import discord from discord.ext import commands import sqlite3 from dotenv import load_dotenv import os import logging from datetime import datetime # Set up logging handler. Passed in at the end in handler = logging.FileHandler(filename='discord.log', encoding='utf-8', mode='w') # Load ENV file load_dotenv() # Gather variables from .env file BOT_TOKEN = os.getenv('BOT_TOKEN') CHANNEL_ID = int(os.getenv('BOT_CHANNEL_ID')) botCommandsEnable = True if BOT_TOKEN is None: print("BOT TOKEN NOT FOUND IN ENV") exit() if CHANNEL_ID is None: print("NO CHANNEL SELECTED, DISABLING BOT COMMANDS") botCommandsEnable = False else: print(f'Channel ID selected: {CHANNEL_ID}') intents = discord.Intents.all() intents.members = True # Enable the member update intent intents.message_content = True # Enable the Privileged Content intent # Set discord end bot commands to / prefix bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='/', intents=intents) # Connect to SQLite conn = sqlite3.connect('member_data.db') cursor = conn.cursor() # Create Dataset if it doesn't exist already cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS members ( user_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, username TEXT, nickname TEXT, join_date TEXT ) ''') conn.commit() @bot.event async def on_ready(): # When API connects and logs in. print(f'Bot logged in as {}') # Send help command to bot-commands channel # channel = bot.get_channel(int(CHANNEL_ID)) # await channel.send(f'Use /help to view available commands') @bot.event async def on_member_join(member): # Print user's name and ID in the console on new join print(f'New member joined: {} (ID: {}), joined at {member.joined_at}') print(member) # Store member data in the database cursor.execute('INSERT INTO members (user_id, username, join_date) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', (,,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) conn.commit() @bot.command() async def commands(ctx): avail_commands = open("availcommands.txt", "r") await ctx.send( avail_commands.close() @bot.command() async def setnick(ctx, new_nickname: str): # Update user's nickname in the database cursor.execute('UPDATE members SET nickname = ? WHERE user_id = ?', (new_nickname, conn.commit() # Retrieve the updated nickname from the database cursor.execute('SELECT nickname FROM members WHERE user_id = ?', (,)) updated_nickname = cursor.fetchone()[0] # Print the updated nickname to the console print(f'Nickname updated for {} (ID: {}): {updated_nickname}') member = ctx.guild.get_member( if member: try: await member.edit(nick=updated_nickname) print(f'Nickname updated on the server for {}') except discord.Forbidden: print(f'Failed to update nickname on the server for {}: Missing permissions') except discord.HTTPException as e: print(f'Failed to update nickname on the server for {}: {e}') # Close the database connection when the bot is stopped @bot.event async def on_disconnect(): conn.close(), log_handler=handler, log_level=logging.DEBUG)