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#!/bin/bash -
# Author: Colin Johnson / colin@cloudavail.com
# Date: 2012-02-27
# Version 0.5
# License Type: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3
#as-update-launch-config start
#gets an AMI from set of inputs
#get list of AMIs - format is region,bitdepth,storage,ami-id, -s is required to prevent curl from outputing progress meter to stderr
amimap=`curl -s ${awsec2amimap}`
#gets instanceid from downloaded file
imageid=`echo "$amimap" | grep "$region,$bits,$storage" | cut -d ',' -f4`
echo "AMI ID $imageid will be used for the new Launch Configuration. Note that as-update-launch-config uses Amazon Linux AMIs by default."
#determines that the user provided AMI does, in fact, exit
#amivalid redirects stderr to stdout - if the user provided AMI does not exist, the if statement will exit as-update-launch-config.sh else it is assumed that the user provided AMI exists
amivalid=`ec2-describe-images $imageid --region $region 2>&1`
if [[ $amivalid =~ "Client.InvalidAMIID.NotFound" ]]
then echo "The AMI ID $imageid could not be found. If you specify an AMI (-m) it must exist and be in the given region (-r). Note that region (-r defaults to \"us-east-1\" if not given." 1>&2 ; exit 64
else echo "The user provided AMI \"$imageid\" will be used when updating the Launch Configuration for the Auto Scaling Group \"$asgroupname.\""
#confirms that executables required for succesful script execution are available
for prerequisite in basename cut curl date head grep as-update-auto-scaling-group as-describe-launch-configs as-describe-auto-scaling-groups ec2-describe-images
#use of "hash" chosen as it is a shell builtin and will add programs to hash table, possibly speeding execution. Use of type also considered - open to suggestions.
hash $prerequisite &> /dev/null
if [[ $? == 1 ]] #has exits with exit status of 70, executable was not found
then echo "In order to use `basename $0`, the executable \"$prerequisite\" must be installed." 1>&2 ; exit 70
#calls prerequisitecheck function to ensure that all executables required for script execution are available
#sets as-update-launch-config Defaults
dateymd=`date +"%F"`
#handles options processing
while getopts :a:i:u:b:s:p:r:m: opt
case $opt in
a) asgroupname="$OPTARG";;
i) instancetype="$OPTARG";;
u) userdata="$OPTARG";;
b) bits="$OPTARG";;
s) storage="$OPTARG";;
p) preview="$OPTARG";;
r) region="$OPTARG";;
m) imageid="$OPTARG";;
*) echo "Error with Options Input. Cause of failure is most likely that an unsupported parameter was passed or a parameter was passed without a corresponding option." 1>&2 ; exit 64 ;;
#sets previewmode - will echo commands rather than performing work
case $preview in
true|True) previewmode="echo"; echo "Preview Mode is set to $preview" 1>&2 ;;
""|false|False) previewmode="";;
*) echo "You specified \"$preview\" for Preview Mode. If specifying a Preview Mode you must specific either \"true\" or \"false.\"" 1>&2 ; exit 64 ;;
# instance-type validator
case $instancetype in
t1.micro|m1.small|c1.medium|m1.medium) bits=$bits ;
# bit depth validator for micro to medium instances - demands that input of bits for micro to medium size instances be 32 or 64 bit
if [[ $bits -ne 32 && bits -ne 64 ]]
then echo "You must specify either a 32-bit (-b 32) or 64-bit (-b 64) platform for the \"$instancetype\" EC2 Instance Type." 1>&2 ; exit 64
fi ;;
m1.large|m1.xlarge|m2.xlarge|m2.2xlarge|m2.4xlarge|c1.xlarge|cc1.4xlarge) bits=64;;
"") echo "You did not specify an EC2 Instance Type. You must specify a valid EC2 Instance Type (example: -i m1.small or -i m1.large)." 1>&2 ; exit 64;;
*) echo "The \"$instancetype\" EC2 Instance Type does not exist. You must specify a valid EC2 Instance Type (example: -i m1.small or -i m1.large)." 1>&2 ; exit 64;;
# user-data validator
if [[ ! -f $userdata ]]
then echo "The user-data file \"$userdata\" does not exist. You must specify a valid user-data file (example: -u /path/to/user-data.txt)." 1>&2 ; exit 64
# storage validator
case $storage in
ebs|EBS) storage=EBS;;
s3|S3) storage=S3;;
"") storage=EBS ;; # if no storage type is set - default to EBS
*) echo "The \"$storage\" storage type does not exist. You must specify a valid storage type (either: -s ebs or -s s3)." 1>&2 ; exit 64;;
# region validator
case $region in
us-east-1|us-west-2|us-west-1|eu-west-1|ap-southeast-1|ap-northeast-1|sa-east-1) ;;
*) echo "The \"$region\" region does not exist. You must specify a valid region (example: -r us-east-1 or -r us-west-2)." 1>&2 ; exit 64;;
# as-group-name validator - need to also include "command not found" if as-describe-auto-scaling-groups doesn't fire
if [[ -z $asgroupname ]]
then echo "You must specify an Auto Scaling Group name (example: -a asgname)." 1>&2 ; exit 64
#creates list of Auto Scaling Groups
asgresult=`as-describe-auto-scaling-groups $asgroupname --show-long --region $region --max-records 1000`
#user response for Auto Scaling Group lookup - alerts user if Auto Scaling Group was not found.
if [[ $asgresult = "No AutoScalingGroups found" ]]
then echo "The Auto Scaling Group named \"$asgroupname\" does not exist. You must specify an Auto Scaling Group that exists." 1>&2 ; exit 64
#if $imageid has a length of non-zero call imageidvalidation else call getimageid.
if [[ -n $imageid ]]
then imageidvalidation
#gets current launch-config
launch_config_current=`echo $asgresult | head -n 1 | cut -d ',' -f3`
aslcresult=`as-describe-launch-configs $launch_config_current --show-long --region $region --max-records 1000`
launch_config_security_group=`echo $aslcresult | cut -d ',' -f9`
launch_config_key=`echo $aslcresult | cut -d ',' -f5`
echo "The Auto Scaling Group \"$asgroupname\" uses the security group \"$launch_config_security_group\"." 1>&2
echo "The Auto Scaling Group \"$asgroupname\" uses the key \"$launch_config_key.\"" 1>&2
#code below searches for unique identifier for launch-config - without a unique identifier, launch config creation would fail.
aslc_list=`as-describe-launch-configs --show-long --region $region --max-records 1000 | cut -d ',' -f2`
while [[ $unique_lc_name_found < 1 ]]
#tests if launch-config name will be unique
if [[ $aslc_list =~ "$asgroupname-$dateymd-id-$lc_uniq_id" ]]
then lc_uniq_id=$((lc_uniq_id+1))
unique_lc_name_found=1 ; #for testing "Launch Condifuration Named: \"$asgroupname-$dateymd-id-$lc_uniq_id.\""
echo "A new Launch Configuration named \"$launchconfig_new\" for Auto Scaling Group \"$asgroupname\" will be created using EC2 Instance Type \"$instancetype\" and AMI \"$imageid.\""
#Create Launch Config
$previewmode as-create-launch-config $launchconfig_new --image-id $imageid --instance-type $instancetype --region $region --group $launch_config_security_group --key $launch_config_key --user-data-file $userdata
#Update Auto Scaling Group
$previewmode as-update-auto-scaling-group $asgroupname --region $region --launch-configuration $launchconfig_new