#!/usr/bin/perl -w my $wgetPath = "/usr/bin/wget"; my $numArgs = $#ARGV + 1; if( $numArgs < 2 ) { usage(); } open( LIST_FILE, $ARGV[0] ) or usage(); print "opening $ARGV[0] for reading\n"; my $hits = 0; while( ) { chomp; # print "LINE: $_\n"; (my $email, my $name) = split( /,\W*/ ); $name =~ s/ /\+/g; for( my $argIndex=1; $argIndex<$numArgs; $argIndex++ ) { my $otherListFile = $ARGV[ $argIndex ]; my $result = `grep -c $email $otherListFile`; if( $result > 0 ) { print "$email, $name\n"; $hits ++; } } } print "+++ Total hits: $hits\n"; sub usage { print "Usage:\n"; print " checkDuplicates.pl list_file_name older_list [older_list ...]\n"; print "Example:\n"; print " checkDuplicates.pl list.txt fullSail1/list1.txt fullSail2/list2.txt\n"; print "List files must have one person per line in the following format:\n"; print " bob\@test.com, Bob Babbs\n"; die; }