Type `github_changelog_generator --help` for detailed usage.
Usage: changelog_generator [options]
-u, --user [USER] Username of the owner of target GitHub repo
-p, --project [PROJECT] Name of project on GitHub
-t, --token [TOKEN] To make more than 50 requests this script required your OAuth token for GitHub. You can generate it on https://github.com/settings/applications
-h, --help Displays Help
-v, --[no-]verbose Run verbosely. Default is true
--[no-]issues Include closed issues to changelog. Default is true
--[no-]issues-without-labels Include closed issues without any labels to changelog. Default is true
--[no-]pull-requests Include pull-requests to changelog. Default is true
-l, --last-changes Generate log between last 2 tags only
-f, --date-format [FORMAT] Date format. Default is %d/%m/%y
-o, --output [NAME] Output file. Default is CHANGELOG.md
--labels x,y,z List of labels. Issues with that labels will be included to changelog. Default is 'bug,enhancement'
- Look at changelog for **[CHANGELOG.md](https://github.com/skywinder/Github-Changelog-Generator/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)** for this project
- This changelog: [ActionSheetPicker-3.0/CHANGELOG.md](https://github.com/skywinder/ActionSheetPicker-3.0/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) was generated by command:
Since GitHub allow to make only 50 requests without authentication it's recommended to run this scrip with key `-t [your-16-digit-token]` that you can easily **[generate it here](https://github.com/settings/applications)**.
**Nothing is impossible!** Open an [issue](https://github.com/skywinder/Github-Changelog-Generator/issues/new) and let's get this generator better together!