
344 lines
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writeFailed "Error: game folder is read-only"
enterDemoCode "Enter a demo code:"
checkingCode "Checking demo permissions with server..."
title "Sleep Is Death (Geisterfahrer)"
volume "Adjust music volume"
volumeDone "Press any key when done"
escToQuit "Press ESC to quit"
control_local "Host a Local or Manual Network game as Controller."
control_remote "Host an Automatic (UPNP) Remote Internet game as Controller."
joinAsPlayer "Join a hosted game as Player."
waitingForPlayer "Waiting for Player to connect to the following address:"
doNotWaitTip "(press G to start playing without a connection)"
portTip "Port:"
upnpTrying "Trying to open a port on your router with UPNP..."
upnpCloseTrying "Closing the router port with UPNP..."
upnpSuccess "Port opened successfully."
upnpFailure "Failed to open a router port with UPNP."
enterAddress "Enter the Controller's address:"
joiningController "Joining game..."
joiningFailed "Failed to connect."
loading "Loading..."
quitQuestion "Really quit? Press Y..."
search "Search:"
stack "Stack:"
tile "Tile:"
tileSetName "Tile set name:"
room "Room:"
roomName "Room name:"
sprite "Sprite:"
spriteName "Sprite name:"
object "Object:"
objectName "Object name:"
music "Phrase:"
musicName "Phrase name:"
timbre "Timbre:"
timbreName "Timbre name:"
scale "Scale:"
scaleName "Scale name:"
song "Song:"
songName "Song name:"
scene "Scene:"
sceneName "Scene name:"
palette "Palette:"
paletteName "Palette name:"
tip_undo "Undo (Ctrl-Z)"
tip_redo "Redo"
tip_next "Next page"
tip_prev "Previous page"
tip_searchMode "Switch to search mode"
tip_stackMode "Switch to stack mode"
tip_flipH "Flip horizontally"
tip_flipV "Flip vertically"
tip_rotateCCW "Rotate counter-clockwise"
tip_rotateCW "Rotate clockwise"
tip_clear "Clear"
tip_colorize "Colorize all pixels"
tip_pen "Draw single squares"
tip_horLine "Fill horizontal lines"
tip_verLine "Fill vertical lines"
tip_fill "Flood fill"
tip_stamp "Stamp in copies of selected pixels"
tip_pickColor "Copy color from a square (Shift-click)"
tip_pickTile "Copy tile from a square (Shift-click)"
tip_pickPhrase "Copy phrase from a square (Shift-click)"
tip_selection "Toggle selection used by Stamp tool"
tip_walls "Toggle wall editing"
tip_hints "Toggle object hints from scene"
tip_delete_tile "Delete unused tile"
tip_delete_room "Delete unused room"
tip_delete_sprite "Delete unused sprite"
tip_delete_object "Delete unused object"
tip_delete_scene "Delete scene"
tip_delete_music "Delete unused phrase"
tip_delete_timbre "Delete unused timbre"
tip_delete_scale "Delete unused scale"
tip_delete_song "Delete song"
tip_delete_palette "Delete palette"
tip_confirm " -- Confirm"
tip_trans "Toggle background tiles"
tip_erase "Toggle erase mode"
tip_objMove "Select or move object"
tip_objSpeak "Adjust speech for selected object"
tip_delete_speech "Clear object speech"
tip_toggle_bubble "Switch object's speech to a bubble"
tip_toggle_box "Switch object's speech to a box"
tip_grid "Toggle grid and object anchors"
tip_freezePlayer "Toggle player position frozen"
tip_lockSelected "Toggle lock on selected object"
tip_lockGlobal "Toggle locks enabled"
tip_holdObject "Toggle object held across scene changes"
tip_flip_speech "Flip speech bubble left-to-right"
tip_objSet "Replace selected object in scene"
tip_objAdd "Add object to scene (Ctrl-A)"
tip_objEdit "Edit selected object in scene (Ctrl-E)"
tip_objRemove "Remove selected object from scene (Ctrl-X)"
tip_send "Commit and send state"
tip_practice "Practice against timer"
tip_practiceStop "Stop practicing"
tip_room_fade "Fade room"
tip_object_fade "Fade selected object"
tip_object_anchor "Object"
tip_player_anchor "Player object"
tip_anchor_selected "(selected)"
tip_flipBook "Toggle image flip-book recording"
tip_obj_trans "Toggle background tiles"
tip_obj_grid "Toggle grid and object anchor"
tip_next_layer "Next sprite layer"
tip_prev_layer "Previous sprite layer"
tip_top_layer "Jump to top sprite layer"
tip_bottom_layer "Jump to bottom sprite layer"
tip_layer_up "Move sprite layer up"
tip_layer_down "Move sprite layer down"
tip_new_layer "Add layer using selected sprite (Ctrl-A)"
tip_delete_layer "Delete sprite layer (Ctrl-X)"
tip_replace_layer "Replace layer with selected sprite"
tip_edit_layer "Edit this layer's sprite (Ctrl-E)"
tip_zoom "Zoom in"
tip_unzoom "Zoom out"
tip_rotateLayer "Rotate layer clockwise"
tip_rotateWholeObject "Rotate whole object"
tip_flipLayer "Flip layer horizontally"
tip_flipWholeObject "Flip whole object horizontally"
tip_fadeLayer "Fade layer"
tip_fadeWholeObject "Fade whole object"
tip_glowLayer "Turn glow mode on for layer"
tip_glowWholeObject "Turn glow mode on for whole object"
tip_noGlowLayer "Turn glow mode off for layer"
tip_noGlowWholeObject "Turn glow mode off for whole object"
tip_draggingSprite "Dragging sprite into object"
tip_draggingObjectObject "Dragging object into object"
tip_draggingObjectScene "Dragging object into scene"
tip_objectFull "Object is full"
tip_sceneFull "Scene is full"
tip_colorWell "Color well"
tip_colorCurrent "Current color"
tip_addColor "Add color to selected color well"
tip_valueSlider "Value"
tip_saturationSlider "Saturation"
tip_edit_color "Edit color"
tip_edit_tile "Edit tile"
tip_edit_room "Edit room"
tip_edit_sprite "Edit sprite"
tip_edit_object "Edit object"
tip_edit_phrase "Edit phrase"
tip_edit_music "Edit music"
tip_edit_timbre "Edit timbre"
tip_edit_scale "Edit scale"
tip_edit_palette "Edit palette"
tip_closeEdit_color "Close color editor"
tip_closeEdit_tile "Close tile editor (Ctrl-W)"
tip_closeEdit_room "Close room editor (Ctrl-W)"
tip_closeEdit_sprite "Close sprite editor (Ctrl-W)"
tip_closeEdit_object "Close object editor (Ctrl-W)"
tip_closeEdit_music "Close phrase editor (Ctrl-W)"
tip_closeEdit_song "Close music editor (Ctrl-W)"
tip_closeEdit_timbre "Close timbre editor (Ctrl-W)"
tip_closeEdit_scale "Close scale editor (Ctrl-W)"
tip_closeEdit_palette "Close palette editor (Ctrl-W)"
tip_addTile "Save tile and add it to database"
tip_addRoom "Save room and add it to database"
tip_addSprite "Save sprite and add it to database"
tip_addObject "Save object and add it to database"
tip_addMusic "Save phrase and add it to database"
tip_addSong "Save song and add it to database"
tip_addTimbre "Save timbre and add it to database"
tip_addScale "Save scale and add it to database"
tip_addScene "Save scene and add it to database"
tip_addPalette "Save palette and add it to database"
tip_playerMove "Move"
tip_playerSpeak "Speak"
tip_playerAct "Act"
tip_playerSend "Commit and send move"
tip_delete_playerSpeech "Clear speech"
tip_delete_playerAction "Clear action"
tip_noConnection "No connection"
tip_waiting "Waiting..."
tip_timer "Time left until move sent"
tip_noConnection_address "No connection, address"
tip_addSceneToPack "Add scene to resource pack"
tip_sceneAlreadyInPack "Scene already in resource pack"
tip_savePack "Save the accumulated resource pack"
tip_addSongToPack "Add song to resource pack"
tip_songAlreadyInPack "Song already in resource pack"
tip_addPaletteToPack "Add palette to resource pack"
tip_paletteAlreadyInPack "Palette already in resource pack"
tip_octave "Octave"
tip_attack "Note attack time"
tip_hold "Note hold time"
tip_release "Note release time"
tip_trackPhrase "Track phrase"
tip_trackPhraseEmpty "Empty phrase slot"
tip_trackTimbre "Track timbre"
tip_trackLoudness "Track loudness"
tip_trackStereo "Track stereo pan"
tip_normalSpeed "Medium"
tip_fastSpeed "Fast"
tip_slowSpeed "Slow"
warning_sending_soon "Your move will be sent soon"
warning_move_received "Player move received"
instruction_playerMove "Move with mouse"
instruction_playerSpeak "Type to speak"
instruction_playerAct "Type a verb, direct with mouse"
err_webRequest "ERROR: Web request failed."
err_codeFailed "This demo code was denied by the server."
err_failedConnect "ERROR: Failed to connect."
err_failedAccept "ERROR: Failed to accept a connection."
err_failedSend "ERROR: Failed to send a network message."
err_failedReceive "ERROR: Failed to receive a network message."
err_receiveCorrupted "ERROR: Received a corrupted network message."