1: <?php
3: namespace GeoIp2\Record;
5: /**
6: * Contains data for the location record associated with an IP address
7: *
8: * This record is returned by all the end points except the Country end point.
9: *
10: * @property int $accuracyRadius The radius in kilometers around the
11: * specified location where the IP address is likely to be. This attribute
12: * is only available from the Insights end point.
13: *
14: * @property float $latitude The latitude of the location as a floating
15: * point number. This attribute is returned by all end points except the
16: * Country end point.
17: *
18: * @property float $longitude The longitude of the location as a
19: * floating point number. This attribute is returned by all end points
20: * except the Country end point.
21: *
22: * @property int $metroCode The metro code of the location if the location
23: * is in the US. MaxMind returns the same metro codes as the
24: * {@link
25: * https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/cities-DMAregions
26: * Google AdWords API}. This attribute is returned by all end points except
27: * the Country end point.
28: *
29: * @property string $timeZone The time zone associated with location, as
30: * specified by the {@link http://www.iana.org/time-zones IANA Time Zone
31: * Database}, e.g., "America/New_York". This attribute is returned by all
32: * end points except the Country end point.
33: */
34: class Location extends AbstractRecord
35: {
36: /**
37: * @ignore
38: */
39: protected $validAttributes = array(
40: 'accuracyRadius',
41: 'latitude',
42: 'longitude',
43: 'metroCode',
44: 'postalCode',
45: 'postalConfidence',
46: 'timeZone'
47: );
48: }