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Note: If you have renamed your "system" folder you will need to edit this info in the new file.</p> <h2>Step 2: Relocate your config folder</h2> <p>This version of CodeIgniter now permits multiple sets of "applications" to all share a common set of backend files. In order to enable each application to have its own configuration values, the <kbd>config</kbd> directory must now reside inside of your <dfn>application</dfn> folder, so please move it there.</p> <h2>Step 3: Replace directories</h2> <p>Replace the following directories with the new versions:</p> <ul> <li>drivers</li> <li>helpers</li> <li>init</li> <li>libraries</li> <li>scaffolding</li> </ul> <h2>Step 4: Add the calendar language file</h2> <p>There is a new language file corresponding to the new calendaring class which must be added to your language folder. Add the following item to your version: <dfn>language/english/calendar_lang.php</dfn></p> <h2>Step 5: Edit your config file</h2> <p>The original <kbd>application/config/config.php</kbd> file has a typo in it Open the file and look for the items related to cookies:</p> <code>$conf['cookie_prefix'] = "";<br /> $conf['cookie_domain'] = "";<br /> $conf['cookie_path'] = "/";</code> <p>Change the array name from <kbd>$conf</kbd> to <kbd>$config</kbd>, like this:</p> <code>$config['cookie_prefix'] = "";<br /> $config['cookie_domain'] = "";<br /> $config['cookie_path'] = "/";</code> <p>Lastly, add the following new item to the config file (and edit the option if needed):</p> <code><br /> /*<br /> |------------------------------------------------<br /> | URI PROTOCOL<br /> |------------------------------------------------<br /> |<br /> | This item determines which server global <br /> | should be used to retrieve the URI string. The <br /> | default setting of "auto" works for most servers.<br /> | If your links do not seem to work, try one of <br /> | the other delicious flavors:<br /> | <br /> | 'auto' Default - auto detects<br /> | 'path_info' Uses the PATH_INFO <br /> | 'query_string' Uses the QUERY_STRING<br /> */<br /> <br /> $config['uri_protocol'] = "auto";</code> </div> <!-- END CONTENT --> <div id="footer"> <p> Previous Topic: <a href="index.html">Installation Instructions</a> · <a href="#top">Top of Page</a> · <a href="../index.html">User Guide Home</a> · Next Topic: <a href="troubleshooting.html">Troubleshooting</a> </p> <p><a href="http://codeigniter.com">CodeIgniter</a> · Copyright © 2006-2010 · <a href="http://ellislab.com/">Ellislab, Inc.</a></p> </div> </body> </html>