#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'optparse' require 'pp' require_relative 'version' module GitHubChangelogGenerator class Parser def self.parse_options # :include_labels => %w(bug enhancement), options = {:tag1 => nil, :tag2 => nil, :format => '%Y-%m-%d', :output => 'CHANGELOG.md', :exclude_labels => %w(duplicate question invalid wontfix), :pulls => true, :issues => true, :verbose => true, :add_issues_wo_labels => true, :add_pr_wo_labels => true, :merge_prefix => '*Merged pull-request:* ', :author => true, :filter_issues_by_milestone => true, :compare_link => true, :unreleased => true} parser = OptionParser.new { |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: changelog_generator [options]' opts.on('-u', '--user [USER]', 'Username of the owner of target GitHub repo') do |last| options[:user] = last end opts.on('-p', '--project [PROJECT]', 'Name of project on GitHub') do |last| options[:project] = last end opts.on('-t', '--token [TOKEN]', 'To make more than 50 requests per hour your GitHub token required. You can generate it here: https://github.com/settings/tokens/new') do |last| options[:token] = last end opts.on('-f', '--date-format [FORMAT]', 'Date format. Default is %d/%m/%y') do |last| options[:format] = last end opts.on('-o', '--output [NAME]', 'Output file. Default is CHANGELOG.md') do |last| options[:output] = last end opts.on('--[no-]verbose', 'Run verbosely. Default is true') do |v| options[:verbose] = v end opts.on('--[no-]issues', 'Include closed issues to changelog. Default is true') do |v| options[:issues] = v end opts.on('--[no-]issues-wo-labels', 'Include closed issues without labels to changelog. Default is true') do |v| options[:add_issues_wo_labels] = v end opts.on('--[no-]pr-wo-labels', 'Include pull requests without labels to changelog. Default is true') do |v| options[:add_pr_wo_labels] = v end opts.on('--[no-]pull-requests', 'Include pull-requests to changelog. Default is true') do |v| options[:pulls] = v end opts.on('--[no-]filter-by-milestone', 'Use milestone to detect when issue was resolved. Default is true') do |last| options[:filter_issues_by_milestone] = last end opts.on('--[no-]author', 'Add author of pull-request in the end. Default is true') do |author| options[:author] = author end opts.on('--unreleased-only', 'Generate log from unreleased closed issues only.') do |v| options[:unreleased_only] = v end opts.on('--[no-]unreleased', 'Add to log unreleased closed issues. Default is true') do |v| options[:unreleased] = v end opts.on('--[no-]compare-link', 'Include compare link between older version and newer version. Default is true') do |v| options[:compare_link] = v end opts.on('--include-labels x,y,z', Array, 'Issues only with that labels will be included to changelog. Default is \'bug,enhancement\'') do |list| options[:include_labels] = list end opts.on('--exclude-labels x,y,z', Array, 'Issues with that labels will be always excluded from changelog. Default is \'duplicate,question,invalid,wontfix\'') do |list| options[:exclude_labels] = list end opts.on('--github-site [URL]', 'The Enterprise Github site on which your project is hosted.') do |last| options[:github_site] = last end opts.on('--github-api [URL]', 'The enterprise endpoint to use for your Github API.') do |last| options[:github_endpoint] = last end opts.on('-v', '--version', 'Print version number') do |v| puts "Version: #{GitHubChangelogGenerator::VERSION}" exit end opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Displays Help') do puts opts exit end } parser.parse! if ARGV[0] && !ARGV[1] github_site = options[:github_site] ? options[:github_site] : 'github.com' # this match should parse strings such "https://github.com/skywinder/Github-Changelog-Generator" or "skywinder/Github-Changelog-Generator" to user and name match = /(?:.+#{Regexp.escape(github_site)}\/)?(.+)\/(.+)/.match(ARGV[0]) begin param = match[2].nil? rescue puts "Can't detect user and name from first parameter: '#{ARGV[0]}' -> exit'" exit end if param exit else options[:user] = match[1] options[:project]= match[2] end end if !options[:user] && !options[:project] remote = `git remote -vv`.split("\n") match = /.*(?:[:\/])((?:-|\w|\.)*)\/((?:-|\w|\.)*)?(?:\.git).*/.match(remote[0]) if match && match[1] && match[2] puts "Detected user:#{match[1]}, project:#{match[2]}" options[:user], options[:project] = match[1], match[2] end end if !options[:user] || !options[:project] puts parser.banner exit end if ARGV[1] options[:tag1] = ARGV[0] options[:tag2] = ARGV[1] end options end end end