#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'github_api' require 'json' require 'colorize' require 'benchmark' require_relative 'github_changelog_generator/parser' require_relative 'github_changelog_generator/generator' require_relative 'github_changelog_generator/version' module GitHubChangelogGenerator class ChangelogGenerator attr_accessor :options, :all_tags, :github PER_PAGE_NUMBER = 30 def initialize @options = Parser.parse_options if options[:verbose] puts 'Input options:' pp options puts '' end github_token github_options = {per_page: PER_PAGE_NUMBER} github_options[:oauth_token] = @github_token unless @github_token.nil? github_options[:endpoint] = options[:github_endpoint] unless options[:github_endpoint].nil? github_options[:site] = options[:github_endpoint] unless options[:github_site].nil? @github = Github.new github_options @generator = Generator.new(@options) @all_tags = self.get_all_tags @pull_requests = self.get_filtered_pull_requests if @options[:issues] @issues = self.get_all_issues else @issues = [] end @tag_times_hash = {} end def print_json(json) puts JSON.pretty_generate(json) end def exec_command(cmd) exec_cmd = "cd #{$project_path} and #{cmd}" %x[#{exec_cmd}] end def get_all_closed_pull_requests if @options[:verbose] print "Fetching pull requests...\r" end response = @github.pull_requests.list @options[:user], @options[:project], :state => 'closed' pull_requests = [] page_i = 0 response.each_page do |page| page_i += PER_PAGE_NUMBER count_pages = response.count_pages print "Fetching pull requests... #{page_i}/#{count_pages * PER_PAGE_NUMBER}\r" pull_requests.concat(page) end print " \r" if @options[:verbose] puts "Received pull requests: #{pull_requests.count}" end pull_requests end def get_filtered_pull_requests pull_requests = self.get_all_closed_pull_requests unless @options[:pull_request_labels].nil? if @options[:verbose] puts 'Filter all pull requests by labels.' end filtered_pull_requests = pull_requests.select { |pull_request| #fetch this issue to get labels array issue = @github.issues.get @options[:user], @options[:project], pull_request.number #compare is there any labels from @options[:labels] array issue_without_labels = !issue.labels.map { |label| label.name }.any? if @options[:verbose] puts "Filter request \##{issue.number}." end if @options[:pull_request_labels].any? select_by_label = (issue.labels.map { |label| label.name } & @options[:pull_request_labels]).any? else select_by_label = false end select_by_label | issue_without_labels } if @options[:verbose] puts "Filtered pull requests with specified labels and w/o labels: #{filtered_pull_requests.count}" end return filtered_pull_requests end pull_requests end def compund_changelog log = "# Changelog\n\n" if @options[:last] log += self.generate_log_between_tags(self.all_tags[0], self.all_tags[1]) elsif @options[:tag1] and @options[:tag2] tag1 = @options[:tag1] tag2 = @options[:tag2] tags_strings = [] self.all_tags.each { |x| tags_strings.push(x['name']) } if tags_strings.include?(tag1) if tags_strings.include?(tag2) hash = Hash[tags_strings.map.with_index.to_a] index1 = hash[tag1] index2 = hash[tag2] log += self.generate_log_between_tags(self.all_tags[index1], self.all_tags[index2]) else puts "Can't find tag #{tag2} -> exit" exit end else puts "Can't find tag #{tag1} -> exit" exit end else log += self.generate_log_for_all_tags end log += "\n\n\\* *This changelog was generated by [github_changelog_generator](https://github.com/skywinder/Github-Changelog-Generator)*" output_filename = "#{@options[:output]}" File.open(output_filename, 'w') { |file| file.write(log) } puts "Done! Generated log placed in #{`pwd`.strip!}/#{output_filename}" end def generate_log_for_all_tags log = '' # Async fetching tags: threads = [] @all_tags.each { |tag| threads << Thread.new { self.get_time_of_tag(tag) } } threads.each { |thr| thr.join } if @options[:verbose] puts "Sorting tags.." end @all_tags.sort_by! { |x| self.get_time_of_tag(x) }.reverse! if @options[:verbose] puts "Generating log.." end (1 ... self.all_tags.size).each { |index| log += self.generate_log_between_tags(self.all_tags[index], self.all_tags[index-1]) } log += generate_log_between_tags(nil, self.all_tags.last) log end def is_megred(number) @github.pull_requests.merged? @options[:user], @options[:project], number end def get_all_tags if @options[:verbose] print "Fetching tags...\r" end response = @github.repos.tags @options[:user], @options[:project] tags = [] page_i = 0 count_pages = response.count_pages response.each_page do |page| page_i += PER_PAGE_NUMBER print "Fetching tags... #{page_i}/#{count_pages * PER_PAGE_NUMBER}\r" tags.concat(page) end print " \r" if @options[:verbose] puts "Found #{tags.count} tags" end tags end def github_token if @options[:token] return @github_token ||= @options[:token] end env_var = ENV.fetch 'CHANGELOG_GITHUB_TOKEN', nil unless env_var puts "Warning: No token provided (-t option) and variable $CHANGELOG_GITHUB_TOKEN was not found.".yellow puts "This script can make only 50 requests to GitHub API per hour without token!".yellow end @github_token ||= env_var end def generate_log_between_tags(older_tag, newer_tag) if newer_tag.nil? puts "Can't find tag -> terminate" exit 1 end newer_tag_time = self.get_time_of_tag(newer_tag) newer_tag_name = newer_tag['name'] filtered_pull_requests = delete_by_time(@pull_requests, :merged_at, newer_tag_time, older_tag) filtered_issues = delete_by_time(@issues, :closed_at, newer_tag_time, older_tag) older_tag_name = older_tag.nil? ? nil : older_tag['name'] if @options[:filter_issues_by_milestone] #delete excess irrelevant issues (according milestones) filtered_issues.select! { |issue| if issue.milestone.nil? true else #check, that this milestone in tag list: milestone_is_tag = @all_tags.find { |tag| tag.name == issue.milestone.title } milestone_is_tag.nil? end } #add missed issues (according milestones) issues_to_add = @issues.select { |issue| if issue.milestone.nil? false else #check, that this milestone in tag list: milestone_is_tag = @all_tags.find { |tag| tag.name == issue.milestone.title } if milestone_is_tag.nil? false else issue.milestone.title == newer_tag_name end end } filtered_issues |= issues_to_add end self.create_log(filtered_pull_requests, filtered_issues, newer_tag_name, newer_tag_time, older_tag_name) end def delete_by_time(array, hash_key, newer_tag_time, older_tag = nil) older_tag_time = self.get_time_of_tag(older_tag) array.select { |req| if req[hash_key] t = Time.parse(req[hash_key]).utc - 60 if older_tag_time.nil? tag_in_range_old = true else tag_in_range_old = t > older_tag_time end tag_in_range_new = t <= newer_tag_time tag_in_range = (tag_in_range_old) && (tag_in_range_new) tag_in_range else false end } end # @param [Array] pull_requests # @param [Array] issues # @param [String] newer_tag_name # @param [String] newer_tag_time # @param [String] older_tag_name # @return [String] def create_log(pull_requests, issues, newer_tag_name, newer_tag_time, older_tag_name = nil) github_site = options[:github_site] || 'https://github.com' project_url = "#{github_site}/#{@options[:user]}/#{@options[:project]}" # Generate tag name and link log = "## [#{newer_tag_name}](#{project_url}/tree/#{newer_tag_name})\n" if @options[:compare_link] && older_tag_name # Generate compare link log += "[Full Changelog](#{project_url}/compare/#{older_tag_name}...#{newer_tag_name})\n" end #Generate date string: time_string = newer_tag_time.strftime @options[:format] log += "#### #{time_string}\n" if @options[:pulls] # Generate pull requests: pull_requests.each { |pull_request| merge = @generator.get_string_for_pull_request(pull_request) log += "- #{merge}" } if pull_requests end if @options[:issues] # Generate issues: if issues issues.sort! { |x, y| if x.labels.any? && y.labels.any? x.labels[0].name <=> y.labels[0].name else if x.labels.any? 1 else if y.labels.any? -1 else 0 end end end }.reverse! end issues.each { |dict| is_bug = false is_enhancement = false dict.labels.each { |label| if label.name == 'bug' is_bug = true end if label.name == 'enhancement' is_enhancement = true end } intro = 'Closed issue' if is_bug intro = 'Fixed bug' end if is_enhancement intro = 'Implemented enhancement' end enc_string = @generator.encapsulate_string dict[:title] merge = "*#{intro}:* #{enc_string} [\\##{dict[:number]}](#{dict.html_url})\n\n" log += "- #{merge}" } end log end def get_time_of_tag(tag_name) if tag_name.nil? return nil end if @tag_times_hash[tag_name['name']] return @tag_times_hash[tag_name['name']] end github_git_data_commits_get = @github.git_data.commits.get @options[:user], @options[:project], tag_name['commit']['sha'] time_string = github_git_data_commits_get['committer']['date'] Time.parse(time_string) @tag_times_hash[tag_name['name']] = Time.parse(time_string) end def get_all_issues if @options[:verbose] print "Fetching closed issues...\r" end response = @github.issues.list user: @options[:user], repo: @options[:project], state: 'closed', filter: 'all', labels: nil issues = [] page_i = 0 count_pages = response.count_pages response.each_page do |page| page_i += PER_PAGE_NUMBER print "Fetching issues... #{page_i}/#{count_pages * PER_PAGE_NUMBER}\r" issues.concat(page) end print " \r" if @options[:verbose] puts "Received issues: #{issues.count}" end # remove pull request from issues: issues.select! { |x| x.pull_request == nil } if @options[:verbose] puts "Filtering issues with labels #{@options[:labels]}#{@options[:add_issues_wo_labels] ? ' and w/o labels' : ''}" end filtered_issues = issues.select { |issue| #compare is there any labels from @options[:labels] array (issue.labels.map { |label| label.name } & @options[:labels]).any? } if @options[:add_issues_wo_labels] issues_wo_labels = issues.select { # add issues without any labels |issue| !issue.labels.map { |label| label.name }.any? } filtered_issues.concat(issues_wo_labels) end if @options[:verbose] puts "Filtered issues: #{filtered_issues.count}" end filtered_issues end end if __FILE__ == $0 GitHubChangelogGenerator::ChangelogGenerator.new.compund_changelog end end