# Azure Blob Storage Adapter for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage service. To use this adapter you need to install the [Azure SDK for php](http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/php/common-tasks/download-php-sdk/) into your project. Further more you need a valid *connection string* and you must define a Blob Proxy factory service with it. You can use the default `\Gaufrette\Adapter\AzureBlobStorage\BlobProxyFactory` this way: ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml services: azure_blob_proxy_factory: class: Gaufrette\Adapter\AzureBlobStorage\BlobProxyFactory arguments: [%azure_blob_storage_connection_string%] ``` You must set the parameter `azure_blob_storage_connection_string` to contain your windows azure blob storage connection string. You can retrieve your connection string in your [Windows Azure management console](https://manage.windowsazure.com). ## Parameters * `blob_proxy_factory_id` Reference to the blob proxy factory service * `container_name` The name of the container * `create_container` Boolean value that indicates whether to create the container if it does not exists (*optional*: default *false*) * `detect_content_type` Boolean value that indicates whether to auto determinate and set the content type on new blobs (*optional*: default *true*) ## Example ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knp_gaufrette: adapters: foo: azure_blob_storage: blob_proxy_factory_id: azure_blob_proxy_factory container_name: my_container create_container: true ```