# Sample file of "rtl-airband.conf" output to BroadCastify.com icecast streaming server # RTLSDR-Airband - User's Manual: https://github.com/szpajder/RTLSDR-Airband/wiki # Refer to here for PPM Offset correction guide - https://viatorci.com/posts/rtlsdr-police-scanner/#rtl-sdr-dongle-offset-tuning # index = 0 => First dongle # index = 1 => Second dongle devices: ({ type = "rtlsdr"; index = 0; gain = 50; correction = 0; mode = "scan"; #mode = "multichannel"; #centerfreq = 119.5; sample_rate = 2.4; buffers = 2 channels: ( { freqs = (119.000, 121.000); labels = ("Tower", "Ground"); outputs: ( { disable = false; # IF_NO_LOCAL_ICECAST_SERVER_IS_AVAILABLE_SET_IT_TO_TRUE type = "icecast"; server = ""; port = 8000; mountpoint = "local"; name = "YOUR_NAME_HERE"; genre = "ATC"; username = "source"; password = "YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE"; send_scan_freq_tags = true; description = "Local IceCast Server"; }, { disable = false; # THIS_PROFILE_TEMPLATE_ACTIVE_IN_USED type = "icecast"; server = "audio9.broadcastify.com"; # FROM_YOUR_RR_FEED_PROVIDER_PAGE port = 80; # PORT_OF_RR_FEED_PROVIDER_ICECAST_SERVER_USUALLY_8000 mountpoint = "YOUR_MOUNTPOINT_HERE"; # MOUNT_POINT_FROM_YOUR_RR_FEED_PROVIDER_PAGE name = "YOUR_NAME_HERE"; # FEED_NAME_THAT_RR_GAVE_YOU_WHEN_YOU_APPLIED genre = "ATC"; username = "source"; password = "YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE"; # PASSWD_FROM_YOUR_RR_FEED_PROVIDER_PAGE send_scan_freq_tags = true; description = "YOUR_DESC_HERE"; } ); } # { # freq = 119.000; # label = "Tower"; # outputs: ({ # name = "mixer1"; # type = "mixer"; # #balance = 0; # }); # } #, # { # freq = 121.000; # label = "Ground"; # outputs: ({ # name = "mixer1"; # type = "mixer"; # #balance = 1.0; # }); # } ); } ); #mixers: { # mixer1: { # outputs: ( # # For local IceCast server # { # disable = false; # IF_NO_LOCAL_ICECAST_SERVER_IS_AVAILABLE_SET_IT_TO_TRUE # type = "icecast"; # server = ""; # port = 8000; # mountpoint = "local"; # name = "YOUR_NAME_HERE"; # genre = "ATC"; # username = "source"; # password = "YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE"; # send_scan_freq_tags = true; # description = "Local IceCast Server"; # }, # # # For remote BroadCastify server # { # disable = false; # THIS_PROFILE_TEMPLATE_ACTIVE_IN_USED # type = "icecast"; # server = "audio9.broadcastify.com"; # FROM_YOUR_RR_FEED_PROVIDER_PAGE # port = 80; # PORT_OF_RR_FEED_PROVIDER_ICECAST_SERVER_USUALLY_8000 # mountpoint = "YOUR_MOUNTPOINT_HERE"; # MOUNT_POINT_FROM_YOUR_RR_FEED_PROVIDER_PAGE # name = "38828"; # FEED_NAME_THAT_RR_GAVE_YOU_WHEN_YOU_APPLIED # genre = "ATC"; # username = "source"; # password = "YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE"; # PASSWD_FROM_YOUR_RR_FEED_PROVIDER_PAGE # send_scan_freq_tags = true; # description = "YOUR_DESC_HERE"; # DESCRIPTION_ASSIGNED_FROM_YOUR_RR_FEED_APPLICATION # } # # # If you need more outputs, put under here ... # # # # NOTICE: Make sure you remove the comma at the end of the profile segment template. # # e.g. From "}," to "}" else you get an error. For the last profile template segment only. # # ); # } #};