Gaufrette Bundle ================ [![Build Status](]( Provides a [Gaufrette][gaufrette-homepage] integration for your Symfony projects. About Gaufrette =============== Gaufrette is a PHP 5.3+ library providing a filesystem abstraction layer. This abstraction layer allows you to develop applications without needing to know where all their media files will be stored or how. Documentation is available the [official page of Gaufrette][gaufrette-homepage]. Installation ============ ## Prerequisites As this bundle is an integration for Symfony of the [Gaufrette][gaufrette-homepage] library, it requires you to first install [Gaufrette][gaufrette-homepage] in a Symfony project. ## With composer This bundle can be installed using [composer]( by adding the following in the `require` section of your `composer.json` file: ``` json "require": { ... "knplabs/knp-gaufrette-bundle": "~0.3" }, ``` ## Register the bundle You must register the bundle in your kernel: ``` php get('knp_gaufrette.filesystem_map')->get('bar'); ``` Returns the `bar` instance of `Gaufrette\Filesystem`. [gaufrette-homepage]: