class Space < ActiveRecord::Base has_paper_trail acts_as_gmappable before_update :update_lat_lng attr_accessor :dot_color def self.categories # Downcased and capitalized for great justice{|s| s.category.downcase.capitalize }.uniq end def self.dot_colors ["red","blue","green","yellow","purple","orange"] end def website_with_protocol /^http/.match( ? : "http://#{}" end def full_address "#{self.address}, #{} #{self.state}" end def gmaps4rails_address #describe how to retrieve the address from your model, if you use directly a db column, you can dry your code, see wiki self.full_address end def update_lat_lng coords = self.geocode.first coords.inspect self.latitude = coords[:lat] self.longitude = coords[:lng] end def geocode Gmaps4rails.geocode(self.full_address) end end