2011-06-14 18:08:28 -07:00

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# see (sort_index_controller_usage.rb)
# see (sort_index_view_usage.html.erb)
# The classes in this module help to enable sorting on index pages
# building sql order clauses and rendering html table header links
module SortIndex
SORT_KEY_ASC = 'asc'
SORT_KEY_DESC = 'desc'
# The +SortIndex::Config+ class specifies all possible sort columns
# for a given controller action including the default column and the default order
class Config
attr_accessor :columns
attr_accessor :default_direction
def default
return @default
# The +initialize+ method;
# both the default and columns parameters contain key value pairs
# where the key is passed in the query string to the action and the
# value contains the sql order by value
# === Parameters
# * _default_ = Hash; must contain only one pair; automatically gets added to the columns member
# * _columns_ = Hash; one pair per sortable column
# * _default_direction_ = String; optional, if not specified order will be DESC
def initialize(default, columns, default_direction = nil)
@columns = columns
@default_direction = default_direction || SORT_KEY_DESC
raise "default only supports 1 pair" if default.length != 1
default.each_pair { |key, value|
@default = value
@columns[key] = value
# The +SortIndex::Sortable+ class enable sorting on index pages
# avoids sql injection by only using values from the SortIndex::Config#columns
# Hash and not the values passed in the query string
class Sortable
# The +initialize+ method;
# === Parameters
# * _params_ = the controllers params Hash
# * _config_ = SortIndex::Config
# * _index_url_ = String; optional, if not specified will be the name of the controller
# ** Examples
# *** not specified /employees (the index action)
# *** specified /employees/special_action
def initialize(params, config, index_url = nil)
@config = config
@params = params
@index_url = index_url || params[:controller]
# sets up for building the sql order by
@sort_direction = SORT_DIRECTION_MAP[@params[:sort_direction]] || @config.default_direction
@sort_by = @config.columns[@params[:sort_by]] || @config.default
# The +order+ method returns the sql order criteria
# use with your find calls or via paginate from will_paginate plugin
def order
specified_sort_by || "#{@sort_by} #{@sort_direction}"
# The +header_link+ method returns a string of html containing the table header and a tags
# Example: <th><a href="/employess?sort_by=first_name&amp;sort_direction=desc">First Name</a></th>
# If the column is the currently sorted column then a css class of current-sort-asc or current-sort-describe
# is applied; this allows you to use css to add visual indicators such as up and down arrows
# this method is called from the view; once per column
# === Parameters
# * _sort_key_ = String; must be one of the key values from SortIndex::Config
# * _display_ = The display text
# * _sortable_ = Boolean; default is true;
# ** passing false will not render an anchor tag; instead the display will be wrapped in a span
def header_link(sort_key, display, sortable = true)
if @config.columns[sort_key].nil? and sortable then
raise "Sort key of '#{sort_key}' not found. Check your controllers SortIndex::Config variable"
class_attr = ""
if @config.columns[sort_key] == @sort_by then
class_attr = " class='current-sort-#{@sort_direction.downcase}'"
a_href = "<a href=\"/#{@index_url}/?sort_by=#{sort_key}&sort_direction=#{next_direction}\" title=\"Sort by #{display}\">#{display}</a>"
if sortable == false then
a_href = "<span>#{display}</span>"
return "<th#{class_attr}>#{a_href}</th>"
# The +next_direction+ method is called by header_link and specifies which way the rendered
# links should sort. Returns the opposite of the current sort
def next_direction
sort_direction = SORT_KEY_ASC
if (@params[:sort_direction].nil?) then
sort_direction = (@sort_direction == SORT_KEY_ASC) ? SORT_KEY_DESC : SORT_KEY_ASC
elsif (@params[:sort_direction] == SORT_KEY_ASC) then
sort_direction = SORT_KEY_DESC
return sort_direction
# The +specified_sort_by+ method is called by order returns the sql order by criteria
# This can be more than one sql column; when it is multiple columns we apply the same direction to all
# For Example if you had one header column for Employee#full_name which mapped to two
# database columns first_name and last_name of the employees table the result would look like
# first_name DESC, last_name DESC or last_name DESC, first_name DESC depending on your configuration
def specified_sort_by
sort = @config.columns[@params[:sort_by]]
return nil if sort.nil?
return sort.split(',').map {|order_criteria| "#{order_criteria} #{@sort_direction}"}.join(',')