# Phpseclib Sftp Adapter for phpseclib SFTP (SSH-FTP). ## Parameters * `phpseclib_sftp_id` The id of the service that provides SFTP access. * `directory` The remote directory *(default null)*. * `create` Whether to create the directory if it does not exist *(default false)*. ## Example ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: adapters: foo: phpseclib_sftp: phpseclib_sftp_id: acme_test.sftp directory: /example/sftp create: true ``` In your AcmeTestBundle, add following service definitions: ``` yaml # src/Acme/TestBundle/Resources/config/services.yml parameters: acme_test.ssh.host: my_host_name acme_test.ssh.username: user_name acme_test.ssh.password: some_secret services: acme_test.sftp: class: Net_SFTP arguments: [%acme_test.ssh.host%] calls: - [login, [%acme_test.ssh.username%, %acme_test.ssh.password%]] ```