#!/bin/bash - #get instance id - used for putting metric INSTANCE_ID=`curl -s` INSTANCE_AZ=`curl -s` INSTANCE_REGION=${INSTANCE_AZ%?} #could be done using "free" or "vmstat" - use of less and grep is believed to provide widest compatibility - CJ 2011-11-24 memfree=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep -i MemFree | grep -o [0-9]*` swaptotal=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep -i SwapTotal | grep -o [0-9]*` swapfree=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep -i SwapFree | grep -o [0-9]*` swapused=$(($swaptotal-$swapfree)) #mon-put-data to put metrics mon-put-data --region $INSTANCE_REGION --metric-name MemoryFree --namespace EC2/Memory --value $memfree --unit Kilobytes --dimensions "InstanceId=$INSTANCE_ID" mon-put-data --region $INSTANCE_REGION --metric-name SwapUsed --namespace EC2/Memory --value $swapused --unit Kilobytes --dimensions "InstanceId=$INSTANCE_ID" #to run in cron every 5 minutes - note that you must first provide credentials for mon-put-data #echo "*/5 * * * * ec2-user /usr/local/bin/ec2-write-memory-metrics.sh" > /etc/cron.d/ec2-write-memory-metrics