## Country-Region-Selector (CRS) A common form feature is dynamic, connected country and region dropdowns, where the region field is updated to contain whatever regions (provinces / states / territories / counties etc.) are appropriate for the selected country. It's super easy to do this, but requires a lot of leg work tracking down the data and hooking it all up. This script lets you easily add this feature to your form without having to write any code. It comes in two flavours: - [standalone script](./source/crs.min.js) (no dependencies, just plain JS) - **54KB** (minified version) - a [jQuery-dependent version](./source/crs.min.js) (ever-so slightly smaller) - **53KB** (minified version) The reason the files are so large is that they contain all the country and region strings. ### Features - Lets you customize the default "Please select" field for each country/region with whatever language you want. - Lets you specify a default value for each field. - Lets you customize the appearance and value of the country field ("Canada" or "CA") - they can be different, if desired (e.g. 2 char code for saving to database; full name for displaying purposes). - Lets you have as many country-region-mapped fields as you need in your page. - The standalone version has no dependencies on other any libs (jQuery etc) and you can include the JS file anywhere you want (head/foot). ### Example Check out the following page for an example of the various ways it can be configured and used. [http://benkeen.github.io/country-region-selector/](http://benkeen.github.io/country-region-selector/) ### How to Use It's very easy. 1. Include the `crs.min.js` file in your webpage. 2. Add two `