""" ECDSA key management """ from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes import SHA256 from .general import KeyClass class ECDSAUsageError(Exception): pass class ECDSA256P1Public(KeyClass): def __init__(self, key): self.key = key def shortname(self): return "ecdsa" def _unsupported(self, name): raise ECDSAUsageError("Operation {} requires private key".format(name)) def _get_public(self): return self.key def get_public_bytes(self): # The key is embedded into MBUboot in "SubjectPublicKeyInfo" format return self._get_public().public_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.DER, format=serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo) def get_private_bytes(self, minimal): self._unsupported('get_private_bytes') def export_private(self, path, passwd=None): self._unsupported('export_private') def export_public(self, path): """Write the public key to the given file.""" pem = self._get_public().public_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, format=serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo) with open(path, 'wb') as f: f.write(pem) def sig_type(self): return "ECDSA256_SHA256" def sig_tlv(self): return "ECDSA256" def sig_len(self): # Early versions of MCUboot (< v1.5.0) required ECDSA # signatures to be padded to 72 bytes. Because the DER # encoding is done with signed integers, the size of the # signature will vary depending on whether the high bit is set # in each value. This padding was done in a # not-easily-reversible way (by just adding zeros). # # The signing code no longer requires this padding, and newer # versions of MCUboot don't require it. But, continue to # return the total length so that the padding can be done if # requested. return 72 def verify(self, signature, payload): # strip possible paddings added during sign signature = signature[:signature[1] + 2] k = self.key if isinstance(self.key, ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey): k = self.key.public_key() return k.verify(signature=signature, data=payload, signature_algorithm=ec.ECDSA(SHA256())) class ECDSA256P1(ECDSA256P1Public): """ Wrapper around an ECDSA private key. """ def __init__(self, key): """key should be an instance of EllipticCurvePrivateKey""" self.key = key self.pad_sig = False @staticmethod def generate(): pk = ec.generate_private_key( ec.SECP256R1(), backend=default_backend()) return ECDSA256P1(pk) def _get_public(self): return self.key.public_key() def _build_minimal_ecdsa_privkey(self, der): ''' Builds a new DER that only includes the EC private key, removing the public key that is added as an "optional" BITSTRING. ''' offset_PUB = 68 EXCEPTION_TEXT = "Error parsing ecdsa key. Please submit an issue!" if der[offset_PUB] != 0xa1: raise ECDSAUsageError(EXCEPTION_TEXT) len_PUB = der[offset_PUB + 1] b = bytearray(der[:-offset_PUB]) offset_SEQ = 29 if b[offset_SEQ] != 0x30: raise ECDSAUsageError(EXCEPTION_TEXT) b[offset_SEQ + 1] -= len_PUB offset_OCT_STR = 27 if b[offset_OCT_STR] != 0x04: raise ECDSAUsageError(EXCEPTION_TEXT) b[offset_OCT_STR + 1] -= len_PUB if b[0] != 0x30 or b[1] != 0x81: raise ECDSAUsageError(EXCEPTION_TEXT) b[2] -= len_PUB return b def get_private_bytes(self, minimal): priv = self.key.private_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.DER, format=serialization.PrivateFormat.PKCS8, encryption_algorithm=serialization.NoEncryption()) if minimal: priv = self._build_minimal_ecdsa_privkey(priv) return priv def export_private(self, path, passwd=None): """Write the private key to the given file, protecting it with the optional password.""" if passwd is None: enc = serialization.NoEncryption() else: enc = serialization.BestAvailableEncryption(passwd) pem = self.key.private_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, format=serialization.PrivateFormat.PKCS8, encryption_algorithm=enc) with open(path, 'wb') as f: f.write(pem) def raw_sign(self, payload): """Return the actual signature""" return self.key.sign( data=payload, signature_algorithm=ec.ECDSA(SHA256())) def sign(self, payload): sig = self.raw_sign(payload) if self.pad_sig: # To make fixed length, pad with one or two zeros. sig += b'\000' * (self.sig_len() - len(sig)) return sig else: return sig