/* Copyright (C) 2020-2021 JF, Adam Pigg, Avamander
This file is part of InfiniTime.
InfiniTime is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
InfiniTime is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
#pragma once
#define min // workaround: nimble's min/max macros conflict with libstdc++
#define max
#undef max
#undef min
namespace Pinetime {
namespace Controllers {
class NimbleController;
class MusicService {
explicit MusicService(NimbleController& nimble);
void Init();
int OnCommand(struct ble_gatt_access_ctxt* ctxt);
void event(char event);
std::string getArtist() const;
std::string getTrack() const;
std::string getAlbum() const;
int getProgress() const;
int getTrackLength() const;
float getPlaybackSpeed() const;
bool isPlaying() const;
static const char EVENT_MUSIC_OPEN = 0xe0;
static const char EVENT_MUSIC_PLAY = 0x00;
static const char EVENT_MUSIC_PAUSE = 0x01;
static const char EVENT_MUSIC_NEXT = 0x03;
static const char EVENT_MUSIC_PREV = 0x04;
static const char EVENT_MUSIC_VOLUP = 0x05;
static const char EVENT_MUSIC_VOLDOWN = 0x06;
enum MusicStatus { NotPlaying = 0x00, Playing = 0x01 };
struct ble_gatt_chr_def characteristicDefinition[14];
struct ble_gatt_svc_def serviceDefinition[2];
uint16_t eventHandle {};
std::string artistName {"Waiting for"};
std::string albumName {};
std::string trackName {"track information.."};
bool playing {false};
int trackProgress {0};
int trackLength {0};
int trackNumber {};
int tracksTotal {};
TickType_t trackProgressUpdateTime {0};
float playbackSpeed {1.0f};
bool repeat {false};
bool shuffle {false};
NimbleController& nimble;