
691 lines
17 KiB
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#include "resourceDatabase.h"
#include "StringTree.h"
// naive implementation for now with no intelligent index
// as performance issues grow, see this article:
#include "minorGems/util/SimpleVector.h"
#include "minorGems/system/Time.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "minorGems/io/file/File.h"
#include "minorGems/util/log/AppLog.h"
static File *getFullDBFile() {
char *pathSteps[1];
pathSteps[0] = (char*)"resourceCache";
File *dbFile = new File( new Path( pathSteps, 1, false ),
"stringDatabase.txt" );
return dbFile;
typedef struct resourceRecord {
const char *type;
char *wordString;
uniqueID id;
} resourceRecord;
void printResourceRecord( void *inR ) {
resourceRecord *r = (resourceRecord*)inR;
char *idString = getHumanReadableString( r->id );
printf( "Type %s, keyword %s, ID %s\n",
r->type, r->wordString, idString );
delete [] idString;
static SimpleVector<char*> dataLines;
static SimpleVector<resourceRecord *> records;
// resource types stored in each tree
// one tree
static SimpleVector<char *> recordTreeTypes;
static SimpleVector<StringTree *> recordTrees;
// hash table for quick check for duplicates on addData call
// number of bins
#define B 2000
SimpleVector<resourceRecord *> hashBins[B];
int getHashKey( uniqueID inID ) {
unsigned int sum = 0;
for( int i=0; i<U; i++ ) {
sum += inID.bytes[i];
return sum % B;
void hashInsert( resourceRecord *inRecord ) {
hashBins[ getHashKey( inRecord->id ) ].push_back( inRecord );
void hashRemove( resourceRecord *inRecord ) {
uniqueID id = inRecord->id;
SimpleVector<resourceRecord *> *bin = &( hashBins[ getHashKey( id ) ] );
int numEntries = bin->size();
for( int i=0; i<numEntries; i++ ) {
resourceRecord *r = *( bin->getElement( i ) );
if( equal( r->id, id ) ) {
bin->deleteElement( i );
char hashExists( uniqueID inID ) {
SimpleVector<resourceRecord *> *bin = &( hashBins[ getHashKey( inID ) ] );
int numEntries = bin->size();
for( int i=0; i<numEntries; i++ ) {
resourceRecord *r = *( bin->getElement( i ) );
if( equal( r->id, inID ) ) {
return true;
return false;
resourceRecord *hashLookup( uniqueID inID ) {
SimpleVector<resourceRecord *> *bin = &( hashBins[ getHashKey( inID ) ] );
int numEntries = bin->size();
for( int i=0; i<numEntries; i++ ) {
resourceRecord *r = *( bin->getElement( i ) );
if( equal( r->id, inID ) ) {
return r;
return NULL;
StringTree *getTreeForType( const char *inType ) {
int numTrees = recordTrees.size();
for( int i=0; i<numTrees; i++ ) {
if( strcmp( inType, *( recordTreeTypes.getElement( i ) ) ) == 0 ) {
// match
return *( recordTrees.getElement( i ) );
// no match
// create a new one
recordTreeTypes.push_back( stringDuplicate( inType ) );
StringTree *returnVal = new StringTree();
recordTrees.push_back( returnVal );
return returnVal;
static char writeNewEntriesToFile = true;
static char **getDataFileLines( int *outNumLines ) {
File *fullDBFile = getFullDBFile();
if( fullDBFile->exists() ) {
char *fileContents = fullDBFile->readFileContents();
delete fullDBFile;
if( fileContents == NULL ) {
"Error: failed to read from stringDatabase.txt\n" );
return NULL;
int numLines;
char **lines = split( fileContents, "\n", &numLines );
delete [] fileContents;
*outNumLines = numLines;
return lines;
else {
AppLog::error( "Error: stringDatabase.txt does not exist\n" );
delete fullDBFile;
return NULL;
void initDatabase() {
double start = Time::getCurrentTime();
writeNewEntriesToFile = false;
int numLines;
char **lines = getDataFileLines( &numLines );
if( lines != NULL ) {
Log::INFO_LEVEL, "Splitting %d lines took %d ms\n",
numLines, (int)( 1000 * (Time::getCurrentTime() - start ) ) );
for( int i=0; i<numLines; i++ ) {
char *line = lines[i];
dataLines.push_back( line );
int charsLeft = strlen( line );
if( charsLeft < U * 2 ) {
"Failed to read unique ID from line %d of string DB\n",
i );
else {
// first 12 chars is unique ID
char *idString = new char[ U * 2 + 1 ];
memcpy( idString, line, U * 2 );
idString[ U * 2 ] = '\0';
uniqueID id;
char result = parseHumanReadableString( idString, &id );
if( !result ) {
"Failed to read unique ID from "
"line %d of string DB\n", i );
else {
// skip ID and space
char *substring = &( line[ U * 2 + 1 ] );
char typeString[100];
int numRead = sscanf( substring, "%99s", typeString );
if( numRead == 1 ) {
char *skipPointer = &substring[ strlen( typeString )
+ 1 ];
// rest of contents is word string
addData( typeString, id, skipPointer );
delete [] idString;
delete [] lines;
writeNewEntriesToFile = true;
"Loading database cache from disk took %d ms\n",
(int)( 1000 * (Time::getCurrentTime() - start ) ) );
void freeDatabase() {
for( int i=0; i<records.size(); i++ ) {
resourceRecord *r = *( records.getElement(i) );
delete [] r->type;
delete [] r->wordString;
delete r;
for( int i=0; i<dataLines.size(); i++ ) {
delete [] *( dataLines.getElement( i ) );
for( int i=0; i<recordTrees.size(); i++ ) {
delete [] *( recordTreeTypes.getElement( i ) );
delete *( recordTrees.getElement( i ) );
void addData( const char *inResourceType,
uniqueID inID,
const char *inWordString ) {
//double start = Time::getCurrentTime();
//printf( "Adding data to database for %s,%s\n",
// inResourceType, inWordString );
// make sure there's no collision with existing data
if( hashExists( inID ) ) {
resourceRecord *r = new resourceRecord;
r->type = stringDuplicate( inResourceType );
r->wordString = stringDuplicate( inWordString );
r->id = inID;
records.push_back( r );
hashInsert( r );
// New code: string trees
StringTree *t = getTreeForType( inResourceType );
// lower case to make searches case-insensitive
char *lowerCase = stringToLowerCase( r->wordString );
t->insert( lowerCase, (void *)r );
delete [] lowerCase;
if( writeNewEntriesToFile ) {
File *fullDBFile = getFullDBFile();
char *fullFileName = fullDBFile->getFullFileName();
delete fullDBFile;
FILE *f = fopen( fullFileName, "a" );
delete [] fullFileName;
char *idString = getHumanReadableString( inID );
char *line = autoSprintf( "%s %s %s",
idString, inResourceType, inWordString );
dataLines.push_back( line );
fprintf( f, "\n%s", line );
fclose( f );
delete [] idString;
printf( "Adding data took %d ms\n",
(int)( 1000 * (Time::getCurrentTime() - start ) ) );
void removeData( const char *inResourceType,
uniqueID inID ) {
//double start = Time::getCurrentTime();
char found = false;
for( int i=0; i<records.size() && !found; i++ ) {
resourceRecord *r = *( records.getElement( i ) );
if( equal( inID, r->id ) &&
strcmp( inResourceType, r->type ) == 0 ) {
// New code: string trees
StringTree *t = getTreeForType( inResourceType );
// lower case for case-insensitive
char *lowerCase = stringToLowerCase( r->wordString );
t->remove( lowerCase, (void *)r );
delete [] lowerCase;
records.deleteElement( i );
hashRemove( r );
delete [] r->type;
delete [] r->wordString;
delete r;
found = true;
File *fullDBFile = getFullDBFile();
char *fullFileName = fullDBFile->getFullFileName();
delete fullDBFile;
FILE *f = fopen( fullFileName, "w" );
delete [] fullFileName;
char *idString = getHumanReadableString( inID );
char doneSkipping = false;
char someLinesWritten = false;
for( int i=0; i<dataLines.size(); i++ ) {
char *line = *( dataLines.getElement( i ) );
if( doneSkipping || strncmp( idString, line, 12 ) != 0 ) {
if( someLinesWritten ) {
fprintf( f, "\n%s", line );
else {
// first line, no newline
fprintf( f, "%s", line );
someLinesWritten = true;
else {
// skipped one!
doneSkipping = true;
delete [] line;
dataLines.deleteElement( i );
delete [] idString;
fclose( f );
printf( "Removing data took %d ms\n",
(int)( 1000 * (Time::getCurrentTime() - start ) ) );
static SimpleVector< resourceRecord *> *getUnionOfWordMatches(
SimpleVector<char *> *inWords, const char *inResourceType ) {
StringTree *t = getTreeForType( (char*)inResourceType );
SimpleVector< resourceRecord *> *unionMatches =
new SimpleVector< resourceRecord *>();
for( int i=0; i<inWords->size(); i++ ) {
int wordCount =
t->countMatches( *( inWords->getElement(i) ) );
resourceRecord **values = new resourceRecord *[wordCount];
// -1 means get all
t->getMatches( *( inWords->getElement(i) ), 0, wordCount,
(void **)values );
if( i == 0 ) {
// populate union with first set
for( int w=0; w<wordCount; w++ ) {
unionMatches->push_back( values[w] );
else {
for( int u=0; u<unionMatches->size(); u++ ) {
// is this member of union in next set?
resourceRecord *unionMember =
*( unionMatches->getElement( u ) );
char found = false;
for( int w=0; w<wordCount && !found; w++ ) {
if( unionMember == values[w] ) {
found = true;
if( !found ) {
unionMatches->deleteElement( u );
delete [] values;
return unionMatches;
int countSearchResults( const char *inResourceType,
const char *inSearchString ) {
//double start = Time::getCurrentTime();
int count = 0;
// New code: string trees
StringTree *t = getTreeForType( (char*)inResourceType );
// lower-case in tree
char *lowerSearchString = stringToLowerCase( inSearchString );
if( lowerSearchString[0] == '\0' ) {
// empty search, count all
count = t->countMatches( lowerSearchString );
else {
// how many words?
SimpleVector<char *> *words = tokenizeString( lowerSearchString );
if( words->size() == 0 ) {
// ignore whitespace, count everything
count = t->countMatches( "" );
else if( words->size() == 1 ) {
count = t->countMatches( *( words->getElement(0) ) );
else {
// multi-word, take union of results
SimpleVector< resourceRecord *> *unionMatches =
getUnionOfWordMatches( words, inResourceType );
// union now contains only element that match every word
count = unionMatches->size();
delete unionMatches;
for( int i=0; i<words->size(); i++ ) {
delete [] *( words->getElement( i ) );
delete words;
delete [] lowerSearchString;
printf( "Counting %d results took %d ms\n",
count, (int)( 1000 * (Time::getCurrentTime() - start ) ) );
return count;
// caller allocates spaces for inNumToGet and passes pointer as outIDs
int getSearchResults( const char *inResourceType,
const char *inSearchString,
int inNumToSkip,
int inNumToGet,
uniqueID *outIDs ) {
//double start = Time::getCurrentTime();
int numGotten = 0;
// New code: string trees
StringTree *t = getTreeForType( (char*)inResourceType );
resourceRecord **values = new resourceRecord *[inNumToGet];
// lower-case in tree
char *lowerSearchString = stringToLowerCase( inSearchString );
if( *lowerSearchString == '\0' ) {
// empty search, consider everything
numGotten = t->getMatches( lowerSearchString, inNumToSkip, inNumToGet,
(void **)values );
else {
// how many words?
SimpleVector<char *> *words = tokenizeString( lowerSearchString );
if( words->size() == 0 ) {
// ignore spaces, show everything
numGotten = t->getMatches( "", inNumToSkip, inNumToGet,
(void **)values );
else if( words->size() == 1 ) {
// just this word (no whitespace
numGotten = t->getMatches( *( words->getElement(0) ),
inNumToSkip, inNumToGet,
(void **)values );
else {
// take union of results from multiple words, THEN
// apply skip and limit
SimpleVector< resourceRecord *> *unionMatches =
getUnionOfWordMatches( words, inResourceType );
int count = unionMatches->size();
numGotten = 0;
for( int i=0; i<inNumToGet; i++ ) {
if( i + inNumToSkip < count ) {
values[i] =
*( unionMatches->getElement( i + inNumToSkip ) );
numGotten ++;
delete unionMatches;
for( int i=0; i<words->size(); i++ ) {
delete [] *( words->getElement( i ) );
delete words;
delete [] lowerSearchString;
for( int i=0; i<numGotten; i++ ) {
outIDs[i] = values[i]->id;
delete [] values;
printf( "Gettingresults took %d ms\n",
(int)( 1000 * (Time::getCurrentTime() - start ) ) );
return numGotten;
char *getResourceName( uniqueID inID ) {
resourceRecord *r = hashLookup( inID );
if( r != NULL ) {
return r->wordString;
else {
return NULL;