2010-12-31 01:05:08 -07:00

72 lines
2.4 KiB

<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
| Enter your Postmark API key here.
| This key is available by visiting your Postmark Rack, clicking 'Details'
| next to the desiered server, then clicking 'Settings & API Credentials'
$config['api_key'] = '';
| These are optional settings
| If you're going to be using the same Sender Signature for all emails, it
| might be easier to assign it here, than doing so with each individual
| email. If you are not using this setting, comment it out.
| Configure your Sender Signatures at http://postmarkapp.com/signatures
$config['from_name'] = 'Will Bradley';
$config['from_address'] = 'bradley.will@gmail.com';
| Setting validation to TRUE will require that you pass Postmark valid
| email addresses for sender and reciever. If these are not valid email
| addresses, the request to send an email will not be sent to Postmark.
| This is reccomended on high traffic servers
$config['validation'] = TRUE;
| Setting strip_tags to TRUE will strip all HTML tags from _plain_message
| using PHP's strip_tags() function. It should be noted that the output
| will probably be far from what you would expect.
| Experimental Feature
$config['strip_html'] = TRUE;
| Often when implementing your client library or when integrating an
| existing library into your application you would want to send 'test'
| emails that don't actually get delivered to the recipient. You just need
| to know if your data is valid. You can do that by setting this to TRUE
$config['develop'] = TRUE;