1263 lines
38 KiB
1263 lines
38 KiB
![]() |
#include "SongEditor.h"
#include "SongPicker.h"
#include "MusicPicker.h"
#include "TimbrePicker.h"
#include "TimbreEditor.h"
#include "ScalePicker.h"
#include "ScaleEditor.h"
#include "BorderPanel.h"
#include "labels.h"
#include "musicPlayer.h"
#include "packSaver.h"
#include "minorGems/util/log/AppLog.h"
#include "minorGems/util/TranslationManager.h"
#include <stdio.h>
// from musicPlayer.cpp
extern char noteToggles[PARTS][S][N][N];
extern int partLengths[PARTS];
extern double partLoudness[PARTS];
extern double partStereo[PARTS];
extern MusicPicker *mainMusicPicker;
extern SongPicker *mainSongPicker;
extern TimbrePicker *mainTimbrePicker;
extern TimbreEditor *mainTimbreEditor;
extern ScalePicker *mainScalePicker;
extern ScaleEditor *mainScaleEditor;
extern int gameWidth, gameHeight;
extern TextGL *largeTextFixed;
template <>
void SizeLimitedVector<Song>::deleteElementOfType(
Song inElement ) {
// no delete necessary
SongEditor::SongEditor( ScreenGL *inScreen )
: Editor( inScreen ),
mUndoStack( MAX_UNDOS, false ),
// gen \fake IDs
mCurrentWorkingPhrasesID( makeUniqueID(
(unsigned char*)"currSongPhrases",
strlen( "currSongPhrases" ) ) ),
mCurrentWorkingTimbresID( makeUniqueID(
(unsigned char*)"currSongTimbres",
strlen( "currSongTimbres" ) ) ) {
AppLog::info( "Constructing song editor\n" );
mCloseButton->setToolTip( "tip_closeEdit_song" );
LabelGL *titleLabel = new LabelGL( 0.75, 0.5, 0.25,
0.1, "Song Editor", largeText );
mSidePanel->add( titleLabel );
mSidePanel->add( mainMusicPicker );
mainMusicPicker->addActionListener( this );
mSidePanel->add( mainSongPicker );
mainSongPicker->addActionListener( this );
mainTimbrePicker->addActionListener( this );
mainScalePicker->addActionListener( this );
mEditMusicButton =
new EditButtonGL(
mainMusicPicker->getAnchorX() - 1,
mainMusicPicker->getAnchorY() + mainMusicPicker->getHeight() + 1,
8 );
mSidePanel->add( mEditMusicButton );
mEditMusicButton->addActionListener( this );
mEditMusicButton->setToolTip( "tip_edit_phrase" );
// 1-pixel wide white border
// inner panel to provide a 1-pixel wide black gap
BorderPanel *workingColorBorderPanel =
new BorderPanel( 256, 206, 48, 14,
new Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ),
new Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 ),
1 );
// smaller to leave black gap
GUIPanelGL *workingColorPanel = new GUIPanelGL( 258, 208, 44, 10,
mWorkingColor );
mSidePanel->add( workingColorBorderPanel );
workingColorBorderPanel->add( workingColorPanel );
mAddButton = new AddButtonGL( 272, 184, 16, 16 );
mSidePanel->add( mAddButton );
mAddButton->addActionListener( this );
mEmptyPhraseSprite = new Sprite( "emptyPhrase.tga", true );
double offset = P;
double buttonSize = P;
double timbreButtonSize = P + 4;
// for volume sliders
Color *thumbColor = new Color( .5, .5, .5, .5 );
Color *borderColor = new Color( .35, .35, .35, .35 );
for( int y=0; y<SI; y++ ) {
for( int x=0; x<S; x++ ) {
mButtonGrid[y][x] = new MusicCellButtonGL(
NULL, 1.0,
8 + 48 + x * buttonSize,
gameWidth - ( 48 + offset + 8 + y * (buttonSize+8) ),
buttonSize );
mButtonGrid[y][x]->setBlankSprite( mEmptyPhraseSprite );
mButtonGrid[y][x]->setMusicInfo( y, x );
mMainPanel->add( mButtonGrid[y][x] );
mButtonGrid[y][x]->addActionListener( this );
mTimbreButtons[y] = new SpriteButtonGL(
NULL, 1,
mButtonGrid[y][0]->getAnchorX() - timbreButtonSize - 2,
mButtonGrid[y][0]->getAnchorY() - 2,
timbreButtonSize );
mMainPanel->add( mTimbreButtons[y] );
mEditTimbreButtons[y] =
new EditButtonGL(
mTimbreButtons[y]->getAnchorX() - 8,
mTimbreButtons[y]->getAnchorY() +
mTimbreButtons[y]->getHeight() - 8,
8 );
mMainPanel->add( mEditTimbreButtons[y] );
mEditTimbreButtons[y]->addActionListener( this );
mEditTimbreButtons[y]->setToolTip( "tip_edit_timbre" );
MusicCellButtonGL *rowLastButton =
mLoudnessSliders[y] =
new ToolTipSliderGL( rowLastButton->getAnchorX() + 18,
rowLastButton->getAnchorY() + 8,
14, 10,
NULL, 0,
new Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ),
new Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 ),
1, 4, 1 );
mMainPanel->add( mLoudnessSliders[y] );
mLoudnessSliders[y]->setThumbPosition( 1.0 );
mLoudnessSliders[y]->addActionListener( this );
mLoudnessSliders[y]->setToolTip( "tip_trackLoudness" );
mStereoSliders[y] =
new ToolTipSliderGL( rowLastButton->getAnchorX() + 18,
rowLastButton->getAnchorY() - 2,
14, 10,
NULL, 0,
new Color( 0, 1, 0, 1 ),
new Color( 1, 0, 0, 1 ),
1, 4, 1 );
mMainPanel->add( mStereoSliders[y] );
mStereoSliders[y]->setThumbPosition( 1.0 );
mStereoSliders[y]->addActionListener( this );
mStereoSliders[y]->setToolTip( "tip_trackStereo" );
delete thumbColor;
delete borderColor;
// no stamp tool here
mToolSet = new DrawToolSet( 2, 42, "tip_pickPhrase", false );
mMainPanel->add( mToolSet );
EightPixelLabel *fieldLabel = new EightPixelLabel( 150, 54,
"songName" );
mMainPanel->add( fieldLabel );
int fieldHeight = 8;
int fieldWidth = 8 * 10;
const char *defaultText = "default";
mSetNameField = new TextFieldGL( 150,
new Color( 0.75, 0.75, 0.75 ),
new Color( 0.75, 0.75, 0.75 ),
new Color( 0.15, 0.15, 0.15 ),
new Color( 0.75, 0.75, 0.75 ),
false );
mMainPanel->add( mSetNameField );
mSetNameField->setFocus( true );
//mSetNameField->lockFocus( true );
mSetNameField->setCursorPosition( strlen( defaultText ) );
mSetNameField->addActionListener( this );
// center add button
double gridEdge = 8 + G * buttonSize;
double extra = gameHeight - gridEdge;
// center it vertically on song picker
double addY = mainSongPicker->getAnchorY() +
mainSongPicker->getHeight() - 15;
double sideButtonsX = gridEdge + (extra - 16) / 2;
mAddButton = new AddButtonGL( sideButtonsX,
16, 16 );
mMainPanel->add( mAddButton );
mAddButton->addActionListener( this );
mAddButton->setToolTip( "tip_addSong" );
mAddAction = false;
double miniButtonSize = P + 4;
mMiniViewButton = new SpriteButtonGL(
NULL, 1,
gridEdge + ( extra - miniButtonSize ) / 2,
gameWidth / 2 + 2,
miniButtonSize );
mMainPanel->add( mMiniViewButton );
mWallsButton = new SelectableButtonGL(
new Sprite( "walls.tga", true ),
sideButtonsX - 2, mMiniViewButton->getAnchorY() + 30,
20, 20 );
mMainPanel->add( mWallsButton );
mWallsButton->setSelected( false );
mWallsButton->addActionListener( this );
mWallsButton->setToolTip( "tip_walls" );
mEraseButton = new SelectableButtonGL(
new Sprite( "erase.tga", true ),
sideButtonsX - 2, mMiniViewButton->getAnchorY() + 30,
//sideButtonsX - 2, undoButtonY + 20 + 19,
20, 20 );
mMainPanel->add( mEraseButton );
mEraseButton->setSelected( false );
mEraseButton->addActionListener( this );
mEraseButton->setToolTip( "tip_erase" );
double undoButtonY = gameWidth - ( 48 + offset + (G - 1) * buttonSize );
mUndoButton = new UndoButtonGL( sideButtonsX, undoButtonY, 16, 16 );
mMainPanel->add( mUndoButton );
mUndoButton->addActionListener( this );
mUndoButton->setEnabled( false );
mRedoButton = new RedoButtonGL( sideButtonsX, undoButtonY + 19, 16, 16 );
mMainPanel->add( mRedoButton );
mRedoButton->addActionListener( this );
mRedoButton->setEnabled( false );
mClearButton = new ClearButtonGL( sideButtonsX, addY - 20, 16, 16 );
mMainPanel->add( mClearButton );
mClearButton->addActionListener( this );
// scale button in side panel
double scaleButtonY =
mainSongPicker->getAnchorY() + mainSongPicker->getHeight() +
(int)( mainMusicPicker->getAnchorY() -
( mainSongPicker->getAnchorY() + mainSongPicker->getHeight() )
- 16 ) / 2;
mEditScaleButton = new SpriteButtonGL(
new Sprite( "editScale.tga", true ),
mainSongPicker->getAnchorX() - 1, scaleButtonY, 16, 16 );
mSidePanel->add( mEditScaleButton );
mEditScaleButton->addActionListener( this );
mEditScaleButton->setToolTip( "tip_edit_scale" );
mSpeedButtons[0] = new SelectableButtonGL(
new Sprite( "slow.tga", true ),
3, gameWidth / 2 - 18, 20, 20 );
mSpeedButtons[0]->setToolTip( "tip_slowSpeed" );
mSpeedButtons[1] = new SelectableButtonGL(
new Sprite( "normalSpeed.tga", true ),
3, gameWidth / 2 - 18 + 20, 20, 20 );
mSpeedButtons[1]->setToolTip( "tip_normalSpeed" );
mSpeedButtons[2] = new SelectableButtonGL(
new Sprite( "fast.tga", true ),
3, gameWidth / 2 - 18 + 40, 20, 20 );
mSpeedButtons[2]->setToolTip( "tip_fastSpeed" );
for( int i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
mMainPanel->add( mSpeedButtons[i] );
mSpeedButtons[i]->addActionListener( this );
mAddToPackButton = new ToggleSpriteButtonGL(
new Sprite( "pack.tga", true ),
new Sprite( "packAlreadyIn.tga", true ),
mainSongPicker->getAnchorX() + mainSongPicker->getWidth() - 22,
mainSongPicker->getAnchorY() +
mainSongPicker->getHeight() + 1,
8 );
mSidePanel->add( mAddToPackButton );
mAddToPackButton->addActionListener( this );
mAddToPackButton->setToolTip( "tip_addSongToPack" );
mAddToPackButton->setSecondToolTip( "tip_songAlreadyInPack" );
mSavePackButton = new SpriteButtonGL(
new Sprite( "packSave.tga", true ),
mainSongPicker->getAnchorX() + mainSongPicker->getWidth() - 7,
mainSongPicker->getAnchorY() +
mainSongPicker->getHeight() + 1,
8 );
mSidePanel->add( mSavePackButton );
mSavePackButton->addActionListener( this );
mSavePackButton->setToolTip( "tip_savePack" );
// make sure all timbres get set to default
mFirstSongSet = false;
setSongToEdit( mainSongPicker->getSelectedResource() );
mPenDown = false;
mLastRowTouched = 0;
mIgnoreSliders = false;
SongEditor::~SongEditor() {
mSidePanel->remove( mainMusicPicker );
mSidePanel->remove( mainSongPicker );
delete mEmptyPhraseSprite;
Song SongEditor::getLiveSong() {
return mSongToEdit;
void SongEditor::setSongToEdit( Song inSong ) {
// clear old working usages
removeUsages( mCurrentWorkingPhrasesID );
removeUsages( mCurrentWorkingTimbresID );
// force update of everything only the first time
char forceUpdate = false;
if( !mFirstSongSet ) {
forceUpdate = true;
mFirstSongSet = true;
Song::setInPlayer( mSongToEdit, inSong, forceUpdate );
// timbre updates are slow... only do the ones we need
uniqueID oldTimbres[SI];
for( int y=0; y<SI; y++ ) {
oldTimbres[y] = mSongToEdit.getTimbre( y );
// update ALL on a scale change or speed change
uniqueID oldScale = mSongToEdit.getScale();
uniqueID newScale = inSong.getScale();
char scaleChange = ( !equal( oldScale, newScale ) );
if( scaleChange ) {
Scale s( newScale );
// no event fired
mainScalePicker->setSelectedResource( s,
true, false );
char *name = s.getName();
char *tip = autoSprintf(
"%s (%s)",
TranslationManager::translate( "tip_edit_scale" ),
name );
mEditScaleButton->setToolTip( tip );
delete [] tip;
delete [] name;
mSongToEdit = inSong;
for( int y=0; y<SI; y++ ) {
uniqueID timbreID = mSongToEdit.getTimbre( y );
TimbreResource t( timbreID );
Color buttonColor = toColor( t.getTimbreColor() );
// usage
addUsage( mCurrentWorkingTimbresID, timbreID );
for( int x=0; x<S; x++ ) {
uniqueID phraseID = mSongToEdit.getPhrase( x, y );
Music m( phraseID );
if( mSongToEdit.getRowLength( y ) > x ) {
mButtonGrid[y][x]->setSprite( m.getSprite() );
mButtonGrid[y][x]->setColor( buttonColor.copy() );
char *name = m.getName();
char *tip = autoSprintf(
"%s (%s)",
TranslationManager::translate( "tip_trackPhrase" ),
name );
mButtonGrid[y][x]->setToolTip( tip );
delete [] tip;
delete [] name;
// add working usage
addUsage( mCurrentWorkingPhrasesID, phraseID );
else {
mButtonGrid[y][x]->setSprite( NULL );
mButtonGrid[y][x]->setToolTip( "tip_trackPhraseEmpty" );
mTimbreButtons[y]->setSprite( t.getSprite() );
char *name = t.getName();
char *tip = autoSprintf(
"%s (%s)",
TranslationManager::translate( "tip_trackTimbre" ),
name );
mTimbreButtons[y]->setToolTip( tip );
delete [] tip;
delete [] name;
double loudness = mSongToEdit.getRowLoudness( y ) / 255.0;
double stereo = mSongToEdit.getRowStereo( y ) / 255.0;
mIgnoreSliders = true;
// only 28 pixels in slider... avoid round-off errors
(int)( loudness * 28 ) / 28.0 );
(int)( stereo * 28 ) / 28.0 );
mIgnoreSliders = false;
// usages changed (due to current working usages)
for( int i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
mSpeedButtons[i]->setSelected( mSongToEdit.getSpeed() == i );
char *name = mSongToEdit.getSongName();
mSetNameField->setText( name );
mSetNameField->setCursorPosition( strlen( name ) );
delete [] name;
void SongEditor::refreshMiniView() {
// don't use cached version
mMiniViewButton->setSprite( mSongToEdit.getSprite( false, false ) );
void SongEditor::scaleChanged() {
for( int y=0; y<SI; y++ ) {
TimbreResource t( mSongToEdit.getTimbre( y ) );
// force a timbre regen, keep envelopes
t.setInPlayer( y, true, false );
char SongEditor::recursiveFill( int inX, int inY,
uniqueID inOldMusic, uniqueID inNewMusic,
drawTool inTool ) {
if( equal( mSongToEdit.getPhrase( inX, inY ), inOldMusic )
!equal( mSongToEdit.getPhrase( inX, inY ), inNewMusic ) ) {
Music m( inNewMusic );
mButtonGrid[inY][inX]->setSprite( m.getSprite() );
mSongToEdit.editSongPhrase( inX, inY, inNewMusic );
// call on neighbors
if( inTool == fill || inTool == horLine ) {
if( inX > 0 ) {
recursiveFill( inX - 1, inY, inOldMusic, inNewMusic, inTool );
if( inX < S - 1 ) {
recursiveFill( inX + 1, inY, inOldMusic, inNewMusic, inTool );
if( inTool == fill || inTool == verLine ) {
if( inY > 0 ) {
recursiveFill( inX, inY - 1, inOldMusic, inNewMusic, inTool );
if( inY < SI - 1 ) {
recursiveFill( inX, inY + 1, inOldMusic, inNewMusic, inTool );
return true;
return false;
char SongEditor::recursiveErase( int inX, int inY,
uniqueID inOldID,
drawTool inTool ) {
if( mButtonGrid[inY][inX]->getSprite() != NULL &&
equal( inOldID, mSongToEdit.getPhrase( inX, inY ) ) ) {
mButtonGrid[inY][inX]->setSprite( NULL );
// call on neighbors
if( inTool == fill || inTool == horLine ) {
if( inX > 0 ) {
recursiveErase( inX - 1, inY, inOldID, inTool );
if( inX < S - 1 ) {
recursiveErase( inX + 1, inY, inOldID, inTool );
if( inTool == fill || inTool == verLine ) {
if( inY > 0 ) {
recursiveErase( inX, inY - 1, inOldID, inTool );
if( inY < SI - 1 ) {
recursiveErase( inX, inY + 1, inOldID, inTool );
return true;
return false;
void SongEditor::saveUndoPoint() {
mUndoStack.push_back( mSongToEdit );
mUndoButton->setEnabled( true );
mRedoButton->setEnabled( false );
void SongEditor::actionPerformed( GUIComponent *inTarget ) {
// superclass
Editor::actionPerformed( inTarget );
for( int y=0; y<SI; y++ ) {
if( inTarget == mEditTimbreButtons[y] ) {
mLastRowTouched = y;
mainScaleEditor->setPartToWatch( y );
mainTimbreEditor->setPlayerTimbreToEdit( y );
mSongToEdit.getTimbre( y ) );
// working usages for all EXCEPT last row touched
// this allows us to delete a timbre, which if we're editing
// it, is ALWAYS present in the working song (at least in
// the last row touched). We should be allowed to delete it
// in that case, but not if it is also used in other working
// rows.
removeUsages( mCurrentWorkingTimbresID );
for( int y=0; y<SI; y++ ) {
if( y != mLastRowTouched ) {
addUsage( mCurrentWorkingTimbresID,
mSongToEdit.getTimbre( y ) );
if( !mIgnoreSliders && inTarget == mLoudnessSliders[y] ) {
if( mLoudnessSliders[y]->mJustPressed ) {
// first move in this adjustment, save an undo point here
mLastRowTouched = y;
mainScaleEditor->setPartToWatch( y );
double loudness = mLoudnessSliders[y]->getThumbPosition();
partLoudness[y] = loudness;
mSongToEdit.editRowLoudness( y, (int)( loudness * 255 ) );
if( !mIgnoreSliders && inTarget == mStereoSliders[y] ) {
if( mStereoSliders[y]->mJustPressed ) {
// first move in this adjustment, save an undo point here
mLastRowTouched = y;
mainScaleEditor->setPartToWatch( y );
double stereo = mStereoSliders[y]->getThumbPosition();
partStereo[y] = stereo;
mSongToEdit.editRowStereo( y, (int)( stereo * 255 ) );
for( int i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
if( inTarget == mSpeedButtons[i] ) {
if( ! mSpeedButtons[i]->getSelected() ) {
mSpeedButtons[i]->setSelected( true );
mSpeedButtons[ (i+1) % 3 ]->setSelected( false );
mSpeedButtons[ (i+2) % 3 ]->setSelected( false );
mSongToEdit.editSpeed( i );
// set in player
setSpeed( i );
for( int y=0; y<SI; y++ ) {
TimbreResource t( mSongToEdit.getTimbre( y ) );
// force a timbre and env regen
t.setInPlayer( y, false, true );
if( inTarget == mainMusicPicker ) {
if( ! mainMusicPicker->wasLastActionFromPress() ) {
// new music phrase picked
// erase mode off
mEraseButton->setSelected( false );
else if( inTarget == mainTimbrePicker ) {
if( ! mainTimbrePicker->wasLastActionFromPress() ) {
mainTimbrePicker->getSelectedResourceID() );
// working usages for all EXCEPT last row touched
// this allows us to delete a timbre, which if we're editing
// it, is ALWAYS present in the working song (at least in
// the last row touched). We should be allowed to delete it
// in that case, but not if it is also used in other working
// rows.
removeUsages( mCurrentWorkingTimbresID );
for( int y=0; y<SI; y++ ) {
if( y != mLastRowTouched ) {
addUsage( mCurrentWorkingTimbresID,
mSongToEdit.getTimbre( y ) );
// just update that one timbre view (since music player already
// updated in realtime by timbre editor)
TimbreResource t( mSongToEdit.getTimbre( mLastRowTouched ) );
mTimbreButtons[mLastRowTouched]->setSprite( t.getSprite() );
char *name = t.getName();
char *tip = autoSprintf(
"%s (%s)",
TranslationManager::translate( "tip_trackTimbre" ),
name );
mTimbreButtons[mLastRowTouched]->setToolTip( tip );
delete [] tip;
delete [] name;
Color buttonColor = toColor( t.getTimbreColor() );
int numActive = mSongToEdit.getRowLength( mLastRowTouched );
for( int i=0; i<numActive; i++ ) {
buttonColor.copy() );
//setSongToEdit( mSongToEdit );
else if( inTarget == mainScalePicker ) {
if( ! mainTimbrePicker->wasLastActionFromPress() ) {
//printf( "Scale picker action\n" );
uniqueID oldScale = mSongToEdit.getScale();
uniqueID newScale = mainScalePicker->getSelectedResourceID();
if( !equal( oldScale, newScale ) ) {
mSongToEdit.editScale( newScale );
Scale s( newScale );
char *name = s.getName();
char *tip = autoSprintf(
"%s (%s)",
TranslationManager::translate( "tip_edit_scale" ),
name );
mEditScaleButton->setToolTip( tip );
delete [] tip;
delete [] name;
else if( inTarget == mainSongPicker ) {
// ignore if caused by our own Add action
if( ! mAddAction &&
! mainSongPicker->wasLastActionFromPress() ) {
// will change song
setSongToEdit( mainSongPicker->getSelectedResource() );
alreadyInPack( mainSongPicker->getSelectedResourceID() ) );
else if( inTarget == mSetNameField ) {
mSongToEdit.editSongName( mSetNameField->getText() );
else if( inTarget == mAddButton ) {
else if( inTarget == mEditMusicButton ) {
// enable music editor extra part
partLengths[SI] = 1;
// turn on last timbre for music editor
TimbreResource t( mSongToEdit.getTimbre( mLastRowTouched ) );
t.setInPlayer( SI, true, true );
else if( inTarget == mEditScaleButton ) {
else if( inTarget == mUndoButton ) {
int lastIndex = mUndoStack.size() - 1;
Song last = *( mUndoStack.getElement( lastIndex ) );
mUndoStack.deleteElement( lastIndex );
if( mUndoStack.size() == 0 ) {
mUndoButton->setEnabled( false );
mRedoStack.push_back( mSongToEdit );
mRedoButton->setEnabled( true );
setSongToEdit( last );
else if( inTarget == mRedoButton ) {
int nextIndex = mRedoStack.size() - 1;
Song next = *( mRedoStack.getElement( nextIndex ) );
mRedoStack.deleteElement( nextIndex );
if( mRedoStack.size() == 0 ) {
mRedoButton->setEnabled( false );
mUndoStack.push_back( mSongToEdit );
mUndoButton->setEnabled( true );
setSongToEdit( next );
else if( inTarget == mWallsButton ) {
// toggle
mWallsButton->setSelected( ! mWallsButton->getSelected() );
char showWalls = mWallsButton->getSelected();
for( int y=0; y<SI; y++ ) {
for( int x=0; x<S; x++ ) {
mSongToEdit.getWall( x, y ) && showWalls );
else if( inTarget == mEraseButton ) {
// toggle
mEraseButton->setSelected( ! mEraseButton->getSelected() );
else if( inTarget == mClearButton ) {
setSongToEdit( Song::getDefaultResource() );
else if( inTarget == mAddToPackButton ) {
AppLog::info( "Adding song to the current resource pack" );
mAddToPackButton->setState( true );
else if( inTarget == mSavePackButton ) {
AppLog::info( "Saving the current resource pack" );
mAddToPackButton->setState( false );
else {
// check grid
char found = false;
for( int y=0; y<SI && !found; y++ ) {
for( int x=0; x<S && !found; x++ ) {
// dragging to draw doesn't work well with the
// stack-to-left trick that we're using
// only pay attention to initial presses
// only heed first press (we've turned off dragging events)
if( inTarget == mButtonGrid[y][x] &&
mButtonGrid[y][x]->isPressed() ) {
found = true;
mLastRowTouched = y;
mainScaleEditor->setPartToWatch( y );
Song oldSongState = mSongToEdit;
char changed = false;
switch( mToolSet->getSelected() ) {
case pen: {
if( mEraseButton->getSelected() ) {
// erase with pen
if( mButtonGrid[y][x]->getSprite() != NULL ) {
mButtonGrid[y][x]->setSprite( NULL );
changed = true;
else {
// place phrase
Music m =
uniqueID id = m.getUniqueID();
if( mButtonGrid[y][x]->getSprite() == NULL
! equal(
mSongToEdit.getPhrase( x, y ) ) ) {
m.getSprite() );
mSongToEdit.editSongPhrase( x, y, id );
changed = true;
case horLine:
case verLine:
case fill:
if( ! mEraseButton->getSelected() ) {
changed = recursiveFill(
x, y,
mSongToEdit.getPhrase( x, y ),
mToolSet->getSelected() );
else {
changed = recursiveErase(
x, y,
mSongToEdit.getPhrase( x, y ),
mToolSet->getSelected() );
case pickColor: {
Music m( mSongToEdit.getPhrase( x, y ) );
mainMusicPicker->setSelectedResource( m );
if( mSongToEdit.getRowLength( y ) <= x ) {
// picked an empty spot
// erase mode on.
mEraseButton->setSelected( true );
else {
// picked a full spot
// erase mode off
mEraseButton->setSelected( false );
case stamp:
"Error: unsupported stamp tool used in"
"SongEditor\n" );
if( changed ) {
// we saved old song state from before, in
// case of change.
mUndoStack.push_back( oldSongState );
mUndoButton->setEnabled( true );
mRedoButton->setEnabled( false );
// now, after whatever operation we performed above
// "smash" all active cells over to the left
// update usages in process
removeUsages( mCurrentWorkingPhrasesID );
uniqueID defaultPhraseID =
for( int cy=0; cy<SI; cy++ ) {
SimpleVector<uniqueID> activeCells;
for( int cx=0; cx<S; cx++ ) {
if( mButtonGrid[cy][cx]->getSprite() != NULL ) {
mSongToEdit.getPhrase( cx, cy ) );
// clear here, set again below
mButtonGrid[cy][cx]->setSprite( NULL );
mSongToEdit.editSongPhrase( cx, cy,
defaultPhraseID );
int numActive = activeCells.size();
mSongToEdit.editRowLength( cy, numActive );
TimbreResource timbre =
TimbreResource( mSongToEdit.getTimbre( cy ) );
Color buttonColor =
toColor( timbre.getTimbreColor() );
// propagate to music player
partLengths[cy] = numActive;
for( int i=0; i<numActive; i++ ) {
uniqueID id = *( activeCells.getElement( i ) );
i, cy, id );
// working usage
addUsage( mCurrentWorkingPhrasesID, id );
Music m( id );
mButtonGrid[cy][i]->setSprite( m.getSprite() );
buttonColor.copy() );
char *name = m.getName();
char *tip = autoSprintf(
"%s (%s)",
"tip_trackPhrase" ),
name );
mButtonGrid[cy][i]->setToolTip( tip );
delete [] tip;
delete [] name;
for( int py=0; py<N; py++ ) {
for( int px=0; px<N; px++ ) {
noteToggles[cy][i][py][px] =
m.getNoteOn( px, py );
for( int i=numActive; i<S; i++ ) {
// rest, inactive
"tip_trackPhraseEmpty" );
for( int py=0; py<N; py++ ) {
for( int px=0; px<N; px++ ) {
noteToggles[cy][i][py][px] = false;
// only changes usage for phrase picker
void SongEditor::editorClosing() {
void SongEditor::addSong() {
mAddAction = true;
mainSongPicker->setSelectedResource( mSongToEdit, true );
mAddAction = false;