class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base protect_from_forgery force_ssl if: :ssl_forced? def ssl_forced? # Non-production environments and read-only stuff like the space API and MACs should not require SSL. (APIs hate following 301s). if Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test? || ["space_api","macs"].include?(params[:controller]) return false else return true end end rescue_from CanCan::AccessDenied do |exception| if !current_user.nil? && current_user.orientation.blank? then flash[:alert] = "Sorry, you probably need to complete New Member Orientation before having access to this page.
Please check your email and schedule a New Member Orientation with a volunteer." else flash[:alert] = "Nothing to see here!" end Rails.logger.warn "----------\r\nWARNING: AccessDenied Exception: #{exception.inspect} User: #{current_user.inspect}\r\n----------" redirect_to root_url end @payment_methods = [[nil],["PayPal"],["Dwolla"],["Bill Pay"],["Check"],["Cash"],["Other"]] @payment_instructions = {nil => nil, :paypal => "Set up a monthly recurring payment to", :dwolla => "Set up a monthly recurring payment to", :billpay => "Have your bank send a monthly check to HeatSync Labs Treasurer, 140 W Main St, Mesa AZ 85201", :check => "Mail to HeatSync Labs Treasurer, 140 W Main St, Mesa AZ 85201 OR put in the drop safe at the Lab with a deposit slip firmly attached each month.", :cash => "Put in the drop safe at the Lab with a deposit slip firmly attached each month.", :other => "Hmm... talk to a Treasurer!"} # Check authorization of a user / sign them in manually def check_auth(email,password) resource = User.find_by_email(email) if resource && resource.valid_password?(password) resource.remember_me = true sign_in :user, resource return true else return false end end end # Add a "fit" function to sanitize inputs for mac history class Fixnum def fit(range) self > range.max ? range.max : (self < range.min ? range.min : self) end end