module GitHubChangelogGenerator # A Fetcher responsible for all requests to GitHub and all basic manipulation with related data (such as filtering, validating, e.t.c) # # Example: # fetcher = options class Fetcher PER_PAGE_NUMBER = 30 GH_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_MSG = "Warning: GitHub API rate limit (5000 per hour) exceeded, change log may be " \ "missing some issues. You can limit the number of issues fetched using the `--max-issues NUM` argument." def initialize(options = {}) @options = options @user = @options[:user] @project = @options[:project] @github_token = fetch_github_token @tag_times_hash = {} github_options = { per_page: PER_PAGE_NUMBER } github_options[:oauth_token] = @github_token unless @github_token.nil? github_options[:endpoint] = options[:github_endpoint] unless options[:github_endpoint].nil? github_options[:site] = options[:github_endpoint] unless options[:github_site].nil? begin @github = github_options rescue puts GH_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_MSG.yellow end end # Returns GitHub token. First try to use variable, provided by --token option, otherwise try to fetch it from CHANGELOG_GITHUB_TOKEN env variable. # # @return [String] def fetch_github_token env_var = @options[:token] ? @options[:token] : (ENV.fetch "CHANGELOG_GITHUB_TOKEN", nil) unless env_var puts "Warning: No token provided (-t option) and variable $CHANGELOG_GITHUB_TOKEN was not found.".yellow puts "This script can make only 50 requests to GitHub API per hour without token!".yellow end env_var end # Fetch all tags from repo # @return [Array] array of tags def get_all_tags if @options[:verbose] print "Fetching tags...\r" end tags = [] begin response = @github.repos.tags @options[:user], @options[:project] page_i = 0 count_pages = response.count_pages response.each_page do |page| page_i += PER_PAGE_NUMBER print "Fetching tags... #{page_i}/#{count_pages * PER_PAGE_NUMBER}\r" tags.concat(page) end print " \r" if tags.count == 0 puts "Warning: Can't find any tags in repo. Make sure, that you push tags to remote repo via 'git push --tags'".yellow elsif @options[:verbose] puts "Found #{tags.count} tags" end rescue puts GH_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_MSG.yellow end tags end # This method fetch all closed issues and separate them to pull requests and pure issues # (pull request is kind of issue in term of GitHub) # @return [Tuple] with issues and pull requests def fetch_issues_and_pull_requests if @options[:verbose] print "Fetching closed issues...\r" end issues = [] begin response = @github.issues.list user: @options[:user], repo: @options[:project], state: "closed", filter: "all", labels: nil page_i = 0 count_pages = response.count_pages response.each_page do |page| page_i += PER_PAGE_NUMBER print "Fetching issues... #{page_i}/#{count_pages * PER_PAGE_NUMBER}\r" issues.concat(page) break if @options[:max_issues] && issues.length >= @options[:max_issues] end rescue puts GH_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_MSG.yellow end print " \r" if @options[:verbose] puts "Received issues: #{issues.count}" end # remove pull request from issues: issues.partition { |x| x[:pull_request].nil? } end # Fetch all pull requests. We need them to detect :merged_at parameter # @return [Array] all pull requests def fetch_pull_requests pull_requests = [] begin response = @github.pull_requests.list @options[:user], @options[:project], state: "closed" page_i = 0 response.each_page do |page| page_i += PER_PAGE_NUMBER count_pages = response.count_pages print "Fetching merged dates... #{page_i}/#{count_pages * PER_PAGE_NUMBER}\r" pull_requests.concat(page) end rescue puts GH_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_MSG.yellow end print " \r" pull_requests end # Fetch event for all issues and add them to :events # @param [Array] issues # @return [Void] def fetch_events_async(issues) i = 0 max_thread_number = 50 threads = [] issues.each_slice(max_thread_number) { |issues_slice| issues_slice.each { |issue| threads << { begin obj = user: @options[:user], repo: @options[:project], issue_number: issue["number"] rescue puts GH_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_MSG.yellow end issue[:events] = obj.body print "Fetching events for issues and PR: #{i + 1}/#{issues.count}\r" i += 1 } } threads.each(&:join) threads = [] } # to clear line from prev print print " \r" if @options[:verbose] puts "Fetching events for issues and PR: #{i} Done!" end end # Try to find tag date in local hash. # Otherwise fFetch tag time and put it to local hash file. # @param [String] tag_name name of the tag # @return [Time] time of specified tag def get_time_of_tag(tag_name) fail ChangelogGeneratorError, "tag_name is nil".red if tag_name.nil? if @tag_times_hash[tag_name["name"]] return @tag_times_hash[tag_name["name"]] end begin github_git_data_commits_get = @github.git_data.commits.get @options[:user], @options[:project], tag_name["commit"]["sha"] rescue puts GH_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_MSG.yellow end time_string = github_git_data_commits_get["committer"]["date"] @tag_times_hash[tag_name["name"]] = Time.parse(time_string) end # Fetch commit for specifed event # @return [Hash] def fetch_commit(event) @github.git_data.commits.get @options[:user], @options[:project], event[:commit_id] end end end