//#include //#include //Click here to get the library: http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_Micro_OLED #include // http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_Qwiic_OLED #include "EspMQTTClient.h" // http://librarymanager/All#EspMQTTClient https://github.com/plapointe6/EspMQTTClient EspMQTTClient client( "Your WiFi SSID", "Your WiFi Password", "", // homeassistant mqtt "espmqtt", // Can be omitted if not needed "Your MQTT Password", // Can be omitted if not needed "espmqtt" // Client name that uniquely identify your device ); #define maxUptime 60*1000 // how long to stay awake to measure and report before sleeping #define reportingInterval 10*60*1000 // how often to sample/publish, in milliseconds #define PIN_RESET 4 #define LED_BUILTIN 0 // ESP32 //#define LED_BUILTIN 13 // Teensy //MicroOLED oled(PIN_RESET); // The TwoWire I2C port is passed to .begin instead QwiicMicroOLED oled; //int plant1Pin = A0; // Teensy int plantPin[] = {35,34,39,38}; // ESP32 int maxSensorValue = 4095; // ESP32 // Qwiic Pro Mini pins int pin_SDA = 15; int pin_SCL = 5; unsigned long last_run = 0; bool useOled = true; void onConnectionEstablished() { client.publish("esp/status", "{\"status\": \"connected\"}"); } // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("Running MultiSoilMoistureSensor on: "); pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // esp32 doesn't have analog pullups // for(int i=0;i<(sizeof(plantPin)/sizeof(plantPin[0]));i++){ // pinMode(plantPin[i],INPUT_PULLUP); // } Serial.begin(115200); // Wire.begin(); // Teensy // oled.begin(0x3D, Wire); Wire.begin(pin_SDA, pin_SCL); //Qwiic Pro Mini if (!oled.begin()){ Serial.println("Failed to initialize OLED"); useOled = false; } delay(1000); // Delay 1000 ms esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(10*60*1000*1000); // 10 minutes } // 0-based index read // returns false for no water bool readAndPublishSensor(int i) { int n = i+1; // plant number // maxSensorValue (1023,4095) is bad, 1 is good, 0 is no connection int sensorValue = analogRead(plantPin[i]); // invert the values so 1.0 is good and 0.01 or value==0 is bad int sensorPercent = round(100.0*(maxSensorValue-sensorValue)/maxSensorValue); if (sensorValue == 0) { sensorPercent = 0; } char sensorText[32]; snprintf(sensorText, 31, "%d", sensorPercent); // send MQTT 0 thru 100 char topic[32]; snprintf(topic, 31, "esp/plants/%d", n); // 1-based plant number client.publish(topic, sensorText); Serial.print(topic); Serial.print(": "); Serial.print(sensorValue); Serial.print(" - "); Serial.println(sensorText); // show on OLED with 1-based plant number and 0-100% snprintf(sensorText, 31, "%d: %d%%", n, sensorPercent); if (useOled) oled.text(0, n*8, sensorText); return sensorPercent > 50; // over 50% is true/good, under 50% is false/bad } // the loop function runs over and over again forever void loop() { unsigned long time_trigger = millis(); // report on first run if (last_run == 0) { if (useOled) { oled.erase(); oled.text(0, 0, "Water:"); } bool showLed = false; // read + output plant sensors for(int i=0;i<(sizeof(plantPin)/sizeof(plantPin[0]));i++){ if (!readAndPublishSensor(i)) { showLed = true; }; } if (showLed) { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); } if (useOled) oled.display(); last_run = time_trigger; } if (time_trigger > maxUptime) { Serial.print("Sleeping now."); delay(1000); Serial.flush(); esp_deep_sleep_start(); Serial.print("You can't see this because I'm asleep."); } if (time_trigger-last_run > reportingInterval) { Serial.print("Stayed online for a full reporting interval without sleeping or resetting, something is wrong"); } client.loop(); // Do MQTT work sleep(1); }