Gaufrette Bundle ================ Provides a [Gaufrette][gaufrette-homepage] integration for your Symfony projects. About Gaufrette --------------- Gaufrette is a PHP 5.3+ library providing a filesystem abstraction layer. This abstraction layer allows you to develop applications without needing to know where all their media files will be stored or how. Documentation is available the [official page of Gaufrette][gaufrette-homepage]. Installation ------------ ## Prerequisites As this bundle is an integration for Symfony of the [Gaufrette][gaufrette-homepage] library, it requires you to first install [Gaufrette][gaufrette-homepage] in a Symfony project. ## With composer This bundle can be installed using [composer]( by adding the following in the `require` section of your `composer.json` file: ``` json "require": { ... "knplabs/knp-gaufrette-bundle": "*@dev" }, ``` ## Register the bundle You must register the bundle in your kernel: ``` php get('knp_gaufrette.filesystem_map')->get('bar'); ``` Returns the `bar` instance of `Gaufrette\Filesystem`. Adapters Reference ------------------ ## Local Adapter (local) A simple local filesystem based adapter. ### Parameters * `directory` The directory of the filesystem *(required)* * `create` Whether to create the directory if it does not exist *(default true)* ### Example ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: adapters: foo: local: directory: /path/to/my/filesystem create: true ``` ## Safe Local Adapter (safe\_local) Almost as simple as the **local** adapter, but it encodes key to avoid having to deal with the directories structure. ### Parameters * `directory` The directory of the filesystem *(required)* * `create` Whether to create the directory if it does not exist *(default true)* ### Example ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: adapters: foo: safe_local: directory: /path/to/my/filesystem create: true ``` ## Service (service) Allows you to use a user defined adapter service. ### Parameters * `id` The id of the service *(required)* ### Example ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: adapters: foo: service: id: my.adapter.service ``` ## In Memory (in\_memory) Adapter for test purposes, it stores files in an internal array. ### Parameters * `files` An array of files *(optional)* The `files` is an array of files where each file is a sub-array having the `content`, `checksum` and `mtime` optional keys. ### Example ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: adapters: foo: in_memory: files: 'file1.txt': ~ 'file2.txt': content: Some content checksum: abc1efg2hij3 mtime: 123456890123 ``` ## Azure Blob Storage (azure\_blob\_storage) Adapter for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage service. To use this adapter you need to install the [Azure SDK for php]( into your project. Further more you need a valid *connection string* and you must define a Blob Proxy factory service with it. You can use the default `\Gaufrette\Adapter\AzureBlobStorage\BlobProxyFactory` this way: ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml services: azure_blob_proxy_factory: class: Gaufrette\Adapter\AzureBlobStorage\BlobProxyFactory arguments: [%azure_blob_storage_connection_string%] ``` You must set the parameter `azure_blob_storage_connection_string` to contain your windows azure blob storage connection string. You can retrieve your connection string in your [Windows Azure management console]( ### Parameters * `blob_proxy_factory_id` Reference to the blob proxy factory service * `container_name` The name of the container * `create_container` Boolean value that indicates whether to create the container if it does not exists (*optional*: default *false*) * `detect_content_type` Boolean value that indicates whether to auto determinate and set the content type on new blobs (*optional*: default *true*) ### Example ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: adapters: foo: azure_blob_storage: blob_proxy_factory_id: azure_blob_proxy_factory container_name: my_container create_container: true ``` ## GridFS (gridfs) Adapter that allows you to use a MongoDB GridFS for storing files. ### Parameters * `mongogridfs_id` The id of the service that provides MongoGridFS object instance for adapter *(required)* ### Example ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: adapters: foo: gridfs: mongogridfs_id: acme_test.gridfs ``` In your AcmeTestBundle, add following service definitions: ``` yaml # src/Acme/TestBundle/Resources/config/services.yml parameters: acme_test.mongo.server: "mongodb://localhost:27017" acme_test.mongo.options: connect: true "test_database" acme_test.gridfs.prefix: "fs" #Default services: acme_test.mongo: class: Mongo arguments: [%acme_test.mongo.server%, %acme_test.mongo.options%] acme_test.mongodb: class: MongoDB arguments: [@acme_test.mongo,] acme_test.gridfs: class: MongoGridFS arguments: [@acme_test.mongodb, %acme_test.gridfs.prefix%] ``` Note that it is possible to prepare MongoGridFS service any way you like. This is just one way to do it. ## MogileFS (mogilefs) Adapter that allows you to use MogileFS for storing files. ### Parameters * `domain` MogileFS domain * `hosts` Available trackers ### Example ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: adapters: foo: mogilefs: domain: foobar hosts: ["", ""] ``` ## Ftp (ftp) Adapter for FTP. ### Parameters * `directory` The remote directory *(required)* * `host` FTP host *(required)* * `username` FTP username *(default null)* * `password` FTP password *(default null)* * `port` FTP port *(default 21)* * `passive` FTP passive mode *(default false)* * `create` Whether to create the directory if it does not exist *(default false)* * `mode` FTP transfer mode *(defaut FTP_ASCII)* ### Example ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: adapters: foo: ftp: host: username: user password: pass directory: /example/ftp create: true mode: FTP_BINARY ``` ## Sftp (sftp) Adapter for SFTP (SSH-FTP). ### Parameters * `sftp_id` The id of the service that provides SFTP access. * `directory` The remote directory *(default null)*. * `create` Whether to create the directory if it does not exist *(default false)*. ### Example ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: adapters: foo: sftp: sftp_id: acme_test.sftp directory: /example/sftp create: true ``` In your AcmeTestBundle, add following service definitions: ``` yaml # src/Acme/TestBundle/Resources/config/services.yml parameters: my_host_name acme_test.ssh.username: user_name acme_test.ssh.password: some_secret services: acme_test.ssh.configuration: class: Ssh\Configuration arguments: [] acme_test.ssh.authentication: class: Ssh\Authentication\Password arguments: [%acme_test.ssh.username%, %acme_test.ssh.password%] acme_test.ssh.session: class: Ssh\Session arguments: [@acme_test.ssh.configuration, @acme_test.ssh.authentication] acme_test.sftp: class: Ssh\Sftp arguments: [@acme_test.ssh.session] ``` ## Apc (apc) Adapter for APC. A non-persistent adapter, use it in the dev environment, in demo sites, ... ### Parameters * `prefix` The prefix to this filesystem (APC 'namespace', it is recommended that this end in a dot '.') *(required)* * `ttl` Time to live *(default 0)* ### Example ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: adapters: foo: apc: prefix: APC 'namespace' prefix ttl: 0 ``` ## Amazon S3 (amazon_s3) Adapter to connect to Amazon S3 instances. This adapter requires the use of amazonwebservices/aws-sdk-for-php which can be installed by adding the following line to your composer.json: ``` "require": { ... "amazonwebservices/aws-sdk-for-php": "1.6.2" }, ``` ### Parameters * `amazon_s3_id`: the id of the AmazonS3 service used for the underlying connection * `bucket_name`: the name of the bucket to use * `options`: additional (optional) settings * `directory`: the directory to use, within the specified bucket * `region` * `create` ### Defining services To use the Amazon S3 adapter you need to provide a valid `AmazonS3` instance (as defined in the Amazon SDK). This can easily be set up as using Symfony's service configuration: ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml services: amazonS3: class: AmazonS3 arguments: options: key: '%aws_key%' secret: '%aws_secret_key%' ``` ### Example Once the service is set up use its key as the amazon_s3_id in the gaufrette configuration: ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: adapters: foo: amazon_s3: amazon_s3_id: amazonS3 bucket_name: foo_bucket options: directory: foo_directory ``` Note that the SDK seems to have some issues with bucket names with dots in them, e.g. "com.mycompany.bucket" seems to have issues but "com-mycompany-bucket" works. ## AwsS3 Adapter for Amazon S3 SDK v2. ### Parameters * `service_id` The service id of the `Aws\S3\S3Client` to use. *(required)* * `bucket_name` The name of the S3 bucket to use. *(required)* * `options` A list of additional options passed to the adapter. * `create` Whether to create the bucket if it doesn't exist. *(default false)* * `directory` A directory to operate in. *(default '')* This directory will be created in the root of the bucket and all files will be read and written there. ### Defining services An example service definition of the `Aws\S3\S3Client`: ```yaml services: acme.aws_s3.client: class: Aws\S3\S3Client factory_class: Aws\S3\S3Client factory_method: 'factory' arguments: - key: %amazon_s3.key% secret: %amazon_s3.secret% region: %amazon_s3.region% ``` ### Example Once the service is set up use its key as the `service_id` in the gaufrette configuration: ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: adapters: profile_photos: aws_s3: service_id: 'acme.aws_s3.client' bucket_name: 'images' options: directory: 'profile_photos' ``` ## Open Cloud (opencloud) Adapter for OpenCloud (Rackspace) ### Parameters * `object_store_id`: the id of the object store service * `container_name`: the name of the container to use * `create_container`: if `true` will create the container if it doesn't exist *(default `false`)* * `detect_content_type`: if `true` will detect the content type for each file *(default `true`)* ### Defining services To use the OpenCloud adapter you should provide a valid `ObjectStore` instance. You can retrieve an instance through the `OpenCloud\OpenStack` or `OpenCloud\Rackspace` instances. We can provide a comprehensive configuration through the Symfony DIC configuration. #### Define OpenStack/Rackspace service Generic OpenStack: ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml services: opencloud.connection: class: OpenCloud\OpenStack arguments: - %openstack_identity_url% - {username: %openstack_username%, password: %openstack_password%, tenantName: %openstack_tenant_name%} ``` HPCloud: ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml services: opencloud.connection.hpcloud: class: OpenCloud\OpenStack arguments: - '' // check for identities urls - {username: %hpcloud_username%, password: %hpcloud_password%, tenantName: %hpcloud_tenant_name%} ``` The username and password are your login credentials, not the api key. Your tenantName is your Project Name on the api keys page. Rackspace: ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml services: opencloud.connection.rackspace: class: OpenCloud\Rackspace arguments: - '' - {username: %rackspace_username%, apiKey: %rackspace_apikey%} ``` #### Define ObjectStore service HPCloud: ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml services: opencloud.object_store: class: OpenCloud\ObjectStoreBase factory_service: opencloud.connection.hpcloud factory_method: ObjectStore arguments: - 'Object Storage' # Object storage type - 'region-a.geo-1' # Object storage region - 'publicURL' # url type ``` Rackspace: ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml services: opencloud.object_store: class: OpenCloud\ObjectStoreBase factory_service: opencloud.connection factory_method: ObjectStore arguments: - 'cloudFiles' # Object storage type - 'DFW' # Object storage region - 'publicURL' # url type ``` ### Example Finally you can define your adapter in configuration: ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: adapters: foo: opencloud: object_store_id: opencloud.object_store container_name: foo ``` ## Cache (cache) Adapter which allows you to cache other adapters ### Parameters * `source` The source adapter that must be cached *(required)* * `cache` The adapter used to cache the source *(required)* * `ttl` Time to live *(default 0)* * `serializer` The adapter used to cache serializations *(default null)* ### Example ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: adapters: media_ftp: ftp: host: username: user password: pass directory: /example/ftp create: true mode: FTP_BINARY media_apc: apc: prefix: APC 'namespace' prefix ttl: 0 media_cache: cache: source: media_ftp cache: media_apc ttl: 7200 filesystems: media: adapter: media_cache ``` ## Stream Wrapper The `stream_wrapper` settings allow you to register filesystems with a specified domain and then use as a stream wrapper anywhere in your code like: `gaufrette://domain/file.txt` ### Parameters * `protocol` The protocol name like `gaufrette://…` *(default gaufrette)* * `filesystem` An array that contains filesystems that you want to register to this stream_wrapper. If you set array keys these will be used as an alias for the filesystem (see examples below) *(default all filesystems without aliases)* ### Example 1 Using default settings, the protocol is "gaufrette" and all filesystems will be served ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: adapters: backup: #... amazon: #... filesystems: backup1: adapter: backup amazonS3: adapter: amazon stream_wrapper: ~ ``` ``` gaufrette://backup1/... gaufrette://amazonS3/... ``` ### Example 2 We define the protocol as "data", all filesystem will still be served (by default) ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: filesystems: #... stream_wrapper: protocol: data ``` ``` data://backup1/... data://amazonS3/... ``` ### Example 3 We define the protocol as data and define which filesystem(s) will be available ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: filesystems: #... stream_wrapper: protocol: data filesystems: - backup1 ``` ``` data://backup1/... (works since it is defined above) data://amazonS3/... (will not be available) ``` ### Example 4 We define the protocol as data and define which filesystems will be available using array keys to set domain aliases ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: filesystems: #... stream_wrapper: protocol: data filesystems: backup: backup1 pictures: amazonS3 ``` ``` data://backup/... data://pictures/... ``` ## Doctrine DBAL (doctrine_dbal) Adapter that allows you to store data into a database. ### Parameters * `connection_name` The doctrine dbal connection name like `default` * `table` The table name like `media_data` * `key`: The primary key in the table * `content`: The field name of the file content * `mtime`: The field name of the timestamp * `checksum`: The field name of the checksum ### Example ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: adapters: database: doctrine_dbal: connection_name: default table: data columns: key: id content: text mtime: date checksum: checksum ``` ## Dropbox (dropbox) Adapter for Dropbox. ### Parameters * `api_id` The id of the service that provides Dropbox API access. ### Example > In order to get a Dropbox token and token_secret, you need to add a new Dropbox App in your account, and then you'll need to go through the oAuth authorization process ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: adapters: foo: dropbox: api_id: acme_test.dropbox.api ``` In your AcmeTestBundle, add following service definitions: ``` yaml # src/Acme/TestBundle/Resources/config/services.yml parameters: acme_test.dropbox.key: my_consumer_key acme_test.dropbox.secret: my_consumer_secret acme_test.dropbox.token: some_token acme_test.dropbox.token_secret: some_token_secret services: acme_test.dropbox.oauth: class: Dropbox_OAuth_Curl arguments: [%acme_test.dropbox.key%, %acme_test.dropbox.secret%] calls: - [setToken, ["%acme_test.dropbox.token%", "%acme_test.dropbox.token_secret%"]] acme_test.dropbox.api: class: Dropbox_API arguments: [@acme_test.dropbox.oauth, "sandbox"] ``` [gaufrette-homepage]: