Jean-François Milants 25f35c7d0e Generate pinetime-recovery : a light version of InfiniTime design to be used as a recovery firmware : it only provides basic UI and BLE connectivity for OTA.
This new FW is build on the same codebasse than the actual InfiniTime. Only the display task is different (this allows to remove lvgl from the recovery fw, which is very heavy).

CMake builds and docker have been modified accordingly.
Note than the fw is converted into an image and then into a DFU in the cmake build (previously, it was only done in the
2021-01-26 20:31:45 +01:00

353 lines
13 KiB

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2017-2020 Linaro Limited
# Copyright 2019-2020 Arm Limited
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import re
import click
import getpass
import imgtool.keys as keys
import sys
from imgtool import image, imgtool_version
from imgtool.version import decode_version
from .keys import (
RSAUsageError, ECDSAUsageError, Ed25519UsageError, X25519UsageError)
if sys.version_info < MIN_PYTHON_VERSION:
sys.exit("Python %s.%s or newer is required by imgtool."
def gen_rsa2048(keyfile, passwd):
keys.RSA.generate().export_private(path=keyfile, passwd=passwd)
def gen_rsa3072(keyfile, passwd):
def gen_ecdsa_p256(keyfile, passwd):
keys.ECDSA256P1.generate().export_private(keyfile, passwd=passwd)
def gen_ecdsa_p224(keyfile, passwd):
print("TODO: p-224 not yet implemented")
def gen_ed25519(keyfile, passwd):
keys.Ed25519.generate().export_private(path=keyfile, passwd=passwd)
def gen_x25519(keyfile, passwd):
keys.X25519.generate().export_private(path=keyfile, passwd=passwd)
valid_langs = ['c', 'rust']
keygens = {
'rsa-2048': gen_rsa2048,
'rsa-3072': gen_rsa3072,
'ecdsa-p256': gen_ecdsa_p256,
'ecdsa-p224': gen_ecdsa_p224,
'ed25519': gen_ed25519,
'x25519': gen_x25519,
def load_key(keyfile):
# TODO: better handling of invalid pass-phrase
key = keys.load(keyfile)
if key is not None:
return key
passwd = getpass.getpass("Enter key passphrase: ").encode('utf-8')
return keys.load(keyfile, passwd)
def get_password():
while True:
passwd = getpass.getpass("Enter key passphrase: ")
passwd2 = getpass.getpass("Reenter passphrase: ")
if passwd == passwd2:
print("Passwords do not match, try again")
# Password must be bytes, always use UTF-8 for consistent
# encoding.
return passwd.encode('utf-8')
@click.option('-p', '--password', is_flag=True,
help='Prompt for password to protect key')
@click.option('-t', '--type', metavar='type', required=True,
type=click.Choice(keygens.keys()), prompt=True,
help='{}'.format('One of: {}'.format(', '.join(keygens.keys()))))
@click.option('-k', '--key', metavar='filename', required=True)
@click.command(help='Generate pub/private keypair')
def keygen(type, key, password):
password = get_password() if password else None
keygens[type](key, password)
@click.option('-l', '--lang', metavar='lang', default=valid_langs[0],
@click.option('-k', '--key', metavar='filename', required=True)
@click.command(help='Dump public key from keypair')
def getpub(key, lang):
key = load_key(key)
if key is None:
print("Invalid passphrase")
elif lang == 'c':
elif lang == 'rust':
raise ValueError("BUG: should never get here!")
@click.option('--minimal', default=False, is_flag=True,
help='Reduce the size of the dumped private key to include only '
'the minimum amount of data required to decrypt. This '
'might require changes to the build config. Check the docs!'
@click.option('-k', '--key', metavar='filename', required=True)
@click.command(help='Dump private key from keypair')
def getpriv(key, minimal):
key = load_key(key)
if key is None:
print("Invalid passphrase")
except (RSAUsageError, ECDSAUsageError, Ed25519UsageError,
X25519UsageError) as e:
raise click.UsageError(e)
@click.option('-k', '--key', metavar='filename')
@click.command(help="Check that signed image can be verified by given key")
def verify(key, imgfile):
key = load_key(key) if key else None
ret, version = image.Image.verify(imgfile, key)
if ret == image.VerifyResult.OK:
print("Image was correctly validated")
print("Image version: {}.{}.{}+{}".format(*version))
elif ret == image.VerifyResult.INVALID_MAGIC:
print("Invalid image magic; is this an MCUboot image?")
elif ret == image.VerifyResult.INVALID_TLV_INFO_MAGIC:
print("Invalid TLV info magic; is this an MCUboot image?")
elif ret == image.VerifyResult.INVALID_HASH:
print("Image has an invalid sha256 digest")
elif ret == image.VerifyResult.INVALID_SIGNATURE:
print("No signature found for the given key")
print("Unknown return code: {}".format(ret))
def validate_version(ctx, param, value):
return value
except ValueError as e:
raise click.BadParameter("{}".format(e))
def validate_security_counter(ctx, param, value):
if value is not None:
if value.lower() == 'auto':
return 'auto'
return int(value, 0)
except ValueError:
raise click.BadParameter(
"{} is not a valid integer. Please use code literals "
"prefixed with 0b/0B, 0o/0O, or 0x/0X as necessary."
def validate_header_size(ctx, param, value):
min_hdr_size = image.IMAGE_HEADER_SIZE
if value < min_hdr_size:
raise click.BadParameter(
"Minimum value for -H/--header-size is {}".format(min_hdr_size))
return value
def get_dependencies(ctx, param, value):
if value is not None:
versions = []
images = re.findall(r"\((\d+)", value)
if len(images) == 0:
raise click.BadParameter(
"Image dependency format is invalid: {}".format(value))
raw_versions = re.findall(r",\s*([0-9.+]+)\)", value)
if len(images) != len(raw_versions):
raise click.BadParameter(
'''There's a mismatch between the number of dependency images
and versions in: {}'''.format(value))
for raw_version in raw_versions:
except ValueError as e:
raise click.BadParameter("{}".format(e))
dependencies = dict()
dependencies[image.DEP_IMAGES_KEY] = images
dependencies[image.DEP_VERSIONS_KEY] = versions
return dependencies
class BasedIntParamType(click.ParamType):
name = 'integer'
def convert(self, value, param, ctx):
return int(value, 0)
except ValueError:'%s is not a valid integer. Please use code literals '
'prefixed with 0b/0B, 0o/0O, or 0x/0X as necessary.'
% value, param, ctx)
@click.option('-R', '--erased-val', type=click.Choice(['0', '0xff']),
help='The value that is read back from erased flash.')
@click.option('-x', '--hex-addr', type=BasedIntParamType(), required=False,
help='Adjust address in hex output file.')
@click.option('-L', '--load-addr', type=BasedIntParamType(), required=False,
help='Load address for image when it should run from RAM.')
@click.option('--save-enctlv', default=False, is_flag=True,
help='When upgrading, save encrypted key TLVs instead of plain '
'keys. Enable when BOOT_SWAP_SAVE_ENCTLV config option '
'was set.')
@click.option('-E', '--encrypt', metavar='filename',
help='Encrypt image using the provided public key')
@click.option('-e', '--endian', type=click.Choice(['little', 'big']),
default='little', help="Select little or big endian")
@click.option('--overwrite-only', default=False, is_flag=True,
help='Use overwrite-only instead of swap upgrades')
@click.option('--boot-record', metavar='sw_type', help='Create CBOR encoded '
'boot record TLV. The sw_type represents the role of the '
'software component (e.g. CoFM for coprocessor firmware). '
'[max. 12 characters]')
@click.option('-M', '--max-sectors', type=int,
help='When padding allow for this amount of sectors (defaults '
'to 128)')
@click.option('--confirm', default=False, is_flag=True,
help='When padding the image, mark it as confirmed')
@click.option('--pad', default=False, is_flag=True,
help='Pad image to --slot-size bytes, adding trailer magic')
@click.option('-S', '--slot-size', type=BasedIntParamType(), required=True,
help='Size of the slot where the image will be written')
@click.option('--pad-header', default=False, is_flag=True,
help='Add --header-size zeroed bytes at the beginning of the '
@click.option('-H', '--header-size', callback=validate_header_size,
type=BasedIntParamType(), required=True)
@click.option('--pad-sig', default=False, is_flag=True,
help='Add 0-2 bytes of padding to ECDSA signature '
'(for mcuboot <1.5)')
@click.option('-d', '--dependencies', callback=get_dependencies,
required=False, help='''Add dependence on another image, format:
"(<image_ID>,<image_version>), ... "''')
@click.option('-s', '--security-counter', callback=validate_security_counter,
help='Specify the value of security counter. Use the `auto` '
'keyword to automatically generate it from the image version.')
@click.option('-v', '--version', callback=validate_version, required=True)
@click.option('--align', type=click.Choice(['1', '2', '4', '8']),
@click.option('--public-key-format', type=click.Choice(['hash', 'full']),
default='hash', help='In what format to add the public key to '
'the image manifest: full key or hash of the key.')
@click.option('-k', '--key', metavar='filename')
@click.command(help='''Create a signed or unsigned image\n
INFILE and OUTFILE are parsed as Intel HEX if the params have
.hex extension, otherwise binary format is used''')
def sign(key, public_key_format, align, version, pad_sig, header_size,
pad_header, slot_size, pad, confirm, max_sectors, overwrite_only,
endian, encrypt, infile, outfile, dependencies, load_addr, hex_addr,
erased_val, save_enctlv, security_counter, boot_record):
img = image.Image(version=decode_version(version), header_size=header_size,
pad_header=pad_header, pad=pad, confirm=confirm,
align=int(align), slot_size=slot_size,
max_sectors=max_sectors, overwrite_only=overwrite_only,
endian=endian, load_addr=load_addr, erased_val=erased_val,
key = load_key(key) if key else None
enckey = load_key(encrypt) if encrypt else None
if enckey and key:
if ((isinstance(key, keys.ECDSA256P1) and
not isinstance(enckey, keys.ECDSA256P1Public))
or (isinstance(key, keys.RSA) and
not isinstance(enckey, keys.RSAPublic))):
raise click.UsageError("Signing and encryption must use the same "
"type of key")
if pad_sig and hasattr(key, 'pad_sig'):
key.pad_sig = True
img.create(key, public_key_format, enckey, dependencies, boot_record), hex_addr)
class AliasesGroup(click.Group):
_aliases = {
"create": "sign",
def list_commands(self, ctx):
cmds = [k for k in self.commands]
aliases = [k for k in self._aliases]
return sorted(cmds + aliases)
def get_command(self, ctx, cmd_name):
rv = click.Group.get_command(self, ctx, cmd_name)
if rv is not None:
return rv
if cmd_name in self._aliases:
return click.Group.get_command(self, ctx, self._aliases[cmd_name])
return None
@click.command(help='Print imgtool version information')
def version():
context_settings=dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help']))
def imgtool():
if __name__ == '__main__':