""" Tests for RSA keys """ import io import os import sys import tempfile import unittest from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding import PSS, MGF1 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes import SHA256 # Setup sys path so 'imgtool' is in it. sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..'))) from imgtool.keys import load, RSA, RSAUsageError from imgtool.keys.rsa import RSA_KEY_SIZES class KeyGeneration(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.test_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() def tname(self, base): return os.path.join(self.test_dir.name, base) def tearDown(self): self.test_dir.cleanup() def test_keygen(self): # Try generating a RSA key with non-supported size with self.assertRaises(RSAUsageError): RSA.generate(key_size=1024) for key_size in RSA_KEY_SIZES: name1 = self.tname("keygen.pem") k = RSA.generate(key_size=key_size) k.export_private(name1, b'secret') # Try loading the key without a password. self.assertIsNone(load(name1)) k2 = load(name1, b'secret') pubname = self.tname('keygen-pub.pem') k2.export_public(pubname) pk2 = load(pubname) # We should be able to export the public key from the loaded # public key, but not the private key. pk2.export_public(self.tname('keygen-pub2.pem')) self.assertRaises(RSAUsageError, pk2.export_private, self.tname('keygen-priv2.pem')) def test_emit(self): """Basic sanity check on the code emitters.""" for key_size in RSA_KEY_SIZES: k = RSA.generate(key_size=key_size) ccode = io.StringIO() k.emit_c_public(ccode) self.assertIn("rsa_pub_key", ccode.getvalue()) self.assertIn("rsa_pub_key_len", ccode.getvalue()) rustcode = io.StringIO() k.emit_rust_public(rustcode) self.assertIn("RSA_PUB_KEY", rustcode.getvalue()) def test_emit_pub(self): """Basic sanity check on the code emitters, from public key.""" pubname = self.tname("public.pem") for key_size in RSA_KEY_SIZES: k = RSA.generate(key_size=key_size) k.export_public(pubname) k2 = load(pubname) ccode = io.StringIO() k2.emit_c_public(ccode) self.assertIn("rsa_pub_key", ccode.getvalue()) self.assertIn("rsa_pub_key_len", ccode.getvalue()) rustcode = io.StringIO() k2.emit_rust_public(rustcode) self.assertIn("RSA_PUB_KEY", rustcode.getvalue()) def test_sig(self): for key_size in RSA_KEY_SIZES: k = RSA.generate(key_size=key_size) buf = b'This is the message' sig = k.sign(buf) # The code doesn't have any verification, so verify this # manually. k.key.public_key().verify( signature=sig, data=buf, padding=PSS(mgf=MGF1(SHA256()), salt_length=32), algorithm=SHA256()) # Modify the message to make sure the signature fails. self.assertRaises(InvalidSignature, k.key.public_key().verify, signature=sig, data=b'This is thE message', padding=PSS(mgf=MGF1(SHA256()), salt_length=32), algorithm=SHA256()) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()