# Amazon S3 SDK v2 Adapter for Amazon S3 SDK v2. ## Parameters * `service_id` The service id of the `Aws\S3\S3Client` to use. *(required)* * `bucket_name` The name of the S3 bucket to use. *(required)* * `options` A list of additional options passed to the adapter. * `create` Whether to create the bucket if it doesn't exist. *(default false)* * `directory` A directory to operate in. *(default '')* This directory will be created in the root of the bucket and all files will be read and written there. ## Defining services An example service definition of the `Aws\S3\S3Client`: ```yaml services: acme.aws_s3.client: class: Aws\S3\S3Client factory_class: Aws\S3\S3Client factory_method: 'factory' arguments: - key: %amazon_s3.key% secret: %amazon_s3.secret% region: %amazon_s3.region% ``` ## Example Once the service is set up use its key as the `service_id` in the gaufrette configuration: ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: adapters: profile_photos: aws_s3: service_id: 'acme.aws_s3.client' bucket_name: 'images' options: directory: 'profile_photos' ```