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2013-05-24 13:39:11 -07:00
< title > File GeoIP2/Record/MaxMind.php | GeoIP2 PHP API v0.1.1< / title >
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< pre > < code > < span id = "1" class = "l" > < a class = "l" href = "#1" > 1: < / a > < span class = "xlang" > < ?php< / span >
< / span > < span id = "2" class = "l" > < a class = "l" href = "#2" > 2: < / a >
< / span > < span id = "3" class = "l" > < a class = "l" href = "#3" > 3: < / a > < span class = "php-keyword1" > namespace< / span > GeoIP2\Record;
< / span > < span id = "4" class = "l" > < a class = "l" href = "#4" > 4: < / a >
< / span > < span id = "5" class = "l" > < a class = "l" href = "#5" > 5: < / a > < span class = "php-comment" > /**
< / span > < / span > < span id = "6" class = "l" > < a class = "l" href = "#6" > 6: < / a > < span class = "php-comment" > * Contains data about your account.
< / span > < / span > < span id = "7" class = "l" > < a class = "l" href = "#7" > 7: < / a > < span class = "php-comment" > *
< / span > < / span > < span id = "8" class = "l" > < a class = "l" href = "#8" > 8: < / a > < span class = "php-comment" > * This record is returned by all the end points.
< / span > < / span > < span id = "9" class = "l" > < a class = "l" href = "#9" > 9: < / a > < span class = "php-comment" > *
< / span > < / span > < span id = "10" class = "l" > < a class = "l" href = "#10" > 10: < / a > < span class = "php-comment" > * @property int $queriesRemaining The number of remaining queries you have
< / span > < / span > < span id = "11" class = "l" > < a class = "l" href = "#11" > 11: < / a > < span class = "php-comment" > * for the end point you are calling.
< / span > < / span > < span id = "12" class = "l" > < a class = "l" href = "#12" > 12: < / a > < span class = "php-comment" > */< / span >
< / span > < span id = "13" class = "l" > < a class = "l" href = "#13" > 13: < / a > < span class = "php-keyword1" > class< / span > < a id = "MaxMind" href = "#MaxMind" > MaxMind< / a > < span class = "php-keyword1" > extends< / span > AbstractRecord
< / span > < span id = "14" class = "l" > < a class = "l" href = "#14" > 14: < / a > {
< / span > < span id = "15" class = "l" > < a class = "l" href = "#15" > 15: < / a > < span class = "php-comment" > /**
< / span > < / span > < span id = "16" class = "l" > < a class = "l" href = "#16" > 16: < / a > < span class = "php-comment" > * @ignore
< / span > < / span > < span id = "17" class = "l" > < a class = "l" href = "#17" > 17: < / a > < span class = "php-comment" > */< / span >
< / span > < span id = "18" class = "l" > < a class = "l" href = "#18" > 18: < / a > < span class = "php-keyword1" > protected< / span > < span class = "php-var" > < a id = "$validAttributes" href = "#$validAttributes" > $validAttributes< / a > < / span > = < span class = "php-keyword1" > array< / span > (< span class = "php-quote" > 'queriesRemaining'< / span > );
< / span > < span id = "19" class = "l" > < a class = "l" href = "#19" > 19: < / a > }
< / span > < span id = "20" class = "l" > < a class = "l" href = "#20" > 20: < / a > < / span > < / code > < / pre >
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2013-05-24 13:39:11 -07:00
GeoIP2 PHP API v0.1.1 API documentation generated by < a href = "http://apigen.org" > ApiGen 2.8.0< / a >
2013-05-24 12:09:48 -07:00
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