1: <?php
3: namespace GeoIP2\Record;
5: /**
6: * Contains data for the continent record associated with an IP address
7: *
8: * This record is returned by all the end points.
9: *
10: * @property string $code A two character continent code like "NA" (North
11: * America) or "OC" (Oceania). This attribute is returned by all end points.
12: *
13: * @property int $geonameId The GeoName ID for the continent. This attribute
14: * is returned by all end points.
15: *
16: * @property string $name Returns the name of the continent based on the
17: * languages list passed to the constructor. This attribute is returned by
18: * all end points.
19: *
20: * @property array $names An array map where the keys are language codes
21: * and the values are names. This attribute is returned by all end points.
22: */
23: class Continent extends AbstractPlaceRecord
24: {
25: /**
26: * @ignore
27: */
28: protected $validAttributes = array(
29: 'code',
30: 'geonameId',
31: 'names'
32: );
33: }