1: <?php
3: namespace GeoIP2\Model;
5: /**
6: * This class provides a model for the data returned by the GeoIP2
7: * City/ISP/Org end point.
8: *
9: * The only difference between the City, City/ISP/Org, and Omni model
10: * classes is which fields in each record may be populated. See
11: * http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/web-services more details.
12: *
13: * @property \GeoIP2\Record\City $city City data for the requested IP
14: * address.
15: *
16: * @property \GeoIP2\Record\Continent $continent Continent data for the
17: * requested IP address.
18: *
19: * @property \GeoIP2\Record\Country $country Country data for the requested
20: * IP address. This object represents the country where MaxMind believes the
21: * end user is located.
22: *
23: * @property \GeoIP2\Record\Location $location Location data for the
24: * requested IP address.
25: *
26: * @property \GeoIP2\Record\MaxMind $maxmind Data related to your MaxMind
27: * account.
28: *
29: * @property \GeoIP2\Record\Country $registeredCountry Registered country
30: * data for the requested IP address. This record represents the country
31: * where the ISP has registered a given IP block in and may differ from the
32: * user's country.
33: *
34: * @property \GeoIP2\Record\RepresentedCountry $representedCountry
35: * Represented country data for the requested IP address. The represented
36: * country is used for things like military bases or embassies. It is only
37: * present when the represented country differs from the country.
38: *
39: * @property array $subdivisions An array of {@link \GeoIP2\Record\Subdivision}
40: * objects representing the country subdivisions for the requested IP
41: * address. The number and type of subdivisions varies by country, but a
42: * subdivision is typically a state, province, county, etc. Subdivisions
43: * are ordered from most general (largest) to most specific (smallest).
44: * If the response did not contain any subdivisions, this method returns
45: * an empty array.
46: *
47: * @property \GeoIP2\Record\Subdivision $mostSpecificSubdivision An object
48: * representing the most specific subdivision returned. If the response
49: * did not contain any subdivisions, this method returns an empty
50: * {@link \GeoIP2\Record\Subdivision} object.
51: *
52: * @property \GeoIP2\Record\Traits $traits Data for the traits of the
53: * requested IP address.
54: */
55: class CityIspOrg extends City
56: {
57: }