#include #include #include #include "DfuService.h" using namespace Pinetime::Controllers; constexpr ble_uuid128_t DfuService::serviceUuid; constexpr ble_uuid128_t DfuService::controlPointCharacteristicUuid; constexpr ble_uuid128_t DfuService::revisionCharacteristicUuid; constexpr ble_uuid128_t DfuService::packetCharacteristicUuid; int DfuServiceCallback(uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t attr_handle, struct ble_gatt_access_ctxt *ctxt, void *arg) { auto dfuService = static_cast(arg); return dfuService->OnServiceData(conn_handle, attr_handle, ctxt); } void NotificationTimerCallback(TimerHandle_t xTimer) { auto dfuService = static_cast(pvTimerGetTimerID(xTimer)); dfuService->OnNotificationTimer(); } void TimeoutTimerCallback(TimerHandle_t xTimer) { auto dfuService = static_cast(pvTimerGetTimerID(xTimer)); dfuService->OnTimeout(); } DfuService::DfuService(Pinetime::System::SystemTask &systemTask, Pinetime::Controllers::Ble &bleController, Pinetime::Drivers::SpiNorFlash &spiNorFlash) : systemTask{systemTask}, bleController{bleController}, spiNorFlash{spiNorFlash}, characteristicDefinition{ { .uuid = (ble_uuid_t *) &packetCharacteristicUuid, .access_cb = DfuServiceCallback, .arg = this, .flags = BLE_GATT_CHR_F_WRITE_NO_RSP, .val_handle = nullptr, }, { .uuid = (ble_uuid_t *) &controlPointCharacteristicUuid, .access_cb = DfuServiceCallback, .arg = this, .flags = BLE_GATT_CHR_F_WRITE | BLE_GATT_CHR_F_NOTIFY, .val_handle = nullptr, }, { .uuid = (ble_uuid_t *) &revisionCharacteristicUuid, .access_cb = DfuServiceCallback, .arg = this, .flags = BLE_GATT_CHR_F_READ, .val_handle = &revision, }, { 0 } }, serviceDefinition{ { /* Device Information Service */ .type = BLE_GATT_SVC_TYPE_PRIMARY, .uuid = (ble_uuid_t *) &serviceUuid, .characteristics = characteristicDefinition }, { 0 }, } { notificationTimer = xTimerCreate ("notificationTimer", 1000, pdFALSE, this, NotificationTimerCallback); timeoutTimer = xTimerCreate ("notificationTimer", 10000, pdFALSE, this, TimeoutTimerCallback); } void DfuService::Init() { ble_gatts_count_cfg(serviceDefinition); ble_gatts_add_svcs(serviceDefinition); } int DfuService::OnServiceData(uint16_t connectionHandle, uint16_t attributeHandle, ble_gatt_access_ctxt *context) { if(bleController.IsFirmwareUpdating()){ xTimerStart(timeoutTimer, 0); } ble_gatts_find_chr((ble_uuid_t *) &serviceUuid, (ble_uuid_t *) &packetCharacteristicUuid, nullptr, &packetCharacteristicHandle); ble_gatts_find_chr((ble_uuid_t *) &serviceUuid, (ble_uuid_t *) &controlPointCharacteristicUuid, nullptr, &controlPointCharacteristicHandle); ble_gatts_find_chr((ble_uuid_t *) &serviceUuid, (ble_uuid_t *) &revisionCharacteristicUuid, nullptr, &revisionCharacteristicHandle); if (attributeHandle == packetCharacteristicHandle) { if (context->op == BLE_GATT_ACCESS_OP_WRITE_CHR) return WritePacketHandler(connectionHandle, context->om); else return 0; } else if (attributeHandle == controlPointCharacteristicHandle) { if (context->op == BLE_GATT_ACCESS_OP_WRITE_CHR) return ControlPointHandler(connectionHandle, context->om); else return 0; } else if (attributeHandle == revisionCharacteristicHandle) { if (context->op == BLE_GATT_ACCESS_OP_READ_CHR) return SendDfuRevision(context->om); else return 0; } else { NRF_LOG_INFO("[DFU] Unknown Characteristic : %d", attributeHandle); return 0; } } int DfuService::SendDfuRevision(os_mbuf *om) const { int res = os_mbuf_append(om, &revision, sizeof(revision)); return (res == 0) ? 0 : BLE_ATT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RES; } int DfuService::WritePacketHandler(uint16_t connectionHandle, os_mbuf *om) { switch (state) { case States::Start: { softdeviceSize = om->om_data[0] + (om->om_data[1] << 8) + (om->om_data[2] << 16) + (om->om_data[3] << 24); bootloaderSize = om->om_data[4] + (om->om_data[5] << 8) + (om->om_data[6] << 16) + (om->om_data[7] << 24); applicationSize = om->om_data[8] + (om->om_data[9] << 8) + (om->om_data[10] << 16) + (om->om_data[11] << 24); bleController.FirmwareUpdateTotalBytes(applicationSize); NRF_LOG_INFO("[DFU] -> Start data received : SD size : %d, BT size : %d, app size : %d", softdeviceSize, bootloaderSize, applicationSize); for (int erased = 0; erased < maxImageSize; erased += 0x1000) { #if 1 spiNorFlash.SectorErase(writeOffset + erased); #endif } uint8_t data[]{16, 1, 1}; SendNotification(connectionHandle, data, 3); state = States::Init; } return 0; case States::Init: { uint16_t deviceType = om->om_data[0] + (om->om_data[1] << 8); uint16_t deviceRevision = om->om_data[2] + (om->om_data[3] << 8); uint32_t applicationVersion = om->om_data[4] + (om->om_data[5] << 8) + (om->om_data[6] << 16) + (om->om_data[7] << 24); uint16_t softdeviceArrayLength = om->om_data[8] + (om->om_data[9] << 8); uint16_t sd[softdeviceArrayLength]; for (int i = 0; i < softdeviceArrayLength; i++) { sd[i] = om->om_data[10 + (i * 2)] + (om->om_data[10 + (i * 2) + 1] << 8); } expectedCrc = om->om_data[10 + (softdeviceArrayLength * 2)] + (om->om_data[10 + (softdeviceArrayLength * 2) + 1] << 8); NRF_LOG_INFO( "[DFU] -> Init data received : deviceType = %d, deviceRevision = %d, applicationVersion = %d, nb SD = %d, First SD = %d, CRC = %u", deviceType, deviceRevision, applicationVersion, softdeviceArrayLength, sd[0], expectedCrc); return 0; } case States::Data: { nbPacketReceived++; auto offset = ((nbPacketReceived - 1) % nbPacketsToNotify) * 20; std::memcpy(tempBuffer + offset, om->om_data, om->om_len); if (nbPacketReceived > 0 && (nbPacketReceived % nbPacketsToNotify) == 0) { #if 1 spiNorFlash.Write(writeOffset + ((nbPacketReceived - nbPacketsToNotify) * 20), tempBuffer, 200); #endif } bytesReceived += om->om_len; bleController.FirmwareUpdateCurrentBytes(bytesReceived); //NRF_LOG_INFO("[DFU] -> Bytes received : %d in %d packets", bytesReceived, nbPacketReceived); if ((nbPacketReceived % nbPacketsToNotify) == 0 && bytesReceived != applicationSize) { uint8_t data[5]{static_cast(Opcodes::PacketReceiptNotification), (uint8_t) (bytesReceived & 0x000000FFu), (uint8_t) (bytesReceived >> 8u), (uint8_t) (bytesReceived >> 16u), (uint8_t) (bytesReceived >> 24u)}; NRF_LOG_INFO("[DFU] -> Send packet notification: %d bytes received", bytesReceived); SendNotification(connectionHandle, data, 5); } if (bytesReceived == applicationSize) { if ((nbPacketReceived % nbPacketsToNotify) != 0) { auto remaningPacket = nbPacketReceived % nbPacketsToNotify; uint32_t spiOffset = writeOffset + ((nbPacketReceived - remaningPacket) * 20); spiNorFlash.Write(writeOffset + ((nbPacketReceived - remaningPacket) * 20), tempBuffer, remaningPacket * 20); } if (applicationSize < maxImageSize) WriteMagicNumber(); uint8_t data[3]{static_cast(Opcodes::Response), static_cast(Opcodes::ReceiveFirmwareImage), static_cast(ErrorCodes::NoError)}; NRF_LOG_INFO("[DFU] -> Send packet notification : all bytes received!"); SendNotification(connectionHandle, data, 3); state = States::Validate; } } return 0; default: // Invalid state return 0; } return 0; } int DfuService::ControlPointHandler(uint16_t connectionHandle, os_mbuf *om) { auto opcode = static_cast(om->om_data[0]); NRF_LOG_INFO("[DFU] -> ControlPointHandler"); switch (opcode) { case Opcodes::StartDFU: { if (state != States::Idle && state != States::Start) { NRF_LOG_INFO("[DFU] -> Start DFU requested, but we are not in Idle state"); return 0; } if (state == States::Start) { NRF_LOG_INFO("[DFU] -> Start DFU requested, but we are already in Start state"); return 0; } auto imageType = static_cast(om->om_data[1]); if (imageType == ImageTypes::Application) { NRF_LOG_INFO("[DFU] -> Start DFU, mode = Application"); state = States::Start; bleController.StartFirmwareUpdate(); bleController.State(Pinetime::Controllers::Ble::FirmwareUpdateStates::Running); bleController.FirmwareUpdateTotalBytes(0xffffffffu); bleController.FirmwareUpdateCurrentBytes(0); systemTask.PushMessage(Pinetime::System::SystemTask::Messages::BleFirmwareUpdateStarted); return 0; } else { NRF_LOG_INFO("[DFU] -> Start DFU, mode %d not supported!", imageType); return 0; } } break; case Opcodes::InitDFUParameters: { if (state != States::Init) { NRF_LOG_INFO("[DFU] -> Init DFU requested, but we are not in Init state"); return 0; } bool isInitComplete = (om->om_data[1] != 0); NRF_LOG_INFO("[DFU] -> Init DFU parameters %s", isInitComplete ? " complete" : " not complete"); if (isInitComplete) { notificationBuffer[0] = static_cast(Opcodes::Response); notificationBuffer[1] = static_cast(Opcodes::InitDFUParameters); notificationBuffer[2] = (isInitComplete ? uint8_t{1} : uint8_t{0}); notificationSize = 3; notificatonConnectionHandle = connectionHandle; xTimerStart(notificationTimer, 0); return 0; } } return 0; case Opcodes::PacketReceiptNotificationRequest: nbPacketsToNotify = om->om_data[1]; NRF_LOG_INFO("[DFU] -> Receive Packet Notification Request, nb packet = %d", nbPacketsToNotify); return 0; case Opcodes::ReceiveFirmwareImage: if (state != States::Init) { NRF_LOG_INFO("[DFU] -> Receive firmware image requested, but we are not in Start Init"); return 0; } NRF_LOG_INFO("[DFU] -> Starting receive firmware"); state = States::Data; return 0; case Opcodes::ValidateFirmware: { if (state != States::Validate) { NRF_LOG_INFO("[DFU] -> Validate firmware image requested, but we are not in Data state %d", state); return 0; } NRF_LOG_INFO("[DFU] -> Validate firmware image requested -- %d", connectionHandle); if(Validate()){ state = States::Validated; notificationBuffer[0] = static_cast(Opcodes::Response); notificationBuffer[1] = static_cast(Opcodes::ValidateFirmware); notificationBuffer[2] = static_cast(ErrorCodes::NoError); notificationSize = 3; notificatonConnectionHandle = connectionHandle; xTimerStart(notificationTimer, 0); } else { notificationBuffer[0] = static_cast(Opcodes::Response); notificationBuffer[1] = static_cast(Opcodes::ValidateFirmware); notificationBuffer[2] = static_cast(ErrorCodes::CrcError); notificationSize = 3; notificatonConnectionHandle = connectionHandle; xTimerStart(notificationTimer, 0); } return 0; } case Opcodes::ActivateImageAndReset: if (state != States::Validated) { NRF_LOG_INFO("[DFU] -> Activate image and reset requested, but we are not in Validated state"); return 0; } NRF_LOG_INFO("[DFU] -> Activate image and reset!"); bleController.StopFirmwareUpdate(); systemTask.PushMessage(Pinetime::System::SystemTask::Messages::BleFirmwareUpdateFinished); Reset(); bleController.State(Pinetime::Controllers::Ble::FirmwareUpdateStates::Validated); return 0; default: return 0; } } void DfuService::SendNotification(uint16_t connectionHandle, const uint8_t *data, const size_t size) { auto *om = ble_hs_mbuf_from_flat(data, size); auto ret = ble_gattc_notify_custom(connectionHandle, controlPointCharacteristicHandle, om); ASSERT(ret == 0); } uint16_t DfuService::ComputeCrc(uint8_t const *p_data, uint32_t size, uint16_t const *p_crc) { uint16_t crc = (p_crc == NULL) ? 0xFFFF : *p_crc; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { crc = (uint8_t) (crc >> 8) | (crc << 8); crc ^= p_data[i]; crc ^= (uint8_t) (crc & 0xFF) >> 4; crc ^= (crc << 8) << 4; crc ^= ((crc & 0xFF) << 4) << 1; } return crc; } bool DfuService::Validate() { uint32_t chunkSize = 200; int currentOffset = 0; uint16_t crc = 0; bool first = true; while (currentOffset < applicationSize) { uint32_t readSize = (applicationSize - currentOffset) > chunkSize ? chunkSize : (applicationSize - currentOffset); spiNorFlash.Read(writeOffset + currentOffset, tempBuffer, readSize); if (first) { crc = ComputeCrc(tempBuffer, readSize, NULL); first = false; } else crc = ComputeCrc(tempBuffer, readSize, &crc); currentOffset += readSize; } NRF_LOG_INFO("Expected CRC : %u - Processed CRC : %u", expectedCrc, crc); bool crcOk = (crc == expectedCrc); if (crcOk) { bleController.State(Pinetime::Controllers::Ble::FirmwareUpdateStates::Validated); NRF_LOG_INFO("Image OK"); } else { bleController.State(Pinetime::Controllers::Ble::FirmwareUpdateStates::Error); NRF_LOG_INFO("Image Error : bad CRC"); } return crcOk; } void DfuService::WriteMagicNumber() { uint32_t magic[4] = { 0xf395c277, 0x7fefd260, 0x0f505235, 0x8079b62c, }; uint32_t offset = writeOffset + (maxImageSize - (4 * sizeof(uint32_t))); spiNorFlash.Write(offset, reinterpret_cast(magic), 4 * sizeof(uint32_t)); } void DfuService::OnNotificationTimer() { if(notificationSize > 0) { SendNotification(notificatonConnectionHandle, notificationBuffer, notificationSize); notificationSize = 0; } } void DfuService::OnTimeout() { Reset(); } void DfuService::Reset() { state = States::Idle; nbPacketsToNotify = 0; nbPacketReceived = 0; bytesReceived = 0; softdeviceSize = 0; bootloaderSize = 0; applicationSize = 0; expectedCrc = 0; notificatonConnectionHandle = 0; notificationSize = 0; xTimerStop(notificationTimer, 0); bleController.State(Pinetime::Controllers::Ble::FirmwareUpdateStates::Error); bleController.StopFirmwareUpdate(); systemTask.PushMessage(Pinetime::System::SystemTask::Messages::BleFirmwareUpdateFinished); }