calendar_div.remove(); this.closed = true; + if (this.iframe) this.iframe.remove(); + if (this.target_element.type != "hidden" && ! this.target_element.disabled) this.target_element.focus(); + this.callback("after_close"); + }, + closeIfClickedOut: function(e) { + if (! $(Event.element(e)).descendantOf(this.calendar_div) ) this.close(); + }, + keyPress: function(e) { + if (e.keyCode==Event.KEY_ESC) this.close(); + }, + callback: function(name, param) { if (this.options.get(name)) { this.options.get(name).bind(this.target_element)(param); } } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_american.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_american.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..13e7bdd --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_american.js @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +// American Format: 12/31/2000 5:00 pm +// Thanks, Wes Hays +Date.prototype.toFormattedString = function(include_time){ + str = Date.padded2(this.getMonth() + 1) + '/' +Date.padded2(this.getDate()) + '/' + this.getFullYear(); + + if (include_time) { hour=this.getHours(); str += " " + this.getAMPMHour() + ":" + this.getPaddedMinutes() + " " + this.getAMPM() } + return str; +} + +Date.parseFormattedString = function (string) { + // Test these with and without the time + // 11/11/1111 12pm + // 11/11/1111 1pm + // 1/11/1111 10:10pm + // 11/1/1111 01pm + // 1/1/1111 01:11pm + // 1/1/1111 1:11pm + var regexp = "(([0-1]?[0-9])\/[0-3]?[0-9]\/[0-9]{4}) *([0-9]{1,2}(:[0-9]{2})? *(am|pm))?"; + string = string.strip(); + var d = string.match(new RegExp(regexp, "i")); + if (d==null) { + return Date.parse(string); // Give javascript a chance to parse it. + } + + mdy = d[1].split('/'); + hrs = 0; + mts = 0; + if(d[3] != null && d[3].strip() != "") { + hrs = parseInt(d[3].split('')[0], 10); + if(d[5].toLowerCase() == 'pm') { hrs += 12; } // Add 12 more to hrs + mts = d[4].split(':')[1]; + } + + return new Date(mdy[2], parseInt(mdy[0], 10)-1, mdy[1], hrs, mts, 0); +} diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_danish.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_danish.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..5da7c2c --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_danish.js @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +// Formats date and time as "2000/01/20 17:00" +Date.prototype.toFormattedString = function(include_time){ + str = Date.padded2(this.getDate()) + "/" + Date.padded2(this.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + this.getFullYear(); + + if (include_time) { + str += " " + this.getHours() + ":" + this.getPaddedMinutes(); + } + return str; +} + +// Parses date and time as "2000/01/20 17:00" +Date.parseFormattedString = function(string) { + var regexp = "([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{4})" + + "( ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{2})(:([0-9]{2})(.([0-9]{3}))?)?" + + ")?"; + var d = string.match(new RegExp(regexp, "i")); + if (d==null) return Date.parse(string); // at least give javascript a crack at it. + var offset = 0; + var date = new Date(d[3], 0, 1); + if (d[2]) { date.setMonth(d[2] - 1); } + if (d[1]) { date.setDate(d[1]); } + if (d[4]) { + hours = parseInt(d[5], 10); + date.setHours(hours); + } + if (d[6]) { date.setMinutes(d[6]); } + //if (d[8]) { date.setSeconds(d[7]); } + //if (d[9]) { date.setMiliseconds(Number("0." + d[8]) * 1000); } + + return date; +} diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_db.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_db.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a3f10d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_db.js @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +// DB No Seconds Format: 2007-12-05 12:00 + +Date.padded2 = function(hour) { padded2 = hour.toString(); if ((parseInt(hour) < 10) || (parseInt(hour) == null)) padded2="0" + padded2; return padded2; } +Date.prototype.getAMPMHour = function() { hour=Date.padded2(this.getHours()); return (hour == null) ? 00 : (hour > 24 ? hour - 24 : hour ) } +Date.prototype.getAMPM = function() { return (this.getHours() < 12) ? "" : ""; } + +Date.prototype.toFormattedString = function(include_time){ + str = this.getFullYear() + "-" + (this.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + Date.padded2(this.getDate()); + if (include_time) { hour=this.getHours(); str += " " + this.getAMPMHour() + ":" + this.getPaddedMinutes() } + return str; +} + +Date.parseFormattedString = function (string) { + var regexp = '([0-9]{4})-(([0-9]{1,2})-(([0-9]{1,2})( ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{2})? *)?)?)?'; + var d = string.match(new RegExp(regexp, "i")); + if (d==null) return Date.parse(string); // at least give javascript a crack at it. + var offset = 0; + var date = new Date(d[1], 0, 1); + if (d[3]) { date.setMonth(d[3] - 1); } + if (d[5]) { date.setDate(d[5]); } + if (d[7]) { + date.setHours(parseInt(d[7], 10)); + } + if (d[8]) { date.setMinutes(d[8]); } + if (d[10]) { date.setSeconds(d[10]); } + return date; +} diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_euro_24hr.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_euro_24hr.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..7249fcb --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_euro_24hr.js @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +// Formats date and time as "01 January 2000 17:00" +Date.prototype.toFormattedString = function(include_time) +{ + str = Date.padded2(this.getDate()) + " " + Date.months[this.getMonth()] + " " + this.getFullYear(); + if (include_time) { str += " " + this.getHours() + ":" + this.getPaddedMinutes() } + return str; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_euro_24hr_ymd.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_euro_24hr_ymd.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..7105c73 --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_euro_24hr_ymd.js @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +// Formats date and time as "2000.01.20 17:00" +Date.prototype.toFormattedString = function(include_time) +{ + str = this.getFullYear() + "." + Date.padded2(this.getMonth()+1) + "." + Date.padded2(this.getDate()); + if (include_time) { str += " " + this.getHours() + ":" + this.getPaddedMinutes() } + return str; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_finnish.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_finnish.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..520390f --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_finnish.js @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +Date.padded2 = function(hour) { padded2 = hour.toString(); if ((parseInt(hour) < 10) || (parseInt(hour) == null)) padded2="0" + padded2; return padded2; } +Date.prototype.getAMPMHour = function() { hour=Date.padded2(this.getHours()); return (hour == null) ? 00 : (hour > 24 ? hour - 24 : hour ) } +Date.prototype.getAMPM = function() { return (this.getHours() < 12) ? "" : ""; } + +Date.prototype.toFormattedString = function(include_time){ + str = this.getDate() + "." + (this.getMonth() + 1) + "." + this.getFullYear(); + if (include_time) { hour=this.getHours(); str += " " + this.getAMPMHour() + ":" + this.getPaddedMinutes() } + return str; +} +Date.parseFormattedString = function (string) { + var regexp = '([0-9]{1,2})\.(([0-9]{1,2})\.(([0-9]{2,4})( ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{2})? *)?)?)?'; + var d = string.match(new RegExp(regexp, "i")); + if (d==null) return Date.parse(string); // at least give javascript a crack at it. + var offset = 0; + if (d[5] && d[5].length == 2) { + // we got only two digits for the year... + d[5] = Number(d[5]); + if (d[5] > 30) + d[5] += 1900; + else + d[5] += 2000; + } + var date = new Date(d[5], 0, 1); + if (d[3]) { date.setMonth(d[3] - 1); } + if (d[5]) { date.setDate(d[1]); } + if (d[7]) { + date.setHours(parseInt(d[7], 10)); + } + if (d[8]) { date.setMinutes(d[8]); } + if (d[10]) { date.setSeconds(d[10]); } + return date; +} diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_hyphen_ampm.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_hyphen_ampm.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..ee7ab1e --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_hyphen_ampm.js @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +Date.prototype.toFormattedString = function(include_time){ + str = this.getFullYear() + "-" + Date.padded2(this.getMonth() + 1) + "-" +Date.padded2(this.getDate()); + +if (include_time) { hour=this.getHours(); str += " " + this.getAMPMHour() + ":" + this.getPaddedMinutes() + " " + this.getAMPM() } +return str; +} + +Date.parseFormattedString = function (string) { + var regexp = "([0-9]{4})(-([0-9]{2})(-([0-9]{2})" + + "( ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{2})? *(pm|am)" + + "?)?)?)?"; + var d = string.match(new RegExp(regexp, "i")); + if (d==null) return Date.parse(string); // at least give javascript a crack at it. + var offset = 0; + var date = new Date(d[1], 0, 1); + if (d[3]) { date.setMonth(d[3] - 1); } + if (d[5]) { date.setDate(d[5]); } + if (d[7]) { + hours = parseInt(d[7], 10); + offset=0; + if (d[9]) { + is_pm = (d[9].toLowerCase()=="pm"); + if (is_pm && hours <= 11) hours+=12; + if (!is_pm && hours == 12) hours=0; + } + date.setHours(hours); + } + if (d[8]) { date.setMinutes(d[8]); } + if (d[10]) { date.setSeconds(d[10]); } + if (d[12]) { date.setMilliseconds(Number("0." + d[12]) * 1000); } + if (d[14]) { + offset = (Number(d[16]) * 60) + Number(d[17]); + offset *= ((d[15] == '-') ? 1 : -1); + } + + return date; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_iso_date.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_iso_date.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..6f8a548 --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_iso_date.js @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +// International date format (ISO 8601): yyyy-mm-dd +// Including time (no seconds): yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM +Date.prototype.toFormattedString = function(include_time) { + var hour; + var str = this.getFullYear() + "-" + Date.padded2(this.getMonth() + 1) + "-" +Date.padded2(this.getDate()); + if (include_time) { + hour = Date.padded2(this.getHours()); + str += " " + hour + ":" + this.getPaddedMinutes(); + } + return str; +}; + +// TODO: take care of timezone offsets +// as the timezone is not displayed in the input, +// this could be tricky (or just unnessesary) +Date.parseFormattedString = function (string) { + var regexp = "([0-9]{4})(-([0-9]{2})(-([0-9]{2})" + + "([T| ]([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(:([0-9]{2})(\.([0-9]+))?)?" + + "(Z|(([-+])([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})))?)?)?)?"; + var d = string.match(new RegExp(regexp)); + + var date = new Date(d[1], 0, 1); + + if (d[3]) { date.setMonth(d[3] - 1); } + if (d[5]) { date.setDate(d[5]); } + if (d[7]) { date.setHours(d[7]); } + if (d[8]) { date.setMinutes(d[8]); } + return date; +}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_italian.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_italian.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..c60b6ad --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/format_italian.js @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +// Italian Format: 31/12/2000 23:00 +// Thanks, Bigonazzi! + +Date.prototype.toFormattedString = function(include_time){ + str = this.getDate() + "/" + (this.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + this.getFullYear(); + if (include_time) { str += " " + this.getHours() + ":" + this.getPaddedMinutes() } + return str; +} + +Date.parseFormattedString = function (string) { + var regexp = '([0-9]{1,2})/(([0-9]{1,2})/(([0-9]{4})( ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{2})? *)?)?)?'; + var d = string.match(new RegExp(regexp, "i")); + if (d==null) return Date.parse(string); // at least give javascript a crack at it. + var offset = 0; + var date = new Date(d[5], 0, 1); + if (d[3]) { date.setMonth(d[3] - 1); } + if (d[5]) { date.setDate(d[1]); } + if (d[7]) { + date.setHours(parseInt(d[7], 10)); + } + if (d[8]) { date.setMinutes(d[8]); } + if (d[10]) { date.setSeconds(d[10]); } + return date; +} diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/ar.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/ar.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..2206276 --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/ar.js @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +Date.weekdays = ['سبت', 'أحد', 'إثنين', 'ثلاثاء', 'أربعاء', 'خميس', 'جمعة']; +Date.months = ['كانون ثاني', 'شباط', 'آذار', 'نيسان', 'أيار', 'حزيران', 'تموز', 'آب', 'أيلول', 'تشرين أول', 'تشرين ثاني', 'كانون أول']; +Date.first_day_of_week = 6; + +_translations = { + "OK": "نفذ", + "Now": "الآن", + "Today": "اليوم", + "Clear": "إلغاء" +} diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/da.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/da.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..ec70aca --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/da.js @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +Date.weekdays = $w('Ma Ti On To Fr Lø Sø'); +Date.months = $w('Januar Februar Marts April Maj Juni Juli August September Oktober November December'); + +Date.first_day_of_week = 1; + +_translations = { + "OK": "Vælg", + "Now": "Nu", + "Today": "I dag", + "Clear": "Slet" +} diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/de.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/de.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..ff9d439 --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/de.js @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +Date.weekdays = $w('Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa So'); +Date.months = $w('Januar Februar März April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober November Dezember'); + +Date.first_day_of_week = 1; + +_translations = { + "OK": "OK", + "Now": "Jetzt", + "Today": "Heute", + "Clear": "Löschen" +} diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/es.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/es.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..b3fd554 --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/es.js @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +Date.weekdays = $w("L M X J V S D"); +Date.months = $w("Enero Febrero Marzo Abril Mayo Junio Julio Agosto Septiembre Octubre Noviembre Diciembre" ); + +Date.first_day_of_week = 1; + +_translations = { + "OK": "Cancelar", + "Now": "Ahora", + "Clear": "Limpiar", + "Today": "Hoy" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/fi.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/fi.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..443c910 --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/fi.js @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +Date.weekdays = $w("Ma Ti Ke To Pe La Su"); +Date.months = $w("Tammikuu Helmikuu Maaliskuu Huhtikuu Toukokuu Keskuu Heinkuu Elokuu Syyskuu Lokakuu Marraskuu Joulukuu" ); + +Date.first_day_of_week = 1 + +_translations = { + "OK": "OK", + "Now": "Nyt", + "Today": "Tnn" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/fr.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/fr.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..78c604e --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/fr.js @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +Date.weekdays = $w('L Ma Me J V S D'); +Date.months = $w('Janvier Février Mars Avril Mai Juin Juillet Août Septembre Octobre Novembre Décembre'); + +Date.first_day_of_week = 1; + +_translations = { + "OK": "OK", + "Now": "Maintenant", + "Today": "Aujourd'hui", + "Clear": "Effacer", +} diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/it.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/it.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..6cd5f62 --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/it.js @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +Date.weekdays = $w('Lu Ma Me Gi Ve Sa Do'); +Date.months = $w('Gennaio Febbraio Marzo Aprile Maggio Giugno Luglio Agosto Settembre Ottobre Novembre Dicembre'); +Date.first_day_of_week = 1; +_translations = { + "OK": "OK", + "Now": "Ora", + "Today": "Oggi", + "Clear": "Cancella" +} diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/nl.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/nl.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..00f0f2e --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/nl.js @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +Date.weekdays = $w('Ma Di Wo Do Vr Za Zo'); +Date.months = $w('januari februari maart april mei juni juli augustus september oktober november december'); + +Date.first_day_of_week = 1; + +_translations = { + "OK": "OK", + "Now": "Nu", + "Today": "Vandaag", + "Clear": "Wissen" +} diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/pl.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/pl.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..77bfb2c --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/pl.js @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +Date.weekdays = $w('P W Ś C P S N'); +Date.months = $w('Styczeń Luty Marzec Kwiecień Maj Czerwiec Lipiec Sierpień Wrzesień Październik Listopad Grudzień'); + +Date.first_day_of_week = 1 + +_translations = { + "OK": "OK", + "Now": "Teraz", + "Clear": "Wyczyść", + "Today": "Dziś" +} diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/pt.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/pt.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..30293b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/pt.js @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +Date.weekdays = $w('D S T Q Q S S'); +Date.months = $w('Janeiro Fevereiro Março Abril Maio Junho Julho Agosto Setembro Outubro Novembro Dezembro'); + +Date.first_day_of_week = 0 + +_translations = { + "OK": "OK", + "Now": "Agora", + "Today": "Hoje", + "Clear": "Limpar" +} diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/ru.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/ru.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..8dc5c20 --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/ru.js @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +Date.weekdays = $w('Пн Вт Ср Чт Пт Сб Вс'); +Date.months = $w('Январь Февраль Март Апрель Май Июнь Июль Август Сентябрь Октябрь Ноябрь Декабрь'); + +Date.first_day_of_week = 1 + +_translations = { + "OK": "OK", + "Now": "Сейчас", + "Today": "Сегодня" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/sl.js b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/sl.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..677d352 --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/javascripts/calendar_date_select/locale/sl.js @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +Date.weekdays = $w('Po To Sr Če Pe So Ne'); +Date.months = $w('Januar Februar Marec April Maj Junij Julij Avgust September Oktober November December'); + +Date.first_day_of_week = 1; + +_translations = { + "OK": "OK", + "Now": "Trenutno", + "Today": "Danes", + "Clear": "Pobriši" +} diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/stylesheets/calendar_date_select/blue.css b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/stylesheets/calendar_date_select/blue.css new file mode 100755 index 0000000..31a5cbd --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/stylesheets/calendar_date_select/blue.css @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +.calendar_date_select { + color:white; + border:#777 1px solid; + display:block; + width:195px; + z-index: 1000; +} +/* this is a fun ie6 hack to get drop downs to stay behind the popup window. This should always be just underneath .calendar_date_select */ +iframe.ie6_blocker { + position: absolute; + z-index: 999; +} + +.calendar_date_select thead th { + font-weight:bold; + background-color: #000; + border-top:1px solid #777; + border-bottom:2px solid #334; + color: white !important; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_buttons { + text-align:center; + padding:5px 0px; + background-color: #000055; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_footer { + background-color: black; + padding:3px; + font-size:12px; + text-align:center; +} + +.calendar_date_select table { + margin: 0px; + padding: 0px; +} + + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header { + background-color: #ccc; + border-bottom: 2px solid #aaa; + text-align:center; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header span { + font-size:15px; + color: black; + font-weight: bold; +} + +.calendar_date_select select { font-size:11px;} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a:hover { + color: white; +} +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a { + width:22px; + height:20px; + text-decoration: none; + font-size:14px; + color:black !important; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a.prev { + float:left; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header { + float:right; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a.close { + float:right; + display:none; +} + + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header select.month { + width:90px; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header select.year { + width:61px; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_buttons a { + color: white; + font-size: 9px; +} + +.calendar_date_select td { + background-color: #000066; + font-size:12px; + width: 24px; + height: 21px; + text-align:center; + vertical-align: middle; +} +.calendar_date_select td.weekend { + background-color: #00005a; +} + +.calendar_date_select td div.other { + color: #4C5593; +} + +.calendar_date_select tbody td { + border-bottom: 1px solid #000044; +} +.calendar_date_select td.selected { + background-color:white; + color:black; +} + +.calendar_date_select td:hover { + background-color:#ccc; +} + +.calendar_date_select td.disabled div { + color: #000044; +} +.calendar_date_select { + border: 1px dashed blue; +} + +.fieldWithErrors .calendar_date_select { + border: 2px solid red; +} diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/stylesheets/calendar_date_select/default.css b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/stylesheets/calendar_date_select/default.css new file mode 100755 index 0000000..c718383 --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/stylesheets/calendar_date_select/default.css @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +.calendar_date_select { + color:white; + border:#777 1px solid; + display:block; + width:195px; + z-index: 1000; +} +/* this is a fun ie6 hack to get drop downs to stay behind the popup window. This should always be just underneath .calendar_date_select */ +iframe.ie6_blocker { + position: absolute; + z-index: 999; +} + +.calendar_date_select thead th { + font-weight:bold; + background-color: #aaa; + border-top:1px solid #777; + border-bottom:1px solid #777; + color: white !important; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_buttons { + text-align:center; + padding:5px 0px; + background-color: #555; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_footer { + background-color: black; + padding:3px; + font-size:12px; + text-align:center; +} + +.calendar_date_select table { + margin: 0px; + padding: 0px; +} + + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header { + background-color: #ccc; + border-bottom: 2px solid #aaa; + text-align:center; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header span { + font-size:15px; + color: black; + font-weight: bold; +} + +.calendar_date_select select { font-size:11px;} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a:hover { + color: white; +} +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a { + width:22px; + height:20px; + text-decoration: none; + font-size:14px; + color:black !important; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a.prev { + float:left; +} +.calendar_date_select .cds_header { + float:right; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a.close { + float:right; + display:none; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header select.month { + width:90px; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header select.year { + width:61px; +} +.calendar_date_select .cds_buttons a { + color: white; + font-size: 9px; +} + +.calendar_date_select td { + font-size:12px; + width: 24px; + height: 21px; + text-align:center; + vertical-align: middle; + background-color: #fff; +} +.calendar_date_select td.weekend { + background-color: #eee; + border-left:1px solid #ddd; + border-right:1px solid #ddd; +} + +.calendar_date_select td div { + color: #000; +} +.calendar_date_select td div.other { + color: #ccc; +} +.calendar_date_select td.selected div { + color:white; +} + +.calendar_date_select tbody td { + border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; +} +.calendar_date_select td.selected { + background-color:#777; +} + +.calendar_date_select td:hover { + background-color:#ccc; +} + +.calendar_date_select { + border: 1px dashed #999; +} + +.calendar_date_select td.disabled div { + color: #e6e6e6; +} + +.fieldWithErrors .calendar_date_select { + border: 2px solid red; +} diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/stylesheets/calendar_date_select/green.css b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/stylesheets/calendar_date_select/green.css new file mode 100755 index 0000000..4a057ce --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/stylesheets/calendar_date_select/green.css @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +.calendar_date_select { + color:white; + border:#002b7f 1px solid; + display:block; + width:195px; + z-index: 1000; +} +/* this is a fun ie6 hack to get drop downs to stay behind the popup window. This should always be just underneath .calendar_date_select */ +iframe.ie6_blocker { + position: absolute; + z-index: 999; +} + +.calendar_date_select thead th { + font-weight:bold; + background-color: #56aa1c; + border-bottom:2px solid #002b7f; + color: #002b7f !important; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_buttons { + text-align:center; + padding:5px 0px; + background-color: #56aa1c; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_footer { + font-weight: bold; + background-color: #002b7f; + padding:3px; + text-align:center; +} + +.calendar_date_select table { + margin: 0px; + padding: 0px; +} + + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header { + background-color: #ccc; + border-bottom: 2px solid #002b7f; + text-align:center; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header span { + font-size:15px; + color: black; + font-weight: bold; +} + +.calendar_date_select select { font-size:11px;} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a:hover { + color: white; +} +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a { + width:22px; + height:20px; + text-decoration: none; + font-size:14px; + color:black !important; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a.prev { + float:left; +} +.calendar_date_select .cds_header { + float:right; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a.close { + float:right; + display:none; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header select.month { + width:90px; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header select.year { + width:61px; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_buttons a:hover { + color: white !important; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_buttons a { + font-weight:bold; + color: #c4ba00 !important; + font-size: 12px; +} + + + +.calendar_date_select td { + background-color: #56aa1c; + font-size:12px; + width: 24px; + height: 21px; + text-align:center; + vertical-align: middle; +} +.calendar_date_select td.weekend { + background-color: #56aa1c; +} + +.calendar_date_select td div { + color:#002b7f; +} +.calendar_date_select td div.other { + color: #c4ba00; +} +.calendar_date_select td.selected div { + color:black; +} + + +.calendar_date_select tbody td { + border-bottom: 1px solid #002b7f; +} +.calendar_date_select tbody td.selected { + background-color:white; + color:black; +} + +.calendar_date_select tbody td:hover { + background-color:#ccc; +} + +.calendar_date_select tbody { + border: 1px dashed #002b7f; +} + +.calendar_date_select td.disabled div { + color: #440000; +} + +.fieldWithErrors .calendar_date_select { + border: 2px solid #002b7f; +} diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/stylesheets/calendar_date_select/plain.css b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/stylesheets/calendar_date_select/plain.css new file mode 100755 index 0000000..f5e57dd --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/stylesheets/calendar_date_select/plain.css @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +.calendar_date_select { + border:#777 1px solid; + display:block; + width:195px; + z-index: 1000; + background-color:white; +} +/* this is a fun ie6 hack to get drop downs to stay behind the popup window. This should always be just underneath .calendar_date_select */ +iframe.ie6_blocker { + position: absolute; + z-index: 999; +} + +.calendar_date_select thead th { + color: black !important; + font-weight:bold; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_buttons { + text-align:center; + padding:5px 0px; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_footer { + padding:3px; + font-size:10px; + text-align:center; +} + +.calendar_date_select table { + margin: 0px; + padding: 0px; +} + + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header { + text-align:center; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header * { + border:0px; + background-color:white; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header span { + font-size:15px; + color: black; + font-weight: bold; +} + +.calendar_date_select select { font-size:11px;} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a:hover { + color: white; +} +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a { + width:22px; + height:20px; + text-decoration: none; + font-size:14px; + color:black !important; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a.prev { + float:left; +} +.calendar_date_select .cds_header { + float:right; +} +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a.close { + float:right; + display:none; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header select.month { + width:90px; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header select.year { + width:61px; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_buttons a { + color: black; + font-size: 9px; +} +.calendar_date_select td { + font-size:12px; + width: 24px; + height: 21px; + text-align:center; + vertical-align: middle; + background-color: #fff; +} +.calendar_date_select td.weekend { +} + +.calendar_date_select td div { + color: #000; +} +.calendar_date_select td div.other { + color: #ccc; +} +.calendar_date_select td.selected div { + color:white; +} + +.calendar_date_select tbody td { +} +.calendar_date_select td.selected { + background-color:#777; +} + +.calendar_date_select td:hover { + background-color:#ccc; +} + +.calendar_date_select { + border: 1px dashed #999; +} + +.calendar_date_select td.disabled div { + color: #e6e6e6; +} + +.fieldWithErrors .calendar_date_select { + border: 2px solid red; +} diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/stylesheets/calendar_date_select/red.css b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/stylesheets/calendar_date_select/red.css new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a2ff2f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/stylesheets/calendar_date_select/red.css @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +.calendar_date_select { + color:white; + border:#777 1px solid; + display:block; + width:195px; + z-index: 1000; +} +/* this is a fun ie6 hack to get drop downs to stay behind the popup window. This should always be just underneath .calendar_date_select */ +iframe.ie6_blocker { + position: absolute; + z-index: 999; +} + +.calendar_date_select thead th { + font-weight:bold; + background-color: #E7E8E8; + border-bottom:2px solid black; + color: black !important; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_buttons { + text-align:center; + padding:5px 0px; + background-color: #5f0000; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_footer { + background-color: black; + padding:3px; + text-align:center; +} + +.calendar_date_select table { + margin: 0px; + padding: 0px; +} + + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header { + background-color: #ccc; + border-bottom: 2px solid #aaa; + text-align:center; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header span { + font-size:15px; + color: black; + font-weight: bold; +} + +.calendar_date_select select { font-size:11px;} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a:hover { + color: white; +} +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a { + width:22px; + height:20px; + text-decoration: none; + font-size:14px; + color:black !important; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a.prev { + float:left; +} +.calendar_date_select .cds_header { + float:right; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a.close { + float:right; + display:none; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header select.month { + width:90px; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header select.year { + width:61px; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_buttons a { + color: white; + font-size: 9px; +} + + +.calendar_date_select td { + background-color: #660000; + font-size:12px; + width: 24px; + height: 21px; + text-align:center; + vertical-align: middle; +} +.calendar_date_select td.weekend { + background-color: #5a0000; +} + +.calendar_date_select td div { + color:#fff; +} +.calendar_date_select td div.other { + color: #93554C; +} +.calendar_date_select td.selected div { + color:black; +} + + +.calendar_date_select tbody td { + border-bottom: 1px solid #550000; +} +.calendar_date_select tbody td.selected { + background-color:white; + color:black; +} + +.calendar_date_select tbody td:hover { + background-color:#ccc; +} + +.calendar_date_select tbody { + border: 1px dashed red; +} + +.calendar_date_select td.disabled div { + color: #440000; +} + +.fieldWithErrors .calendar_date_select { + border: 2px solid red; +} diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/stylesheets/calendar_date_select/silver.css b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/stylesheets/calendar_date_select/silver.css new file mode 100755 index 0000000..6e70cc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/public/stylesheets/calendar_date_select/silver.css @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +.calendar_date_select { + color:white; + border:#777 1px solid; + display:block; + width:195px; + z-index: 1000; +} +/* this is a fun ie6 hack to get drop downs to stay behind the popup window. This should always be just underneath .calendar_date_select */ +iframe.ie6_blocker { + position: absolute; + z-index: 999; +} + +.calendar_date_select thead th { + font-weight:bold; + background-color: #000; + border-top:1px solid #777; + border-bottom:2px solid #333; + color: white !important; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_buttons { + text-align:center; + padding:5px 0px; + background-color: #555; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_footer { + background-color: black; + padding:3px; + font-size:12px; + text-align:center; +} + +.calendar_date_select table { + margin: 0px; + padding: 0px; +} + + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header { + background-color: #ccc; + border-bottom: 2px solid #aaa; + text-align:center; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header span { + font-size:15px; + color: black; + font-weight: bold; +} + +.calendar_date_select select { font-size:11px;} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a:hover { + color: white; +} +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a { + width:22px; + height:20px; + text-decoration: none; + font-size:14px; + color:black !important; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a.prev { + float:left; +} +.calendar_date_select .cds_header { + float:right; +} +.calendar_date_select .cds_header a.close { + float:right; + display:none; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header select.month { + width:90px; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_header select.year { + width:61px; +} + +.calendar_date_select .cds_buttons a { + color: white; + font-size: 9px; +} +.calendar_date_select td { + font-size:12px; + width: 24px; + height: 21px; + text-align:center; + vertical-align: middle; + background-color: #666666; +} +.calendar_date_select td.weekend { + background-color: #606060; +} + +.calendar_date_select td div { + color: #fff; +} +.calendar_date_select td div.other { + color: #888; +} +.calendar_date_select td.selected div { + color:black; +} + +.calendar_date_select tbody td { + border-bottom: 1px solid #555; +} +.calendar_date_select td.selected { + background-color:white; +} + +.calendar_date_select td:hover { + background-color:#ccc; +} + +.calendar_date_select { + border: 1px dashed #999; +} + +.calendar_date_select td.disabled div { + color: #454545; +} + + +.fieldWithErrors .calendar_date_select { + border: 2px solid red; +} diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/spec/calendar_date_select/calendar_date_select_spec.rb b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/spec/calendar_date_select/calendar_date_select_spec.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a850211 --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/spec/calendar_date_select/calendar_date_select_spec.rb @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' + +describe CalendarDateSelect do + it "should detect presence of time in a string" do + CalendarDateSelect.has_time?("January 7, 2007").should == false + CalendarDateSelect.has_time?("January 7, 2007 5:50pm").should == true + CalendarDateSelect.has_time?("January 7, 2007 5:50 pm").should == true + CalendarDateSelect.has_time?("January 7, 2007 16:30 pm").should == true + + CalendarDateSelect.has_time?(Date.parse("January 7, 2007 3:00 pm")).should == false + CalendarDateSelect.has_time?(Time.parse("January 7, 2007 3:00 pm")).should == true + CalendarDateSelect.has_time?(DateTime.parse("January 7, 2007 3:00 pm")).should == true + end +end diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/spec/calendar_date_select/form_helpers_spec.rb b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/spec/calendar_date_select/form_helpers_spec.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a52d02e --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/spec/calendar_date_select/form_helpers_spec.rb @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' + +describe CalendarDateSelect::FormHelpers do + include ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper + + include CalendarDateSelect::FormHelpers + + before(:each) do + @controller = + @request = + @controller.request = @request + + @model = + end + + describe "mixed mode" do + it "should not output a time when the value is a Date" do + @model.start_datetime = Date.parse("January 2, 2007") + output = calendar_date_select(:model, :start_datetime, :time => "mixed") + output.should_not match(/12:00 AM/) + end + + it "should output a time when the value is a Time" do + @model.start_datetime = Time.parse("January 2, 2007 12:00 AM") + output = calendar_date_select(:model, :start_datetime, :time => "mixed") + output.should match(/12:00 AM/) + end + end + + it "should render a time when time is passed as 'true'" do + @model.start_datetime = Date.parse("January 2, 2007") + output = calendar_date_select(:model, :start_datetime, :time => "true") + output.should match(/12:00 AM/) + end + + it "should time_false__model_returns_time__should_render_without_time" do + @model.start_datetime = Time.parse("January 2, 2007 12:00 AM") + output = calendar_date_select(:model, :start_datetime) + output.should_not match(/12:00 AM/) + end + + it "should _nil_model__shouldnt_populate_value" do + @model = nil + output = calendar_date_select(:model, :start_datetime) + + output.should_not match(/value/) + end + + describe "default time mode" do + it "should wrap default date in javascript function when passed as string" do + @model.start_datetime = nil + output = calendar_date_select(:model, :start_datetime, :default_time => "new Date()") + output.should match(/value=""/) + output.should include("default_time:function() { return new Date() }") + end + + it "should wrap formatted date with default time with Date() when passed a date object" do + @model.start_datetime = nil + output = calendar_date_select(:model, :start_datetime, :default_time => Date.parse("January 2, 2007")) + output.should match(/value=""/) + output.should include("default_time:new Date('January 02, 2007 12:00 AM')") + end + + it "should wrap formatted date and time with Date() when passed a time object" do + @model.start_datetime = nil + output = calendar_date_select(:model, :start_datetime, :default_time => Time.parse("January 2, 2007 5:45 PM")) + output.should match(/value=""/) + output.should include("default_time:new Date('January 02, 2007 05:45 PM')") + end + end + + it "should _vdc__should_auto_format_function" do + @model.start_datetime = Time.parse("January 2, 2007 12:00 AM") + output = calendar_date_select(:model, + :start_datetime, + :valid_date_check => "date < new Date()" + ) + output.should include("valid_date_check:function(date) { return(date < new Date()) }") + + output = calendar_date_select(:model, + :start_datetime, + :valid_date_check => "return(date < new Date())" + ) + output.should include("valid_date_check:function(date) { return(date < new Date()) }") + output = calendar_date_select(:model, + :start_datetime, + :valid_date_check => "function(p) { return(date < new Date()) }" + ) + output.should include("valid_date_check:function(p) { return(date < new Date()) }") + end + + it "should raise an error if the valid_date_check function is missing a return statement" do + message = ":valid_date_check function is missing a 'return' statement. Try something like: :valid_date_check => 'if (date > new(Date)) return true; else return false;'" + lambda { + output = calendar_date_select(:model, + :start_datetime, + :valid_date_check => "date = 5; date < new Date());" + ) + }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, message) + + lambda { + output = calendar_date_select(:model, + :start_datetime, + :valid_date_check => "function(p) { date = 5; date < new Date()); }" + ) + }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, message) + end + + it "should render the year_range argument correctly" do + output = calendar_date_select(:model, :start_datetime) + output.should include("year_range:10") + output = calendar_date_select(:model, :start_datetime, :year_range => 2000..2010) + output.should include("year_range:[2000, 2010]") + output = calendar_date_select(:model, :start_datetime, :year_range => (15.years.ago..5.years.ago)) + output.should include("year_range:[#{15.years.ago.year}, #{5.years.ago.year}]") + end + + it "should disregard the :object parameter when nil" do + @model.start_datetime = Time.parse("January 2, 2007 12:00 AM") + output = calendar_date_select(:model, :start_datetime, :time => true, :object => nil) + output.should include(CalendarDateSelect.format_date(@model.start_datetime)) + end + + it "should regard :object parameter" do + @model.start_datetime = Time.parse("January 2, 2007 12:00 AM") + output = calendar_date_select(:lame_o, :start_datetime, :time => true, :object => @model) + output.should include(CalendarDateSelect.format_date(@model.start_datetime)) + end + + it "should respect parameters provided in default_options" do + new_options = CalendarDateSelect.default_options.merge(:popup => "force") + CalendarDateSelect.stub!(:default_options).and_return(new_options) + calendar_date_select_tag(:name, "").should include("popup:'force'") + end + + it "should respect the :image option" do + output = calendar_date_select_tag(:name, "Some String", :image => "boogy.png") + output.should include("boogy.png") + end + + it "should not pass the :image option as a javascript option" do + output = calendar_date_select_tag(:name, "Some String", :image => "boogy.png") + output.should_not include("image:") + end + + it "should use the CSS class calendar_date_select_tag for popup selector icon" do + output = calendar_date_select_tag(:name, "Some String", :image => "boogy.png") + output.should include("calendar_date_select_popup_icon") + end + + describe "calendar_date_select_tag" do + before(:each) do + @time = Time.parse("January 2, 2007 12:01:23 AM") + end + + it "should use the string verbatim when provided" do + output = calendar_date_select_tag(:name, "Some String") + + output.should include("Some String") + end + + it "should not render the time when time is false (or nil)" do + output = calendar_date_select_tag(:name, @time, :time => false) + + output.should_not match(/12:01 AM/) + output.should include(CalendarDateSelect.format_date(@time.to_date)) + end + + it "should render the time when :time => true" do + output = calendar_date_select_tag(:name, @time, :time => true) + + output.should include(CalendarDateSelect.format_date(@time)) + end + + it "should render the time when :time => 'mixed'" do + output = calendar_date_select_tag(:name, @time, :time => 'mixed') + output.should include(CalendarDateSelect.format_date(@time)) + end + + it "not include the image option in the result input tag" do + output = calendar_date_select_tag(:name, @time, :time => 'mixed') + output.should_not include("image=") + end + end +end diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/spec/calendar_date_select/includes_helper_spec.rb b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/spec/calendar_date_select/includes_helper_spec.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..390c5b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/spec/calendar_date_select/includes_helper_spec.rb @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' + +describe CalendarDateSelect::IncludesHelper do + include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper + include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper + include CalendarDateSelect::IncludesHelper + + describe "calendar_date_select_includes" do + it "should include the specified locale" do + calendar_date_select_includes(:locale => "fr").should include("calendar_date_select/locale/fr.js") + end + + it "should include the specified style" do + calendar_date_select_includes(:style => "blue").should include("calendar_date_select/blue.css") + end + + it "should complain if you provide an illegitimate argument" do + lambda { calendar_date_select_includes(:language => "fr") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) + end + end + + describe "calendar_date_select_javascripts" do + it "should return an array of javascripts" do + calendar_date_select_javascripts.should == ["calendar_date_select/calendar_date_select"] + end + + it "should return the :javascript_include of the specified format, if the specified format expects it" do + CalendarDateSelect.stub!(:format).and_return(CalendarDateSelect::FORMATS[:hyphen_ampm]) + calendar_date_select_javascripts.should == ["calendar_date_select/calendar_date_select", "calendar_date_select/format_hyphen_ampm"] + end + + it "should blow up if an illegitimate argument is passed" do + lambda { calendar_date_select_javascripts(:language => "fr") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) + end + end + + describe "calendar_date_select_stylesheets" do + it "should return an array of stylesheet" do + calendar_date_select_javascripts.should == ["calendar_date_select/calendar_date_select"] + end + + it "should blow up if an illegitimate argument is passed" do + lambda { calendar_date_select_stylesheets(:css_version => "blue") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) + end + end +end diff --git a/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/spec/spec_helper.rb b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/spec/spec_helper.rb new file mode 100755 index 0000000..2006c5c --- /dev/null +++ b/timcharper-calendar_date_select-d3b2b8c/spec/spec_helper.rb @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +require "rubygems" + +require 'spec' + +gem 'activesupport', "2.3.4" +gem 'actionpack', ">= 2.2.0" + +require 'active_support' +require 'action_pack' +require 'action_controller' +require 'action_view' + +require 'ostruct' + +ActionView::Helpers::InstanceTag.class_eval do + class << self; alias new_with_backwards_compatibility new; end +end + +$: << (File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib") +require "calendar_date_select" + +class String + def to_regexp + is_a?(Regexp) ? self : + end +end \ No newline at end of file