git-generate-changelog(1) - Generate changelog from github ================================ ## SYNOPSIS `git generate-changelog` [-h|--help] [-u|--user] [-p|--project] ## DESCRIPTION Automatically generate change log from your tags, issues, labels and pull requests on GitHub. ## OPTIONS -u, --user [USER] Username of the owner of target GitHub repo -p, --project [PROJECT] Name of project on GitHub -t, --token [TOKEN] To make more than 50 requests per hour your GitHub token is required. You can generate it at: -f, --date-format [FORMAT] Date format. Default is %Y-%m-%d -o, --output [NAME] Output file. Default is -b, --base [NAME] Optional base file to append generated changes to. --bugs-label [LABEL] Setup custom label for bug-fixes section. Default is "**Fixed bugs:** --enhancement-label [LABEL] Setup custom label for enhancements section. Default is "**Implemented enhancements:**" --issues-label [LABEL] Setup custom label for closed-issues section. Default is "**Closed issues:**" --header-label [LABEL] Setup custom header label. Default is "# Change Log" --pr-label [LABEL] Setup custom label for pull requests section. Default is "**Merged pull requests:**" --[no-]issues Include closed issues in changelog. Default is true --[no-]issues-wo-labels Include closed issues without labels in changelog. Default is true --[no-]pr-wo-labels Include pull requests without labels in changelog. Default is true --[no-]pull-requests Include pull-requests in changelog. Default is true --[no-]filter-by-milestone Use milestone to detect when issue was resolved. Default is true --[no-]author Add author of pull-request in the end. Default is true --unreleased-only Generate log from unreleased closed issues only. --[no-]unreleased Add to log unreleased closed issues. Default is true --unreleased-label [label] Add to log unreleased closed issues. Default is true --[no-]compare-link Include compare link (Full Changelog) between older version and newer version. Default is true --include-labels x,y,z Only issues with the specified labels will be included in the changelog. --exclude-labels x,y,z Issues with the specified labels will be always excluded from changelog. Default is 'duplicate,question,invalid,wontfix' --bug-labels x,y,z Issues with the specified labels will be always added to "Fixed bugs" section. Default is 'bug,Bug' --enhancement-labels x,y,z Issues with the specified labels will be always added to "Implemented enhancements" section. Default is 'enhancement,Enhancement' --between-tags x,y,z Change log will be filled only between specified tags --exclude-tags x,y,z Change log will exclude specified tags --since-tag x Change log will start after specified tag --due-tag x Change log will end before specified tag --max-issues [NUMBER] Max number of issues to fetch from GitHub. Default is unlimited --release-url [URL] The URL to point to for release links, in printf format (with the tag as variable). --github-site [URL] The Enterprise Github site on which your project is hosted. --github-api [URL] The enterprise endpoint to use for your Github API. --simple-list Create simple list from issues and pull requests. Default is false. --future-release [RELEASE-VERSION] Put the unreleased changes in the specified release number. --[no-]verbose Run verbosely. Default is true -v, --version Print version number -h, --help Displays Help ## EXAMPLES ## AUTHOR Written by Petr Korolev ## REPORTING BUGS <> ## SEE ALSO <>