#pragma once #include #include #include "components/brightness/BrightnessController.h" #include "components/fs/FS.h" #include "displayapp/apps/Apps.h" namespace Pinetime { namespace Controllers { class Settings { public: enum class ClockType : uint8_t { H24, H12, FUZZY }; enum class WeatherFormat : uint8_t { Metric, Imperial }; enum class Notification : uint8_t { On, Off, Sleep }; enum class ChimesOption : uint8_t { None, Hours, HalfHours }; enum class WakeUpMode : uint8_t { SingleTap = 0, DoubleTap = 1, RaiseWrist = 2, Shake = 3, LowerWrist = 4 }; enum class Colors : uint8_t { White, Silver, Gray, Black, Red, Maroon, Yellow, Olive, Lime, Green, Cyan, Teal, Blue, Navy, Magenta, Purple, Orange, Pink }; enum class PTSGaugeStyle : uint8_t { Full, Half, Numeric }; enum class PTSWeather : uint8_t { On, Off }; struct PineTimeStyle { Colors ColorTime = Colors::Teal; Colors ColorBar = Colors::Teal; Colors ColorBG = Colors::Black; PTSGaugeStyle gaugeStyle = PTSGaugeStyle::Full; PTSWeather weatherEnable = PTSWeather::Off; }; struct WatchFaceInfineat { bool showSideCover = true; int colorIndex = 0; }; struct Location { int16_t latitude; int16_t longitude; int8_t tzOffset; }; Settings(Pinetime::Controllers::FS& fs); Settings(const Settings&) = delete; Settings& operator=(const Settings&) = delete; Settings(Settings&&) = delete; Settings& operator=(Settings&&) = delete; void Init(); void SaveSettings(); void SetWatchFace(Pinetime::Applications::WatchFace face) { if (face != settings.watchFace) { settingsChanged = true; } settings.watchFace = face; }; Pinetime::Applications::WatchFace GetWatchFace() const { return settings.watchFace; }; void SetChimeOption(ChimesOption chimeOption) { if (chimeOption != settings.chimesOption) { settingsChanged = true; } settings.chimesOption = chimeOption; }; ChimesOption GetChimeOption() const { return settings.chimesOption; }; void SetPTSColorTime(Colors colorTime) { if (colorTime != settings.PTS.ColorTime) settingsChanged = true; settings.PTS.ColorTime = colorTime; }; Colors GetPTSColorTime() const { return settings.PTS.ColorTime; }; void SetPTSColorBar(Colors colorBar) { if (colorBar != settings.PTS.ColorBar) settingsChanged = true; settings.PTS.ColorBar = colorBar; }; Colors GetPTSColorBar() const { return settings.PTS.ColorBar; }; void SetPTSColorBG(Colors colorBG) { if (colorBG != settings.PTS.ColorBG) settingsChanged = true; settings.PTS.ColorBG = colorBG; }; Colors GetPTSColorBG() const { return settings.PTS.ColorBG; }; void SetInfineatShowSideCover(bool show) { if (show != settings.watchFaceInfineat.showSideCover) { settings.watchFaceInfineat.showSideCover = show; settingsChanged = true; } }; bool GetInfineatShowSideCover() const { return settings.watchFaceInfineat.showSideCover; }; void SetInfineatColorIndex(int index) { if (index != settings.watchFaceInfineat.colorIndex) { settings.watchFaceInfineat.colorIndex = index; settingsChanged = true; } }; int GetInfineatColorIndex() const { return settings.watchFaceInfineat.colorIndex; }; void SetPTSGaugeStyle(PTSGaugeStyle gaugeStyle) { if (gaugeStyle != settings.PTS.gaugeStyle) settingsChanged = true; settings.PTS.gaugeStyle = gaugeStyle; }; PTSGaugeStyle GetPTSGaugeStyle() const { return settings.PTS.gaugeStyle; }; void SetPTSWeather(PTSWeather weatherEnable) { if (weatherEnable != settings.PTS.weatherEnable) settingsChanged = true; settings.PTS.weatherEnable = weatherEnable; }; PTSWeather GetPTSWeather() const { return settings.PTS.weatherEnable; }; void SetAppMenu(uint8_t menu) { appMenu = menu; }; uint8_t GetAppMenu() const { return appMenu; }; void SetSettingsMenu(uint8_t menu) { settingsMenu = menu; }; uint8_t GetSettingsMenu() const { return settingsMenu; }; void SetClockType(ClockType clocktype) { if (clocktype != settings.clockType) { settingsChanged = true; } settings.clockType = clocktype; }; ClockType GetClockType() const { return settings.clockType; }; void SetWeatherFormat(WeatherFormat weatherFormat) { if (weatherFormat != settings.weatherFormat) { settingsChanged = true; } settings.weatherFormat = weatherFormat; }; WeatherFormat GetWeatherFormat() const { return settings.weatherFormat; }; void SetNotificationStatus(Notification status) { if (status != settings.notificationStatus) { settingsChanged = true; } settings.notificationStatus = status; }; Notification GetNotificationStatus() const { return settings.notificationStatus; }; void SetScreenTimeOut(uint32_t timeout) { if (timeout != settings.screenTimeOut) { settingsChanged = true; } settings.screenTimeOut = timeout; }; uint32_t GetScreenTimeOut() const { return settings.screenTimeOut; }; bool GetAlwaysOnDisplay() const { return settings.alwaysOnDisplay && GetNotificationStatus() != Notification::Sleep; }; void SetAlwaysOnDisplaySetting(bool state) { if (state != settings.alwaysOnDisplay) { settingsChanged = true; } settings.alwaysOnDisplay = state; } bool GetAlwaysOnDisplaySetting() const { return settings.alwaysOnDisplay; } void SetShakeThreshold(uint16_t thresh) { if (settings.shakeWakeThreshold != thresh) { settings.shakeWakeThreshold = thresh; settingsChanged = true; } } int16_t GetShakeThreshold() const { return settings.shakeWakeThreshold; } void setWakeUpMode(WakeUpMode wakeUp, bool enabled) { if (enabled != isWakeUpModeOn(wakeUp)) { settingsChanged = true; } settings.wakeUpMode.set(static_cast(wakeUp), enabled); // Handle special behavior if (enabled) { switch (wakeUp) { case WakeUpMode::SingleTap: settings.wakeUpMode.set(static_cast(WakeUpMode::DoubleTap), false); break; case WakeUpMode::DoubleTap: settings.wakeUpMode.set(static_cast(WakeUpMode::SingleTap), false); break; default: break; } } }; std::bitset<5> getWakeUpModes() const { return settings.wakeUpMode; } bool isWakeUpModeOn(const WakeUpMode mode) const { return getWakeUpModes()[static_cast(mode)]; } void SetBrightness(Controllers::BrightnessController::Levels level) { if (level != settings.brightLevel) { settingsChanged = true; } settings.brightLevel = level; }; Controllers::BrightnessController::Levels GetBrightness() const { return settings.brightLevel; }; void SetStepsGoal(uint32_t goal) { if (goal != settings.stepsGoal) { settingsChanged = true; } settings.stepsGoal = goal; }; uint32_t GetStepsGoal() const { return settings.stepsGoal; }; void SetLocation(Location loc) { if ( loc.latitude != settings.location.latitude || loc.longitude != settings.location.longitude || loc.tzOffset != settings.location.tzOffset ) { settingsChanged = true; } settings.location = loc; }; Location GetLocation() const { return settings.location; }; void SetBleRadioEnabled(bool enabled) { bleRadioEnabled = enabled; }; bool GetBleRadioEnabled() const { return bleRadioEnabled; }; private: Pinetime::Controllers::FS& fs; static constexpr uint32_t settingsVersion = 0x0008; struct SettingsData { uint32_t version = settingsVersion; uint32_t stepsGoal = 10000; uint32_t screenTimeOut = 15000; bool alwaysOnDisplay = false; ClockType clockType = ClockType::H24; WeatherFormat weatherFormat = WeatherFormat::Metric; Notification notificationStatus = Notification::On; Pinetime::Applications::WatchFace watchFace = Pinetime::Applications::WatchFace::Analog; //Digital ChimesOption chimesOption = ChimesOption::None; PineTimeStyle PTS; WatchFaceInfineat watchFaceInfineat; std::bitset<5> wakeUpMode {0}; uint16_t shakeWakeThreshold = 150; Controllers::BrightnessController::Levels brightLevel = Controllers::BrightnessController::Levels::Medium; Location location = {(int16_t)44,(int16_t)-123,(int8_t)-8}; }; SettingsData settings; bool settingsChanged = false; uint8_t appMenu = 0; uint8_t settingsMenu = 0; uint8_t watchFacesMenu = 0; /* ble state is intentionally not saved with the other watch settings and initialized * to off (false) on every boot because we always want ble to be enabled on startup */ bool bleRadioEnabled = true; void LoadSettingsFromFile(); void SaveSettingsToFile(); }; } }