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#include "musicPlayer.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "Timbre.h"
#include "Envelope.h"
#include "Song.h"
#include "minorGems/util/SimpleVector.h"
#include "minorGems/util/log/AppLog.h"
#include "minorGems/system/Time.h"
#include <SDL/SDL.h>
#include <SDL/SDL_audio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// smoothly fade in particular tracks based on track fade level
// low value plays only first track... high value plays all tracks
extern double musicTrackFadeLevel;
// whether note is currently on and playing or not
// toggle these to control music as it plays
char noteToggles[PARTS][S][N][N];
int partLengths[PARTS];
// phrase position within each part
int partPositions[PARTS];
double partLoudness[PARTS];
double partStereo[PARTS];
// last column of notes that sounded within each current tone matrix
int lastNoteColumnPlayed;
int sampleRate = 22050;
//int sampleRate = 11025;
// 16x16 tone matrix used in each phrase of each part
int w = N;
int h = N;
// total number of samples played so far
int streamSamples = 0;
// offset into grid at start
// for testing
int gridStartOffset = 0;
// overal loudness of music
double musicLoudness = 1.0;
// one grid step in seconds
double gridStepDuration = 0.5;
int gridStepDurationInSamples = (int)( gridStepDuration * sampleRate );
void setSpeed( int inSpeed ) {
//double oldDuration = gridStepDuration;
switch( inSpeed ) {
case 0:
gridStepDuration = 1;
case 1:
gridStepDuration = 0.5;
case 2:
gridStepDuration = 0.25;
//double speedMultiple = gridStepDuration / oldDuration;
gridStepDurationInSamples = (int)( gridStepDuration * sampleRate );
// jump in stream to maintain our current grid location
// otherwise, we're in danger of playing the same note twice simultaneously
//double entireGridDuraton;
// c
double v13KeyFrequency = 261.63;
// actually, can't support high notes in the key of c w/out round-off errors
// because this is a wavetable implementation, and when the tables get short,
// the errors get huge
// THIS, however, evenly divides our sample rate (22050)
// which means that we get perfect, whole-number wave tables at octaves
double v14KeyFrequency = 172.265625;
double keyFrequency = v13KeyFrequency;
// sets v13 frequency by default, UNTIL a timbre is changed (because only
// a v14 game would do that).
// Thus, v13 music, when we're player, still sounds right.
int numTimbres = PARTS;
Timbre *musicTimbres[ PARTS ];
int numEnvelopes = PARTS;
Envelope *musicEnvelopes[ PARTS ];
// waiting for destruction
SimpleVector<Timbre *> oldTimbres;
SimpleVector<Envelope *> oldEnvelopes;
class Note {
// index into musicTimbres array
int mTimbreNumber;
// pointer to actual Timbre used when note was last sounded
// (so it doesn't change out from under note, in middle of note)
Timbre *mTimbrePointer;
// index into musicEnvelopes array
int mEnvelopeNumber;
// pointer to actual Envelope, for same reason as above
Envelope *mEnvelopePointer;
int mScaleNoteNumber;
// additional loudness adjustment
// places note in stereo space
double mLoudnessLeft;
double mLoudnessRight;
// start time, in seconds from start of note grid
//double mStartTime;
// duration in seconds
//double mDuration;
// used when note is currently playing to track progress in note
// negative if we should wait before starting to play the note
int mCurrentSampleNumber;
// duration in samples, set each time the note is playe
// incase speed changes
int mNumSamples;
// set once
int mNumGridSteps;
// carry the grid step duration with us as we play, in case
// it is changed before we're done playing
int mOurGridStepDurationInSamples;
Note *copy() {
Note *note = new Note();
note->mTimbreNumber = mTimbreNumber;
note->mTimbrePointer = mTimbrePointer;
note->mEnvelopeNumber = mEnvelopeNumber;
note->mEnvelopePointer = mEnvelopePointer;
note->mScaleNoteNumber = mScaleNoteNumber;
note->mLoudnessLeft = mLoudnessLeft;
note->mLoudnessRight = mLoudnessRight;
note->mCurrentSampleNumber = mCurrentSampleNumber;
note->mNumSamples = mNumSamples;
note->mNumGridSteps = mNumGridSteps;
note->mOurGridStepDurationInSamples =
return note;
// all possible notes in a 16x16 phrase grid
// indexed as noteGrid[part][y][x]
Note *noteGrid[PARTS][N][N];
SimpleVector<Note*> currentlyPlayingNotes;
// need to synch these with audio thread
void setMusicLoudness( double inLoudness ) {
musicLoudness = inLoudness;
double getMusicLoudness() {
return musicLoudness;
void restartMusic() {
// return to beginning (and forget samples we've played so far)
streamSamples = 0;
// drop all currently-playing notes
// called by SDL to get more samples
void audioCallback( void *inUserData, Uint8 *inStream, int inLengthToFill ) {
// 2 bytes for each channel of stereo sample
int numSamples = inLengthToFill / 4;
Sint16 *samplesL = new Sint16[ numSamples ];
Sint16 *samplesR = new Sint16[ numSamples ];
// first, zero-out the buffer to prepare it for our sum of note samples
// each sample is 2 bytes
memset( samplesL, 0, 2 * numSamples );
memset( samplesR, 0, 2 * numSamples );
int i;
// hop through all grid steps that *start* in this stream buffer
// add notes that start during this stream buffer
// how far into stream buffer before we hit our first grid step?
int startOfFirstGridStep = streamSamples % gridStepDurationInSamples;
if( startOfFirstGridStep != 0 ) {
startOfFirstGridStep =
gridStepDurationInSamples - startOfFirstGridStep;
// hop from start of grid step to start of next grid step
// ignore samples in between, since notes don't start there,
// and all we're doing right now is finding notes that start
for( i=startOfFirstGridStep;
i += gridStepDurationInSamples ) {
// start of new grid position
// check for new notes that are starting
// map into our music image:
int x = ( streamSamples + i ) / gridStepDurationInSamples;
// for each part
for( int si=0; si<PARTS; si++ ) {
if( partLengths[si] > 0 ) {
// step in part
partPositions[si] = (x / w) % ( partLengths[si] );
// step in tone matrix for that part-step
int matrixX = x % w;
lastNoteColumnPlayed = matrixX;
for( int y=0; y<h; y++ ) {
Note *note = noteGrid[si][y][matrixX];
if( note != NULL &&
noteToggles[si][ partPositions[si] ][y][matrixX] ) {
// new note
note = note->copy();
currentlyPlayingNotes.push_back( note );
// save pointer to active envelope and timbre
// when this note began
note->mTimbrePointer = musicTimbres[
note->mTimbreNumber ];
note->mEnvelopePointer = musicEnvelopes[
note->mEnvelopeNumber ];
note->mTimbrePointer->mActiveNoteCount ++;
note->mEnvelopePointer->mActiveNoteCount ++;
// tweak loudness based on part loudness and stereo
note->mLoudnessRight *= partLoudness[ si ];
note->mLoudnessLeft *= partLoudness[ si ];
// constant power rule
double p = M_PI * partStereo[ si ] / 2;
note->mLoudnessRight *= sin( p );
note->mLoudnessLeft *= cos( p );
// start it
// base these on our
// envelope (instead of currently set duration in
// player, which may have been updated before
// the envelopes were properly updated due to thread
// interleaving issues)
int envGridStepDuration =
musicEnvelopes[ note->mEnvelopeNumber ]->
// compute length
note->mNumSamples =
note->mNumGridSteps * envGridStepDuration;
note->mOurGridStepDurationInSamples =
// set a delay for its start based on our position
// in this callback buffer
note->mCurrentSampleNumber = -i;
else {
partPositions[si] = 0;
streamSamples += numSamples;
// loop over all current notes and add their samples to buffer
for( int n=0; n<currentlyPlayingNotes.size(); n++ ) {
Note *note = *( currentlyPlayingNotes.getElement( n ) );
int waveTableNumber = note->mScaleNoteNumber;
//Timbre *timbre = musicTimbres[ note->mTimbreNumber ];
Timbre *timbre = note->mTimbrePointer;
int tableLength = timbre->mWaveTableLengths[ waveTableNumber ];
Sint16 *waveTable = timbre->mWaveTable[ waveTableNumber ];
//Envelope *env = musicEnvelopes[ note->mEnvelopeNumber ];
Envelope *env = note->mEnvelopePointer;
double *envLevels =
// index envelope by number of grid steps in note
note->mNumSamples /
note->mOurGridStepDurationInSamples );
double noteLoudnessL = note->mLoudnessLeft;
double noteLoudnessR = note->mLoudnessRight;
// do this outside inner loop
noteLoudnessL *= musicLoudness;
noteLoudnessR *= musicLoudness;
// factor in externally-set track fade level
// level from 0..(numTimbres)
double trackFadeInLevel = musicTrackFadeLevel * (numTimbres);
// level for this track based on trackFadeInLevel
double thisTrackLevel;
if( trackFadeInLevel >= note->mTimbreNumber + 1 ) {
// full volume
thisTrackLevel = 1.0;
else if( trackFadeInLevel > note->mTimbreNumber ) {
// linear fade in for this track
thisTrackLevel = trackFadeInLevel - (int)trackFadeInLevel;
else {
// track silent
thisTrackLevel = 0;
noteLoudnessL *= thisTrackLevel;
noteLoudnessR *= thisTrackLevel;
int noteStartInBuffer = 0;
int noteEndInBuffer = numSamples;
if( note->mCurrentSampleNumber < 0 ) {
// delay before note starts in this sample buffer
noteStartInBuffer = - note->mCurrentSampleNumber;
// we've taken account of the delay
note->mCurrentSampleNumber = 0;
char endNote = false;
int numSamplesLeftInNote =
note->mNumSamples - note->mCurrentSampleNumber;
if( noteStartInBuffer + numSamplesLeftInNote < noteEndInBuffer ) {
// note ends before end of buffer
noteEndInBuffer = noteStartInBuffer + numSamplesLeftInNote;
endNote = true;
int waveTablePos = note->mCurrentSampleNumber % tableLength;
int currentSampleNumber = note->mCurrentSampleNumber;
for( i=noteStartInBuffer; i != noteEndInBuffer; i++ ) {
double envelope = envLevels[ currentSampleNumber ];
double monoSample = envelope *
waveTable[ waveTablePos ];
samplesL[i] += (Sint16)( noteLoudnessL * monoSample );
samplesR[i] += (Sint16)( noteLoudnessR * monoSample );
currentSampleNumber ++;
waveTablePos ++;
// avoid using mod operator (%) in inner loop
// found with profiler
if( waveTablePos == tableLength ) {
// back to start of table
waveTablePos = 0;
note->mCurrentSampleNumber += ( noteEndInBuffer - noteStartInBuffer );
if( endNote ) {
// note ended in this buffer
currentlyPlayingNotes.deleteElement( n );
// note not using these anymore
note->mTimbrePointer->mActiveNoteCount --;
note->mEnvelopePointer->mActiveNoteCount --;
if( note->mTimbrePointer->mActiveNoteCount == 0 &&
musicTimbres[ note->mTimbreNumber ] != note->mTimbrePointer ) {
// this timbre is no longer used
oldTimbres.deleteElementEqualTo( note->mTimbrePointer );
delete note->mTimbrePointer;
if( note->mEnvelopePointer->mActiveNoteCount == 0 &&
musicEnvelopes[ note->mEnvelopeNumber ] !=
note->mEnvelopePointer ) {
// this envelope is no longer used
oldEnvelopes.deleteElementEqualTo( note->mEnvelopePointer );
delete note->mEnvelopePointer;
// this was a copy
delete note;
// now copy samples into Uint8 buffer
int streamPosition = 0;
for( i=0; i != numSamples; i++ ) {
Sint16 intSampleL = samplesL[i];
Sint16 intSampleR = samplesR[i];
inStream[ streamPosition ] = (Uint8)( intSampleL & 0xFF );
inStream[ streamPosition + 1 ] = (Uint8)( ( intSampleL >> 8 ) & 0xFF );
inStream[ streamPosition + 2 ] = (Uint8)( intSampleR & 0xFF );
inStream[ streamPosition + 3 ] = (Uint8)( ( intSampleR >> 8 ) & 0xFF );
streamPosition += 4;
delete [] samplesL;
delete [] samplesR;
// limit on n, based on Nyquist, when summing sine components
//int nLimit = (int)( sampleRate * M_PI );
// actually, this is way too many: it takes forever to compute
// use a lower limit instead
// This produces fine results (almost perfect square wave)
int nLimit = 40;
// square wave with period of 2pi
double squareWave( double inT ) {
double sum = 0;
for( int n=1; n<nLimit; n+=2 ) {
sum += 1.0/n * sin( n * inT );
return sum;
// sawtoot wave with period of 2pi
double sawWave( double inT ) {
double sum = 0;
for( int n=1; n<nLimit; n++ ) {
sum += 1.0/n * sin( n * inT );
return sum;
// white noise, ignores inT
double whiteNoise( double inT ) {
return 2.0 * ( rand() / (double)RAND_MAX ) - 1.0;
// white noise where each sample is averaged with last sample
// effectively a low-pass filter
double lastNoiseSample = 0;
double smoothedWhiteNoise( double inT ) {
// give double-weight to last sample to make it even smoother
lastNoiseSample = ( 2 * lastNoiseSample + whiteNoise( inT ) ) / 3;
return lastNoiseSample;
// square where each sample is averaged with last sample
// effectively a low-pass filter
double lastSquareSample = 0;
double smoothedSquareWave( double inT ) {
// give double-weight to last sample to make it even smoother
lastSquareSample = ( 4 * lastSquareSample + squareWave( inT ) ) / 5;
return lastSquareSample;
double harmonicSine( double inT ) {
1.0 * sin( inT )
0.5 * sin( 2 * inT )
0.25 * sin( 4 * inT );
double harmonicSaw( double inT ) {
1.0 * sawWave( inT )
0.5 * sawWave( 2 * inT )
0.25 * sawWave( 4 * inT );
static double coefficients[256];
static int numCoefficientsToUse;
double coefficientMix( double inT ) {
double sum = 0;
for( int n=1; n<=numCoefficientsToUse; n++ ) {
sum += coefficients[n-1] * sin( n * inT );
return sum;
void setTimbre( int inTimbreNumber,
double *inPartialCoefficients, int numCoefficients,
int inOctavesDown ) {
// this must be a v14 game
keyFrequency = v14KeyFrequency;
// set up coefficients used by mix function above
numCoefficientsToUse = numCoefficients;
for( int i=0; i<numCoefficients; i++ ) {
coefficients[i] = inPartialCoefficients[i];
int heightPerTimbre = h;
// possible for all notes in a column to be on at user's request
// and notes are 3 long at max (decays), so consider overlap
double maxNoteLoudnessInAColumn = h * 3;
double loudnessPerTimbre = 1.0 / maxNoteLoudnessInAColumn;
//double t = Time::getCurrentTime();
double freq = keyFrequency / pow( 2, inOctavesDown );
Timbre *newTimbre = new Timbre( sampleRate, 1.0 * loudnessPerTimbre,
heightPerTimbre, coefficientMix, 1 );
// now replace it
if( musicTimbres[inTimbreNumber]->mActiveNoteCount > 0 ) {
// save old one, because some currently-playing notes are using it!
oldTimbres.push_back( musicTimbres[inTimbreNumber] );
else {
delete musicTimbres[inTimbreNumber];
musicTimbres[inTimbreNumber] = newTimbre;
void setScale( char inToneOn[12] ) {
setTimbreScale( inToneOn );
void setEnvelope( int inTimbreNumber,
double inAttack, double inHold,
double inRelease ) {
if( inAttack + inHold + inRelease > 1.0 ) {
"Attack + Hold + Release in specified envelope too long" );
if( inAttack > 1 ) {
inAttack = 1;
inHold = 1 - inAttack;
inRelease = 0;
int maxNoteLength = 3;
Envelope *newEnvelope = new Envelope( inAttack, inHold,
gridStepDurationInSamples );
// replace it
if( musicEnvelopes[inTimbreNumber]->mActiveNoteCount > 0 ) {
// save old one, because some currently-playing notes are using it!
oldEnvelopes.push_back( musicEnvelopes[inTimbreNumber] );
else {
delete musicEnvelopes[inTimbreNumber];
musicEnvelopes[inTimbreNumber] = newEnvelope;
void setDefaultMusicSounds() {
// back to v13 default
keyFrequency = v13KeyFrequency;
gridStepDuration = 0.5;
gridStepDurationInSamples = (int)( gridStepDuration * sampleRate );
for( int i=0; i<PARTS; i++ ) {
if( musicTimbres[i] != NULL ) {
if( musicTimbres[i]->mActiveNoteCount > 0 ) {
// save old one, because some currently-playing notes
// are using it!
oldTimbres.push_back( musicTimbres[i] );
else {
delete musicTimbres[i];
if( musicEnvelopes[i] != NULL ) {
if( musicEnvelopes[i]->mActiveNoteCount > 0 ) {
// save old one, because some currently-playing notes
// are using it!
oldEnvelopes.push_back( musicEnvelopes[i] );
else {
delete musicEnvelopes[i];
int heightPerTimbre = h;
// possible for all notes in a column to be on at user's request
// and notes are 3 long at max (decays), so consider overlap
double maxNoteLoudnessInAColumn = h * 3;
// divide loudness amoung timbres to avoid clipping
double loudnessPerTimbre = 1.0 / maxNoteLoudnessInAColumn;
// further adjust loudness per channel here as we construct
// each timbre.
//double t = Time::getCurrentTime();
// load defaults into first 3 banks.
// thus, music sent from v13 and earlier (if we'r Player) will
// play correctly
musicTimbres[0] = new Timbre( sampleRate, 1.0 * loudnessPerTimbre,
keyFrequency / 4,
heightPerTimbre, sawWave );
musicTimbres[1] = new Timbre( sampleRate, 0.75 * loudnessPerTimbre,
keyFrequency / 2,
heightPerTimbre, harmonicSaw );
// last timbre has one extra note at top (top row of grid)
musicTimbres[2] = new Timbre( sampleRate, 0.65 * loudnessPerTimbre,
heightPerTimbre + 1, harmonicSine );
for( int i=3; i<PARTS; i++ ) {
musicTimbres[i] = new Timbre( sampleRate, 0.65 * loudnessPerTimbre,
heightPerTimbre, harmonicSine );
//exit( 0 );
// next, compute the longest note in the song
// fixed at 2
int maxNoteLength = 3;
"Max note length in song = %d\n", maxNoteLength );
// load defaults into first 3 banks.
// thus, music sent from v13 and earlier (if we'r Player) will
// play correctly
musicEnvelopes[0] = new Envelope( 0.02, 0.98, 0, 0,
gridStepDurationInSamples );
musicEnvelopes[1] = new Envelope( 0.15, 0.85, 0.0, 0.0,
gridStepDurationInSamples );
musicEnvelopes[2] = new Envelope( 0.01, 0.99, 0.0, 0.0,
gridStepDurationInSamples );
for( int i=3; i<PARTS; i++ ) {
musicEnvelopes[i] = new Envelope( //0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0,
0.01, 0.99, 0.0, 0.0,
gridStepDurationInSamples );
for( int i=0; i<PARTS; i++ ) {
partLoudness[i] = 1;
partStereo[i] = 0.5;
void initMusicGrid() {
// test for profiler
for( int i=0; i<20; i++ ) {
Envelope *newEnvelope = new Envelope( 0.25, 0.5,
gridStepDurationInSamples );
delete newEnvelope;
exit( 0 );
// setDefaultScale();
//entireGridDuraton = gridStepDuration * w;
// jump ahead in stream, if needed
streamSamples += gridStartOffset * gridStepDurationInSamples;
int heightPerTimbre = h;
"Height in grid per timbre = %d\n", heightPerTimbre );
// nullify so they are not added to old list by setDefaultMusicSounds
for( int i=0; i<PARTS; i++ ) {
musicTimbres[i] = NULL;
musicEnvelopes[i] = NULL;
// fix L/R loudness for all notes, based on their timbres
double leftLoudness[PARTS];// = { 0.75, 1.0, 1.0 };
double rightLoudness[PARTS];// = { 1.0, 0.75, 1.0 };
for( int si=0; si<PARTS; si++ ) {
//leftLoudness[si] = 0.75 + (si+1) / (double)PARTS;
//rightLoudness[si] = 1.0 - 0.75 * (si+1) / (double)PARTS;
// live per-part panning now
leftLoudness[si] = 1;
rightLoudness[si] = 1;
for( int y=0; y<h; y++ ) {
for( int x=0; x<w; x++ ) {
// default to NULL
noteGrid[si][y][x] = NULL;
// the note number in our scale
// scale starts over for each timbre
int noteNumber = y % heightPerTimbre;
if( y == h-1 ) {
// highest note, hangs off top
noteNumber = heightPerTimbre;
int noteNumber = y;
// start a new note
noteGrid[si][y][x] = new Note();
noteGrid[si][y][x]->mScaleNoteNumber = noteNumber;
noteGrid[si][y][x]->mTimbreNumber = si;
noteGrid[si][y][x]->mTimbrePointer = musicTimbres[ si ];
// same as timbre number
noteGrid[si][y][x]->mEnvelopeNumber =
noteGrid[si][y][x]->mEnvelopePointer = musicEnvelopes[ si ];
// left loudness fixed
noteGrid[si][y][x]->mLoudnessLeft =
leftLoudness[ noteGrid[si][y][x]->mTimbreNumber ];
// right loudness fixed
noteGrid[si][y][x]->mLoudnessRight =
rightLoudness[ noteGrid[si][y][x]->mTimbreNumber ];
//noteGrid[si][y][x]->mStartTime = gridStepDuration * x;
// three grid steps long, for overlap
//noteGrid[si][y][x]->mDuration =
// gridStepDuration * 3;
noteGrid[si][y][x]->mNumGridSteps = 3;
// set this when the note is played
//noteGrid[si][y][x]->mNumSamples =
// gridStepDurationInSamples * 3;
for( int i=0; i<PARTS; i++ ) {
for( int s=0; s<S; s++ ) {
for( int y=0; y<h; y++ ) {
for( int x=0; x<w; x++ ) {
// all notes start off off
noteToggles[i][s][y][x] = false;
partLengths[i] = 0;
partPositions[i] = 0;
lastNoteColumnPlayed = 0;
// test
for( int i=0; i<w; i++ ) {
//noteToggles[i][i] = true;
void startMusic() {
SDL_AudioSpec audioFormat;
// Set 16-bit stereo audio at 22Khz
audioFormat.freq = sampleRate;
audioFormat.format = AUDIO_S16;
audioFormat.channels = 2;
audioFormat.samples = 512; // A good value for games
//audioFormat.samples = 1024; // A good value for games
audioFormat.callback = audioCallback;
audioFormat.userdata = NULL;
// Open the audio device and start playing sound!
if( SDL_OpenAudio( &audioFormat, NULL ) < 0 ) {
"Unable to open audio: %s\n", SDL_GetError() );
// set pause to 0 to start audio
void stopMusic() {
for( int i=0; i<PARTS; i++ ) {
for( int y=0; y<h; y++ ) {
for( int x=0; x<w; x++ ) {
if( noteGrid[i][y][x] != NULL ) {
delete noteGrid[i][y][x];
int i;
for( i=0; i<numTimbres; i++ ) {
delete musicTimbres[i];
for( i=0; i<numEnvelopes; i++ ) {
delete musicEnvelopes[i];
for( i=0; i<oldTimbres.size(); i++ ) {
delete *( oldTimbres.getElement( i ) );
for( i=0; i<oldEnvelopes.size(); i++ ) {
delete *( oldEnvelopes.getElement( i ) );
// delete these copies
for( i=0; i<currentlyPlayingNotes.size(); i++ ) {
delete *( currentlyPlayingNotes.getElement( i ) );