switching to Rspec stubbing/mocking - no more RR

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Bates 2012-04-22 14:59:32 -07:00
parent c94de4ab18
commit b37f2d083e
7 changed files with 83 additions and 81 deletions

View File

@ -10,10 +10,9 @@ Gem::Specification.new do |s|
s.files = Dir["{lib,spec}/**/*", "[A-Z]*", "init.rb"] - ["Gemfile.lock"]
s.require_path = "lib"
s.add_development_dependency 'rspec', '~> 2.6.0'
s.add_development_dependency 'rspec', '~> 2.9.0'
s.add_development_dependency 'rails', '~> 3.0.9'
s.add_development_dependency 'rr', '~> 0.10.11' # 1.0.0 has respond_to? issues: http://github.com/btakita/rr/issues/issue/43
s.add_development_dependency 'supermodel', '~> 0.1.4'
s.add_development_dependency 'supermodel', '~> 0.1.6'
s.rubyforge_project = s.name
s.required_rubygems_version = ">= 1.3.4"

View File

@ -291,7 +291,8 @@ describe CanCan::Ability do
it "should not match subjects return nil for methods that must match nested a nested conditions hash" do
mock(object_with_foo = Object.new).foo { :bar }
object_with_foo = Object.new
object_with_foo.should_receive(:foo) { :bar }
@ability.can :read, :arrays, :first => { :foo => :bar }
@ability.can?(:read, [object_with_foo]).should be_true
@ability.can?(:read, []).should be_false
@ -457,8 +458,8 @@ describe CanCan::Ability do
it "determines model adapter class by asking AbstractAdapter" do
model_class = Object.new
adapter_class = Object.new
stub(CanCan::ModelAdapters::AbstractAdapter).adapter_class(model_class) { adapter_class }
stub(adapter_class).new(model_class, []) { :adapter_instance }
CanCan::ModelAdapters::AbstractAdapter.stub(:adapter_class).with(model_class) { adapter_class }
adapter_class.stub(:new).with(model_class, []) { :adapter_instance }
@ability.model_adapter(model_class, :read).should == :adapter_instance

View File

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerAdditions do
@params = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
@controller_class = Class.new
@controller = @controller_class.new
stub(@controller).params { @params }
stub(@controller).current_user { :current_user }
mock(@controller_class).helper_method(:can?, :cannot?, :current_ability)
@controller.stub(:params) { @params }
@controller.stub(:current_user) { :current_user }
@controller_class.should_receive(:helper_method).with(:can?, :cannot?, :current_ability)
@controller_class.send(:include, CanCan::ControllerAdditions)
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerAdditions do
it "authorize! should pass args to current ability" do
mock(@controller.current_ability).authorize!(:foo, :bar)
@controller.current_ability.should_receive(:authorize!).with(:foo, :bar)
@controller.authorize!(:foo, :bar)
@ -33,19 +33,23 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerAdditions do
it "load_and_authorize_resource should setup a before filter which passes call to ControllerResource" do
stub(CanCan::ControllerResource).new(@controller, nil, :load => true, :authorize => true, :foo => :bar).mock!.process
mock(@controller_class).before_filter({}) { |options, block| block.call(@controller) }
controller_resource = double("controller_resource")
CanCan::ControllerResource.stub(:new).with(@controller, nil, :load => true, :authorize => true, :foo => :bar) { controller_resource }
@controller_class.load_and_authorize_resource :foo => :bar
it "load_and_authorize_resource should properly pass first argument as the resource name" do
stub(CanCan::ControllerResource).new(@controller, :project, :load => true, :authorize => true, :foo => :bar).mock!.process
mock(@controller_class).before_filter({}) { |options, block| block.call(@controller) }
controller_resource = double("controller_resource")
CanCan::ControllerResource.stub(:new).with(@controller, :project, :load => true, :authorize => true, :foo => :bar) { controller_resource }
@controller_class.load_and_authorize_resource :project, :foo => :bar
it "load_and_authorize_resource with :prepend should prepend the before filter" do
@controller_class.load_and_authorize_resource :foo => :bar, :prepend => true
@ -54,23 +58,22 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerAdditions do
it "cancan_resource_class should be InheritedResource when class includes InheritedResources::Actions" do
stub(@controller.class).ancestors { ["InheritedResources::Actions"] }
@controller.class.stub(:ancestors) { ["InheritedResources::Actions"] }
@controller.class.cancan_resource_class.should == CanCan::InheritedResource
it "enable_authorization should call authorize! with controller and action name" do
@params.merge!(:controller => "projects", :action => "create")
mock(@controller).authorize!("create", "projects")
stub(@controller_class).before_filter(:only => :foo, :except => :bar) { |options, block| block.call(@controller) }
stub(@controller_class).after_filter(:only => :foo, :except => :bar)
@controller.should_receive(:authorize!).with("create", "projects")
@controller_class.stub(:before_filter).with(:only => :foo, :except => :bar).and_yield(@controller)
@controller_class.stub(:after_filter).with(:only => :foo, :except => :bar)
@controller_class.enable_authorization(:only => :foo, :except => :bar)
it "enable_authorization should raise InsufficientAuthorizationCheck when not fully authoried" do
@params.merge!(:controller => "projects", :action => "create")
stub(@ability).fully_authorized? { false }
stub(@controller_class).before_filter(:only => :foo, :except => :bar)
stub(@controller_class).after_filter(:only => :foo, :except => :bar) { |options, block| block.call(@controller) }
@controller_class.stub(:before_filter).with(:only => :foo, :except => :bar)
@controller_class.stub(:after_filter).with(:only => :foo, :except => :bar).and_yield(@controller)
lambda {
@controller_class.enable_authorization(:only => :foo, :except => :bar)
}.should raise_error(CanCan::InsufficientAuthorizationCheck)
@ -78,29 +81,29 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerAdditions do
it "enable_authorization should not call authorize! when :if is false" do
@authorize_called = false
stub(@controller).authorize? { false }
stub(@controller).authorize! { @authorize_called = true }
mock(@controller_class).before_filter({}) { |options, block| block.call(@controller) }
mock(@controller_class).after_filter({}) { |options, block| block.call(@controller) }
@controller.stub(:authorize?) { false }
@controller.stub(:authorize!) { @authorize_called = true }
@controller_class.enable_authorization(:if => :authorize?)
@authorize_called.should be_false
it "enable_authorization should not call authorize! when :unless is true" do
@authorize_called = false
stub(@controller).engine_controller? { true }
stub(@controller).authorize! { @authorize_called = true }
mock(@controller_class).before_filter({}) { |options, block| block.call(@controller) }
mock(@controller_class).after_filter({}) { |options, block| block.call(@controller) }
@controller.stub(:engine_controller?) { true }
@controller.stub(:authorize!) { @authorize_called = true }
@controller_class.enable_authorization(:unless => :engine_controller?)
@authorize_called.should be_false
it "enable_authorization should pass block to rescue_from CanCan::Unauthorized call" do
@block_called = false
mock(@controller_class).rescue_from(CanCan::Unauthorized) { |options, block| block.call(:exception) }
@controller_class.enable_authorization { |e| @block_called = (e == :exception) }
@block_called.should be_true

View File

@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerResource do
@controller_class = Class.new
@controller = @controller_class.new
@ability = Ability.new(nil)
stub(@controller).params { @params }
stub(@controller).current_ability { @ability }
stub(@controller).authorize! { |*args| @ability.authorize!(*args) }
# stub(@controller_class).cancan_skipper { {:authorize => {}, :load => {}} }
@controller.stub(:params) { @params }
@controller.stub(:current_ability) { @ability }
@controller.stub(:authorize!) { |*args| @ability.authorize!(*args) }
# @controller_class.stub(:cancan_skipper) { {:authorize => {}, :load => {}} }
it "should load the resource into an instance variable if params[:id] is specified" do
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerResource do
it "should build a collection when on index action when class responds to accessible_by and mark ability as fully authorized" do
stub(Project).accessible_by(@ability, :index) { :found_projects }
Project.stub(:accessible_by).with(@ability, :index) { :found_projects }
@params[:action] = "index"
CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller, :project, :load => true).process
@controller.instance_variable_get(:@project).should be_nil
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerResource do
it "should not use accessible_by when defining abilities through a block" do
stub(Project).accessible_by(@ability) { :found_projects }
Project.stub(:accessible_by).with(@ability) { :found_projects }
@params[:action] = "index"
@ability.can(:read, :projects) { |p| false }
CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller, :load => true).process
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerResource do
it "should not authorize resource in collection action" do
@params[:action] = "index"
@controller.instance_variable_set(:@project, :some_project)
stub(@controller).authorize!(:index, :projects) { raise CanCan::Unauthorized }
@controller.stub(:authorize!).with(:index, :projects) { raise CanCan::Unauthorized }
resource = CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller, :authorize => true)
lambda { resource.process }.should_not raise_error(CanCan::Unauthorized)
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerResource do
it "should authorize parent resource in collection action" do
@params[:action] = "index"
@controller.instance_variable_set(:@category, :some_category)
stub(@controller).authorize!(:show, :some_category) { raise CanCan::Unauthorized }
@controller.stub(:authorize!).with(:show, :some_category) { raise CanCan::Unauthorized }
resource = CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller, :category, :parent => true, :authorize => true)
lambda { resource.process }.should raise_error(CanCan::Unauthorized)
@ -105,14 +105,14 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerResource do
it "should perform authorization using controller action and loaded model" do
@params.merge!(:action => "show", :id => 123)
@controller.instance_variable_set(:@project, :some_project)
stub(@controller).authorize!(:show, :some_project) { raise CanCan::Unauthorized }
@controller.stub(:authorize!).with(:show, :some_project) { raise CanCan::Unauthorized }
resource = CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller, :authorize => true)
lambda { resource.process }.should raise_error(CanCan::Unauthorized)
it "should not perform authorization using controller action when no loaded model" do
@params.merge!(:action => "show", :id => 123)
stub(@controller).authorize!(:show, :projects) { raise CanCan::Unauthorized }
@controller.stub(:authorize!).with(:show, :projects) { raise CanCan::Unauthorized }
resource = CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller, :authorize => true)
lambda { resource.process }.should_not raise_error(CanCan::Unauthorized)
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerResource do
it "should load a collection resource when on custom action with no id param" do
stub(Project).accessible_by(@ability, :sort) { :found_projects }
Project.stub(:accessible_by).with(@ability, :sort) { :found_projects }
@params[:action] = "sort"
CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller, :load => true).process
@controller.instance_variable_get(:@project).should be_nil
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerResource do
it "should build a resource when on custom new action even when params[:id] exists" do
@params.merge!(:action => "build", :id => 123)
stub(Project).new { :some_project }
Project.stub(:new) { :some_project }
CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller, :load => true, :new => :build).process
@controller.instance_variable_get(:@project).should == :some_project
@ -173,27 +173,27 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerResource do
it "should load resource through the association of another parent resource using instance variable" do
@params.merge!(:action => "show", :id => 123)
category = Object.new
category = double("category", :projects => double("projects"))
category.projects.stub(:find).with(123) { :some_project }
@controller.instance_variable_set(:@category, category)
stub(category).projects.stub!.find(123) { :some_project }
CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller, :load => true, :through => :category).process
@controller.instance_variable_get(:@project).should == :some_project
it "should load resource through the custom association name" do
@params.merge!(:action => "show", :id => 123)
category = Object.new
category = double("category", :custom_projects => double("custom_projects"))
category.custom_projects.stub(:find).with(123) { :some_project }
@controller.instance_variable_set(:@category, category)
stub(category).custom_projects.stub!.find(123) { :some_project }
CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller, :load => true, :through => :category, :through_association => :custom_projects).process
@controller.instance_variable_get(:@project).should == :some_project
it "should load resource through the association of another parent resource using method" do
@params.merge!(:action => "show", :id => 123)
category = Object.new
stub(@controller).category { category }
stub(category).projects.stub!.find(123) { :some_project }
category = double("category", :projects => double("projects"))
@controller.stub(:category) { category }
category.projects.stub(:find).with(123) { :some_project }
CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller, :load => true, :through => :category).process
@controller.instance_variable_get(:@project).should == :some_project
@ -223,16 +223,16 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerResource do
@params.merge!(:action => "index")
category = Object.new
@controller.instance_variable_set(:@category, category)
stub(@controller).authorize!(:index, category => :projects) { raise CanCan::Unauthorized }
@controller.stub(:authorize!).with(:index, category => :projects) { raise CanCan::Unauthorized }
resource = CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller, :authorize => true, :through => :category)
lambda { resource.process }.should raise_error(CanCan::Unauthorized)
it "should load through first matching if multiple are given" do
@params.merge!(:action => "show", :id => 123)
category = Object.new
category = double("category", :projects => double("projects"))
category.projects.stub(:find).with(123) { :some_project }
@controller.instance_variable_set(:@category, category)
stub(category).projects.stub!.find(123) { :some_project }
CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller, :load => true, :through => [:category, :user]).process
@controller.instance_variable_get(:@project).should == :some_project
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerResource do
@params.merge!(:action => "show", :id => nil)
category = Object.new
@controller.instance_variable_set(:@category, category)
stub(category).project { :some_project }
category.stub(:project) { :some_project }
CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller, :load => true, :through => :category, :singleton => true).process
@controller.instance_variable_get(:@project).should == :some_project
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerResource do
it "should only authorize :show action on parent resource" do
project = Project.create!
@params.merge!(:action => "new", :project_id => project.id)
stub(@controller).authorize!(:show, project) { raise CanCan::Unauthorized }
@controller.stub(:authorize!).with(:show, project) { raise CanCan::Unauthorized }
resource = CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller, :project, :load => true, :authorize => true, :parent => true)
lambda { resource.process }.should raise_error(CanCan::Unauthorized)
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerResource do
it "should not authorize based on resource name if class is false because we don't do class level authorization anymore" do
@params.merge!(:action => "show", :id => 123)
stub(@controller).authorize!(:show, :projects) { raise CanCan::Unauthorized }
@controller.stub(:authorize!).with(:show, :projects) { raise CanCan::Unauthorized }
resource = CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller, :authorize => true, :class => false)
lambda { resource.process }.should_not raise_error(CanCan::Unauthorized)
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerResource do
it "should load and authorize using custom instance name" do
project = Project.create!
@params.merge!(:action => "show", :id => project.id)
stub(@controller).authorize!(:show, project) { raise CanCan::Unauthorized }
@controller.stub(:authorize!).with(:show, project) { raise CanCan::Unauthorized }
resource = CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller, :load => true, :authorize => true, :instance_name => :custom_project)
lambda { resource.process }.should raise_error(CanCan::Unauthorized)
@controller.instance_variable_get(:@custom_project).should == project
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerResource do
it "should authorize each new attribute in the create action" do
@params.merge!(:action => "create", :project => {:name => "foo"})
@controller.instance_variable_set(:@project, :some_project)
mock(@controller).authorize!(:create, :some_project, :name)
@ability.should_receive(:authorize!).with(:create, :some_project, :name)
CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller, :authorize => true).process
@ -347,14 +347,14 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerResource do
it "should authorize each new attribute in the update action" do
@params.merge!(:action => "update", :id => 123, :project => {:name => "foo"})
@controller.instance_variable_set(:@project, :some_project)
mock(@controller).authorize!(:update, :some_project, :name)
@ability.should_receive(:authorize!).with(:update, :some_project, :name)
CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller, :authorize => true).process
it "should fetch member through method when instance variable is not provided" do
stub(@controller).project { :some_project }
@controller.stub(:project) { :some_project }
@params.merge!(:action => "show", :id => 123)
stub(@controller).authorize!(:show, :some_project) { raise CanCan::Unauthorized }
@controller.stub(:authorize!).with(:show, :some_project) { raise CanCan::Unauthorized }
resource = CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller, :authorize => true)
lambda { resource.process }.should raise_error(CanCan::Unauthorized)
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerResource do
# end
# it "should skip resource behavior for :only actions in array" do
# stub(@controller_class).cancan_skipper { {:load => {nil => {:only => [:index, :show]}}} }
# @controller_class.stub(:cancan_skipper) { {:load => {nil => {:only => [:index, :show]}}} }
# @params.merge!(:action => "index")
# CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller).skip?(:load).should be_true
# CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller, :some_resource).skip?(:load).should be_false
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerResource do
# end
# it "should skip resource behavior for :only one action on resource" do
# stub(@controller_class).cancan_skipper { {:authorize => {:project => {:only => :index}}} }
# @controller_class.stub(:cancan_skipper) { {:authorize => {:project => {:only => :index}}} }
# @params.merge!(:action => "index")
# CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller).skip?(:authorize).should be_false
# CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller, :project).skip?(:authorize).should be_true
@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerResource do
# end
# it "should skip resource behavior :except actions in array" do
# stub(@controller_class).cancan_skipper { {:load => {nil => {:except => [:index, :show]}}} }
# @controller_class.stub(:cancan_skipper) { {:load => {nil => {:except => [:index, :show]}}} }
# @params.merge!(:action => "index")
# CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller).skip?(:load).should be_false
# @params.merge!(:action => "show")
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerResource do
# end
# it "should skip resource behavior :except one action on resource" do
# stub(@controller_class).cancan_skipper { {:authorize => {:project => {:except => :index}}} }
# @controller_class.stub(:cancan_skipper) { {:authorize => {:project => {:except => :index}}} }
# @params.merge!(:action => "index")
# CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller, :project).skip?(:authorize).should be_false
# @params.merge!(:action => "other_action")
@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ describe CanCan::ControllerResource do
# end
# it "should skip loading and authorization" do
# stub(@controller_class).cancan_skipper { {:authorize => {nil => {}}, :load => {nil => {}}} }
# @controller_class.stub(:cancan_skipper) { {:authorize => {nil => {}}, :load => {nil => {}}} }
# @params.merge!(:action => "new")
# resource = CanCan::ControllerResource.new(@controller)
# lambda { resource.load_and_authorize_resource }.should_not raise_error

View File

@ -6,36 +6,36 @@ describe CanCan::InheritedResource do
@controller_class = Class.new
@controller = @controller_class.new
@ability = Ability.new(nil)
stub(@controller).params { @params }
stub(@controller).current_ability { @ability }
# stub(@controller_class).cancan_skipper { {:authorize => {}, :load => {}} }
@controller.stub(:params) { @params }
@controller.stub(:current_ability) { @ability }
# @controller_class.stub(:cancan_skipper) { {:authorize => {}, :load => {}} }
it "show should load resource through @controller.resource" do
@params.merge!(:action => "show", :id => 123)
stub(@controller).resource { :project_resource }
@controller.stub(:resource) { :project_resource }
CanCan::InheritedResource.new(@controller, :load => true).process
@controller.instance_variable_get(:@project).should == :project_resource
it "new should load through @controller.build_resource" do
@params[:action] = "new"
stub(@controller).build_resource { :project_resource }
@controller.stub(:build_resource) { :project_resource }
CanCan::InheritedResource.new(@controller, :load => true).process
@controller.instance_variable_get(:@project).should == :project_resource
it "index should load through @controller.association_chain when parent" do
@params[:action] = "index"
stub(@controller).association_chain { @controller.instance_variable_set(:@project, :project_resource) }
@controller.stub(:association_chain) { @controller.instance_variable_set(:@project, :project_resource) }
CanCan::InheritedResource.new(@controller, :load => true, :parent => true).process
@controller.instance_variable_get(:@project).should == :project_resource
it "index should load through @controller.end_of_association_chain" do
@params[:action] = "index"
stub(Project).accessible_by(@ability, :index) { :projects }
stub(@controller).end_of_association_chain { Project }
Project.stub(:accessible_by).with(@ability, :index) { :projects }
@controller.stub(:end_of_association_chain) { Project }
CanCan::InheritedResource.new(@controller, :load => true).process
@controller.instance_variable_get(:@projects).should == :projects

View File

@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ require "spec_helper"
describe "be_able_to" do
it "delegates to can?" do
object = Object.new
mock(object).can?(:read, 123) { true }
object.should_receive(:can?).with(:read, 123) { true }
object.should be_able_to(:read, 123)
it "reports a nice failure message for should" do
object = Object.new
mock(object).can?(:read, 123) { false }
object.should_receive(:can?).with(:read, 123) { false }
expect do
object.should be_able_to(:read, 123)
end.should raise_error('expected to be able to :read 123')
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ describe "be_able_to" do
it "reports a nice failure message for should not" do
object = Object.new
mock(object).can?(:read, 123) { true }
object.should_receive(:can?).with(:read, 123) { true }
expect do
object.should_not be_able_to(:read, 123)
end.should raise_error('expected not to be able to :read 123')
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ describe "be_able_to" do
it "delegates additional arguments to can? and reports in failure message" do
object = Object.new
mock(object).can?(:read, 123, 456) { false }
object.should_receive(:can?).with(:read, 123, 456) { false }
expect do
object.should be_able_to(:read, 123, 456)
end.should raise_error('expected to be able to :read 123 456')

View File

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ RSpec.configure do |config|
config.filter_run :focus => true
config.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true
config.mock_with :rr
config.before(:each) do