2014-03-24 21:09:38 -07:00

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<title>Country-region-selector by benkeen</title>
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A script to automatically add dynamic, connected country and region dropdowns to your forms.
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<p>For installation and configuration details about the script, see the <a href="">main github readme.</a></p>
<h4>Example 1</h4>
This is a simple no-frills example. You can lay the fields out in your markup however you want - but
for simplicity, the rest of the examples will just put them side to side.
Country: <select class="crs-country" data-region-id="one"></select>
Region: <select id="one"></select>
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<h4>Example 2</h4>
Custom default option texts for both the country and region dropdowns.
<select class="crs-country" data-region-id="two" data-default-option="Select a country, man."></select>
<select id="two" data-blank-option="No country selected, mon. (blank value)" data-default-option="Select a region, pal. (default option)"></select>
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<h4>Example 3</h4>
The country dropdown values are by default the same as the display values: the full country names.
By adding the <b>data-value="2-char"</b> attribute to the country field, the values will be a 2-char
character code.
<select class="crs-country" data-region-id="three" data-value="2-char"></select>
<select id="three"></select>
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<h4>Example 4</h4>
Pre-filling the fields on page load.
<select class="crs-country" data-region-id="four" data-default-value="Canada"></select>
<select id="four" data-default-value="British Columbia"></select>
Country-region-selector is maintained by <a href="">benkeen</a><br>
This page was generated by <a href="">GitHub Pages</a>. Tactile theme by <a href="">Jason Long</a>.
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