pep8, all output now log instead of print, log level choices in argparse
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,30 +1,31 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Colin Johnson /
# Date: 2013-06-08
# Version 0.1
# Date: 2013-10-12
# Version 0.2
# License Type: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3
import argparse # used to gather user input
import ConfigParser # import ConfigParser - used for getting configuration
import logging # used to write out log events - events that are neither required output nor error
import os # used to get app_name
import re # import re used to find/replace zone
import boto.route53 # import boto.route53 (not just boto) - need to import correct module
import ConfigParser # import ConfigParser - used for getting configuration
import re # import re used to find/replace zone
import sys # used to exit python program with exit code
import os # used to get app_name
import logging # used to write out log events - events that are neither required output nor error
import argparse # used to gather user input
def commit_record_changeset(destination_zone_record_changeset):
'''commit_record_changeset commits records to AWS'''
except boto.route53.exception.DNSServerError, error:
sys.stderr.write("An error occured when attempting to commit records to the zone \"" + destination_zone_name + "\"\n")
sys.stderr.write("The error message given was: " + error.error_message + ".\n")
logging.critical('An error occured when attempting to commit records to the zone "{destination_zone_name!s}."'
.format (destination_zone_name=destination_zone_name))
logging.critical('The error message given was: {error!s}.'.format (error=error.error_message))
def diff_record(record_a, record_a_object, record_b, record_b_object):
compare_values = ["type", "ttl", "resource_records", "alias_hosted_zone_id", "alias_dns_name", "identifier", "weight", "region"]
'''diff_record compares two different resource records'''
compare_values = ['type', 'ttl', 'resource_records', 'alias_hosted_zone_id', 'alias_dns_name', 'identifier', 'weight', 'region']
diff_record_result = False
for value in compare_values:
@ -32,78 +33,87 @@ def diff_record(record_a, record_a_object, record_b, record_b_object):
diff_record_result = True
return diff_record_result
app_name = os.path.basename(__file__)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--loglevel", help="set the log level when running route53-migrate-zone.")
parser.add_argument("--config", help="choose the configuration file to be used when running route53-migrate-zone.", default='config.ini')
parser.add_argument('--log-level', dest='loglevel', help=str('set the log level when running {app_name!s}.'.format (app_name=app_name)),
default='WARNING', choices=['DEBUG','INFO','WARNING','ERROR','CRITICAL'])
parser.add_argument('--config', help=str('choose the configuration file to be used when running {app_name!s}'.format(app_name=app_name)),
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.loglevel is not None:
log_level = str.upper(args.loglevel)
config_file_path = args.config
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
#functions: currently supports newzone - the functions are set automatically by the route53-migrate-zone script
# configure logging
log_format = '%(message)s'
log_level = str.upper(args.loglevel)
logging.basicConfig(level=log_level, format=log_format)
# functions: currently supports newzone - the functions are set automatically by the route53-migrate-zone script
functions = []
#the source_zone user credentials should be read-only
source_zone_access_key = config.get("source_zone_values", "source_zone_access_key")
source_zone_secret_key = config.get("source_zone_values", "source_zone_secret_key")
source_zone_name = config.get("source_zone_values", "source_zone_name")
destination_zone_access_key = config.get("destination_zone_values", "destination_zone_access_key")
destination_zone_secret_key = config.get("destination_zone_values", "destination_zone_secret_key")
destination_zone_name = config.get("destination_zone_values", "destination_zone_name")
#best would be to retreive the destination_zone_id using destination_zone_name
destination_zone_id = config.get("destination_zone_values", "destination_zone_id")
# the source_zone user credentials should be read-only
source_zone_access_key = config.get('source_zone_values', 'source_zone_access_key')
source_zone_secret_key = config.get('source_zone_values', 'source_zone_secret_key')
source_zone_name = config.get('source_zone_values', 'source_zone_name')
destination_zone_access_key = config.get('destination_zone_values', 'destination_zone_access_key')
destination_zone_secret_key = config.get('destination_zone_values', 'destination_zone_secret_key')
destination_zone_name = config.get('destination_zone_values', 'destination_zone_name')
# best would be to retreive the destination_zone_id using destination_zone_name
destination_zone_id = config.get('destination_zone_values', 'destination_zone_id')
record_types_to_migrate = ["A", "CNAME", "MX", "TXT"]
record_types_to_migrate = ['A', 'CNAME', 'MX', 'TXT']
if source_zone_name != destination_zone_name:
print app_name + " will rewrite domain names ending in \"" + source_zone_name + "\" to domain names ending in \"" + destination_zone_name + "\""
||||'{app_name!s} will rewrite domain names ending in {source_zone_name!s} to domain names ending in {destination_zone_name!s}'.format
(app_name=app_name, source_zone_name=source_zone_name, destination_zone_name=destination_zone_name))
#creates Route53Connection Object
# creates Route53Connection Object
source_connection = boto.route53.Route53Connection(aws_access_key_id=source_zone_access_key, aws_secret_access_key=source_zone_secret_key)
destination_connection = boto.route53.Route53Connection(aws_access_key_id=destination_zone_access_key, aws_secret_access_key=destination_zone_secret_key)
#create connection to source_zone
# create connection to source_zone
source_zone = source_connection.get_zone(source_zone_name)
except boto.route53.exception.DNSServerError, error:
sys.stderr.write("An error occured when attempting to create a connection to AWS.\n")
sys.stderr.write("The error message given was: " + error.error_message + ".\n")
logging.critical('An error occured when attempting to create a connection to AWS.')
logging.critical('The error message given was: {error!s}.'.format (error=error.error_message))
#create connection to destination_zone
# create connection to destination_zone
destination_zone = destination_connection.get_zone(destination_zone_name)
except boto.route53.exception.DNSServerError, error:
sys.stderr.write("An error occured when attempting to create a connection to AWS.\n")
sys.stderr.write("The error message given was: " + error.error_message + ".\n")
logging.critical('An error occured when attempting to create a connection to AWS.')
logging.critical('The error message given was: {error!s}.'.format (error=error.error_message))
#creates ResourceRecordSets object named source_zone_records (ResourceRecordSets = a collection of resource records)
# creates ResourceRecordSets object named source_zone_records
# (ResourceRecordSets = a collection of resource records)
source_zone_records = source_zone.get_records()
#creates ResourceRecordSets object named destination_zone_records (ResourceRecordSets = a collection of resource records)
# creates ResourceRecordSets object named destination_zone_records
# (ResourceRecordSets = a collection of resource records)
destination_zone_records = destination_zone.get_records()
#resource_record_dict will be used to store all resource records that should be transferred
# resource_record_dict will be used to store all resource records that
# should be transferred
resource_record_dict = {}
#destination_zone_existing_resource_record_dict will be used to store all resource records that exist in destination zone
# destination_zone_existing_resource_record_dict will be used to store all
# resource records that exist in destination zone
destination_zone_existing_resource_record_dict = {}
#creates a set of changes to be delivered to Route53
# creates a set of changes to be delivered to Route53
destination_zone_record_changeset = boto.route53.record.ResourceRecordSets(destination_connection, destination_zone_id)
for record in destination_zone_records:
destination_zone_existing_resource_record_dict[] = record
#counts of records - should be replaced by dictionary
# counts of records - should be replaced by dictionary
examined_record_count = 0
migrated_record_count = 0
existing_records_in_destination_zone_count = 0
@ -111,26 +121,30 @@ identical_records_in_destination_zone_count = 0
different_records_in_destination_zone_count = 0
uncommitted_change_elements = 0
#get records from source_zone
# get records from source_zone
for record in source_zone_records:
if record.type in record_types_to_migrate:
if "newzone" in functions:
if 'newzone' in functions:
destination_record = re.sub(source_zone_name, destination_zone_name,
||||"Record \"" + + "\" will be rewritten as \"" + destination_record + "\".")
logging.debug('Record "{record_name!s}" will be rewritten as "{destination_record!s}".'
.format(, destination_record=destination_record))
|||| = destination_record
#test if record exists in destination_zone
# test if record exists in destination_zone
if in destination_zone_existing_resource_record_dict:
existing_records_in_destination_zone_count += 1
#compare records in source_domain and destination_domain, store result as diff_result
# compare records in source_domain and destination_domain, store result as diff_result
diff_result = diff_record(, record,, destination_zone_existing_resource_record_dict)
if diff_result is True:
different_records_in_destination_zone_count += 1
||||"Record \"" + + "\" exists in source zone \"" + source_zone_name + "\" and destination zone \"" + destination_zone_name + "\" and is different.")
||||'Record {record_name!s} exists in source zone {source_zone_name!s} and destination zone {destination_zone_name!s} and is different.'
.format(, source_zone_name=source_zone_name, destination_zone_name=destination_zone_name))
elif diff_result is False:
identical_records_in_destination_zone_count += 1
||||"Record \"" + + "\" exists in source zone \"" + source_zone_name + "\" and destination zone \"" + destination_zone_name + "\" and is identical.")
||||'Record {record_name!s} exists in source zone {source_zone_name!s} and destination zone {destination_zone_name!s} and is identical.'
.format(, source_zone_name=source_zone_name, destination_zone_name=destination_zone_name))
sys.stderr.write("Diff of record " + + " failed.\n")
logging.critical('Diff of record {record_name!s} failed.'
resource_record_dict[] = boto.route53.record.Record(, type=record.type, ttl=record.ttl, resource_records=record.resource_records, alias_hosted_zone_id=record.alias_hosted_zone_id, alias_dns_name=record.alias_dns_name, identifier=record.identifier, weight=record.weight, region=record.region)
@ -139,26 +153,36 @@ for record in resource_record_dict:
examined_record_count += 1
#if record is an alias record we are not supporting yet
if resource_record_dict[record].alias_dns_name is not None:
||||"Record \"" + resource_record_dict[record].name + "\" is an alias record set and will not be migrated. " + app_name + " does not currently support alias record sets.")
||||'Record {record_name!s} is an alias record set and will not be migrated {app_name!s} does not currently support alias record sets.'
.format(record_name=resource_record_dict[record].name, app_name=app_name))
uncommitted_change_elements += 1
destination_zone_record_changeset.add_change_record("CREATE", resource_record_dict[record])
logging.debug("Uncommitted Record Count:" + str(uncommitted_change_elements))
#if there are 99 uncomitted change elements than they must be committed - Amazon only accepts up to 99 change elements at a given time
#if the number of examined records is equal to the number of records then we can commit as well - we are now done examing records
||||'Uncommitted Record Count: {uncommitted_change_elements!s}'
.format (uncommitted_change_elements=uncommitted_change_elements))
# if there are 99 uncomitted change elements than they must be committed - Amazon only accepts up to 99 change elements at a given time
# if the number of examined records is equal to the number of records then we can commit as well - we are now done examing records
if uncommitted_change_elements >= 99 or examined_record_count == len(resource_record_dict):
||||"Flushing Records:" + str(uncommitted_change_elements))
||||'Flushing this Number of Uncommitted Records: {uncommitted_change_elements!s}'
.format (uncommitted_change_elements=uncommitted_change_elements))
migrated_record_count += uncommitted_change_elements
uncommitted_change_elements = 0
destination_zone_record_changeset = None
destination_zone_record_changeset = boto.route53.record.ResourceRecordSets(destination_connection, destination_zone_id)
print "Summary:"
print "Records migrated from source zone: \"" + source_zone_name + "\" to destination zone: \"" + destination_zone_name + "\"."
print "Record types selected for migration: " + str(record_types_to_migrate) + "."
print "Records examined: " + str(examined_record_count)
print "Records migrated: " + str(migrated_record_count) + "."
print "Records not migrated because they exist in destination zone \"" + destination_zone_name + "\": " + str(existing_records_in_destination_zone_count)
print "Records that exist in source zone \"" + source_zone_name + "\" and destination zone \"" + destination_zone_name + "\" and are identical: " + str(identical_records_in_destination_zone_count)
print "Records that exist in source zone \"" + source_zone_name + "\" and destination zone \"" + destination_zone_name + "\" and are different: " + str(different_records_in_destination_zone_count)
||||'Records migrated from source zone: {source_zone_name!s} to destination zone: {destination_zone_name!s}.'
.format(source_zone_name=source_zone_name, destination_zone_name=destination_zone_name))
||||'Record types selected for migration: {record_types_to_migrate!s}).'
||||'Records examined: {examined_record_count!s}).'
.format (examined_record_count=examined_record_count))
||||'Records migrated: {migrated_record_count!s}).'
.format (migrated_record_count=migrated_record_count))
||||'Records not migrated because they exist in destination zone {destination_zone_name!s}: {existing_records_in_destination_zone_count!s}.'
.format (destination_zone_name=destination_zone_name, existing_records_in_destination_zone_count=existing_records_in_destination_zone_count))
||||'Records that exist in source zone {source_zone_name!s} and destination zone {destination_zone_name!s} and are identical: {identical_records_in_destination_zone_count!s}'
.format (source_zone_name=source_zone_name, destination_zone_name=destination_zone_name, identical_records_in_destination_zone_count=identical_records_in_destination_zone_count))
||||'Records that exist in source zone {source_zone_name!s} and destination zone {destination_zone_name!s} and are different: {different_records_in_destination_zone_count!s}'
.format (source_zone_name=source_zone_name, destination_zone_name=destination_zone_name, different_records_in_destination_zone_count=different_records_in_destination_zone_count))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user