"2010-04-09 00:00:00", "april_12" => "2010-04-12 00:00:00" ); // secret shared with fastspring server, one per purchase tag from above $fastspringPrivateKeys = array( "april_9" => "secret A", "april_12" => "secret B" ); // files to serve, from path below $fileList = array( "sueFamilyWeb.jpg", "SleepIsDeath_v2_UnixSource.tar.gz" ); $fileDescriptions = array( "Sue's family picture, from the archive.", "Unix (and Mac/Windows) Source Code (notes)" ); // should not be web-accessible $downloadFilePath = "/home/jcr13/sidDownloads/"; // header and footers for various pages $header = "include( \"header.php\" );"; $footer = "include( \"footer.php\" );"; $fileListHeader = $header . "echo \"

\";"; // parameters for download emails that are sent out $siteName = "Sleep Is Death"; $siteEmailAddress = "jcr13@cornell.edu"; // number of tickets shown per page in the browse view $ticketsPerPage = 6; ?>