
918 lines
30 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

#include "TileEditor.h"
#include "TilePicker.h"
#include "ColorWells.h"
#include "ColorEditor.h"
#include "PaletteEditor.h"
#include "BorderPanel.h"
#include "labels.h"
#include "SelectionManager.h"
#include "GridOverlay.h"
extern ColorWells *mainColorStack;
extern TilePicker *mainTilePicker;
extern ColorEditor *mainColorEditor;
extern PaletteEditor *mainPaletteEditor;
extern int gameWidth, gameHeight;
extern TextGL *largeTextFixed;
template <>
void SizeLimitedVector<Tile>::deleteElementOfType(
Tile inElement ) {
// no delete necessary
TileEditor::TileEditor( ScreenGL *inScreen )
: Editor( inScreen ),
mUndoStack( MAX_UNDOS, false ) {
mCloseButton->setToolTip( "tip_closeEdit_tile" );
LabelGL *titleLabel = new LabelGL( 0.75, 0.5, 0.25,
0.1, "Tile Editor", largeText );
mSidePanel->add( titleLabel );
mSidePanel->add( mainColorStack );
mainColorStack->addActionListener( this );
mSidePanel->add( mainTilePicker );
mainTilePicker->addActionListener( this );
mEditColorButton =
new EditButtonGL(
mainColorStack->getAnchorX() - 9,
mainColorStack->getAnchorY() + mainColorStack->getHeight() - 7,
8 );
mSidePanel->add( mEditColorButton );
mEditColorButton->addActionListener( this );
mEditColorButton->setToolTip( "tip_edit_color" );
mEditPaletteButton =
new EditButtonGL(
mainColorStack->getAnchorX() - 9,
mainColorStack->getAnchorY() + mainColorStack->getHeight() - 51,
8 );
mSidePanel->add( mEditPaletteButton );
mEditPaletteButton->addActionListener( this );
mEditPaletteButton->setToolTip( "tip_edit_palette" );
// 1-pixel wide white border
// inner panel to provide a 1-pixel wide black gap
BorderPanel *workingColorBorderPanel =
new BorderPanel( 256, 206, 48, 14,
new Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ),
new Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 ),
1 );
// smaller to leave black gap
GUIPanelGL *workingColorPanel = new GUIPanelGL( 258, 208, 44, 10,
mWorkingColor );
mSidePanel->add( workingColorBorderPanel );
workingColorBorderPanel->add( workingColorPanel );
mAddButton = new AddButtonGL( 272, 184, 16, 16 );
mSidePanel->add( mAddButton );
mAddButton->addActionListener( this );
double offset = P;
double buttonSize = (gameHeight - 2 * offset - 8) / P;
rgbaColor c = { { 0,0,0,255 } };
for( int y=0; y<P; y++ ) {
for( int x=0; x<P; x++ ) {
mButtonGrid[y][x] = new HighlightColorButtonGL(
8 + x * buttonSize,
gameWidth - ( 48 + (y + 1) * buttonSize ),
buttonSize );
mMainPanel->add( mButtonGrid[y][x] );
mButtonGrid[y][x]->addActionListener( this );
mToolSet = new DrawToolSet( 2, 42 );
mMainPanel->add( mToolSet );
mToolSet->addActionListener( this );
mSelectionButton = new SelectableButtonGL(
new Sprite( "selection.tga", true ),
mToolSet->getAnchorX() + mToolSet->getWidth() + 5, 42,
20, 20 );
mMainPanel->add( mSelectionButton );
mSelectionButton->setSelected( false );
mSelectionButton->addActionListener( this );
mSelectionButton->setToolTip( "tip_selection" );
EightPixelLabel *fieldLabel = new EightPixelLabel( 150, 54,
"tileSetName" );
mMainPanel->add( fieldLabel );
int fieldHeight = 8;
int fieldWidth = 8 * 10;
const char *defaultText = "default";
mSetNameField = new TextFieldGL( 150,
new Color( 0.75, 0.75, 0.75 ),
new Color( 0.75, 0.75, 0.75 ),
new Color( 0.15, 0.15, 0.15 ),
new Color( 0.75, 0.75, 0.75 ),
false );
mMainPanel->add( mSetNameField );
mSetNameField->setFocus( true );
//mSetNameField->lockFocus( true );
mSetNameField->setCursorPosition( strlen( defaultText ) );
mSetNameField->addActionListener( this );
// center add button
double gridEdge = 8 + P * buttonSize;
double extra = gameHeight - gridEdge;
// center it vertically on tile picker
double addY = mainTilePicker->getAnchorY() +
mainTilePicker->getHeight() - 15;
double sideButtonsX = gridEdge + (extra - 16) / 2;
mAddButton = new AddButtonGL( sideButtonsX,
16, 16 );
mMainPanel->add( mAddButton );
mAddButton->addActionListener( this );
mAddButton->setToolTip( "tip_addTile" );
mAddAction = false;
double miniButtonSize = P + 4;
mMiniViewButton = new SpriteButtonGL(
NULL, 1,
gridEdge + ( extra - miniButtonSize ) / 2,
addY - 24,
miniButtonSize );
mMainPanel->add( mMiniViewButton );
mTransformToolSet = new TransformToolSet( sideButtonsX,
- 10 - 100,
true ) ;
mMainPanel->add( mTransformToolSet );
mTransformToolSet->addActionListener( this );
double undoButtonY = gameWidth - ( 48 + P * buttonSize );
mUndoButton = new UndoButtonGL( sideButtonsX, undoButtonY, 16, 16 );
mMainPanel->add( mUndoButton );
mUndoButton->addActionListener( this );
mUndoButton->setEnabled( false );
mRedoButton = new RedoButtonGL( sideButtonsX, undoButtonY + 19, 16, 16 );
mMainPanel->add( mRedoButton );
mRedoButton->addActionListener( this );
mRedoButton->setEnabled( false );
setTileToEdit( mainTilePicker->getSelectedResource() );
mPenDown = false;
// fully-opaque gray to avoid color distortions
Color gridColor( 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1.0 );
GridOverlay *overlay = new GridOverlay(
gameWidth - ( 48 + P * buttonSize ),
P * buttonSize, P * buttonSize,
gridColor );
mMainPanel->add( overlay );
TileEditor::~TileEditor() {
mSidePanel->remove( mainColorStack );
mSidePanel->remove( mainTilePicker );
void TileEditor::setTileToEdit( Tile inTile ) {
mTileToEdit = inTile;
for( int y=0; y<P; y++ ) {
for( int x=0; x<P; x++ ) {
mButtonGrid[y][x]->setColor( mTileToEdit.getColor( x, y ) );
char *name = mTileToEdit.getTileSetName();
mSetNameField->setText( name );
mSetNameField->setCursorPosition( strlen( name ) );
delete [] name;
void TileEditor::refreshMiniView() {
// don't use cached version
mMiniViewButton->setSprite( mTileToEdit.getSprite( false, false ) );
char TileEditor::recursiveFill( int inX, int inY, rgbaColor inOldColor,
rgbaColor inNewColor,
drawTool inTool ) {
if( equal( mTileToEdit.getColor( inX, inY ), inOldColor )
!equal( mTileToEdit.getColor( inX, inY ), inNewColor ) ) {
mButtonGrid[inY][inX]->setColor( inNewColor );
mTileToEdit.editTile( inX, inY, inNewColor );
// call on neighbors
if( inTool == fill || inTool == horLine ) {
if( inX > 0 ) {
recursiveFill( inX - 1, inY, inOldColor, inNewColor, inTool );
if( inX < P - 1 ) {
recursiveFill( inX + 1, inY, inOldColor, inNewColor, inTool );
if( inTool == fill || inTool == verLine ) {
if( inY > 0 ) {
recursiveFill( inX, inY - 1, inOldColor, inNewColor, inTool );
if( inY < P - 1 ) {
recursiveFill( inX, inY + 1, inOldColor, inNewColor, inTool );
return true;
return false;
char TileEditor::recursiveSelectionFill( int inX, int inY,
rgbaColor inOldColor,
char inOldSelection,
char inNewSelection,
drawTool inTool ) {
if( equal( mTileToEdit.getColor( inX, inY ), inOldColor )
SelectionManager::isInSelection( inX, inY ) == inOldSelection
SelectionManager::isInSelection( inX, inY ) != inNewSelection ) {
SelectionManager::toggleSelection( inX, inY, inNewSelection );
mButtonGrid[inY][inX]->setSelection( inNewSelection );
if( inNewSelection ) {
inX, inY,
mTileToEdit.getColor( inX, inY ) );
inX, inY,
false );
// call on neighbors
if( inTool == fill || inTool == horLine ) {
if( inX > 0 ) {
recursiveSelectionFill( inX - 1, inY, inOldColor,
inOldSelection, inNewSelection,
inTool );
if( inX < P - 1 ) {
recursiveSelectionFill( inX + 1, inY, inOldColor,
inOldSelection, inNewSelection,
inTool );
if( inTool == fill || inTool == verLine ) {
if( inY > 0 ) {
recursiveSelectionFill( inX, inY - 1, inOldColor,
inOldSelection, inNewSelection,
inTool );
if( inY < P - 1 ) {
recursiveSelectionFill( inX, inY + 1, inOldColor,
inOldSelection, inNewSelection,
inTool );
return true;
return false;
void TileEditor::toggleSelection() {
mSelectionButton->setSelected( ! mSelectionButton->getSelected() );
char showSel = mSelectionButton->getSelected();
for( int y=0; y<P; y++ ) {
for( int x=0; x<P; x++ ) {
SelectionManager::isInSelection( x, y ) && showSel );
// commit selection only when it is turned on
// (right before it is turned off, the last edits of selection have updated
// the selected colors)
if( showSel ) {
// copy colors
for( int y=0; y<P; y++ ) {
for( int x=0; x<P; x++ ) {
if( SelectionManager::isInSelection( x, y ) ) {
x, y,
mTileToEdit.getColor( x, y ) );
x, y,
false );
void TileEditor::clearStampOverlay() {
// turn all overlays off
for( int by=0; by<P; by++ ) {
for( int bx=0; bx<P; bx++ ) {
setOverlay( false );
void TileEditor::colorEditorClosed() {
// it might have been closed by an EditPalette button press
if( mainColorEditor->mEditPalettePressed ) {
void TileEditor::actionPerformed( GUIComponent *inTarget ) {
// superclass
Editor::actionPerformed( inTarget );
if( inTarget == mainColorStack ) {
// new color picked on stack
else if( inTarget == mainTilePicker ) {
if( ! mAddAction &&
! mainTilePicker->wasLastActionFromPress() ) {
// will change tile
mUndoStack.push_back( mTileToEdit );
mUndoButton->setEnabled( true );
setTileToEdit( mainTilePicker->getSelectedResource() );
// new branch... "redo" future now impossible
mRedoButton->setEnabled( false );
else if( inTarget == mSetNameField ) {
mUndoStack.push_back( mTileToEdit );
mUndoButton->setEnabled( true );
// new branch... "redo" future now impossible
mRedoButton->setEnabled( false );
mTileToEdit.editTileSetName( mSetNameField->getText() );
else if( inTarget == mAddButton ) {
else if( inTarget == mEditColorButton ) {
mainColorEditor->setEditPaletteButtonVisible( true );
else if( inTarget == mEditPaletteButton ) {
else if( inTarget == mUndoButton ) {
int lastIndex = mUndoStack.size() - 1;
Tile last = *( mUndoStack.getElement( lastIndex ) );
mUndoStack.deleteElement( lastIndex );
if( mUndoStack.size() == 0 ) {
mUndoButton->setEnabled( false );
mRedoStack.push_back( mTileToEdit );
mRedoButton->setEnabled( true );
setTileToEdit( last );
else if( inTarget == mRedoButton ) {
int nextIndex = mRedoStack.size() - 1;
Tile next = *( mRedoStack.getElement( nextIndex ) );
mRedoStack.deleteElement( nextIndex );
if( mRedoStack.size() == 0 ) {
mRedoButton->setEnabled( false );
mUndoStack.push_back( mTileToEdit );
mUndoButton->setEnabled( true );
setTileToEdit( next );
else if( inTarget == mSelectionButton ) {
else if( inTarget == mTransformToolSet ) {
mUndoStack.push_back( mTileToEdit );
mUndoButton->setEnabled( true );
// new branch... "redo" future now impossible
mRedoButton->setEnabled( false );
Tile oldTileState = mTileToEdit;
switch( mTransformToolSet->getLastPressed() ) {
case flipH: {
for( int y=0; y<P; y++ ) {
for( int x=0; x<P; x++ ) {
rgbaColor flipColor =
oldTileState.getColor( P - x - 1, y );
mButtonGrid[y][x]->setColor( flipColor );
mTileToEdit.editTile( x, y, flipColor );
case flipV: {
for( int y=0; y<P; y++ ) {
for( int x=0; x<P; x++ ) {
rgbaColor flipColor =
oldTileState.getColor( x, P - y - 1 );
mButtonGrid[y][x]->setColor( flipColor );
mTileToEdit.editTile( x, y, flipColor );
case rotateCCW: {
for( int y=0; y<P; y++ ) {
for( int x=0; x<P; x++ ) {
rgbaColor flipColor =
oldTileState.getColor( P - y - 1, x );
mButtonGrid[y][x]->setColor( flipColor );
mTileToEdit.editTile( x, y, flipColor );
case rotateCW: {
for( int y=0; y<P; y++ ) {
for( int x=0; x<P; x++ ) {
rgbaColor flipColor =
oldTileState.getColor( y, P - x - 1);
mButtonGrid[y][x]->setColor( flipColor );
mTileToEdit.editTile( x, y, flipColor );
case clear: {
rgbaColor black;
black.comp.r = 0;
black.comp.g = 0;
black.comp.b = 0;
black.comp.a = 255;
for( int y=0; y<P; y++ ) {
for( int x=0; x<P; x++ ) {
mButtonGrid[y][x]->setColor( black );
mTileToEdit.editTile( x, y, black );
case colorize: {
rgbaColor c =
for( int y=0; y<P; y++ ) {
for( int x=0; x<P; x++ ) {
rgbaColor oldColor = mTileToEdit.getColor( x, y );
// multiply all components to apply color
for( int b=0; b<3; b++ ) {
oldColor.bytes[b] = (unsigned char)(
( oldColor.bytes[b] * c.bytes[b] )
/ 255 );
mButtonGrid[y][x]->setColor( oldColor );
mTileToEdit.editTile( x, y, oldColor );
else if( inTarget == mToolSet ) {
else if( !mainColorEditor->getDragging() ){
// check grid
// but only if not in the middle of drag-picking a color in the editor
char found = false;
for( int y=0; y<P && !found; y++ ) {
for( int x=0; x<P && !found; x++ ) {
if( inTarget == mButtonGrid[y][x] &&
! mButtonGrid[y][x]->wasLastActionHover() ) {
found = true;
Tile oldTileState = mTileToEdit;
char changed = false;
switch( mToolSet->getSelected() ) {
case pen: {
if( mSelectionButton->getSelected() ) {
// edit selection with pen
if( !mPenDown ) {
// set ink until released
mSelectionInk =
! SelectionManager::
isInSelection( x, y );
mPenDown = true;
changed = true;
// use ink already set
x, y, mSelectionInk );
mSelectionInk );
if( mSelectionInk ) {
x, y,
mTileToEdit.getColor( x, y ) );
x, y, false );
else {
if( mainColorEditor->isVisible() ) {
// push edited color onto stack first
rgbaColor c =
if( ! equal( c,
mTileToEdit.getColor( x, y ) ) ) {
mButtonGrid[y][x]->setColor( c );
mTileToEdit.editTile( x, y, c );
// don't count single pen dots as undoable
// until pen is released
// save undo state only on on initial
// presses
if( !mPenDown ) {
mPenDown = true;
changed = true;
if( !mButtonGrid[y][x]->isPressed() ) {
// a release
mPenDown = false;
case horLine:
case verLine:
case fill:
if( mSelectionButton->getSelected() ) {
if( !mPenDown ) {
mSelectionInk = ! SelectionManager::
isInSelection( x, y );
x, y,
mTileToEdit.getColor( x, y ),
isInSelection( x, y ),
mToolSet->getSelected() );
if( !mPenDown ) {
mPenDown = true;
if( !mButtonGrid[y][x]->isPressed() ) {
// a release
mPenDown = false;
else {
if( mainColorEditor->isVisible() ) {
// push edited color onto stack first
changed = recursiveFill(
x, y,
mTileToEdit.getColor( x, y ),
mToolSet->getSelected() );
case pickColor:
mTileToEdit.getColor( x, y ) );
case stamp: {
if( !mPenDown ) {
changed = true;
mPenDown = true;
// insert colors from selection
intPair center =
SelectionManager::getSelectionCenter( true );
for( int sy=0; sy<P; sy++ ) {
for( int sx=0; sx<P; sx++ ) {
if( SelectionManager::isInSelection(
sx, sy )
// ignore trans areas for tiles
! SelectionManager::getTrans( sx, sy )
) {
int iy = y + sy - center.y;
int ix = x + sx - center.x;
if( iy < P && ix < P
iy >= 0 && ix >= 0 ) {
rgbaColor c = SelectionManager::
getColor( sx, sy );
mButtonGrid[iy][ix]->setColor( c );
ix, iy, c );
if( !mButtonGrid[y][x]->isPressed() ) {
// a release
mPenDown = false;
if( changed ) {
mUndoStack.push_back( oldTileState );
mUndoButton->setEnabled( true );
// new branch... "redo" future now impossible
mRedoButton->setEnabled( false );
else if( inTarget == mButtonGrid[y][x] &&
mButtonGrid[y][x]->wasLastActionHover() ) {
found = true;
if( mToolSet->getSelected() == stamp ) {
// preview of selection that will be inserted
// upon click
// first, turn all overlays off
for( int by=0; by<P; by++ ) {
for( int bx=0; bx<P; bx++ ) {
setOverlay( false );
intPair center =
SelectionManager::getSelectionCenter( true );
for( int sy=0; sy<P; sy++ ) {
for( int sx=0; sx<P; sx++ ) {
if( SelectionManager::isInSelection(
sx, sy )
// ignore trans areas for tiles
! SelectionManager::getTrans( sx, sy )
) {
int iy = y + sy - center.y;
int ix = x + sx - center.x;
if( iy < P && ix < P
iy >= 0 && ix >= 0 ) {
rgbaColor c = SelectionManager::
getColor( sx, sy );
setOverlayColor( c );
setOverlay( true );
void TileEditor::editorClosing() {
void TileEditor::addTile() {
mAddAction = true;
mainTilePicker->setSelectedResource( mTileToEdit, true );
mAddAction = false;