Gaufrette Bundle ================ Provides a [Gaufrette][gaufrette-homepage] integration for your Symfony projects. About Gaufrette --------------- Gaufrette is a PHP 5.3+ library providing a filesystem abstraction layer. This abstraction layer permits you to develop your applications without the need to know were all their medias will be stored and how. Documentation is available the [official page of Gaufrette][gaufrette-homepage]. Installation ------------ ## Prerequisites As this bundle is an integration for Symfony of the [Gaufrette][gaufrette-homepage] library, it requires you to first install [Gaufrette][gaufrette-homepage] in a Symfony project. ## Download the bundle You can download an archive of the bundle and unpack it in the `vendor/bundles/Knplabs/Bundle/GaufretteBundle` directory of your application. If you are versioning your project with git, you had better to embed it as a submodule: $ git submodule add vendor/bundles/Knplabs/Bundle/GaufretteBundle ## Add the namespace in the autoloader If the `Knplabs` namespace is not already defined in your autoloader, you must add it: ``` php registerNamespaces(array( 'Knplabs\Bundle' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles' // ... )); ``` ## Register the bundle You must register the bundle in your kernel: ``` php get('knplabs_gaufrette.filesystem_map')->get('bar'); ``` Returns the instance of `Gaufrette\Filesystem` for `bar`. Adapters Reference ------------------ ## Local Adapter A simple local filesystem based adapter. ### Parameters * `directory` The directory of the filesystem *(required)* * `create` Whether to create the directory if it does not exist *(default true)* ### Exemple ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knplabs_gaufrette: adapters: foo: local: directory: /path/to/my/filesystem create: true ``` ## Safe Local Adapter (safe\_local) Almost as simple as the **local** adapter, but it encodes key to avoid having to deal with the directories structure. ### Parameters * `directory` The directory of the filesystem *(required)* * `create` Whether to create the directory if it does not exist *(default true)* ### Exemple ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knplabs_gaufrette: adapters: foo: safe_local: directory: /path/to/my/filesystem create: true ``` ## Service (service) Allows you to use a user defined adapter service. ### Parameters * `id` The id of the service *(required)* ### Exemple ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knplabs_gaufrette: adapters: foo: service: id: my.adapter.service ``` ## In Memory (in\_memory) Adapter for test purposes, it stores files in an internal array. ### Parameters * `files` An array of files *(optional)* The `files` is an array of files where each file is a sub-array having the `content`, `checksum` and `mtime` optional keys. ### Exemple ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml knplabs_gaufrette: adapters: foo: in_memory: files: 'file1.txt': ~ 'file2.txt': content: Some content checksum: abc1efg2hij3 mtime: 123456890123 ``` [gaufrette-homepage]: