CI =& get_instance(); if (count($params) > 0) { $this->initialize($params); } if ($this->develop == TRUE) { $this->api_key = 'POSTMARK_API_TEST'; } log_message('debug', 'Postmark Class Initialized'); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Initialize Preferences * * @access public * @param array initialization parameters * @return void */ function initialize($params) { $this->clear(); if (count($params) > 0) { foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if (isset($this->$key)) { $this->$key = $value; } } } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Clear the Email Data * * @access public * @return void */ function clear() { $this->from_name = ''; $this->from_address = ''; $this->_to_name = ''; $this->_to_address = ''; $this->_cc_name = ''; $this->_cc_address = ''; $this->_subject = ''; $this->_message_plain = ''; $this->_message_html = ''; $this->_tag = ''; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set Email FROM address * * This could also be set in the config file * * TODO: * Validate Email Addresses ala CodeIgniter's Email Class * * @access public * @return void */ function from($address, $name = null) { if ( ! $this->validation == TRUE) { $this->from_address = $address; $this->from_name = $name; } else { if ($this->_validate_email($address)) { $this->from_address = $address; $this->from_name = $name; } else { show_error('You have entered an invalid sender address.'); } } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set Email TO address * * TODO: * Validate Email Addresses ala CodeIgniter's Email Class * * @access public * @return void */ function to($address, $name = null) { if ( ! $this->validation == TRUE) { $this->_to_address = $address; $this->_to_name = $name; } else { if ($this->_validate_email($address)) { $this->_to_address = $address; $this->_to_name = $name; } else { show_error('You have entered an invalid recipient address.'); } } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set Email ReplyTo address * * TODO: * Validate Email Addresses ala CodeIgniter's Email Class * * @access public * @return void */ function reply_to($address, $name = null) { if ( ! $this->validation == TRUE) { $this->_reply_to_address = $address; $this->_reply_to_name = $name; } else { if ($this->_validate_email($address)) { $this->_reply_to_address = $address; $this->_reply_to_name = $name; } else { show_error('You have entered an invalid reply to address.'); } } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set Email CC address * * TODO: * Validate Email Addresses ala CodeIgniter's Email Class * * @access public * @return void */ function cc($address, $name = null) { if ( ! $this->validation == TRUE) { $this->_cc_address = $address; $this->_cc_name = $name; } else { if ($this->_validate_email($address)) { $this->_cc_address = $address; $this->_cc_name = $name; } else { show_error('You have entered an invalid recipient address.'); } } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set Email Subject * * @access public * @return void */ function subject($subject) { $this->_subject = $subject; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set Tag * * @access public * @return void */ function tag($tag) { $this->_tag = $tag; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set Email Message in Plain Text * * @access public * @return void */ function message_plain($message) { if ( ! $this->strip_html ) { $this->_message_plain = $message; } else { $this->_message_plain = $this->_strip_html($message); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set Email Message in HTML * * @access public * @return void */ function message_html($message) { $this->_message_html = $message; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Private Function to prepare and send email */ function _prepare_data() { $data = array(); $data['Subject'] = $this->_subject; $data['From'] = is_null($this->from_name) ? $this->from_address : "{$this->from_name} <{$this->from_address}>"; $data['To'] = is_null($this->_to_name) ? $this->_to_address : "{$this->_to_name} <{$this->_to_address}>"; if (!is_null($this->_cc_address) && ($this->_cc_address != '')) { $data['Cc'] = is_null($this->_cc_name) ? $this->_cc_address : "{$this->_cc_name} <{$this->_cc_address}>"; } if (!is_null($this->_reply_to_address) && ($this->_reply_to_address != '')) { $data['ReplyTo'] = is_null($this->_reply_to_name) ? $this->_reply_to_address : "{$this->_reply_to_name} <{$this->_reply_to_address}>"; } if (!is_null($this->_tag) && ($this->_tag != '')) { $data['tag'] = $this->_tag; } if (!is_null($this->_message_html)) { $data['HtmlBody'] = $this->_message_html; } if (!is_null($this->_message_plain)) { $data['TextBody'] = $this->_message_plain; } return $data; } function send($from_address = null, $from_name = null, $to_address = null, $to_name = null, $subject = null, $message_plain = null, $message_html = null) { if (!function_exists('curl_init')) { if(function_exists('log_message')) { log_message('error', 'Postmark - PHP was not built with cURL enabled. Rebuild PHP with --with-curl to use cURL.'); } return false; } if (!is_null($from_address)) $this->from($from_address, $from_name); if (!is_null($to_address)) $this->to($to_address, $to_name); if (!is_null($subject)) $this->subject($subject); if (!is_null($message_plain)) $this->message_plain($message_plain); if (!is_null($message_html)) $this->message_html($message_html); if (is_null($this->api_key)) { show_error("Postmark API key is not set!"); } if (is_null($this->from_address)) { show_error("From address is not set!"); } if (is_null($this->_to_address)) { show_error("To address is not set!"); } if (is_null($this->_subject)) { show_error("Subject is not set!"); } if (is_null($this->_message_plain) && is_null($this->_message_html)) { show_error("Please either set plain message, HTML message or both!"); } $encoded_data = json_encode($this->_prepare_data()); $headers = array( 'Accept: application/json', 'Content-Type: application/json', 'X-Postmark-Server-Token: ' . $this->api_key ); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ''); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $encoded_data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); $return = curl_exec($ch); log_message('debug', 'POSTMARK JSON: ' . $encoded_data . "\nHeaders: \n\t" . implode("\n\t", $headers) . "\nReturn:\n$return"); if (curl_error($ch) != '') { show_error(curl_error($ch)); } $httpCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); log_message('debug', 'POSTMARK http code:' . $httpCode); if (intval($httpCode / 100) != 2) { $message = json_decode($return)->Message; show_error('Error while mailing. Postmark returned HTTP code ' . $httpCode . ' with message "'.$message.'"'); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Email Validation * * @access public * @param string * @return bool */ function _validate_email($address) { $addresses = explode(',', $address); foreach($addresses as $k => $v) { if ( ! preg_match("/^([a-z0-9\+_\-]+)(\.[a-z0-9\+_\-]+)*@([a-z0-9\-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}$/ix", trim($v))) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Strip Html * * @access public * @param string * @return string */ function _strip_html($message) { $message = preg_replace('/\/i', "\n", $message); return strip_tags($message); } }