1.1.0 (April 17, 2010) * Supporting arrays, ranges, and nested hashes in ability conditions * Removing "unauthorized!" method in favor of "authorize!" in controllers * Adding action, subject and default_message abilities to AccessDenied exception - see issue #40 * Adding caching to current_ability controller method, if you're overriding this be sure to add caching too. * Adding "accessible_by" method to Active Record for fetching records matching a specific ability * Adding conditions behavior to Ability#can and fetch with Ability#conditions - see issue #53 * Renaming :class option to :resource for load_and_authorize_resource which now supports a symbol for non models - see issue #45 * Properly handle Admin::AbilitiesController in params[:controller] - see issue #46 * Adding be_able_to RSpec matcher (thanks dchelimsky), requires Ruby 1.8.7 or higher - see issue #54 * Support additional arguments to can? which get passed to the block - see issue #48 1.0.2 (Dec 30, 2009) * Adding clear_aliased_actions to Ability which removes previously defined actions including defaults - see issue #20 * Append aliased actions (don't overwrite them) - see issue #20 * Adding custom message argument to unauthorized! method (thanks tjwallace) - see issue #18 1.0.1 (Dec 14, 2009) * Adding :class option to load_resource so one can customize which class to use for the model - see issue #17 * Don't fetch parent of nested resource if *_id parameter is missing so it works with shallow nested routes - see issue #14 1.0.0 (Dec 13, 2009) * Don't set resource instance variable if it has been set already - see issue #13 * Allowing :nested option to accept an array for deep nesting * Adding :nested option to load resource method - see issue #10 * Pass :only and :except options to before filters for load/authorize resource methods. * Adding :collection and :new options to load_resource method so we can specify behavior of additional actions if needed. * BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: turning load and authorize resource methods into class methods which set up the before filter so they can accept additional arguments. 0.2.1 (Nov 26, 2009) * many internal refactorings - see issues #11 and #12 * adding "cannot" method to define which abilities cannot be done - see issue #7 * support custom objects (usually symbols) in can definition - see issue #8 0.2.0 (Nov 17, 2009) * fix behavior of load_and_authorize_resource for namespaced controllers - see issue #3 * support arrays being passed to "can" to specify multiple actions or classes - see issue #2 * adding "cannot?" method to ability, controller, and view which is inverse of "can?" - see issue #1 * BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: use Ability#initialize instead of 'prepare' to set up abilities - see issue #4 0.1.0 (Nov 16, 2009) * initial release