2012-06-17 22:46:53 +00:00
access_key = " "
secret_key = " "
#default options are given below - user input can override any one of these
2012-07-11 20:39:05 +00:00
options = { :fileoutputlocation = > " ~/ec-cost-calculate-result.txt " , :output = > " screen " , :seperator = > " , " , :region = > " all " , :period = > " hour " , :multiplier = > 1 , :status = > :running , :awscredentialsfile = > " " , :awscredentialssource = > " env " , :user_selected_region = > " all " , :mode = > " byinstance " }
2012-06-17 22:46:53 +00:00
#ec2cc_resources holds resources needed by ec2_cost_calculate, such as the output file handle
ec2cc_resources = { }
2012-07-19 07:47:38 +00:00
#mysql_connection_info holds resources needed if a mysql connection is going to be utilized
mysql_connection_info = { :mysqlport = > 3306 }
2012-06-17 22:46:53 +00:00
#list of valid statuses for an instance - will be used to validate user input
instance_valid_statuses = [ :pending , :running , :shutting_down , :terminated , :stopping , :stopped ]
require 'optparse'
require 'net/http'
require 'rubygems'
require 'aws-sdk'
2012-07-19 07:47:38 +00:00
require 'mysql'
2012-06-17 22:46:53 +00:00
class Instance
#attr_accesors create variable setters and getters
attr_accessor :id , :availability_zone , :region , :instance_type , :platform , :status
attr_accessor :name
attr_accessor :asg
attr_accessor :price
#the variables set by "initialize" are those required for Instance instantiatiot
def initialize ( id , region , availability_zone , instance_type , platform , status )
@id = id ; @region = region
@availability_zone = availability_zone
@instance_type = instance_type
@platform = platform
@status = status
def get_price ( instance_type , region , os , price_table , multiplier )
price = price_table . match ( / #{ region } , #{ instance_type } , #{ os } ,.* / ) . to_s . split ( " , " )
@price = price [ 3 ] . to_f * multiplier . to_f
def output ( options , ec2_object , ec2cc_resources )
#outputstring below allows the initialization of how data should be outpout - it is used for both file and screen output. As for the use of a number of strings - I found the formatting easier to read but I'd be open to using one string if evidence supported that being a better way to do this
outputstring = " #{ ec2_object . id } " , " #{ options [ :seperator ] } " , " #{ ec2_object . region } " , " #{ options [ :seperator ] } " , " #{ ec2_object . platform } " , " #{ options [ :seperator ] } " , " #{ ec2_object . status } " , " #{ options [ :seperator ] } " , " #{ ec2_object . price } " , " #{ options [ :seperator ] } " , " #{ ec2_object . name } " , " #{ options [ :seperator ] } " , " #{ ec2_object . asg } " , " \n "
case options [ :output ]
when " file "
ec2cc_resources [ :ec2_output_file_handle ] . print outputstring
when " screen "
print outputstring
2012-07-19 07:47:38 +00:00
when " mysql "
#print "mysqloutputcalled\n"
ec2cc_object_insert = ec2cc_resources [ :mysql_connection_object ] . prepare ( " insert into costs (instanceid,region,platform,status,cost,name,autoscalinggroup,date) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) " )
ec2cc_object_insert . execute ( " #{ ec2_object . id } " , " #{ ec2_object . region } " , " #{ ec2_object . platform } " , " #{ ec2_object . status } " , " #{ ec2_object . price } " , " #{ ec2_object . name } " , " #{ ec2_object . asg } " , Time . now )
2012-06-17 22:46:53 +00:00
$stderr . print " error with output. \n "
exit 1
class Region_Resource
attr_accessor :region_name , :region_endpoint , :region_interface
def initialize ( region_name , region_endpoint , region_interface )
@region_name = region_name
@region_endpoint = region_endpoint
@region_interface = region_interface
2012-07-11 20:39:05 +00:00
#CostASG - will contain one cost object per Auto Scaling Group
class CostASG
attr_accessor :name , :region , :instance_type , :total_instance_count , :total_cost
def initialize ( name , region , instance_type , total_instance_count , total_cost )
@name = name
@region = region
@instance_type = instance_type
@total_instance_count = total_instance_count
@total_cost = total_cost
def output ( options , asg_cost_object , ec2cc_resources )
outputstring = " #{ asg_cost_object . name } " , " #{ options [ :seperator ] } " , " #{ asg_cost_object . region } " , " #{ options [ :seperator ] } " , " #{ asg_cost_object . instance_type } " , " #{ options [ :seperator ] } " , " #{ asg_cost_object . total_instance_count } " , " #{ options [ :seperator ] } " , " #{ asg_cost_object . total_cost } " , " \n "
case options [ :output ]
when " file "
ec2cc_resources [ :ec2_output_file_handle ] . print outputstring
when " screen "
print outputstring
$stderr . print " error with output. \n "
exit 1
2012-06-17 22:46:53 +00:00
## ec2-cost-calculate ##
## Initialization of ec2-cost-calculate
#sets program name
program_name = File . basename ( $PROGRAM_NAME )
#begin Options Parsing
optparse = OptionParser . new do | opts |
#sets options banner
opts . banner = " Usage: #{ program_name } [options] "
#options processing: output
opts . on ( " -o " , " --output OUTPUT " , " Output method. Accepts values \" screen \" or \" file. \" Default value is \" screen \" . " ) do | output |
#forces option to lowercase - easier to evaluate variables when always lowercase
output . downcase!
if ( output == " screen " || output == " file " )
options [ :output ] = output
$stderr . print " You must specifiy an output method such as \" screen \" or \" file \" . You specified \" " , output , " . \" \n "
exit 64
#options process: filename is "file" is selected as output
opts . on ( " -f " , " --file FILE " , " File output location. Only used when the output location \" File \" is selected. " ) do | file |
#forces option to lowercase - easier to evaluate variables when always lowercase
file . downcase!
#the "file" option is only useful if the output is to a file
options [ :fileoutputlocation ] = file
#options processing: used to create seperator
opts . on ( '-s' , '--seperator SEPERATOR' , " Character to be used for seperating fields. Default value is a comma. " ) do | seperator |
if options [ :output ] != " file " && options [ :output ] != " screen "
$stderr . print " You specified a seperator with format that was not \" screen \" or \" file \" . You do not need to specify a seperator for the given format. \n "
exit 64
options [ :seperator ] = seperator
#options processing for region
opts . on ( '-r' , '--region REGION' , " Region for which Instance Costs Should be Provided. Accepts values such as \" us-east-1 \" or \" us-west-1. \" Default value is \" all \" . " ) do | region_selected |
region_selected . downcase!
2012-07-04 05:27:10 +00:00
options [ :user_selected_region ] = region_selected
2012-06-17 22:46:53 +00:00
#options processing for period
opts . on ( '-p' , '--period PERIOD' , " Period for Which Costs Should Be Calculated. Accepts values \" hour \" , \" day \" , \" week \" , \" month \" or \" year \" . Default value is \" hour \" . " ) do | period |
period . downcase!
case period
when " hour "
options [ :multiplier ] = 1
when " day "
options [ :multiplier ] = 24
when " week "
options [ :multiplier ] = 168
when " month "
options [ :multiplier ] = 720
when " year "
options [ :multiplier ] = 8760
$stderr . print " You specified the period \" " , period , " . \" Valid inputs are \" hour \" , \" day \" , \" week \" , \" month \" or \" year. \" \n "
exit 64
#options processing for status
opts . on ( '-s' , '--status STATUS' , " Status for which instance cost should be gotten. Default is \" running \" status. Acceptable inputs are \" pending \" \" running \" \" shutting_down \" , \" terminated \" , \" stopping \" , \" stopped. \" " ) do | status_selected |
status_selected . downcase!
#if instance_valid_statuses includes the user provided status, place in the options hash
if instance_valid_statuses . include? ( status_selected . to_sym )
options [ :status ] = status_selected . to_sym
#else - the status requested didn't exist in the hash, so exit and return error code.
$stderr . print " You specified the status \" " , status_selected , " . \" You need to specify a valid status such as \" running \" or \" pending. \" \n "
exit 64
2012-07-04 05:27:10 +00:00
#options processing for aws credential file input
2012-07-19 07:47:38 +00:00
opts . on ( " -o " , " --output OUTPUT " , " Output method. Accepts values \" screen \" , \" file \" or \" mysql. \" Default value is \" screen \" . " ) do | output |
2012-07-04 05:27:10 +00:00
#forces option to lowercase - easier to evaluate variables when always lowercase
output . downcase!
2012-07-19 07:47:38 +00:00
if ( output == " screen " || output == " file " || output == " mysql " )
2012-07-04 05:27:10 +00:00
options [ :output ] = output
2012-07-19 07:47:38 +00:00
$stderr . print " You must specifiy an output method such as \" screen \" , \" file \" or \" mysql. \" You specified \" " , output , " . \" \n "
2012-07-04 05:27:10 +00:00
exit 64
2012-07-11 20:39:05 +00:00
#mode - allowing either "byinstance" - in which the cost of each instance is listed or "byASG" in which the cost of each ASG is listed
opts . on ( " -m " , " --mode MODE " , " mode in which " , program_name , " runs. Accepts values \" byinstance \" or \" byASG. \" Default value is \" byinstance \" . " ) do | mode |
#forces option to lowercase - easier to evaluate variables when always lowercase
mode . downcase!
if ( mode == " byinstance " || mode == " byasg " )
options [ :mode ] = mode
$stderr . print " You must specifiy a mode such as \" byinstance \" or \" byasg \" . You specified \" " , mode , " . \" \n "
exit 64
2012-07-04 05:27:10 +00:00
#options processing for aws credential file input
opts . on ( " --awscredentialfile CREDENTIAILFILE " , " path to AWS credential file. This is required if the path to an AWS credential file is not provided by an environment variable. " ) do | awscredentialfile |
options [ :awscredentialfile ] = awscredentialfile
options [ :awscredentialssource ] = " file "
2012-07-19 07:47:38 +00:00
#MySQL Configuration
opts . on ( " --mysqluser MYSQLUSER " , " username to be used when connecting to MySQL database " ) do | mysql_user |
#forces option to lowercase - easier to evaluate variables when always lowercase
if ( mysql_user . length == 0 )
$stderr . print " The mysql username specified with the --mysqluser flag was blank. \n "
exit 64
mysql_connection_info [ :mysql_user ] = mysql_user
opts . on ( " --mysqlpass MYSQLPASS " , " password to be used when connecting to MySQL database " ) do | mysql_pass |
if ( mysql_pass . length == 0 )
$stderr . print " The mysql password specified with the --mysqlpassword flag was blank. \n "
exit 64
mysql_connection_info [ :mysql_pass ] = mysql_pass
opts . on ( " --mysqlhost MYSQLHOST " , " host to be used when connecting to MySQL database " ) do | mysql_host |
if ( mysql_host . length == 0 )
$stderr . print " The mysql hostname specified with the --mysqlhost flag was blank. \n "
exit 64
mysql_connection_info [ :mysql_host ] = mysql_host
opts . on ( " --mysqlport MYSQLPORT " , " port to be used when connecting to MySQL database " ) do | mysql_port |
if ( mysql_port . length == 0 )
$stderr . print " The mysql port specified with the --mysqlport is required to be a number. \n "
exit 64
mysql_connection_info [ :mysql_port ] = mysql_port . to_i
2012-06-17 22:46:53 +00:00
optparse . parse!
2012-07-04 05:27:10 +00:00
#case statement deterimnes the location where AWS credentials should be gotten. Defaults to "env" (environment) if set to "file" will read from a user provided file.
case options [ :awscredentialssource ]
when " env "
credentialfile = ENV [ " AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE " ]
awscredentialsmissingtext = " The environment variable AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE must exist and point to a valid credential file in order for " , " #{ program_name } " , " to run. The AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE must contain also contain the two lines below: \n AWSAccessKeyId=<your access key> \n AWSSecretKey=<your secret key> \n Please correct this error and run again. \n "
when " file "
credentialfile = options [ :awscredentialfile ]
awscredentialsmissingtext = " The AWS Credential File you specified must exist for " , " #{ program_name } " , " to run. The specified file must contain also contain the two lines below: \n AWSAccessKeyId=<your access key> \n AWSSecretKey=<your secret key> \n Please correct this error and run again. \n "
$stderr . print " A problem was encountered when attempting to set AWS Credentials. "
exit 64 ;
if credentialfile . nil? || File . exists? ( credentialfile ) == false
$stderr . print awscredentialsmissingtext
exit 64 ;
File . open ( credentialfile , " r " ) . each do | line |
#below: sets access_key equal to line read in from "AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE" that starts with "AWSAccessKeyId=" and removes trailing character
if line . start_with? ( " AWSAccessKeyId= " )
access_key = line . split ( " = " ) [ 1 ] . chomp!
#below: sets secret_key equal to line read in from "AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE" that starts with "AWSSecretKeyId=" and removes trailing character
if line . start_with? ( " AWSSecretKey= " )
secret_key = line . split ( " = " ) [ 1 ] . chomp!
#gets and creates the price_table
2012-07-22 17:14:07 +00:00
price_table = Net :: HTTP . get ( 's3.amazonaws.com' , '/colinjohnson-cloudavailprd/aws-ec2-cost-map.txt' )
2012-07-04 05:27:10 +00:00
#establishes an initial connection object to AWS
2012-07-07 21:31:37 +00:00
aws_interface = AWS :: EC2 . new ( :access_key_id = > access_key , :secret_access_key = > secret_key )
2012-07-04 05:27:10 +00:00
2012-07-07 21:31:37 +00:00
#creates a collection (currently, an array) of all ec2 objects
instance_collection = { } ;
#creates a collection (currently, an array) of all regions resources
region_collection = { } ;
2012-07-11 20:39:05 +00:00
#creates a collection (currently, an array) of all asg costs objects
asg_cost_collection = { } ;
2012-07-04 05:27:10 +00:00
#regions_aws is a list of all current Amazon regions
2012-07-07 21:31:37 +00:00
regions_array = aws_interface . regions . map
2012-06-17 22:46:53 +00:00
#file expansion and validation done outside of optparse
#below performs expansion - ruby's File class does not support file expansion (for instance, ~/ec-cost-calculate-result.txt)
if options [ :output ] == " file "
ec2cc_output_file_location = File . expand_path ( options [ :fileoutputlocation ] )
#if File exists, exit
if File . exists? ( ec2cc_output_file_location )
$stderr . print " The file \" " , ec2cc_output_file_location , " \" already exists. Rather than overwrite this file " , program_name , " will now exit. \n "
exit 64
options [ :fileoutputlocation ] = ec2cc_output_file_location
ec2cc_resources [ :ec2_output_file_handle ] = File . open ( ec2cc_output_file_location , 'a' )
2012-07-19 07:47:38 +00:00
if options [ :output ] == " mysql "
ec2cc_resources [ :mysql_connection_object ] = Mysql . real_connect ( mysql_connection_info [ :mysql_host ] , mysql_connection_info [ :mysql_user ] , mysql_connection_info [ :mysql_pass ] , " ec2cc " , mysql_connection_info [ :mysql_port ] )
2012-07-04 05:27:10 +00:00
#region selection done outside of optparse
if options [ :user_selected_region ] == " all "
$stderr . print " Region \" all \" has been selected. \n "
2012-07-07 21:31:37 +00:00
if regions_array . detect { | region_evaluated | region_evaluated . name == options [ :user_selected_region ] }
2012-07-04 05:27:10 +00:00
$stderr . print " The region \" " , options [ :user_selected_region ] , " \" has been selected. \n "
options [ :region ] = options [ :user_selected_region ]
$stderr . print " You specified the region \" " , options [ :user_selected_region ] , " . \" You need to specify a valid region (example: \" us-east-1 \" ) or region \" all \" for all regions. \n "
exit 64
2012-06-17 22:46:53 +00:00
##handle region selection - this should be improved to iterate through a list of regions
if options [ :region ] == " all "
#set regions_aws_select to all
2012-07-07 21:31:37 +00:00
regions_array . each do | region |
2012-06-17 22:46:53 +00:00
region_interface = AWS :: EC2 . new ( :access_key_id = > access_key , :secret_access_key = > secret_key , :ec2_endpoint = > region . endpoint )
region_object = Region_Resource . new ( region . name , region . endpoint , region_interface )
2012-07-07 21:31:37 +00:00
region_collection [ region . to_s ] = region_object
2012-06-17 22:46:53 +00:00
2012-07-07 21:31:37 +00:00
regions_array . each do | region |
2012-06-17 22:46:53 +00:00
if options [ :region ] == region . name
region_interface = AWS :: EC2 . new ( :access_key_id = > access_key , :secret_access_key = > secret_key , :ec2_endpoint = > region . endpoint )
region_object = Region_Resource . new ( region . name , region . endpoint , region_interface )
2012-07-07 21:31:37 +00:00
region_collection [ region . to_s ] = region_object
2012-06-17 22:46:53 +00:00
#AWS.memoize "causes the sdk to hold onto information until the end of the memoization block" - rather than return information for each function. Performance improvement went from slow (~1 second per instance to 5 seconds for 200 instances)
AWS . memoize do
#First Code Block: passes in regional_resource (endpoint) - 1 call for each AWS region
#Second Code Block: for each region, list all EC2 instances
2012-07-07 21:31:37 +00:00
region_collection . each do | region_name , region_object |
2012-06-17 22:46:53 +00:00
#print "Getting Information from: ",region_object.region_name," using endpoint: ",region_object.region_interface.to_s,"\n"
#for each region_interface, get all instances and perform actions below:
region_object . region_interface . instances . each do | instance |
#corrects an issue where instance.platform returns nil if a "linux" based instance - see https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?threadID=94567&tstart=0
if instance . platform == nil
platform = " linux "
platform = instance . platform
#creates an "Instance" object with a number of attributes
ec2_object = Instance . new ( instance . id , region_object . region_name , instance . availability_zone , instance . instance_type , platform , instance . status )
ec2_object . name = instance . tags [ " Name " ]
ec2_object . asg = instance . tags [ " aws:autoscaling:groupName " ]
#gets price using Instance.price method
ec2_object . price = ec2_object . get_price ( ec2_object . instance_type , ec2_object . region , ec2_object . platform , price_table , options [ :multiplier ] )
2012-07-11 20:39:05 +00:00
#if the currently evaluated instance has an asg that is already in the asg_cost_collection, add the price of the current object to the asg_cost_collection.total_cost attribute, else create a new asg_cost_object and add to the asg_cost_collection
if asg_cost_collection . include? ( ec2_object . asg )
asg_cost_collection [ ec2_object . asg ] . total_instance_count += 1
asg_cost_collection [ ec2_object . asg ] . total_cost += ec2_object . price
asg_cost_object = CostASG . new ( ec2_object . asg , ec2_object . region , ec2_object . instance_type , 1 , ec2_object . price )
asg_cost_collection [ ec2_object . asg ] = asg_cost_object
2012-07-07 21:31:37 +00:00
#places each ec2_object into the instance_collection if the status of instance matches user requested status
2012-06-17 22:46:53 +00:00
if options [ :status ] == instance . status
2012-07-07 21:31:37 +00:00
instance_collection [ instance . id ] = ec2_object
2012-06-17 22:46:53 +00:00
#Prints Header
2012-07-11 20:39:05 +00:00
case options [ :mode ]
when " byinstance "
headerstring = " instanceid " , " #{ options [ :seperator ] } " , " region " , " #{ options [ :seperator ] } " , " platform " , " #{ options [ :seperator ] } " , " status " , " #{ options [ :seperator ] } " , " cost " , " #{ options [ :seperator ] } " , " name " , " #{ options [ :seperator ] } " , " autoscalinggroup " , " \n "
when " byasg "
headerstring = " asgname " , " #{ options [ :seperator ] } " , " region " , " #{ options [ :seperator ] } " , " instanceplatform " , " #{ options [ :seperator ] } " , " instancecount " , " #{ options [ :seperator ] } " , " asgcost " , " \n "
2012-06-17 22:46:53 +00:00
case options [ :output ]
when " screen "
print headerstring
when " file "
ec2cc_resources [ :ec2_output_file_handle ] . print headerstring
2012-07-11 20:39:05 +00:00
case options [ :mode ]
when " byinstance "
instance_collection . each do | ec2_instance_id , ec2_instance_object |
ec2_instance_object . output ( options , ec2_instance_object , ec2cc_resources )
when " byasg "
asg_cost_collection . each do | asg_cost_object_asg , asg_cost_object |
asg_cost_object . output ( options , asg_cost_object , ec2cc_resources )