# Dropbox Adapter for Dropbox. In order to use it, you should add `dropbox-php/dropbox-php` as your composer dependency. ## Parameters * `api_id` The id of the service that provides Dropbox API access. ## Example > In order to get a Dropbox token and token_secret, you need to add a new Dropbox App in your account, and then you'll need to go through the oAuth authorization process ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: adapters: foo: dropbox: api_id: acme_test.dropbox.api ``` In your AcmeTestBundle, add following service definitions: ``` yaml # src/Acme/TestBundle/Resources/config/services.yml parameters: acme_test.dropbox.key: my_consumer_key acme_test.dropbox.secret: my_consumer_secret acme_test.dropbox.token: some_token acme_test.dropbox.token_secret: some_token_secret services: acme_test.dropbox.oauth: class: Dropbox_OAuth_Curl arguments: [%acme_test.dropbox.key%, %acme_test.dropbox.secret%] calls: - [setToken, ["%acme_test.dropbox.token%", "%acme_test.dropbox.token_secret%"]] acme_test.dropbox.api: class: Dropbox_API arguments: [@acme_test.dropbox.oauth, "sandbox"] ```