ansible-playbook-kibana ======================= This repo is a set of playbooks which will deploy Logstash + ElasticSearch + Kibana all on a single server. ### Setup To get started you will need to setup `./vars/global_vars.yml`. To do this I recommend just copying `./vars/global_vars.yml.sample` and filling in the variables to whatever you want. ```shell cp ./vars/global_vars.yml.sample ./vars/global_vars.yml vi ./vars/global_vars.yml ``` You'll also need to setup ansible's inventory to define the `central-logging` host. ```shell sudo vi /etc/ansible/hosts ``` and add ```ini [central-logging] ``` Unless your user account name is ubuntu with sudo access, you'll need to edit each playbook to change the username. ```shell vi ./playbooks/* ``` Finally, nginx/kibana will be configured with a password to prevent random people from browsing your stuff. That's in the files/kibana/kibana.htpasswd.j2 file. You might want to change the default username/password there (kibana/kibana): ```shell vi ./files/kibana/kibana.htpasswd.j2 ``` (Google for htpasswd generators if you're unfamiliar with how to make an htpasswd file.) ### Running Ansible There are a few ways to use this set of playbooks -- you can either run the deployment of each service individually, or you can run them all in one go. ##### All Services ```shell ansible-playbook playbooks/all.yml ``` ##### Just ElasticSearch ```shell ansible-playbook playbooks/elasticsearch.yml ``` ##### Just LogStash ```shell ansible-playbook playbooks/logstash.yml ``` ##### Just Kibana3 ```shell ansible-playbook playbooks/kibana.yml ```