2014-05-08 15:28:16 -07:00
2014-05-09 15:07:21 -07:00
require_once 'phar://geoip2.phar/vendor/autoload.php';
2014-05-08 15:28:16 -07:00
// The following was taken from Guzzle (MIT license)
// Copy the cacert.pem file from the phar if it is not in the temp folder.
$from = 'phar://geoip2.phar/vendor/guzzle/guzzle/src/Guzzle/Http/Resources/cacert.pem';
$certFile = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/guzzle-cacert.pem';
// Only copy when the file size is different
if (!file_exists($certFile) || filesize($certFile) != filesize($from)) {
if (!copy($from, $certFile)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not copy {$from} to {$certFile}: "
. var_export(error_get_last(), true));