2022-03-19 14:12:22 -04:00

193 lines
4.3 KiB

#include "imageCache.h"
#include "minorGems/util/SimpleVector.h"
#include "minorGems/util/log/AppLog.h"
#include "minorGems/io/file/File.h"
#include "minorGems/io/file/FileInputStream.h"
#include "minorGems/io/file/FileOutputStream.h"
typedef struct imageCacheRecord {
uniqueID id;
char useTrans;
Image *image;
} imageCacheRecord;
static SimpleVector<imageCacheRecord> cacheRecords;
static const char *cacheDirName = "imageCache";
void initImageCache() {
File cacheDir( NULL, cacheDirName );
if( !cacheDir.exists() ) {
if( ! cacheDir.exists() || ! cacheDir.isDirectory() ) {
AppLog::error( "Could not create an image cache directory" );
void freeImageCache() {
int numRecords = cacheRecords.size();
for( int i=0; i<numRecords; i++ ) {
delete cacheRecords.getElement(i)->image;
static File *getCacheFile( uniqueID inID, char inUseTrans ) {
char *idString = getHumanReadableString( inID );
int transFlag = 0;
if( inUseTrans ) {
transFlag = 1;
char *name = autoSprintf( "%s_%d", idString, transFlag );
delete [] idString;
char *pathSteps[1];
pathSteps[0] = (char *)"imageCache";
File *cacheFile = new File( new Path( pathSteps, 1, false ),
name );
delete [] name;
return cacheFile;
void addCachedImage( uniqueID inID, char inUseTrans, Image *inImage ) {
imageCacheRecord r = { inID, inUseTrans, inImage };
cacheRecords.push_back( r );
// limit size
if( cacheRecords.size() > 63 ) {
// drop oldest
delete cacheRecords.getElement(0)->image;
cacheRecords.deleteElement( 0 );
//printf( "Deleting excess record from image cache.\n" );
File *cacheFile = getCacheFile( inID, inUseTrans );
if( ! cacheFile->exists() ) {
FileOutputStream out( cacheFile );
inImage->serialize( &out );
char *error = out.getLastError();
if( error != NULL ) {
AppLog::error( "Failed to write image cache file" );
AppLog::error( error );
delete [] error;
delete cacheFile;
// returns NULL if image not found in cache
Image *getCachedImage( uniqueID inID, char inUseTrans ) {
int numRecords = cacheRecords.size();
for( int i=numRecords-1; i>=0; i-- ) {
imageCacheRecord r = *( cacheRecords.getElement(i) );
if( equal(, inID ) && inUseTrans == r.useTrans ) {
// found
// move to head
cacheRecords.deleteElement( i );
cacheRecords.push_back( r );
return r.image;
// not found in memory?
// try disk
File *cacheFile = getCacheFile( inID, inUseTrans );
if( cacheFile->exists() ) {
FileInputStream in( cacheFile );
Image *image = new Image( 1, 1, 4, false );
image->deserialize( &in );
char *error = in.getLastError();
if( error != NULL ) {
AppLog::error( "Failed to read image cache file" );
AppLog::error( error );
delete [] error;
else {
// add it
addCachedImage( inID, inUseTrans, image );
delete cacheFile;
return image;
delete cacheFile;
return NULL;
void clearCachedImages( uniqueID inID ) {
int numRecords = cacheRecords.size();
for( int i=numRecords-1; i>=0; i-- ) {
imageCacheRecord r = *( cacheRecords.getElement(i) );
if( equal(, inID ) ) {
// found
// delete and keep looking
delete cacheRecords.getElement(i)->image;
cacheRecords.deleteElement( i );
// delete both
File *cacheFile = getCacheFile( inID, 0 );
if( cacheFile->exists() ) {
delete cacheFile;
cacheFile = getCacheFile( inID, 1 );
if( cacheFile->exists() ) {
delete cacheFile;